The POS Software Blog

The POS Software Blog

News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.

When was the last time your POS software company sent you a newsletter in the mail?


Yes, mail is so yesterday for many. But, for some, mail is a wonderful way to receive information and advice. That’s what plenty of our local small business retail customers tell us. That is why, here at Tower Systems in mid 2022, we continue to publish a regular customer newsletter in print form, and post it to all customers, free.

This latest POS software customer newsletter is our third for this year. each newsletter includes advice, help and more … designed to help our POS software customers gain more value from using our POS software.

The newsletter gives them something to put on the notice board or to share with others. It gives them something to read anytime, anywhere.

We will keep producing print newsletters as long as our customers tell us they are of value to them. The newsletter is another point of personal customer service.

Each newsletter we send includes this important box of information, reminding our customers of easy contact points:

Tower Systems also sends a weekly customer email with advice and suggestions on best practice use of our software. Plus, we have social media access points as well as direct access for our customers through our website portal. We want to ensure we are where our customers need us to be, when they need us. The print newsletter plays a role in that and we are grateful to be able to produce this and provide it to our thousands of local small business retail customers at no cost.

We see too many software companies, especially POS software companies, de-humanising contact. Retail is personal. POS software, as a retail service, needs to be personal.

The more contact we have with our customers them more we understand the pathway forward for our software.

This matters.

Each time we send out a print newsletter we receive feedback. It is wonderful seeing customers discover something from the print newsletter that we expected everyone to know and understand.

So, yeah, sending a print newsletter is old-school. we are proud to do it and grateful that our customers engage with it. We understand that retail is personal and are committed to offering our customers personal service.

By Mark
The POS Software Blog




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