The POS Software Blog

The POS Software Blog

News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.

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A message for local independent retailers


The news cycle is dominated by headlines about economic downturn. Daily there are stories about people doing it tough. While these stories can be unsettling, focusing solely on negativity can be counterproductive.

Here at Tower Systems, we understand the importance of fostering a positive and optimistic environment, especially during challenging times and even more especially in local small business retail.

Local retailers can nurture a more positive local tone.

Yes, the economic climate is challenging and complex. That does not mean there aren’t opportunities. Many local businesses have seen positive developments in 2024. There are green shoots. We encourage you to focus on what’s working for your business.

Here are some suggestions:

  • Highlight your successes: Showcase new products, host in-store events, and promote exciting developments on social media.
  • Maintain a sense of normalcy: Continue providing excellent customer service and keep your store environment upbeat with cheerful music and engaging displays.
  • Focus on what you can control: While external factors exist, you have the power to shape your business strategy and customer experience.

We’ve weathered economic downturns before, and each presents unique challenges. While the global situation adds complexity, many local businesses are finding success in this new landscape.

Let’s be proactive, optimistic, and focus on what we can do to build stronger and more resilient businesses. Remember, a positive outlook is contagious, and it can make a real difference in these times.

In out software for local small business retailers there are plenty of opportunities for sharing happiness and optimism with customers from easy to run cash discount offers, positive messages on receipts, bundles offers and event based offers that offer joyful celebration.

By not being part of the doom and gloom news cycle, your local retail business can set its own narrative of positivity that locals are likely to appreciate and respond to.

Our advice this Friday morning is to embrace positivity, look at what you can do to make your shop a haven of joy and happiness, a shop offering value, a place where you can your work colleagues enjoy serving each day. These are differences you can make that themselves will make a difference to you.

Tower Systems: POS Software Solutions for New Zealand Retailers


Tower Systems is grateful to serve local small business retailers in New Zealand with specialty retail POS software made for many different types  of retail businesses like jewellers, bike shops, dairies, gift shops, homewares shops, farm supply businesses, toy shops, coin dealers, craft shops and more. We have been proudly serving Kiwi businesses for over fifteen years, and currently support a network of satisfied customers up and down the country.

Our software is built with the needs of small businesses in mind, offering a range of features to save you time and improve your bottom line. We cater to a variety of retail sectors, including garden supplies, pet stores, jewellers, bike shops, gift shops, toy stores, dairies, bookstores, and many more.

Local Support for Your Business

We understand the importance of local support. Our dedicated customer service team is available toll-free during New Zealand business hours, ensuring you receive prompt and professional assistance whenever you need it. Additionally, we have a team member based near Christchurch and another in Auckland, providing a familiar and relatable point of contact. Plus, we regularly host face tp face sessions for our POS software customers in New Zealand.

Our POS software integrates seamlessly with popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify, Magento, and WooCommerce,allowing you to manage your online and offline sales effortlessly. Additionally, we offer native integration with Xero accounting software for streamlined financial management.

Tower Systems is more than just a software company. Since 1996, we have owned and operated three successful giftware and homeware stores. This firsthand experience allows us to truly understand the challenges and opportunities faced by local retailers. We develop our software with your needs in mind, ensuring it provides the functionalities you require to succeed.

Benefits for Your Retail Business

Tower Systems’ POS software offers a comprehensive suite of features to enhance your retail operations:

  • Detailed Sales Tracking: Track sales by colour, size, style, or any other relevant attribute.
  • Club Pricing: Attract and retain loyal customers with targeted pricing for community groups.
  • Repair Management: Simplify repair tracking, communication, and invoicing.
  • Flexible Sales Options: Sell by weight, fractions, or create custom units.
  • Advanced Loyalty Programs: Go beyond traditional points systems with our innovative loyalty solutions.
  • Promotional Tools: Increase sales with buy-one-get-one-free (BOGO) offers and other promotions.
  • Warranty Tracking: Enhance customer service by easily managing product warranties.
  • Targeted Marketing: Re-engage customers with targeted campaigns for birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions.
  • Mobile Sales: Sell anywhere with our Retailer Roam mobile app.
  • Special Order Management: Manage customer special orders efficiently.
  • Customisable Labels: Design product and receipt labels to match your brand identity.

Our low monthly rental fee provides you with a comprehensive POS solution, including unlimited computer licenses for your store location, ongoing software updates, access to integrations and support resources, and personalised one-on-one training to get you started.

If you are a local independent retailer in New Zealand seeking a reliable and feature-rich POS software solution, Tower Systems can be your trusted partner. We are committed to helping your business thrive. Contact us today to learn more about how our software can benefit your operations.

Free theft check service from Tower Systems helps small business retailers discover theft sooner and save


Every Australian small business owner understands the sting of retail theft. Whether it’s customer shoplifting or employee pilfering, missing inventory and unexplained shrinkage eat away at your profits. But what if there was a way to identify potential theft early, before it significantly impacts your bottom line?

Our Tower Systems POS software that’s make for small business retail offers a proven and powerful weapon in the fight against theft: we offer a free theft check service. This complimentary service leverages the robust data captured by their POS system to provide invaluable insights into your store’s operations.

Here’s how it works: Tower’s POS software acts as your silent guardian, meticulously recording every sale, transaction,and inventory movement. This data becomes a treasure trove of information for Tower’s team of security specialists. They have the expertise to analyse this data and uncover hidden patterns that might indicate suspicious activity.

For instance, a sudden spike in voids or returns for a particular staff member, unusual discounts applied to specific items,or discrepancies between cash register takings and recorded sales could all be red flags. By identifying these patterns early, you can take preventive measures before the theft escalates.

The beauty of Tower’s free theft check is its proactive nature. It doesn’t rely on catching someone red-handed; it focuses on identifying anomalies that warrant further investigation. This allows you to address potential theft before significant losses occur.

Here are some key benefits of utilising Tower Systems’ free theft check service:

  • Reduced Shrinkage: Early detection of theft means less lost inventory and increased profitability.
  • Improved Security: The knowledge that your system is actively monitoring for suspicious activity can act as a deterrent to would-be thieves.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing your business is protected allows you to focus on what matters most – running your store and delivering exceptional customer service.

Tower Systems understands the unique challenges faced by Australian small businesses. Our free theft check service is a testament to our commitment to helping retailers not only survive but thrive. By utilising this valuable tool, you gain a powerful ally in the fight against retail theft, allowing you to keep your profits where they belong – in your pocket.

Accessing the free theft check service starts with a call or email to a member of the Tower leadership team. We treat your communications with confidentiality. We ask for access to your data and we analyse this for you. If it gets to the point of law enforcement, we will provide evidence they require.

The transact anywhere POS solution: retailer Roam from Tower System perfect for pop-up, market and other retail


Retailer Roam is another tool in our Tower Systems POS software solution suite. It is cloud based POS software that lets retailers work where needed: on the road, at a market, in a pop-up shop, from a truck, from home, while at a supplier warehouse.

This is truly portable POS software. We have customers using it at local markets, in pop-up shops and from trucks on the road all day selling.

It is cloud based POS software. In the cloud, and working when net access is not available.

This is POS software for businesses on the move. Transact anywhere, any time.

Retailer Roam is available to all Tower Systems POS software customers. This is a proven solution bringing flexibility and remote access to retail businesses in ways that serve their portable and flexible POS software access needs.

The latest version, out now, is even more comprehensive and beneficial.

Behind the scenes, seamlessly, data is synchronised in 3 phases in serving of the needs of our retail business customers. Here is how this happens:

  1. Phase One is an initial transfer that contains the base stock. This is done on start-up. It sets Retailer Roam up to be able to sell.
  2. Phase Two is to receive product updates – on hand levels or pricing changes.
  3. Phase Three is to send sales and customer, inventory and sales data to Retailer. Sales data is identified by each Roam terminal, allowing you to view the terminal sales.

Sales (Phase 3) will be stored in a ‘Queue’ on the device, which will be cleared periodically to sync sales with the Roam server (and then sent to Retailer). There is an option to force a sale to be sent to Retailer again (incase it was missed for whatever reason).

Retailer Roam can work where there is no internet access, making the storage and sharing of data back to the base of the business flexible and accurate to the needs of the business.

Retailer Roam offers retailers on the go a range of facilities including…

  • Cash/EFTPOS Sales
  • Invoice Sales
  • Create a LayBy
  • Sell stock with Serial Numbers
  • Loyalty Point Redemption & Acrrual
  • Customised POS Screens
  • Variants
  • Refunds
  • Basic End of Shift
  • Stocktaking
  • Re-ordering
  • Integrated EFTPOS

Retailer Roam is a solution for retail businesses that need to be able to conduct business on the go, from a variety of situations, from multiple terminals of iPads at once. It is easy to use and secure in service of the needs of retail businesses.

Hidden gems for independent retailers: Tower Systems’ Insights Dashboard Empowers Local Retailers


Running a local retail business can feel isolating at times. It’s easy to get bogged down in daily tasks without a clear view of the bigger picture.

At Tower Systems, we understand this. That’s why we developed the Insights Dashboard, a powerful tool within our POS software designed specifically for independent retailers like you.

Actionable Insights, Delivered Simply

The Insights Dashboard caters to all levels of business experience. Regardless of your background in financial or management skills, the dashboard presents insights in a clear, visual format. We’ve done the hard work of extracting valuable data, so you can focus on making informed decisions.

Uncover What Matters Most

The dashboard provides a snapshot of key performance indicators (KPIs) critical to your business success, including:

  • Where You Stand Today: Get a quick overview of your current sales and liabilities.
  • Identifying Underperformers: Easily see which products aren’t selling well (dead stock). This empowers you to make strategic decisions, such as discounts or stock reductions, to free up tied-up capital.
  • Missed Opportunities: Pinpoint instances where popular items have sold out, potentially leading to lost sales.Restocking strategies based on these insights can ensure you capture future revenue.
  • Unlocking Upsell Potential: Gain valuable insights into customer basket analysis. See which products frequently sell together, allowing you to develop targeted upsell strategies, co-location opportunities, and promotions.
  • Addressing Theft Concerns: The dashboard provides a visual overview of staff audit logs, helping you identify potential theft or training issues that require attention.
  • Optimise Your Staffing: Understand your busiest and quietest times with visual data displayed by hour and week.This allows for optimised staff scheduling to ensure you’re adequately prepared for customer influxes.

Knowledge is Power: Unlocking Your Business Potential

The Tower Systems Insights Dashboard is proving to be a game-changer for local retailers. We consistently receive positive feedback, with users surprised by the depth of insights revealed. Our goal is to empower you with knowledge you may not have known existed, ultimately propelling your business forward.

Ready to take control and unlock the hidden gems within your business? Contact Tower Systems today to learn more about our innovative POS software solutions.

Small business retail advice: what’s your exit strategy?


It’s the big question small business retailers have, often too late in their ownership life of their loan retail business.

What’s your exit strategy?

As a POS software company developing and supporting POS software for local independent retail small businesses, we get to have terrific conversations with retailers. This question of planning for the exit comes up, and it is often years after they bought or started the business, usually is close to when they want to exit.

Our advice is to start planning for your exit from day one. Let this inform your business decisions, to maximise the value you achieve when you do exit – through a better sale price or through having more money in the bank from successful day to day trading in your retail business.

This is what exit planning is all about, making decisions every day that make your your exit is in the terms you want, when you want.

As a POS software company we can help you with business efficiencies, and insights that benefit you in. the day to day. As retailers ourselves we can provide contextual advice to help as well.

here are some practical tips we have seen work well:

  • Define Your Goals: What does your ideal exit look like? Do you want a lucrative sale, a family succession plan, or a gradual wind-down? Having a clear vision will guide your decision-making. Do this early, so you know.

  • Set SMART Goals: Once you know your desired outcome, translate it into Specific, Measurable, Achievable,Relevant, and Time-bound goals. For example, a goal might be to “increase net profit margin by 5% within the next year.” Connect your actions back to evidence curated baby the POS software.

  • Financials Matter: Maintain clean and organised financial records from POS software through to accounting and more. Touch data with human hands less. Track key metrics like sales trends, inventory levels, and profit margins. Develop realistic financial projections to understand your business’s growth potential.

  • Invest in Your Team: A strong team is an invaluable asset, this includes you. Empower your employees through training, development opportunities, and a positive work environment. A loyal and skilled team is not only crucial for daily operations but also makes your business more attractive to potential acquirers.

Tower Systems is not your average POS software company. We help local independent retailers thrive through our POS software, customer service and conversations we welcome with any local indie retailer.

Catching sneaky staff: How the Tower Systems POS system can stop employee theft


Running a small business is tough hard work every day. Someone stealing from the business can be heartbreaking. Employee theft is a problem for Australian small business retailers, costing them around 75% more than shoplifting!

That’s where the Tower Systems POS (point-of-sale) system comes in. It’s not just about ringing up sales – it can be a powerful tool to catch sneaky staff. While much of what our POS system does is hidden and not discussed publicly, here’s how our system helped Harry and June, who run a local shop:

Something fishy was going on

Harry and June’s accountant noticed their business wasn’t making the money it should. They called us thinking there was a problem with the software, but a deeper look revealed something shocking. Our system has hidden, encrypted records that helped us track unusual sales patterns. The data pointed straight to their niece, a trusted employee!

A difficult truth

We met Harry and June for coffee, but they were convinced it was a mistake. It took a whole year before they finally installed hidden cameras and confirmed the theft. Sadly, they never got their money back and the family rift was too big to pursue charges.

Don’t let this happen to you!

Here our advice on how to stop employee theft before it starts:

  • Track everything: Make sure all your stock is logged in the system and every sale is scanned. Don’t use department keys – they make stealing easier.
  • Employee ID: Give each employee a unique code to track their sales. Change these codes regularly.
  • Cash control: Regularly check your cash register and reconcile it with your POS data. Spot checks can catch small-time thieves.
  • Schedule shuffle: Change up your roster to make it harder for people to work together and steal.
  • Theft policy: Have a clear policy against theft and make sure all staff read and understand it.
  • Keep it clean: A tidy workspace makes it harder for people to steal and easier to spot suspicious activity.
  • No staff bags: This eliminates a hiding place for stolen cash.
  • Beware of notepads: Some staff use these to track “unrung-up” cash.
  • Police checks: Consider requiring police checks for new hires. It shows you take security seriously.
  • Lead by example: Don’t take cash out of the register in front of staff – it might seem tempting to them.

We can help!

At the start of each year, review your POS data to see if anything looks suspicious. Our team of retail experts can help you put these tips into action and keep your business safe. Don’t let employee theft eat away at your profits!

Tower Systems is committed to helping local small business retailers reduce the impact of employee theft on their business.

Ditch the Points, Boost Sales: How Discount Vouchers Are Winning Aussie Shoppers to Local Retail


Tired of the same old points programs that leave your customers confused? No wonder. The major supermarkets and other retailers have all od us confused as to the real cash value of a point.

At Tower Systems, we know Aussie retailers need a loyalty strategy that packs a punch, that is loved by local shoppers. That’s why our discount voucher program is a favourite among our thousands of small business retail POS software users.

Forget fancy names, you call them what you want! We’ve got customers calling them “Thank You Gifts,” “Bonus Bucks,” or even “Customer Rewards.” The beauty is, it’s your program, your name!

Discount vouchers are sales superstars! We saw a whopping 12% sales growth during Christmas and New Year for businesses using our vouchers actively.

Blokes vs. Girls? It’s all about instant gratification for guys – they tend to use their vouchers straight away, while girls tend to save them for a later treat (but before they expire, of course!). Oh, and retailers control when these vouchers expire.

Setting up your voucher program is a breeze! Our retail-experienced support team can have you up and running in minutes, and making changes is just as easy. Plus, you get fantastic control over your program and clear reports to see how your customers are engaging.

Here’s why discount vouchers are a game-changer:

  • You’re the boss! Name your vouchers anything you like, and change it whenever you fancy.
  • Set the rules! Decide how much the voucher’s worth, what it can be used on, and when it expires.
  • Transparency is key! Unlike confusing points systems, customers see the voucher as cash-in-hand. They love the simplicity and feel valued with a direct reward.

We’ve seen it work firsthand! In our own shops. Customers tell us they love the vouchers. We have seen them used. We see the impact in the business, the happiness experienced by customers.

With Tower Systems’ discount vouchers, you can:

  • Boost spending per visit – Customers love a good deal, and vouchers encourage them to splurge a little more.
  • Bring back those loyal customers – Vouchers are a great way to entice customers to return sooner and keep them coming back for more.
  • Attract new faces – Stand out from the crowd and grab the attention of new shoppers with enticing voucher offers.
  • Spark impulse buys – Vouchers at the counter can turn a browse into a purchase in a flash.

Ready to win the hearts (and wallets) of Aussie shoppers? Let Tower Systems’ discount vouchers be your secret weapon!

Our discount voucher solution is exclusive to us, the settings opportunities, the control levers you have, the benefits you can leverage in your business.

Discount vouchers are one of the most recommended facilities in our small business retail POS software.

POS software user meeting today


Decades ago software companies like us would run user meetings around the counter. They provided an excellent forum for dialogue between software users and developers.

We have continued our commitment to user meetings. Today, they are run online. They are an open and inclusive as ever. We find them invaluable.

In a few hours we are hosting our next POS software user meeting. Our 4th so far this year. we are grateful to customer engagement with these.

EasyEDI from Tower Systems Makes Invoicing a Breeze for Suppliers and a Time Saver for Retailers


Tired of endless paperwork getting between you and your retail customers? We hear you! At Tower Systems, we know your time is precious. That’s why we created easyEDI, an absolute game-changer for sending invoices electronically.

Retailers rejoice! No more manually entering data or chasing down invoices. easyEDI delivers invoices straight to your inbox, saving you heaps of time and money. Plus, say goodbye to typos and errors – electronic invoices are super accurate.

Suppliers, take note! Standing out in today’s competitive market is key. By offering easyEDI’s slick electronic invoicing,you’ll become the supplier retailers love to work with. Win more business and keep your customers happy!

Here’s the easyEDI magic:

  • Xero approved! Seamlessly integrates with your existing Xero accounting software – no need to learn a new system.
  • Get started in minutes! Setting up easyEDI is a breeze. You’ll be sending invoices like a pro in no time.
  • Flexible file formats: Choose between CSV or DD2 files, perfect for newsagencies and card/gift stores.
  • Unleash the power! Link easyEDI with the popular Unleashed inventory system for even better efficiency.
  • Customise your invoices: Include barcodes and recommended retail prices (RRPs) for an extra edge.
  • Affordable and transparent: Pay a flat fee of $55 a month, which includes 500 invoices. Need more? Each extra invoice is only 12 cents.
  • No lock-in contracts: Sign up today, try it out, and see the difference. You can cancel anytime.

Tower Systems: Champions of Local Businesses

We serving Aussie retailers, small business retailers, local retailers. Our POS software is made for them, as is our easyEDI platform. We saw a need and made a solution to fill it.

While electronic invoices have been around for decades, many suppliers are yet to embrace the opportunity for their retail business customers. This easyEDI innovation specifically helps smaller wholesalers to be more of service to their retail business customers. It makes them more appealing to these customers.

If you use Xero in your wholesale business, easyEDI is easy to setup and use. You can be sending your first invoice in minutes. Retailers will thank you for this.

Tower Systems first engaged in EDI (electronic data interchange) invoice creation by developing standards that were adopted for the Australian newsagency channel more than thirty years ago. Those standards formed the basis of file formats in use ion that channel today.

Tower Systems currently serves 3,000+ local independent retailers in Australia and New Zealand across 16 different retail channels.

Ready to join the easyEDI revolution? Head over to easyEDI and get started today!

It’s true: Shop Local and Find Gems at, the Free Marketplace from Tower Systems


In our busy and always connected online world, it’s easy to forget the amazing stores we have right on our doorstep. But shopping local isn’t just about convenience, it’s about supporting the heart and soul of our communities.

That’s where FindIt comes in, a free online marketplace created by Tower Systems. FindIt shines a light on our amazing local, independent retailers. We have been serving Aussie communities for decades and are grateful to work with over 3,500 local retail businesses!

FindIt bridges the gap between local shoppers and local retailers. It brings local stores to local devices. It’s like a treasure chest filled with goodies from independent retailers across Australia. Whether you’re looking for the perfect birthday gift, a one-of-a-kind homeware piece, or a treat for yourself, FindIt lets you browse and discover hidden gems from local businesses – all from the comfort of your couch!

What makes FindIt special? It’s all about ease!

Here’s what makes FindIt great for both shoppers and shopkeepers:

For the shopper:

  • Support local legends! FindIt makes it easy to find and support businesses in your neighbourhood. You’ll be putting money back into your community and helping it thrive.
  • Discover unique finds! Unearth a world of special products you won’t find on big online stores. From handcrafted jewellery to locally-grown produce, there’s something for everyone on FindIt.
  • Shop in your PJs! Shop from the comfort of your home and choose between picking up your goodies in-store or getting them delivered (depending on the shop).
  • Know who you’re buying from! FindIt gives you clear information about each shop, including their location and contact details.

For local retailers:

  • Free to join! If you use Tower Systems POS software, you can sign up for FindIt at no cost. This saves you the hassle (and expense) of setting up your own online store, making it easier to compete in the digital world.
  • Reach new customers! FindIt exposes your products to a wider audience of people who are looking to shop local.
  • Sell smarter, not harder! The platform works seamlessly with Tower Systems POS, making sales a breeze and saving you time on admin.

FindIt’s a win-win for everyone!

You get fantastic local products, and retailers gain a platform to showcase their goodies and reach new customers. It’s a brilliant initiative that strengthens Aussie communities and supports the backbone of our commerce – our amazing independent retailers.

Getting your product info (text and images) onto FindIt is a breeze thanks to the Tower Systems POS software integration.Tower even helps retailers with advice, training, and support to get connected.

The ultimate goal? To get more people like you walking through the front doors of our fantastic local shops! So, what are you waiting for? Discover the hidden gems at today!

What makes good newsagency software for local Aussie newsagents?


Good newsagency software is software that:

  • Is easy to use.
  • Is updated regularly.
  • Can be accessed from anywhere.
  • Helps you sell anywhere.
  • Connects with suppliers.
  • Is integrated with The Lott for seamless lottery transaction sales management.
  • Handles newspaper home delivery as some newsagents still do this themselves.
  • Handles publication prices on different days of the week.
  • Easily manages publication price changes.
  • Manages sub agent accounts.
  • Handles product putaways for customers.
  • Manages special orders for customers.
  • Integrates direct with Shopify, Woo Commerce, Big Commerce and more.
  • Connects with roster apps.
  • Connects with delivery apps.
  • Connects with Xero.
  • Facilitates pre-selling products.

And so so much more than this list. Good newsagency software is all of this and more. It is flexible too, and constantly evolving given that the needs of the Australian newsagency channel are constantly evolving.

Tower Systems is grateful to offer the most widely used newsagency software in Australia, serving now 1,800+ newsagents and adding more each week. This helps us have the resources and capacity to serve newsagents and their evolving needs and to work with suppliers on time saving opportunities for newsagents.

Running a successful newsagency requires juggling a multitude of tasks. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Tower Systems understands these challenges as we own and run newsagencies too. We are unique like this. We use our newsagencies as places to experiment and learn, in service of newsagents.

Tower Systems recognises that software is just one piece of the puzzle. We offer a range of support services to help you get the most out of your investment. This includes:

  • Marketing Advice: Tap into our expertise to develop effective marketing strategies for your newsagency.
  • Theft Mitigation Guidance: Protect your business with our guidance on minimising losses from theft.
  • Ongoing Support: Our dedicated support team is always on hand to answer your questions and troubleshoot any issues.

Tower Systems’ newsagency software is a powerful tool that can transform your business. By automating tasks, improving efficiency, and providing valuable insights, it empowers you to focus on delivering exceptional customer service and growing your newsagency.

We are grateful for local Aussie newsagents and are committed to helping them thrive.

Aussie made and supported software for independent jewellers helps them thrive


Tower Systems is proud to offer Australian made and supported POS software for jewellers. In a market with imported software, offering locally made and supported jeweller software is a win for businesses that like a good shop local pitch.

By focussing only on independent jewellers, Tower Systems is able to well serve the unique needs of these local businesses. Whereas franchise and chain jewellers focus on a cookie-cutter approach where everything is the same, local jewellers provide personal service and, often, personal products. This is what being local is all about – being engaged in ways that serve local needs well.

In the Tower Systems software for jewellers there are plenty of ways jewellers can provide local services, such as:

  • Anniversary reminders.
  • Benefits for local club members.
  • Local community engagement for fund raising.
  • Connecting with local events and celebrations.
  • Representing local makers.
  • Offering care information when there are local situations requiring them.

This jeweller software from Tower Systems is deep in jeweller functionality and robust in service. It can transact from the counter, the shop floor, local markets and elsewhere.

Jewellers can run their businesses efficiently:

  • Save time with supplier links: Automate purchase orders and streamline communication with suppliers.
  • Manage stock by weight and grading: Accurately track precious metals and gemstones, ensuring you always have the right inventory on hand.
  • Second-hand goods made simple: Specialised features help you handle pre-owned jewellery efficiently.
  • Free EFTPOS links: Accept payments seamlessly with integrations for popular EFTPOS terminals. This can help you save money.
  • Surcharge. Automatically apply an EFTPOS surcharge ton transactions if you wish.
  • Roster integrations: And with these, effortlessly manage staff scheduling and payroll.
  • Actionable business insights: Gain valuable data on sales trends, inventory levels, and customer behaviour to make informed decisions.
  • Local human-delivered support: Get the help you need when you need it, with friendly and knowledgeable support staff based right here in Australia.

Tower Systems understands that jewellery stores are about more than just transactions. We have served jewellers for 24+ years now. Our software for jewellers is designed to empower you to focus on what matters most – providing exceptional customer service and creating beautiful pieces. With Tower Systems, you’ll have the tools and support you need for your jewellery business.

What makes good pet shop software for local independent pet shops?


There is huge change occurring in the pet shop space right now with Bunnings positioning their hardware shops now in the pet space and Woolworths acquisition of PetStock. Added to the big business moves, the churn (change of ownership / store openings / store closures) within the pet shop retail space is considerable.

Good pet shop software helps local independent pet shops navigate these and other changes. It helps local pet shops reinforce local relevance, which matters to locals who do care about their pets. The best pet shop software does not copy what big businesses do.

Our Aussie made and supported pet shop software offers many benefits, including:

  • Club and group pricing. Set pricing rules based on customer type. This can help you win more business from local clubs.
  • Save time with electronic invoices from so many pet products suppliers.
  • Make and manage your own feedstock.
  • Differentiate with you. Share your product use and care information, especially local related information.
  • Track pet microchip numbers. Per pet.
  • Track worming and other date-based treatments for customer reminders.
  • Easy special customer orders. Smart track and notify of orders.
  • Use tags to get a fresh perspective, side-view, on stock performance.
  • Business differentiating loyalty. Stand out from the crowd. Drive sales.
  • Multi buy pricing – like a coffee card – to drive loyalty.
  • Make money from pre-orders – Easily pre-sell before release.
  • Differentiate with bundles. Make price comparison hard.
  • Track who sold what.
  • Say goodbye to LayBy – with integrated buy now pay later options.
  • Market to customers based on past purchases.
  • Cut accounting and bookkeeping fees with integration to Xero and others.
  • Easily sell online with a direct to Shopify link from your POS software.

You can rent our our pet shop software for a modest monthly cost, and you can cancel at any time.

Tower Systems goes beyond just the software. We offer:

  • Human Support: No faceless tech support here. Tower Systems prides itself on its friendly and knowledgeable staff who are always happy to help. Australian and New Zealand based. easily contacted. It starts with a conversation – no rigid scripts.
  • Local Focus: They understand the Australian and New Zealand markets, challenges faced by independent pet shops and opportunities out there.

Tower Systems is grateful to serve hundreds of local independent pet businesses.

Computer shops have unique needs when it comes to POS software for their businesses


Local computer shops need more than basic point of sale software when it comes running their businesses efficiently. Their needs are specialist and complex and hard to solve for many POS software solutions.

Tower Systems is grateful to serve many local computer shops with its computer shop software. This is software made for these businesses, software rich in functionality in service of helping local computer shops have the flexibility their customers demand. It is software the continues to evolve. For example, a complete re-write of the quote and invoice management facilities have delivered net new functionality to computer shops that enables them to offer customers expanded services and thereby making their businesses more appealing.

We understand some of the unique challenges faced by computer shops. From managing intricate builds and special orders to tracking inventory and streamlining customer service, Tower Systems POS has all the features you need. We don’t understand everything though. We are grateful to computer shop owners and staff who show us new needs as we can learn from these to deliver better solutions.

Here are some ways the Tower Systems computer shop software has been found to benefit:

  • Processing sales is straightforward, accurate, easy. Ring up customers quickly and accurately, with features like product bundling and special order management.
  • Save time and streamline your supply chain with supplier links for electronic invoices and stock files. Easily track orders, manage stock levels, and ensure you always have the parts you need.
  • Make business decisions based on facts resented in several forms for your easy access. Identify trends, track performance, and make data-driven decisions to optimise your operations and maximise profits.
  • Build stronger customer relationships with our integrated loyalty programs – you choose the loyalty approach that best serves your needs.
  • Our support team is local, knowledgable and on hand to answer your questions and provide assistance. You get the benefit of local, human-delivered support, not just a faceless online portal.

Tower Systems goes beyond traditional POS systems. We offer additional features specifically designed for computer shops, such as:

  • Serial Number Tracking: Keep tabs on valuable inventory with our trusted serial number tracking system.
  • Quote and Invoice Management: Create professional quotes and invoices for your customers, with tools designed specifically for computer repair services.
  • Custom PC Build Management: Simplify the process of building custom PCs for customers. Track components,manage costs, and ensure a smooth and efficient build process.

At Tower Systems, we believe in supporting local businesses. Our software is designed and developed right here in Australia, with the specific needs of Aussie computer shops in mind.

Australian software helps local garden centres serve local customers


Our Tower Systems Garden Centre software continues to evolve, delivering more facilities and benefits to garden centres with the latest release delivering enhanced solutions in association with Evergreen Connect.

This year, we introduced subscription facilities for garden centres, significantly expanded quote and invoice management tools and more dispatch options, including integrations garden centre owners love.

We help local independent garden centre owners run valuable and enjoyable businesses. Our software helps you evolve your customer mix and grow business performance.

Our software handles so much: linking to Evergreen Connect, tracking inventory in a garden centre specific way, managing price changes as you repot plants, weatherproof product stickers, importing supplier invoices, sell by fractions, sell by weight and / or length, track product variants, special customer orders, tracking customers purchase history, reducing employee and customer theft and more.

We are grateful to our hundreds of garden centre customers who have helped us with a swag of enhancements for garden centre and nursery businesses.

  • Allotrac integration for next-level dispatch management.
  • Loyalty marketing that works a treat for garden centres.
  • Tracking buying raw materials in bulk, mixing for your own products.
  • Offering local plant care information on receipts – selling you.
  • Sell by weight or length, and, yes, by fractions too.
  • Selling by colour, size and style.
  • Weatherproof product labels.
  • Integrated roster options: Deputy, Tanda and Planday.
  • Digital receipts through Slyp.
  • Evergreen connect link.
  • Dispatch management tools, managing multiple trucks, multiple deliveries per truck.
  • Comprehensive quote and invoice management solutions.

Rental includes: software for unlimited computers in the location, help desk support Monday to Saturday, knowledge base access, integrations with: Shopify, Big Commerce, Xero, Deputy, Tanda, Planday, Slyp, Tyro, major banks, SmartPay and access to our awesome supplier invoice import tools.

We help you target market to customers based on past purchases.

We have released other changes that are getting cheers from our customers:

  • A further enhanced ChatGPT integration that generates product descriptions for your consideration. This can help create more compelling descriptions.
  • An international barcode database lookup integration that makes adding new products faster and more accurate.
  • Auto background removal of photos you load, making them more useful for links to websites: Shopify, Big Commerce and others.
  • Free integration with the marketplace, designed to help drive local shopper traffic.
  • Shopper self-checkout version.
  • A portable sell from anywhere / anytime solution for large properties, local markets and pop-up retail.

There is so much ab9out this Garden Centre software that is calibrated to help local Aussie garden centres thrive.

13 Ways Local Retailers Can Boost Sales And Profits In Challenging Economic Times


If you or a retailer you know are finding economic conditions tough for your business you can complain, do nothing or make changes. Only one of these has any hope of improving the situation. My advice is to pursue change every time.

Here are 13 free and easy to implement action items any local small business retailer could consider to improve their situation.

  1. Engage everyone in the shop. Let all team members know how the business is going, what it needs and why. Agree on achievable goals and steps to take in pursuing them. Track results openly. Keep communicating.
  2. Declutter. If business is down and it’s getting to you, spend a day or two decluttering. Typically, the act of decluttering helps you see positive moves you can make in the business. Do this yourself. Make those moves.
  3. Quit dead stock. What is dead will depend on your type of shop. For some, it will be stock that has not sold in 6 months while for others it will be stock that has not sold for 2 years. Dead stock wastes space, time and ties up cash. Anything you get for it is better than the daily cost of your dead stock today. And, in quitting, do it in 2 weeks. If it’s not gone, give it away.
  4. Reward an additional purchase. Include a coupon on receipts that offers a reward if the customer makes another purchase in a short period of time – we suggest 7 days. While loyalty points programs focus on the longer-term relationship, the voucher proposed here is all about encouraging purchases sooner. In our software, this is discount vouchers.
  5. Know what you are missing out on. In a typical shop, the top 5% selling items are out of stock 21% of the time. That is guaranteed revenue missed. Fix it and revenue will increase. Your POS software can easily show what you’re missing. In our software tis is on the Insights Dashboard.
  6. Support a local community group in return for their members supporting you. Connect with a group that has plenty of members, the community loves and that does good work. Offer their members a discount off purchases and a contribution donation from each purchase value to the group. The goal is to get their members who don’t buy from you buying from you = new customers.
  7. Have fun on social media. People go to social media to be entertained. Entertain them. Don’t overthink it. Have fun, show your business as a place of fun, share knowledge that differentiates your business.
  8. Leverage free. Make sure your Google Business and Bing (yes, it’s a thing!) presences are up to date and fun.
  9. Lower payments costs. Card payments can cost small business retailers between .075% and close to 2%. While you can surcharge customers, switching payments company could save plenty. If you switch, still surcharge tho.
  10. Email your customers. If you have customer email addresses and know what they have bought, run some targeted email campaigns using this data.
  11. Review pricing. Most retailers either follow the supplier suggested retail price or a mark-up percentage set many years ago. To determine the price you could sell an item for, ask that question. It could be that the convenience of your location and lack of easy to access competitors means you can sell items for more than is usual. If this is the case, do it. Most POS software makes it easy to make these price adjustments.
  12. Talk to your suppliers. If you are finding it tough it is likely your suppliers are too. Ask if they have deal prices to move inventory. If they do and it is inventory you can easily sell, grab it for bonus margin.
  13. Set your shop right. Make sure that your shop is guiding shoppers to spend, and spend more:
    1. Inside the front door: Have a new display weekly. Bright. Optimistic. Fun. Unexpected.
    2. At the counter: Pitch items people will easily purchase on impulse. Items that achieve the best performance and items they did not expect to see at your counter.
    3. Have a scent: Incense, a candle – introduce a scent people like.
    4. Have a sound: Play happy music people will know and sing along to.
    5. If it is cold outside, make your shop warm.
    6. If it is warm outside, make your shop cooler.
    7. Move: Move at least one product category each week. This gives the shop a feeling of change.

My POS software company, Tower Systems, makes and supports POS software for local specialty retailers in Australia and New Zealand. I also own and runs shops.

I share practical advice like covered here because I love helping local independent retailers thrive.

Mark Fletcher
Managing Director
Tower Systems International (Aust) Pty Ltd
ABN 61 007 009 752
M | 0418 321 338 E |
Sales: 1300 662 957

First published: June 27, 2024.

Owning and running retail shops helps us make better POS software for our small business retail customers


Join us on a quick walk through one of the retail shops we own, where we play with the POS software we make, to help us provide better software to our small business retail customers.

We bought our first shop in February 1996, to provide practical experience to all in our POS software company.  We’ve owned newsagencies ever since. It’s been wonderfully useful, and enjoyable.

Filmed June 19, 2024, this video is a walk through newsXpress Mount Waverley, a small format high street shop focussed on gifts.

This business used to identify as a newsagency. Not any more. Today, it’s a place where people can find hugs and celebrate those they love. What it offers is covered in the website we built for the shop:

From Squishmallows to Jellycat to ravensberger jigsaws to awesome blind boxes to Nee Doh, this shop is packed with many categories of adorable and fun items people can buy for themselves and for others.

We have used this shop as a test bed for developing a range of software enhancements designed to help local independent small business retailers run more successful businesses.

We use our POS software in this Mount Waverley business to guide the evolution of the business, picking trends, guiding product adjacencies, determine floorspace allocation, selling online and plenty more. This everyday use of the software ourselves helps inform software development decisions – not to replace user guidance and feedback though. Our own shop sometimes helps us see first-hand what others describe and this can speed the path of enhancement.

Lots of POS software companies claim to have bene started because there was not software there to serve a need. While it’s a nice story, there is usually little evidence of the search undertaken.

Our approach of entering retail ourselves started in 1996 and continues today, beneficially for us and for our customers. We have three physical shops today and seven online businesses. Each of these helps us create better software, provide more meaningful customer service and serve our local communities.

Tower Systems is a small business focussed POS software company developing, and supporting POS software for niche specialty retailers. Jewellers, garden centres, bike shops, toy shops, produce businesses, farm supply businesses, fishing shops, pet shops, charity businesses, landscape gardening businesses, antique shops, sewing shops, haberdashery businesses, newsagents and more benefit from this software.

Find out more at Call 1300 662 957 or email

POS software on show at Auckland NZ Gift fair in August


We are grateful to have been accepted into the Auckland Gift Fair in August this year. We are looking forward to catching up with existing customers and making new connections.

This is not our first Gift Fair in Auckland. It’s been a good trade show for us over the years and New Zealand is home to many retail businesses we are grateful to serve.

This year at the Auckland Gift Fair we will be showing off new tech solutions for retailers:

  • The sell anywhere anytime POS solution.
  • An awesome self checkout solution.
  • Our new business insights platform.
  • Our new quote and invoice management tools.
  • Our new POS software.

These facilities and more will feature on our stand and in our discussions with New Zealand retailers who visit the Auckland Gift Fair.

We are thankful to our New Zealand based POS software customers for their advice, and for their active participation in the constant evolution of our POS software.

From online POS software user meetings to local New Zealand user meet-ups, to trade show catch-ups (like the Auckland gift fair), to one on one contact, we offer many connection opportunities with retailers using our POS software.

And while we are an Australian company, our service of our NZ retailer customers is the same as it is everywhere. This is thanks to our extended operating hours and the comprehensive kit of resources we offer our POS software customers for learning, suggesting enhancements and  connecting with our help desk team.

We have done New Zealand specific integrations to enable our POS software to better serve New Zealand business needs. The Smart Pay EFTPOS integration was one such project. This was delivered free to our customers once we passed the rigorous certification and in-field testing. There are other examples like this – New Zealand retailer let integrations with our POS software.

If you are a New Zealand retailer keen to find a POS solution for your retail business, we’re here for you. Our toll free number is 0800 444 367.

Who invented the first newsagency software in Australia?


There is no evidence as to which programmer or software business invented and released the first newsagency software in Australia. Here at Tower Systems we can only speak to what we know, that for which we have evidence.

Tower Systems released its first newsagency software for Australian newsagents in late 1981. This software was for the management of newspaper home deliveries and accounts, newsagent sub-agent deliveries and accounts and for a range of over the counter retail sales functions in a typical Australian newsagency. It was written for a Apple micro-computer.

The functionality of our first newsagency software was determined by the owner of the company, Mark Fletcher, who had two years experience working in a newsagency. This, coupled with years of experience learning programming while working at the CSIRO, provided technical skills with practical knowledge, which were key to developing such a retain marketplace specific software solution. Knowing several newsagents helped in rounding out the practical knowledge of that a local newsagency needed.

This first release newsagency software from Tower Systems was completely replaced in early 1983 following a full re-write of the software in a more flexible and powerful software programming language that provided more options for the company as it expanded its reach of newsagents to use the software. This new release was delivered for the CP/M operating system on a range of different computers that ran it. The software soon expanded to be accessible beyond CP/M to cater to more complex business needs, such as access from more than one computer.

Already well established with plenty of newsagency customers, we are grateful for these early years in laying down a solid foundation for the business.

Back in these days the software was called by its acronym, NAPS, which stood for Newsagency Accounts Processing System.

Each year saw enhancements to the software small and large. Indeed, in the years between 1981 and 1999, the newsagency software from Tower Systems was re-written from scratch four times to leverage new software programming language technology and new database management technology. Each re-write unlocked new technology advances that helped newsagents broaden what they could do in their businesses with this software.

The Tower Systems newsagency software had evolved far beyond the scope of what was originally a newsagency home delivery and sub-agent accounts and delivery management solution, and this was still in the early years of the company.

Through the 2000s and the 2010s the newsagency software continued to evolve apace. Tower Systems expanded into a range of other vertical markets, each complementing the other, facilitating local small business retail expansion and all through this Tower Systems continued to serve newsagents.

Today, in June 2024, Tower Systems is proud to have more newsagents as customers than all other newsagency software companies combined. This is important as a software company needs more than 500 users of its marketplace specific software for the software to be commercially viable. Tower Systems today has close to four times this number in newsagency software customers alone.

While we have come along way from those early days in 1981, we remember them clearly. We appreciate and respect the support of our early-adopter customers. We are thankful for the many different colleagues who have contributed over the decades. We are grateful for the knowledgeable and caring crew at Tower Systems today. At our core we thank newsagents for it was their very unique needs that started us on this journey. Had we not encountered them at first behind the counter in the early 1970s we might to have understood the data opportunity of automating in our first newsagency software accounting and home delivery functions that we could not find automated by anyone else.

So, who wrote the first newsagency software in Australia? There is no evidence as to which company was first despite claims of being first. If you lay out incorporation dates and dates of the first customer, you can see by these facts enough to know who was not first.

Here at Tower Systems our focus is on serving local independent small business retailers with specialty needs. We have feature-rich software that is continuously evolving in service of these specialty retailers. We try and help our customer businesses grow, become more valuable and be more appreciated in their respective local communities.

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