The POS Software Blog

The POS Software Blog

News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.

Learning how to use POS software – advice for local small business retailers


Learning how to use POS software can be challenging. There is the tech enology to learn, a whole bunch of new words and, often, difficulties with accessing the learning resources.

Tower Systems makes it easy for retailers, especially local small business retailers, to learn how to use POS software.

Retailers using the Tower Systems POS software have access to a curriculum of fresh training videos  for no cost whatsoever. This library is available to be accessed 24/7, from home, from work, on the train.

The free to access Tower Systems POS software training videos are what we call snackable. That is, they are bite-size, easy to watch, learn and implement. Piece by piece. Small steps. easy to learn steps. This allows POS software users to jump in on a topic they need to lear about, or to do the whole suite of videos and more thoroughly learn how to use the POS software.

Making training easy to access is a key reason for the success of Tower Systems. Providing learning content that is accessible to anyone regardless of their education or business experience is something the Tower Systems customers tell us they love.

Check out the current list of videos available. But note that this is evolving rapidly with new videos being added all the time.

The Tower Systems POS software video training library is complimented by a. comprehensive knowledge base that is accessible 24/7 and easily searchable using up to date search techniques to guide useful answers with minimal fuss.

If you are a small business retailer and you are finding learning how to use POS software is challenging or are struggling to access the type of training you need to get more form your POS software, take a look at the resources Tower Systems provides its thousands of Aussie and New Zealand local small business retailers. See how we help them learn the Technology biology so that it truly becomes a loved and useful tool in running their retail businesses.

Using POS software should be enjoyable, useful and valuable. easy access to good POS software training is key to this. What Tower Systems offers is a competitive advantage and we are committed to maintaining this with more evolution of our POS software user training resources.

We encourage our customers to suggest video topics. These suggestions really do guide our video training production.

The videos themselves are created by our help desk team – the team providing day to day support to our retail POS software user community. Many on our help desk team have recent retail experience that helps them create content that is more practical and useful for local small business retailers.

It’s easy to say that you offer good training and another thing entirely to show it. This is why we are happy to show any sales prospect our library of training videos as well as our knowledge base. Sales prospects can choose not only the right software for their business but also the right training and user support materials for their business. Each of these assets supports the other. Software alone is not the answer.

Tower Systems makes learning how to use its POS software easy, accessible and useful. Since we only serve local indie retailers, what we offer really is personal and small business focussed. And, it’s 100% backed by human interaction when you want or need.

By Mark
The POS Software Blog




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