The POS Software Blog

The POS Software Blog

News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.

An update on the integration of ChatGPT AI tools with the Tower Systems POS software


In March, Tower Systems released new POS software for specialty retailers offering an integration to ChatGPT from OpenAI, a leading AI tool.

In this first cut of AI integration in POS software, using the optional integration, ChatGPT can generate for extended product descriptions and web descriptions. This is based on the product title that you enter. We have tested it with a range of products. It is a significant time saver.

Customers are telling us they love the POS software ChjatGPT integration. The feedback includes:

  • It saves so much time.
  • It generated product descriptions better than I was doing.
  • I love that it gives me options to consider.
  • It’s something I love using in my business that I had no idea I would benefit from.

Retailers are providing wonderful feedback on their use of ChatGPT from within the Tower Systems POS software.

Retailers who want to type their own descriptions can still do this. The integration is for those looking for product descriptions likely to capture the attention of shoppers, especially those shopping online.

The Tower software development team has more AI integration options being prepared as this technology offers many business benefits.

There is considerable debate about AI and its use. “We don’t see our job as being a controller of access to AI. We build tools and right now this is a tool more snugnesses want to play with. Hence, this integration.” Mark Fletcher CEO of Tower Systems commented.

“It’s important that we provide retailers with tools they can use to be more efficient, more competitive. AI offers such tools in a rapidly changing retail landscape. We are grateful to have been an early adopter of this opportunity for our local small business retailer community”

The ChatGPT POS software integration is available free to all Tower Systems POS software customers across a range of specialty retail marketplaces.

Tower Systems currently serves in excess of 3,000 small business retailers with POS software. The software rents for a modest monthly fee with no lock-in contract and no cancellation penalty.

The ChatGPT integration is only part of the AI engagement opportunity for Tower Systems POS software customers.

By Mark
The POS Software Blog




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