The POS Software Blog

The POS Software Blog

News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.

The simple way an $87.97 purchase resulted in a $165.00 add on purchase.


Simple and cash beats points when it comes to loyalty marketing.

A customer spent $87.97 in a shop in suburban Melbourne last week. They were an infrequent shopper there. On their receipt, they received this auto generated voucher for $4.40.


They looked at the $4.40 amount and then looked back into the shop. A few minutes later they purchased $165.00 worth of products saying they might as well get these things here and save money.

They live an hour from the shop and were shopping locally with a friend they were visiting yesterday.

The $4.40 voucher was enough to encourage them, to give them permission, to spend the additional $165.00.

While our POS software offers integrated (and to no extra cost) points based loyalty marketing, it also offers what we have shown here. It’s a fresh approach loved by hundreds and hundreds of retailers in Australia and New Zealand.

It’s easy to implement. You have complete control over the settings. It’s backed with insightful management reporting.

Differentiating your business in your loyalty pitch can encourage shoppers to spend more, and to come back more often.

This facility also has offers a wonderful local community group engagement and fundraising opportunity.

Tower Systems is not your average POS software company and here is another reason why. In addition to creating the POS software and providing our customers with training, we provide business context, the burg between purpose, function and why. The why is what matters as too many businesses just copy others without understanding the why.

The loyalty offer we have described here goes into the why, as well as the value of differentiation for local indie small business retailers.

The story is real, the value already banked by the retailer. And, it’s a story we hear regularly from our customers, bonus value harvested from this very simple and self-funding opportunity embedded in our software.

Every version of our software has this facility. There is no extra charge to use it. It’s so easy. Customers can be reaping value after a minute or two.

We are grateful to our customers who share their feedback on how they are using our POS software in their specialty retail businesses. It helps us learn, it demonstrates to us and to prospective customers value.

By Mark
The POS Software Blog




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