The POS Software Blog

The POS Software Blog

News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.

POS software Tyro payments integration helps small business retailers compete


Close to 1,000 local small business retailers rely on the integration of Tyro payments with the Tower Systems POS software.

The integration Tower Systems delivers in its POS software to Tyro payments is secure, fast, safe and well proven over many years. Plus, it has been enhanced to be a current level tech solution for small business retailers.

This is an integration delivered without any penalty cost to retailers, without the need for additional software or a per transaction cost.

As a partner of Tyro from the outset of the Tyro business, Tower Systems has been at the forefront of Tyro advances, encouraging the company to innovate as Tower itself has innovated through its small business retail management POS software. The Tyro payments integration today benefits from the championing from Tower.

From the Point of Sale screen in the POS software, Tyro is instantly and easily accessible for contactless payments as well as chip and pin. Customers can also benefit from the Tower Systems entirely portable POS software where POS is taken on the road for out of store sales using a tablet or iPad to access the Tower software and through this Tyro EFTPOS payments platform.

Tower Systems small business retailers love Tyro EFTPOS for its speed, accuracy, ease of use and settlement options.

The Tyro EFTPOS payments / Tower Systems partnership is one on which small business retailers can rely as an alternative to the big bank approach. It’s fast, secure, safe and time saving. It is a solution for these times, an alternative to POS solutions that impose per transaction costs for payments processing.

More Point of Sale (POS) software companies have shifted focus to sourcing revenue from each transaction completed in retail businesses using their software.

Some even impose a penalty on retailers who choose to use payment methods that do not provide the software company the revenue share.

We think this is what makes the approach a tax. It’s a cost of business retailers using such POS software systems are unable to avoid, unless they switch software.

The integration delivered with Tyro payments is fine of plenty of payments platform integration from Tower Systems. We think it is vital that retailers get to choose the payments platform that works best for their business needs.

Tower Systems is a software company, not a tax collector.

By Mark
The POS Software Blog




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