The POS Software Blog

The POS Software Blog

News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.

Busting a myth: Local Small Business Retailers Don’t Have to Pay Their POS Software Supplier a Percentage of each Sale


The point-of-sale (POS) system is usually lifeblood of any local retail shop: managing sales, connecting with suppliers, tracking business performance, feeding the accounting system, and more. It’s job is to help manage the business, to help it be mor efficient and successful.

POS software is a tool.

When a garden landscaper buys a rake, they don’t pay the supplier a percentage of what they are paid by their customers.

When a restaurant buys a new grill they don’t pay the grill supplier a percentage of what they make from each meal they sell.

When a ride-share driver buys a new car, they don’t pay the car maker or car seller a percentage of what they make from each passenger ride.

There are some POS software companies that charge retailers a percentage of each sale the retailer makes. It’s like a tax on each sale. They can be clever though in that they say it’s a payments platform cost, even though the cost of the payments platform to the software company is much less.

But when it comes to pricing, some retailers might be under the impression they’re stuck paying a percentage of every sale to their POS provider. Not so fast! Let’s break down the different POS pricing models and how you can find a system that fits your budget without eating into your profits.

Here are some pricing models for software:

  • Monthly Subscription: This is a common option, with a flat monthly fee that gives you access to all the POS features you need. This is a good choice for businesses with predictable sales volume.
  • Tiered Pricing: Some providers offer different subscription tiers with varying feature sets and price points. This allows you to choose a plan that best suits your business size and needs.
  • Transaction Fee Structure: This model charges a fixed fee per transaction, often combined with a monthly base fee. This can be a good option for businesses with high sales volume or a lot of small transactions.

Only old-school software companies get you to pay for everything upfront. Here at Tower Systems we stopped that five years ago. The world has changed and how you pay for your POS software speaks to that.

The best POS pricing model for your business depends on several factors, such as your sales volume, the features you need, and your budget. Here are some tips for choosing the right system:

  • Shop Around: Don’t be afraid to compare pricing models from different POS providers.
  • Consider Your Needs: Make a list of the features that are essential for your business and focus on systems that offer those features at a competitive price.
  • Ask About Hidden Fees: Be sure to factor in any additional fees, such as set-up costs, per-user fees, or early termination charges.

If you are looking for POS software, start with what the software does. Look for the right fit for your needs. Once you have found it, then consider the pricing model. However, it is vital you are aware of the total cost of ownership, including any percentage charged on each transaction.

By Mark
The POS Software Blog




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