The POS Software Blog

The POS Software Blog

News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.

Selecting the Perfect Gift Shop Software: A Guide for Aussie Gift Shop Retailers


Choosing the right software for your gift shop can feel like a big decision, and it is for sure! Here at Tower Systems we offer our advice here to help navigate the process with a calm and friendly approach.

Here at Tower Systems, we believe the focus should be about the value you receive … value in terms of money-making decisions, time saved, peace of mind and the value of the business as reflected in your P&L. Gift shop software needs to help you drive profitability.

Thinking about your gift shop’s specific needs, we’ve compiled some questions to consider when exploring Gift Shop POS software options:

  • Will it make your shop more profitable?
  • Can it help you save valuable time?
  • Does it contribute to the overall value of your business?
  • Will it bring you more joy in running your shop?

At Tower Systems, we design gift shop software specifically for our Aussie mates. It’s crafted to help you achieve all of the above – increased profits, time savings, a more valuable business, and, of course, a happier you!

Here’s what sets us apart:

  • Retail-savvy training and support: Our experienced team understands the ins and outs of retail, especially the gift shop world. This expertise ensures you maximise the value you get from our software.
  • A community of over 3,750 happy retailers: We’re proud to support countless local businesses, and we’d love to welcome you to the fold!
  • Features designed for gift shops: From managing sales, pre-orders, and loyalty programs to integrating with Xero and offering local product features, our software is built with your needs in mind.

We believe that fantastic gift shop software backed by knowledgeable support is key to a thriving business. Here at Tower Systems, that’s our ultimate goal. When local shops succeed, everyone benefits – owners, staff, suppliers, and the entire community! We understand this interconnectedness and do everything we can to help everyone make the most of our software.

That’s the Tower Systems difference. We’re not just another software company; we’re local people passionate about supporting local retailers. This deep understanding allows us to provide a level of service you can truly rely on.

Ready to find the perfect fit for your gift shop? We’re here to help! Feel free to contact us – we’d love to chat. Call us on 1300 662 957 or email

By Mark
The POS Software Blog




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