We are grateful here at Tower Systems to serve hundreds of greeting card retailers with POS software made to serve their unique needs. From tracking sales to managing returns to understanding product categories to nurturing greeting card shoppers to return sooner, our POS software for greeting card shops is made for this.
Greeting card retail is not your everyday retail. It can be seasonal. Then there are product returns to manage. Plus there are special occasions to leverage, And, there are many suppliers often blending into a cohesive card department to work on.
Our POS software for greeting card shops is made for this and plenty more, of in-store sales to online sales, to help your business maximise the greeting card opportunity for the business.
Flowing from our legendary newsagency software, our greeting cards software has years of experience, and it is enhanced regularly as marketplace opportunities evolve. It is important to us to help our card retail customers have options in their software to grow their businesses.
Take our approach to shopper loyalty. The loyalty tools in our greeting card shop software go beyond the average points based solution. It’s a whole of business approach that we see time and again serve retail businesses with deeper baskets, shoppers returning sooner and plenty more. The loyal tools are smart and the benefits delivered to shoppers pay through increased sales.
It’s a loyalty approach big businesses are unable to replicate.
We have helped greeting card retailers sell online through our seamless Shopify integration as well, helping these retailers reach shoppers located far away from their shops.
Our POS software works with many card company suppliers supporting electronic stock files, electronic invoices, sales based replenishment and other opportunities where card company tech is enabling.
Whether you are newsagent selling cards, a gift shop selling cards, a garden centre selling cards or a card shop selling cards, our Tower Systems POS software can help you maximise the performance of cards, leverage supplier relationships to your value and drive business performance that underpins growing value of the business.
This is what good POS software does: it helps you nurture greater value from your business.
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