A week ago, Tower Systems announced that all users of its POS software have access to free one on one training in the use off the POS software regardless of the version of the software they are using.
There are no strings to this free POS software training offer for small business retailers.
This is a genuine offer by the POS software company to help indie retailers using the Tower Systems software to get more from the software, to unlock tangible benefits for their businesses and for themselves.
It is rare that a POS software company provided free training to any customer, especially those who might have bought the software years ago and not paid for software support for many years. But that is what Tower Systems has delivered with this offer. That is what the company now has available for its customers.
To book for a free training session, all Tower Systems POS software customers need do is email bookings@towersystems.com.au and our training booking team will find out the topics you would like covered in the training, determine the best person to co9ver these areas of the software for you and arrange a time for the free training session.
This is a serious, structured and complete free opportunity that we have created to invest value into the businesses of our POS software customers. This is us investing not only in them but in small business retail more broadly.
Our hope its to drive business efficiency, business profitability and business enjoyment for all involved. We know that these are common outcomes from the POS software training that we have provided and can provide in a variety of business situations.
We create, sell, support and enhance POS software for specialty retailers: jewellers, garden centres, produce, toy, firearms, fishing, outdoors, newsagents, pet, gift, book, bike and adult. The free training offer is for retailers in these retail channels, regardless of the age of their POS software, regardless of whether they are covered by a software support agreement.
We are grateful to be in a position to make this investment in our small business user community.
If you know a business using our POS software, please let them know about this free offer from us. Everyone is welcome!