The POS Software Blog

The POS Software Blog

News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.

CategoryPet shop software

How to spot if POS software is AI enabled or is merely riding the coattails of the AI tools of others


Plenty of the POS software companies are promoting their software using AI (Artificial Intelligence) as a keyword do not offer AI facilities embedded I their software.

Here at Tower Systems when we talk abut AI tools in our POS software we talk about direct integrations from within the software that use AI tools like ChatGPT and Google Gemini to provide direct access to, from within our software, AI insights and facilities that help local small business retailers save time making better business decisions.

You don’t have to take data from our software and plug it in somewhere else. The integration is seamless and there ready for your use right away.

If you want to leverage AI tools in managing your retail business, a good place to start is AI enabled POS software, that is, POS software with Ai tools embedded in the software without you have two underdog a bunch os steps acrid different software for AI benefits and insights.

When considering POS software, ask for a live demonstration of their AI tools.

We show what POS software integrated AI tools look like in several videos on our YouTube channel, including this one from a week or so ago.

There is nothing better than show, don’t tell. In this video we deomonstrate without editing some of our current AI enabled POS software tools.

Using our AI POS tools, retailers for:

  • Generating product names to maximise search opportunities.
  • Generating meaningful and SEO ready product descriptions to maximise search opportunities.
  • Easily loading PDF invoices from any supplier, converting them to an import ready electronic invoice.
  • Price comparing locally, outside the business, to reveal better profit and competition opportunities.
  • Generating publishing ready blog posts for products managed by the POS software, and publishing these blog posts for you if you wish.

These facilities exist today, and this list of five are only some of the AI POS software capabilities we offer our customers. We’d love to show you more in the context of your specific business.

The core advantages of our AI tools are time savings, improved decision quality, and faster decision-making. We are committed to ongoing research and development, with exciting enhancements on the horizon.

We are grateful to so many of our customers who are accompanying us on this path. Their in-store feedback from lived experience using our AI enabled POS software is helping us better serve their needs. Our beta community has been a terrific help as we have brought these AI tools too life.

Our software development team are advanced in this area of AI and POS software. We are advanced in other ways that we will talk about another time.

Tower Systems is a small business focussed POS software company developing, and supporting POS software for niche specialty retailers. Jewellers, garden centres, bike shops, toy shops, produce businesses, farm supply businesses, fishing shops, pet shops, charity businesses, landscape gardening businesses, antique shops, sewing shops, haberdashery businesses, newsagents and more benefit from this software.

Find out more at

Retailers can easily manage subscriptions and recurring billing with POS software from Tower Systems


Our Tower Systems POS software efficiently manages subscriptions and recurring billing. The system can handle subscription schedules on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis, configurable per individual stock item and customer.

Retailers can use this for rental of software licences like Microsoft products in a computer shop or the billing or a monthly gift subscription box in a gift shop or the regular shipment of flea or other treatment products in a pet store.

There is no extra charge for our customers to access the subscription tools in the Tower Systems POS software.

Customers can hold multiple subscriptions concurrently. The software allows for the establishment of varied subscription prices for a single product, tailored to individual customers. This pricing flexibility within our integrated POS subscription solution offers significant advantages.

The subscription management features in the Tower Systems POS software are beneficial for firearms dealers, pet shops, gift shops, produce supply businesses, garden centres, computer retailers offering anti-virus, Office 365, and similar subscriptions, as well as any business engaged in regular, committed customer billing.

Subscription management software assists businesses in tracking and managing the sale of subscription-based products. While Software as a Service (SaaS) is a prevalent subscription model, numerous businesses also offer digital and physical goods via subscription. The new subscription sale functionalities within Tower Systems support retailers in this domain.

A common subscription model involves the sale of samples and curated boxes dispatched to customers monthly or quarterly. Tower Systems can accommodate this, simplifying the process for businesses to offer such services and thereby expand their market reach.

The subscription functionalities within the Tower Systems POS software are included at no additional cost.

Building on the company’s extensive history of managing regular customer orders through its POS software, these new subscription management tools offer enhanced capabilities for unique products. Their development has been driven by the growth of the Tower Systems user community into new specialist retail sectors.

Managing subscriptions and various forms of recurring billing can present operational challenges for retail businesses seeking to streamline processes and control associated labour expenses. These new subscription management features in the Tower Systems POS software have undergone testing with retailers in this sector, receiving strong positive feedback.

The ability to manage subscriptions using POS software without incurring extra charges for supplementary software features represents a considerable benefit for local small business retailers. Tower Systems is pleased to support these retailers.

The new subscription management functionalities were introduced as part of a standard software update in early 2024, following thorough in-house testing and comprehensive beta trials.

We are grateful to help local small business retailers more easily manage subscriptions and recurring billing.

Tower Systems specialises in point-of-sale (POS) solutions for small and independent retail businesses. With decades of experience in the Australian and New Zealand markets, we have developed comprehensive on premise and cloud based POS software solutions designed to streamline retail operations, from sales and inventory management to customer relationship management and reporting. Our software is known for its user-friendly interface and tailored features that cater to the specific needs of various retail industries across Australia.

Local support, regular updates and listening to our customers are cornerstones of our ever evolving Tower Systems story.

30 facilities in our POS software that make it more useful to local specialty retailers.


Here at Tower Systems we make and support POS software for specialty retailers, retailers with operational needs beyond basic retail needs, needs through which they differentiate their businesses.

This list is NOT complete. It offers a taste of what specialty retail POS software offers. Also, many retailers only use one or two of these things. We have the list here today as it speaks to the depth of diverse functionality available in our POS software.

  1. Serial number tracking.
  2. Selling by length.
  3. Scale integration for selling by weight.
  4. Sharing product care instructions with purchase.
  5. Dispatch integration, including through to delivery mapping.
  6. Managing product returns for items you can return for credit if not sold by a time.
  7. Product attribute details.
  8. Age check for selected products.
  9. Sell from on the road or anywhere including a pop-up shop.
  10. Advanced stock search making finding stock easy.
  11. AI integration enabling SEO friendly product descriptions.
  12. AI auto generation of blog posts promoting products.
  13. Tracking inventory without barcodes.
  14. International barcode database lookup for easy stock setup.
  15. Product image management for each website data feed.
  16. ID recording for products requiring this.
  17. Uploading sales data to suppliers automatically for auto replenishment.
  18. Selling units by fractions.
  19. Upgrading product pricing as a product grows, such as you can do with plants.
  20. Managing special orders for customers.
  21. Tracking repairs from the moment a repair is dropped off to when it is picked up.
  22. Club / community group pricing: easily attract and service group members.
  23. Bundle products to sell more.
  24. Security settings controlling who has access to what.
  25. Shopper loyalty: cash on receipt offering a discount off next purchase.
  26. Shopper loyalty: points accrual and redemption.
  27. Gift card sale and balance management.
  28. Helping you market to customers based on past purchases.
  29. Sell and manage services.
  30. Link to a Shopify, Big Commerce or Woo website.

If you are a specialty retailer, Tower Systems may have software that can serve your specialty retail needs. We are grateful to serve toy shops, jewellers, firearms dealers, bike shops, bookshops, fashion shops, newsagencies, garden centres, fishing and outdoors shops, music shops, produce businesses, stockfeed businesses, gift shops, homewares shops, trophy shops, charity businesses and plenty more.

Specialty small business retail is our jam. We’d love to discover if we could help your local retail business.

5 ways small business retailers can use AI in POS software today


Here are 5 ways that small business retailers are using AI tools in POS software from Tower Systems today:

  1. Generating product names to maximise search opportunities.
  2. Generating meaningful and SEO ready product descriptions.
  3. Easily loading PDF invoices from any supplier.
  4. Price comparing locally, outside the business, to reveal better profit opportunities.
  5. Generating publishing ready blog posts.

The AI tools in POS software from Tower Systems go way beyond these five features though. Tower has been delivering AI tools and AI integrations since mid 2022, helping local small business retailers compete.

These POS software AI tools from Tower Systems help local small business retailers more effectively, efficiently and profitably compete. Best of all, our customers get to choose if and when they use the tools. They are always in control.

Saving time, improving the quality of business decisions and speeding p decision making are three key benefits of the AI tools in our POS software already delivered. What comes next is even more enhancement and we are excited for the research and development being undertaken for this.

As an early adopter in the field of AI-powered POS solutions, Tower Systems has developed valuable experience. This is used in service of our community of small business retailers and guiding them towards greater success.

In today’s fiercely competitive landscape, where direct-to-consumer sales from suppliers are on the rise and larger businesses leverage cutting-edge technology to gain an edge, these AI-driven tools provide a vital competitive advantage.

We are here for a win for local small business retailers and AI is playing a terrific role in this. It all started for us when we owned shops ourselves and wanted to deliver efficiency in them. We researched, experimented and evolved our POS software. Now, years on, we are grateful to be helping so many of our customers in this space.

If you run a local small retail business. AI is key to success in 2025 and beyond in-store as well as online. Tower Systems is here to help you with this with software equipped in this area.

Plenty of software companies are talking about AI, few have usage experience like us in our marketplaces.

The benefits of the Best POS Software for any retail business will be more beneficial than any price difference


There’s POS software, and then there’s the right POS software for your business. The difference between the two can be huge.

Writing POS software is easy. Writing POS software that delivers on specialty retail needs is more complex.

It’s not about price you pay for the software, it’s about the commercial benefits to your business.

Even though plenty of companies want you to think it is about price of the software. They want you to believe it’s all about price because that’s how they compete. Competing on price is easy – and lazy – as any retailer knows.

People who buy based on price aren’t loyal. And loyalty matters when it comes to POS software.

  • You want your POS software company to invest in their software – the software you’re using.
  • You want them to focus on serving you, not chasing customers who only want the cheapest option.
  • You want more from the software for your business than just a quick dopamine hit from a low price.

It’s not about price because that’s the least of the costs of POS software.

The best POS software saves you time. It helps you make better decisions. It helps you stand out from the competition and attract loyal customers. It helps you nurture better employees and reduce your stress levels. Ultimately, the best POS software is about money because of all these things. It will help you run a more enjoyable and valuable retail business.

Take your time. Make the right decision.

Too often, POS software companies pressure small business retailers into making a quick decision. They chase sales and apply unnecessary pressure. Don’t succumb to this. Make the decision you feel best about, when you’re ready.

Get this right, and you can tap into some awesome benefits from the right POS software for your retail business. Here are some of the benefits we offer retailers we partner with:

  • Save time with electronic invoices from suppliers.
  • Offer personal customer service by tracking dates that are important to your customers.
  • Use tags to get a fresh perspective on stock performance.
  • Leverage your knowledge. If you believe your expertise is a differentiator, offer it through structured opportunities in the software.
  • Easily handle special customer orders. Bring product in for a specific customer and have them notified automatically by email or text when the goods arrive.
  • Build business-differentiating loyalty. Stand out from the crowd and have customers coming back to you for this. We’re told it’s a game-changer.
  • Maximise the basket with easy-to-use one-time shopper loyalty tools.
  • Trade and club pricing profiles. Set pricing rules based on customer type.
  • Leverage your local community with an awesome two-way benefits package.
  • Make money from pre-orders. Easily pre-sell a delivery so that when the stock arrives, you can manage distribution and billing efficiently.
  • Differentiate with informative receipts. These can include product care, use and safety information based on what customers buy.
  • Differentiate with bundles. Selling items bundled together makes price comparison difficult.
  • Track who sold what.
  • Say goodbye to LayBy (if you want) with buy now, pay later options.
  • Market to customers based on past purchases.
  • Save time by importing electronic invoices.
  • Sell more with a direct connection to buy now, pay later services.
  • Cut mistakes with integrated EFTPOS.
  • Cut accounting and bookkeeping fees with integration to Xero and others.
  • Easily sell online with a direct link to Shopify, Magento or WooCommerce from your POS software.

These are tangible deliverables, and the list is incomplete. Using our POS software, you can expect even more benefits than these.

Remember: Choosing the right POS software is an investment in your business’s future. Take your time, research your options, and select the system that best meets your needs and supports your growth.

How does Tower Systems POS software compare to EPOS Now?


If you are considering the EPOS Now POS software for your retail business, we’d love the opportunity to show you our Tower Systems POS software. We’d be grateful for an opportunity to put our POS software on the counter next to EPOS Now so you can compare function by function.

We welcome an opportunity for a direct comparison with EPOS Now.

It’s possible you’ll find EPOS Now software is better for your needs. We’re thank you for considering Tower Systems and cheerfully wish you all the best.

You can only decide how Tower Systems compares to EPOS Now by putting the two software products side by side, on the counter, comparing function for function.

Deeper than the software itself is a comparison of doing business. Here at Tower Systems:

  • There is no lock-in contract. You can cancel at any time and your payments end that month.
  • Customer service is local in Australia. There is no offshore call centre.
  • Most customer service staff at Tower Systems have worked in retail and they have themselves used the Tower Systems POS software in retail.
  • You can call, and a human answers the phone. They are locally based.
  • Our software training people are local.
  • You get to vote on software enhancement suggestions.
  • You get to suggest software enhancements.
  • You can easily escalate any query to the leadership team of Tower Systems.
  • When you call for support you get to set your own call priority.

Tower Systems is a unique POS software company.

If you are considering EPOS Now POS software for your retail business, consider Tower Systems. We’re a very different company, with different software.

Choosing the right POS software is a critical decision for any retail business. It’s about more than just the features; it’s about the partnership you build with your software provider.

At Tower Systems, we believe in providing a truly different experience.

We’re proud of our flexible, no lock-in contracts, our locally-based Australian customer service team, and our commitment to putting the customer first. From local support and training to a direct line to our leadership team, we’re dedicated to helping your business thrive.

If you’re exploring POS options like EPOS Now, we encourage you to consider Tower Systems. We’d be delighted to offer a side-by-side comparison, demonstrating how our software and our approach can make a real difference for your business.

Let us make a beautiful Shopify website for your business


Expand your customer base and boost your bottom line by venturing beyond your physical shop. Leverage your existing space and staff resources to unlock new revenue streams, and explore the potential of products you never thought possible within your current retail model. Imagine reaching customers across Australia, all from your current location.

A seamless online presence is vital in retail today. With a Shopify-integrated website from Tower Systems, you can sell your products online and in-store, all while maintaining accurate, real-time stock data. Our point-of-sale (POS) software ensures your inventory is always up-to-date, preventing frustrating stock discrepancies and streamlining your operations.

We’ve partnered with hundreds of local small business retailers, crafting successful websites that drive online sales as well as in-store visits. Our experienced sales team can showcase a portfolio of stunning websites, each a testament to our expertise in e-commerce solutions. These examples demonstrate how we’ve helped businesses like yours expand their reach and maximise their profits.

Our Shopify website development service is done here in Melbourne Australia. It’s local, for local Aussie retailers.

Our fixed-price Shopify website development package is popular with retailers. We begin with a thorough consultation to understand your specific needs and goals. From there, our expert designers will create a visually appealing and user-friendly website tailored to your brand. We’ll seamlessly integrate it with your Retailer POS system, ensuring smooth inventory management and order processing. And, importantly, we’ll provide comprehensive training, empowering you to manage your website and attract new customers effectively.

Contact our sales team at or call us on 1300 662 957 to learn more and explore our portfolio of successful retail websites.

One small shop in suburban Melbourne, which launched a Tower Systems-developed website in May of last year, has generated over $70,000 in online sales in six months. Remarkably, this impressive figure was achieved without increasing labour costs, expanding product range or engaging in expensive marketing. This demonstrates the power of a well-designed online store integrated with your existing retail operations.

In addition to selling on your website, Tower customers have free access to, a terrific marketp[lace that supports small local retail businesses. It helps them, and their websites, be found.

Beyond website development, we offer valuable business consultations, guiding you on how to maximise your online potential, even without technical expertise. We’ll share strategies and insights to help you achieve similar success stories.

And, coming soon in our next Retailer software update, we’re excited to introduce an AI-powered blog post generator. This innovative tool will automatically create engaging content about your stock items, further boosting your online visibility and driving sales.

Tower Systems is dedicated to helping small and independent retailers thrive in the digital age. Let us help you win online in 2025. Contact us today to begin your e-commerce journey.

The rise of national chains, the challenge for local pet shops: how Tower Systems helps


Local pet shops are facing increasing pressure from large national retailers and online platforms, creating a challenging environment for these vital community businesses. These family-owned enterprises are battling against national chains with significantly greater resources, making it a daily struggle for survival. The impact of this consolidation extends beyond mere business competition; it affects the very fabric of local communities.

You only have to see the growth of Pet Barn taking over local pet shops, the moves by Woolworths in investing in Pet Stock and the moves by Bunnings to introduce a pet aisle to their shops to see the extend of changes in pet retail in Australia.

Local pet shops provide valuable support for local pet owners. They are integral parts of the community, offering personalised advice tuned to local conditions – and our pet shop software can help with this.

Here at Tower System we are grateful to serve hundreds of pet related retailers.  Our software made for local pet shops is embedded with features that help these businesses to better serve their local clientele and compete effectively against larger chains. Our pet shop software offers benefits designed to help local pet shops thrive including:

  • Personalised service: Your staff can share locally relevant product use and care information.
  • Proactive pet care: Track worming and other date-based treatments. Send timely reminders to bring customers back.
  • Comprehensive pet records: Maintain records of pet microchip numbers for easy access and identification.
  • Unique product offerings: Manage creation of custom products, your own products.
  • Effective loyalty programs: We offer loyalty shoppers love, loyalty that nurtures more purchases.
  • Streamlined special orders: Manage special customer orders efficiently and accurately.
  • Targeted pricing: Offer club and group pricing.
  • Data-driven insights: Use tags to gain insights into stock performance and make better business decisions.
  • Flexible multi-buy options: Implement multi-buy pricing strategies, similar to coffee cards.
  • Modern payment solutions: Offer integrated buy now, pay later options .
  • Targeted marketing: Market to customers based on past purchases, creating personalised offers and promotions.
  • Simplified accounting: Integrate with accounting software like Xero to reduce accounting and bookkeeping costs.
  • Seamless online sales: Connect directly to Shopify to easily establish and manage an online store, expanding reach and sales opportunities.

If you are a pet owner, please support your local pet shop.

POS software connected Shopify websites help small business retailers thrive in 2025


A growing number of retailers are establishing online presences to reach new customers. These businesses are utilising Tower Systems to create websites integrated with their point-of-sale (POS) software. Examples of some of these newly connected websites include:

Significantly, none of these websites explicitly identify the businesses as traditional retailers. This strategic decision aims to attract customers based on their purchasing needs rather than preconceived notions about the business type.

In today’s retail landscape, a strong online presence is more critical than ever. It provides the most effective means of attracting new customers, leveraging existing inventory, retail space, and staff, and establishing a fresh and profitable direction for the business.

Tower Systems leverages wonderful POS software and SHopify skilled people to bring these opportunities to life. This local expertise is a key advantage, as many web development companies outsource this work overseas.

We offer a comprehensive service, providing both specialised retail POS software and professionally designed Shopify websites that seamlessly integrate with the POS system. This integration is secure, fast, and efficient. The Shopify websites we develop are tailored to each individual retailer’s specific needs and requirements, populated with data collected through the integrated POS software.

As both a Shopify website developer and a POS software developer, and as an Australian-based business, Tower Systems is ideally positioned to serve the needs of local retailers. Our extensive experience within the retail sector has enabled us to assist numerous businesses in attracting new customers through their online platforms.

Tower Systems’ Shopify website development service for small business retailers is offered at a fixed price.

By embracing e-commerce and leveraging Tower Systems’ expertise in retail and web development, retailers can unlock a wealth of new opportunities. From seamless website integration to a focus on targeted customer acquisition, Tower Systems empowers retailers to thrive in the digital age. Is your business ready to join the growing number of successful online retailers? Contact Tower Systems today to discuss how we can help you achieve a prosperous future.

The websites listed above, all operated by retail businesses, showcase unique, engaging, and relevant online presences. They present a contemporary image for these businesses, which is essential in 2025 and beyond.

The websites listed here, all operated by local retail businesses, showcase unique, engaging, and relevant online presences. They present a contemporary image for these businesses. This demonstrates the power of strategic online positioning and the importance of partnering with a provider like Tower Systems, who understands the nuances of both retail operations and effective e-commerce strategies.

We are committed to helping retailers navigate the digital landscape and achieve sustainable growth through integrated POS and website solutions.

AI tools in POS software help local retailers save time and make more money


AI-Powered Retail: Empowering Small Businesses with Tower Systems

Tower Systems pioneered the integration of AI tools into our Point of Sale (POS) software approximately two and a half years ago. Since then, these AI capabilities have undergone significant evolution, becoming increasingly sophisticated and delivering unparalleled value to our customers.

From streamlining manual processes and enriching product descriptions to providing instant, profit-driving insights and automating previously intractable tasks, our AI-enhanced POS software for specialty retailers stands at the forefront of innovation. It’s a testament to our commitment to equipping small businesses with the most advanced, intelligent, and powerful retail technology available.

As an early adopter in the burgeoning field of AI-powered POS solutions, Tower Systems has amassed invaluable experience in serving retailers and guiding them towards greater success. This expertise is particularly crucial for small businesses operating within resource-constrained environments. In today’s fiercely competitive landscape, where direct-to-consumer sales from suppliers are on the rise and larger businesses leverage cutting-edge technology to gain an edge, these AI-driven tools provide a vital competitive advantage.

Recognising the unique challenges faced by local small businesses within the Tower Systems community, we have meticulously tailored our AI tools specifically for the retail sector. These tools are not generic; they are designed to address the specific needs and priorities of our customers.

Looking ahead to 2025, we remain committed to continuous evolution. As AI technology advances, we will continue to refine and expand our AI capabilities, leveraging the valuable insights and feedback provided by our customers to unlock the full potential of this transformative technology.

There are plenty of benefits of our AI-powered POS software, including:

  • Enhanced efficiency: Automates repetitive tasks, freeing up valuable time for staff to focus on customer service and other critical areas.
  • Data-Driven decisions: Provides real-time insights into sales trends, customer behaviour, and inventory levels, enabling informed business decisions.
  • Improved customer experience: In so many ways in the software.
  • Increased profitability: reduces losses, mitigates bad behaviour, nurtures good decisions and reveals money-making opportunities.
  • Competitive Advantage: Levels the playing field for Tower Systems small business retailers by providing access to powerful, AI-driven tools previously available only to larger enterprises.

By embracing AI and continuously innovating our POS software, Tower Systems empowers small businesses to thrive in the digital age. We are confident that our AI-powered solutions will continue to play a pivotal role in the success of our customers in the years to come.

How POS software embedded AI tools from Tower Systems help small business retailers


Back in mid 2022, Tower Systems released the first embedded AI tools in its POS software that serves local small business retailers. In the time since, we have further enhanced our embedded AI tools facilities, expanding the assistances delivered to our indie retailer customer base.

Being an early-adopter in the AI within POS software space has helped it win new customers. More important that this is the help we have delivered to our POS software customers.

The AI tools embedded in our POS software, which our customers can choose to use or not, focus on saving time, improving the speed and quality of decision making, revealing hitherto unknown insights about the business and increasing sales.

Making these POS software AI tools available for small business retailers positioned Tower Systems well back in 2022, a position maintained as we have delivered more AI assist tools within the software and without additional cost tour customers.

From auto generation of product descriptions to auto population of product data and images to discovering decisions that can be taken that will absolutely make more money for the business – these AI tools in the Tower Systems POS software have tangible commercial value.

One retailer told us that they have reduced allocated time for some tasks by 12 hours a month thanks to the tools. Another retailer told us that they can track thousands of dollars of additional revenue directly back to using the AI tool in the POS software.

2025 will see significant enhancements of the AI tools embedded in the Tower Systems POS software with the first of these just a few weeks away. This update, which is already in testing, delivers extraordinary benefits that will help local small business retailers compete beyond what has been possible until now.

Tower Systems has been a pioneer in leveraging the power of AI to empower local small business retailers. By proactively integrating cutting-edge AI capabilities within our POS software, we’ve not only differentiated ourselves in the market but also provided invaluable support to our customers. These AI-driven tools deliver real, measurable results, from increased efficiency and reduced workload to significant revenue growth.

As we continue to innovate and expand our AI offerings, Tower Systems remains committed to equipping independent retailers with the technology and insights they need to thrive in today’s competitive landscape.

POS software for AIRR / Tuckers and other pet and produce and farm supply businesses


Tower Systems: empowering AIRR & Tuckers pet & produce members and unaffiliated pet stores and produce / farm supply businesses

At Tower Systems, we’re proud to provide Point of Sale (POS) software to a significant number of AIRR and Tuckers Pet & Produce members as well as to many unaffiliated pet stores and farm supply businesses. We understand the unique needs of these businesses and offer a robust POS system is essential for success.

Why Tower Systems?

  • Profitability:

    • Boost customer spend per visit.
    • Reward customers in a way they understand and respond to.
    • Increase customer loyalty and repeat business.
    • Reduce costs associated with slow-moving or obsolete stock.
    • Minimise errors and improve operational efficiency.
    • Gain valuable insights for informed business decisions.
  • Group benefits:

    • Leverage consistent stock files and electronic invoicing.
    • Simplify business-to-business comparisons.
    • Access enhanced business development support.
    • Maintain complete control and security within your own business.
  • Key features:

    • Fast & Accurate Sales: Streamline transactions.
    • Easy Integration: Seamlessly connect with Xero, MYOB, or QuickBooks.
    • Customer Management: Track customer accounts and loyalty programs.
    • Inventory Control: Monitor stock movement, identify theft, and manage multiple price levels.
    • Reporting & Analytics: Gain valuable insights into sales performance, supplier performance, and key business metrics.
    • Enhanced Security: Protect your business data and control system settings.
    • Peace of Mind: Establish consistent processes for efficient business operations.

What makes Tower Systems worthy of consideration?

  • Australian Operated: We understand the Australian market and provide localised support.
  • Personalised service: Direct human interaction, no automated systems.
  • Whole-of-company support: Access to all levels of the Tower Systems team for prompt assistance.
  • Focus on software, not consulting: Our primary focus is providing you with powerful software, not driving up costs through consulting services.
  • On-Site support: We provide in-person installation and training, working closely with your team.
  • Extensive features: Offer unparalleled flexibility and customisation options to meet your unique business needs.
  • Employee theft prevention: Built-in tools to monitor employee activity and reduce theft.
  • Retail-focused solutions: Powerful reporting and analytics to uncover hidden opportunities and drive growth.

At Tower Systems, we are committed to empowering businesses with the tools and support needed to thrive. We believe our comprehensive POS solution, combined with our exceptional local service and unwavering focus on your success, makes us the ideal partner for AIRR and Tuckers Pet & Produce members as well as to independent pet, produce and farm supply businesses. Contact us today to learn more about how Tower Systems can help you achieve your business goals. 1300 662 957 or

3 ways any local small business retailer can improve their profit


Growing a retail business is all about building on success. Each step forward paves the way for the next, creating a snowball effect for your profits. Here are three easy ti implement strategies any small business retailer can implement to achieve this compounding effect.

These are easy strategies. You can remember and use them in many different business decisions you make. We’ve gone with 3 because it’s easy to remember them and use them.

1. Attract New Customers: go beyond your usual base

It’s fantastic to have returning customers, but relying solely on them limits your growth. Every single day, dedicate some effort to attracting fresh faces. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Create eye-catching window displays. Think unique, vibrant, and relevant to your products. You want people to stop when they notice the window from the corner of their eye.
  • Be active on social media. Share engaging posts, stories, and promotions that resonate with your target audience. Be personal. Give of yourself.
  • Partner with local community groups. Sponsor events, offer discounts to members, and build connections within the community. Be local.
  • Support local club member fundraisers. This not only helps a good cause, but gets your brand in front of a new group of potential customers.

2. Maximise Your Gross Profit Percentage: be smart about buying and pricing

The price you pay for your products and how you price them directly impacts your profit margin. Here’s a two-pronged approach:

  • Negotiate the best deals possible with your suppliers. Every cent saved on your end translates to more profit in your pocket.
  • Focus on offering value and price accordingly. Don’t simply race to the bottom by constantly undercutting competitors. Highlight the benefits and unique selling points of your products and price them fairly. Add value in your service and price products accordingly. If people shop with you because you are convenient, price that in when you can.

3. Encourage Customers to Spend More: the art of the “bigger basket”

Strategic product placement can significantly increase the average amount customers spend per visit. Consider these tactics:

  • Place impulse buys near counters and high-traffic areas. Small, attractive items like phone cases, chocolates, or accessories can easily be added to a customer’s final purchase.
  • Learn from past buying patterns. Analyse what people tend to buy together and use this data to guide product placement. For example, if socks are frequently bought with shoes, consider positioning them nearby.
  • Utilise loyalty programs strategically. Loyalty programs can encourage repeat business and incentivise higher spending. Make sure your loyalty program is easily understood and quick for shoppers to engage with.

Tower Systems: your partner in profitable retail

At Tower Systems, our Australian-made POS software can help you implement these strategies and more. We’re not your average POS company – we serve local specialty retail, small business retail, independent retail. We are retail experienced and can empathise with local retailers in practical ways.

We understand the unique challenges faced by local Aussie retailers. For over 26 years, we’ve been helping our 3,000+ customers run more successful, enjoyable, and profitable businesses. Beyond our software, we offer ongoing support, data-driven insights, and expert business analysis to keep your retail dreams thriving.

We’d love to find out about your needs: 

Phone Australia: 1300 662 957
Phone New Zealand: 0800 444 367

New Year, New Business: Resolutions for small business retailers for 2025


As we prepare for the  new year, it’s an ideal time to reflect on your business and set goals for the future. Here are some actionable resolutions to help local small business retailers leverage technology and data to improve your business and make it more profitable:

Data-driven decision making

  • Prioritise data quality: Ensure your business data is accurate and up-to-date. High-quality data is the foundation for informed decision-making. A common attribute of businesses that fail is poor data management.
  • Sales-driven inventory: Use sales data to guide your inventory decisions. Avoid unnecessary stock purchases by analysing past performance and future trends.
  • Remote management: Utilise technology to manage your business remotely. This allows you to spend more time away from the shop floor while staying connected to your operations.

Streamline operations

  • Automate processes: Identify manual tasks that can be automated to save time and reduce errors.
  • Combat theft: Implement security measures and utilise technology to deter and detect theft. Our software can help.
  • Declutter your space: Organise your shop floor based on data-driven insights to optimise layout and improve customer experience.

Delegate and learn

  • Empower your team: Delegate tasks to your team members and use software to streamline workflows.
  • Set SMART Goals: Establish specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals to track progress and measure success.
  • Continuous Learning: Dedicate time to learning new features and functionalities of your POS software to maximise its potential. We offer free training resources.

Strengthen supplier relationships

  • Strategic partnerships: Focus on building relationships with suppliers who offer efficient and reliable services.
  • Leverage free resources: Take advantage of free training and support offered by us.
  • Data-driven insights: Use the business insights our POS software serves you.

A shared commitment to success At Tower Systems, we’re more than just a POS software provider. We are committed to helping our customers achieve their business goals. By implementing these resolutions and leveraging the power of our software, you can elevate your retail business to new heights.

We do hope your 2025 is wonderful and profitable. Our software can help and we can help. Together, let’s make your 2025 a terrific year for your business and all who rely on it.

POS software update delivers on user requests


Here at Tower Systems, much of the content of each software update flows from feedback from customers. They can suggest enhancements and other customers can vote on these suggestions.

The latest POS software update, released a week and a half ago, delivered access to plenty of enhancements. Included in the enhancements was:

Trade Price Discount at Point of Sale
Apply the trade price as a discount directly at the point of sale — no customer account or profile will be required.

Ordering by Sales – Projected based on sale/soh
Calculate the average weekly sales and determine the number of weeks of stock on hand. You can set a target number of weeks for stock levels, and the system will automatically generate a purchase order to meet this requirement.

Variant Sorting
The ability to sort product variants alphanumerically (Default) or in a custom order. This sorting will automatically reflect on your website, ideal for displaying sizes in a specific order like XS, S, M, L, and XL without manual adjustments.

Note: Website implementation is in progress. An announcement about this option will be made as soon as it becomes available.

Notifications Priority
We’re excited to introduce a Notification Priority System in our notifications module. This enhancement is designed to help users quickly identify the importance of incoming notifications and respond accordingly.

The POS software contained much more than what is noted here, including plenty of small enhancements, almost micro enhancements. Sometimes for local small business retailers is is the small changes they love the most.

As always with our POS software, our customers get to choose if they install an update. There is no pressure on them to take on every shiny new thing.

Our POS software updates are available free to all of our customers who rent other software. It’s provided with advice on what has been enhanced and how to install the update. There is also access to training in addition to personal one-on-one help should any of our customers want this.

Our goal is to help customers maintain current and relevant POS software that is in service of profit growth for their retail businesses.

POS software integrated EFTPOS helps local small business retailers


In today’s fast-paced retail landscape, efficiency and accuracy are paramount. Tower Systems, a provider of point-of-sale (POS) solutions for a range of small business specialty retail markets, offers a powerful integrated EFTPOS software solution designed to help small business retailers save time, reduce errors, and boost their bottom line.

First released many years ago, the integrated EFTPOS solution in the Tower Systems POS software suite helps local small business in plenty of practical and valuable ways.

By seamlessly integrating with a wide range of EFTPOS providers, including Tyro, MX51, Linkly, Linkly Cloud, Quest, and more, Tower Systems eliminates the need for manual data entry and reduces the risk of human error. This streamlined approach not only saves valuable time but also ensures accurate and reliable transactions.

You scan purchases by a customer and they pay on the terminal integrated with the POS. There is no double entry of data, no delay, no risk of mistakes, no opportunity for fraud. It’s faster, more accurate and easier. Customers love it. Plus, with the Tower Systems POS software you can surcharge if you wish and do so with 100% accuracy reflecting your actual business cost.

Here are some of the benefits of our Tower Systems Integrated EFTPOS POS software solution:

  • Enhanced Efficiency: Streamline sales processes and reduce wait times at the counter with efficient payment processing.
  • Improved Accuracy: Minimise errors and discrepancies by automating data entry and reconciliation.
  • Faster Access to Insights: Gain real-time insights into business performance and make informed decisions.
  • Reduced Fraud Risk: Strengthen security measures and protect your business from potential fraudulent activities. Employee theft can account for 75% and more of theft in small business retail.

By choosing Tower Systems, you’re investing in a solution that empowers your business to thrive. Experience the difference a powerful integrated EFTPOS solution can make.

Take the next step towards a more efficient and profitable retail business. Contact us today to schedule a personalised demo. Call 1300 6621 957 or email If you are in New Zealand, please call 0800 444 367.

Simplify your operations, boost sales, and delight your customers with Tower Systems. Our genuinely user-friendly interface and comprehensive features are designed to make your day-to-day tasks a breeze, and to put more money in the business bank account.

See how a POS software-integrated Shopify website is helping a local shop thrive


A few months ago, we embarked on a small experiment: building a website for a local suburban Melbourne shop on a tight budget. The goal was to test the waters and see what could be achieved with minimal investment.

Starting with a modest product range, the website quickly began generating sales. In just the past seven weeks, this simple online store has raked in over $18,000 without any additional marketing spend or inventory investment. This new video from us takes you behind the scenes on what we have been able to do through the Hugs and Love website integration with our POS software.

The Hugs and Love website ( is a prime example of how seamlessly integrating Tower Systems POS software with Shopify can streamline online sales and fulfilment processes for local businesses. This powerful combination allows businesses to efficiently manage their inventory, process orders, and fulfill purchases both in-store and online.

Small business retailers benefit from Xero POS software integration from Tower Systems


Tower Systems was an early integrator with Xero cloud based accounting by integrating its POS software direct with Xero.

Through the integration, many small business retailers using their Tower Systems POS software benefit in so many ways. The integration proved game-changer: the seamless integration between Tower Systems POS and Xero.

By connecting your Tower Systems POS system directly to Xero, you’ll unlock a world of benefits:

  • Save time and boost efficiency:

    • Automate data entry: Reduce manual effort and eliminate human error.
    • Streamline bookkeeping: Spend less time on tedious tasks and more time focusing on your business.
    • Cut mistakes.
  • Gain real-time financial insights:

    • Make informed decisions: Access up-to-the-minute financial data to guide strategic choices.
    • Monitor cash flow: Stay ahead of your finances and identify potential issues early.
  • Reduce costs and improve profitability:

    • Lower accounting fees: Minimise the need for manual bookkeeping and reconciliation.
    • Optimise inventory: Track stock levels accurately and avoid overstocking or stockouts.
  • Enhance your business:

    • Identify growth opportunities: Use data-driven insights to expand your business.
    • Improve operational efficiency: Streamline processes and boost productivity.

What data syncs between Tower Systems POS and Xero?

  • Sales data: End-of-day sales are automatically transferred to Xero as sales invoices, categorised by department.
  • Invoices: Invoices created in your POS system are seamlessly synced to Xero, ensuring accurate records.
  • Write-offs and no-Sales: These transactions are recorded in designated expense accounts in Xero.
  • Cost of sales (Optional): If enabled, the cost price of sold items is exported to Xero, simplifying stock valuation and end-of-month adjustments.

Here’s why we think the Tower Systems POS software / Xero solution is good for local small business retailers:

  • Xero: Your Cloud-Based Accounting Solution Xero is a popular cloud-based accounting software that simplifies financial management for small and medium-sized businesses. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, Xero helps you:

    • Manage invoices and expenses
    • Track bank transactions
    • Run payroll
    • Generate financial reports
  • Tower Systems POS: tailored for local retailers Tower Systems POS is designed specifically for local retailers, offering a range of features to help you:

    • Maximise profitability
    • Make smart and evidence-based business decisions
    • Manage inventory
    • Cut theft
    • Improved return on space, return on labour and return on investment
    • Process sales efficiently
    • Integrate with other business systems

By combining the power of Xero and Tower Systems POS, you can streamline your operations, reduce costs, and make data-driven decisions that drive growth.

Contact us today to learn more about how this integration can benefit your business.

Are you giving your POS software company a percentage of each sale in your shop?


A growing trend among some Point of Sale (POS) software companies is to charge retailers not only for access to their software but also a percentage of each sale. They often justify this practice as a fee for their payment processing services. However, many retailers suspect these companies are profiting from the difference between the rates they pay their payment providers and the rates they charge to merchants.

This business model allows POS software companies to generate significant revenue, essentially taking a cut of every sale a retailer makes. While some retailers may be content with this arrangement, others are concerned about the impact on their bottom line.

Do you want your POS software company to take a slice of profit from every sale you make?

For businesses focused on maximising profits, it’s crucial to carefully evaluate POS software options. Not all POS providers impose these additional fees. Many offer straightforward pricing models, such as monthly or annual subscriptions, without taking a percentage of sales. By choosing a POS system that doesn’t profit from your transactions, retailers can retain more of their hard-earned revenue.

At Tower Systems, we believe in transparency and fairness. We do not charge our customers per transaction or take a share of their profits. Our pricing model is simple: a modest monthly rental fee. This straightforward approach allows retailers to focus on running their businesses without worrying about hidden costs.

By avoiding these additional fees, retailers can improve their profit margins and reinvest in their businesses. Whether it’s hiring new staff, expanding inventory, or upgrading equipment, every dollar saved on POS fees can make a significant difference.

As a retailer, it’s important to be aware of these hidden costs and to choose a POS software provider that aligns with your business goals. By selecting a transparent and affordable solution, you can optimize your operations and maximize your profits.

Here at Tower Systems we do not charge our customers per transaction, were do not take a share of your profit. The only cost for using our POS software is the modest monthly POS software rental fee, our pricing is transparent. Again, there is no per transaction cost, no slicing into your profits.

Does your POS software company charge you a fee per transaction in your shop?


If your POS software company takes a cut of your sales, read this.

If your POS software company charges a fee for every sale you make, you might want to reconsider. Here at Tower Systems, we don’t charge per-transaction fees. Our pricing is transparent, and your software cost won’t increase as your sales grow.

Not all POS software companies operate this way. Some POS software companies require you to use their payment platform, which means you pay them a percentage of every transaction. This can be a significant cost, especially for growing businesses. As your sales increase, what they make from your business increases.

Payments are a hot topic for retailers, particularly small businesses. There’s a big difference between payment platforms in terms of cost and benefits.

While there’s been a lot of hype about unified payments, the truth is, integrated payments have been around for many years. They’ve always been about streamlining the checkout process, reducing errors, and improving security.

The latest hype around unified payments or integrated payments is cover, we think, for a move by some POS software companies who want a slice of every sale you make.

Tower Systems offers integrated payments with all major banks and many other providers. We give you the freedom to choose the payment platform that best suits your business, potentially saving you up to a third on transaction fees. Some of our retailers pay as little as 0.7% per transaction.

We believe in putting our customers first. We don’t lock you into our payment platform. Instead, we focus on providing great POS software. We think it’s unfair for software companies to profit from every sale you make. It’s like a hidden tax on your hard work.

Tower Systems offers:

  • Integrated EFTPOS payments
  • Support for all major banks and financial institutions
  • Integrated buy now, pay later payments
  • Time savings
  • Fewer errors at the checkout
  • Easy record-keeping
  • Streamlined workflow

We’ve been pioneers in integrated payments since the beginning in Australia. We offer choice and focus on providing software that retailers love.

Tower Systems is proud to serve over 3,500 small businesses across Australia, New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Fiji, and Papua New Guinea.

Shopify POS software integrated solution helps small business retailers win online sales


In today’s digital age, a strong online presence is essential for small businesses. Here at Tower Systems we are grateful to help many local small business retailers win online thanks to a beautiful and robust POS software integration with Shopify, the leading ecommerce platform used the world over.

Not all POS software integrates with Shopify. Some connect, but not direct. Some have come to the Shopify party late. We were here early and have enhanced the SHopify POS software direct integration to make the most of enhancements on both sides, including smart use of AI for retailers keen for fast and AI charged text to help capture eyeballs in the search world.

Everything we do in this POS software / Shopify integration space is about maximising profit for the local small business retailers we are grateful to serve. Our innovation with Shopify is part of this.

Using the Tower Systems POS software Shopify integration you manage your inventory through our software and this inventory data, including images, flows to Shopify, and sales achieved through Shopify flow back to the Tower Systems POS software.

The seamless integration of Shopify with our POS software, a two-way integration, help local small business retailers to manage both physical and online sales.

Here is why we think considering the Tower Systems POS software Shopify solution is a good and worthy move:

  • Seamless integration: Our POS software seamlessly integrates with Shopify, ensuring a smooth flow of data between your physical store and online shop.
  • Centralised inventory management: Keep track of your inventory in one place, regardless of where it’s sold. It is completely managed in the POS software.
  • Enhanced online presence: Our team of experienced web developers can create stunning Shopify websites tailored to your specific needs.
  • Expert guidance: Benefit from our consultative approach to help you discover new online opportunities and attract more customers.
  • Fast-track website development: Get your online store up and running quickly with our expedited website development process.

Now, here is how it works:

  1. Data synchronisation: Sales data, inventory information, and product images are automatically synchronised between your POS and Shopify.
  2. Centralised inventory management: Manage your inventory from a single platform, ensuring accurate stock levels across all sales channels.
  3. Seamless checkout experience: Provide a consistent and convenient shopping experience for your customers, whether they’re in-store or online.
  4. Enhanced online marketing: Leverage our expertise in keyword research and SEO to optimise your online store for search engines.

The Power of Shopify and Tower Systems

By combining the power of Shopify’s e-commerce platform with Tower Systems’ POS software, you can:

  • Expand your reach: Attract new customers from around the world.
  • Increase sales: Drive sales through both your physical store and online shop.
  • Improve efficiency: Streamline your operations and reduce manual tasks.
  • Make data-driven decisions: Gain valuable insights into your business performance.

If you’re a small business owner looking to enhance your online presence, Tower Systems can help. Our team of experts will work with you to create a customised solution that meets your unique needs. We can demonstrate our POS software and demonstrate integrations we have done with Shopify for many of our customers.

Contact us today to learn more about how our Shopify integration can benefit your business.

POS software made for pet shops and pet grooming businesses


The pet retail industry is undergoing significant change. Big-box retailers have expanded  into pet products, and corporate acquisitions of plenty of pet shops and even groups are reshaping the retail pet shop market. Independent pet shops face increasing competition and evolving consumer preferences.

Our Tower Systems Pet shop software can help local independent pet shops navigate change and thrive.

Effective pet shop software can be a game-changer for independent retailers that have only used everyday POS software to that point. By leveraging technology, you can:

  • Enhance local relevance:

    • Targeted Pricing: Offer club and group discounts to cater to specific customer segments.
    • Personalised Service: Track customer purchase history and preferences to tailor recommendations and follow-up.
    • Community Engagement: Share local product knowledge and care tips relevant to your customers.
  • Streamline operations:

    • Efficient inventory management: Track stock levels, monitor sales performance, and identify trends. Load electronic files from suppliers.
    • Simplified ordering: Easily manage special orders and pre-orders.
    • Automated tasks: Automate routine tasks like invoicing, customer reminders, and loyalty program management.
  • Boost sales and loyalty:

    • Loyalty programs: Implement multi-buy pricing and loyalty rewards to incentivize repeat business.
    • Offer club deals. Bring club members back sooner with special offers for them.
    • Online sales: Sell products online through Shopify integration, expanding your reach.
    • Flexible payment options: Offer buy-now-pay-later options to make purchases more accessible.

Why Choose Tower Systems?

Tower Systems offers locally made and supported POS software for pet shops and pet grooming businesses,. We serve beyond the software itself:

  • Human support: Our friendly and knowledgeable support team is always ready to assist you.
  • Local focus: We understand the unique challenges and opportunities faced by Australian and New Zealand pet retailers.
  • Affordable pricing: Our flexible monthly rental plans make our software accessible to businesses of all sizes.

Join our local independent pet shop owner community and help us to continue to evolve software that is useful and valuable for your business and so many others.

Let us help you navigate the changing pet retail landscape and thrive in a competitive market.

To find out more, please call 1300 662 957 or email If you’re in New Zealand, please call 0800 444 367.

How our POS software helps small business retailers avoid expensive out of stocks


Being out of stock can be expensive for a small business retailer. Not only do they lead to lost sales, but they can also damage customer trust and reputation.

Our Tower Systems POS software proactively helps small business retailers avoid out of stocks. Fu=irst though, let’s look at the real costs of being out of stock:

  • Lost Sales: The loss of revenue from missed sales. Customers who can’t find the products they’re looking for may simply go elsewhere.
  • Customer Dissatisfaction: Out of stocks can lead to frustrated and disappointed customers. This can damage customer loyalty and lead to negative reviews and word-of-mouth.
  • Increased Operational Costs: Dealing with out of stocks can be time-consuming and costly. Retailers may need to spend resources on expediting orders, providing refunds, or addressing customer complaints.

By proactively showing retailers out of stocks without having to go look for this can save considerable time. Using the POS software to order based on sales and tracking low in stocks can have a business ready prior to being out of stock.

There are indirect costs of out of stocks for small business retailers:

  • Damaged Reputation: Repeated out of stocks can tarnish a retailer’s reputation. Customers may perceive the business as unreliable or poorly managed.
  • Missed Marketing Opportunities: Out of stocks can disrupt marketing campaigns and promotional activities. For example, a retailer may be unable to capitalise on seasonal trends or limited-time offers.
  • Reduced Customer Lifetime Value: Customers who experience out of stocks may be less likely to make future purchases. This can lead to a decrease in customer lifetime value.

Tower Systems can also work with your suppliers, helping you to provide a sales data feed, which can leverage auto replenishment making the most of just in time inventory management to your benefit as well as to the benefit of your partner supplier.

These are some of the ways we help small business retailers eliminate the costs of out of stocks.

Here at Tower Systems we are focussed on helping local small business retailers thrive. We make smart POS software that helps our independent retailer customers run efficient and valuable retail businesses in-store as well as online.

Cat Protection Society of NSW uses our portable POS Software for Cat Lovers festival


We share here with permission details of how The Cat Protection Society of NSW used our Retailer Roam portable POS software at the recent Cat Lover’s festival at Olympic Park in Sydney:

We had a large stall for the Cat Lover’s Festival at Olympic Park last month.

We’d set up 3 counters, with a mini netbook, a laptop, and a Samsung tablet, each running Retailer Roam.

The netbook and laptop had Bluetooth scanners and the tablet was used for cash only purchases.

All the Roam sessions were linked to our Marrickville Rd retail store, which was closed for the festival weekend.

Staff were all very impressed with Roam, the last time we attended Cat Lover’s, we had one laptop accessing Retailer via a Remote Desktop Tunnel. It was a slower process with no scanner.

It all worked really well; people’s sales were processed promptly. We made over $20,000.00 over the two days and generated new membership and adoption inquiries.

We will definitely keep using Roam at future festivals.

We love hearing from customers and how they use our POS software.

The Retailer Roam product used by the Cat Protection Society of NSW is truly portable POS software, ideal for on the road selling, market selling and pop-up retail. We first released it five or so years ago. It has just gone through a major refresh with many new facilities and benefits added, helping retailers achieve more from their shop.

Retail is changing so much and rapidly. Retailer Roam is one of several opportunities we provide retailers to lean into these changes, to reach customers closer to where they are, rather than relying solely on business at a fixed location, like your shop.

Using retailer Roam, retailers can do more than transact sales (while online as well as while offline). They can also:

  1. Take product photos for use in an online store.
  2. Do a stock take.
  3. Order products.
  4. Process invoices for stock received.

Retailer Roam is a web service from Tower Systems. It’s smart, fresh and easy to use, a perfect tool for local small business retailers keen for expansion opportunities in and outside of their shops.

Tower Systems makes and supports POS software for local independent small business retailers across a range of retail channels.

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