The quote and invoice management tools in the specialty retail POS software from Tower Systems are unique and robust, working in service of these unique business needs.
Repairs and workshop management software
Tower Systems offers repairs and workshop management facilities in its specialty retail business POS software.
Thank you for shopping local
We help small business retailers see their businesses differently
8 reasons to love our mobility scooter business POS software
Australian made and supported POS software for mobility scooter shops. $185.00 a month.
Mobility scooter businesses are truly unique businesses. Here are some of the ways our POS software for mobility scooter businesses leverages their uniqueness:
- Rare visit loyalty. The customer visit cycle for a mobility scooter business is often infrequent. Embedded in this software are loyalty tools that encourage shoppers be more valuable each visit.
- Pre-orders. Easily manage selling products before you have them in-stock.
- Buy Now Pay Later and LayBy. Through our software you can have both.
- Bundle / package. It’s easy to bundle items together to create something unique to your needs, unique for your customers. Putting items together this way can help you guide shoppers to spend more.
- Club / group marketing and support. Leverage clubs and local groups with offers and pricing.
- Special orders. Being able to manage and track special customer orders helps you save time and cut mistakes. Also, it’s easier for you to be paid in advance for these.
- Product repairs and servicing. Using our repairs management facilities you can track parts and labour used in repairs as well as repairs done outside the business. You can also recall customers based on activity, like last service date.
- Serial number tracking. For service records, insurance and much more. Tracking serial numbers is good for busines and customer service.
Our Australian made and supported mobility scooter business software does much more than what’s on this list. See it for yourself, live and obligation free, to see if it could serve you and your business. We’d be glad to show it to you.
We understand the importance and value of local specialty retail …
- Local matters. Local mobility scooter businesses contribute to local communities and families. Our software helps you leverage your localness.
- You are a key asset. Only your business has you and your people. You can leverage you through facilities in our mobility scooter business software.
- You can bank on loyalty. Points don’t reward loyalty. What is a point worth anyway? In our software, you have fresh loyalty tools you can bank on.
- The unseen can reveal opportunities. Data, good data, is evidence on which you can expect to make better business decisions.
- Not every shopper will walk past your door. A seamless connection between your software and a beautiful website can reach them.
Our Mobility scooter business Software costs $185.00 for each 30 days. The $99.00 is for access from as many computers as you have in the business.
There is no long-term contract, cancel any time. There is no finance application.
This is software made for your type of business. See it for yourself …
Australian made POS software for charity / op. shops and community enterprises
Australian made and supported. For charity and op. shops. $99.00 a month. Charity / op. shop POS software.
Charity and op. shops are unique and special businesses, providing valuable service to the local community and to those supported by the charity. We are grateful to serve these community enterprises with our POS software:
- Easy shopper loyalty. While the software offers a loyalty points system, we have found the cash-off approach in our loyalty tools works better in local retail. People understand money. A receipt showing an amount they can save on their next purchase gets, usually, at least 20% of people spending more that visit.
- Manage inventory your way. You can sell by barcode, products code, department, category within department, price point. You can sell, measure and report at the level point appropriate to your needs.
- Easy to learn. We have found that in community enterprises easy to learn / easy to use really does matter. Volunteer turnover makes this essential. We can record training specific to your needs and make these videos available for future volunteers.
- Secure. You can lock down parts of the software to secure them for management access only.
- Check and balances. This software guides processes. It also provides hidden tracking so you can investigate should the need arise.
- Club / group marketing and support. Leverage clubs and community groups with offers and pricing just for them.
Our Australian made and supported charity / op. shop shop software does much more than what’s on this list. See it for yourself, live and obligation free, to see if it could serve you and your business. We’d be glad to show it to all involved in the operation.
We understand the importance and value of charity / community group retail …
- Local matters. Community groups contribute to local communities and families. Our software helps you leverage your localness through many touchpoints.
- You are a key asset. Only your business has your people. You can leverage them through facilities that share your knowledge of what you sell.
- You can encourage loyalty. Our loyalty facilities can guide shopper behaviour in ways that benefit them, the shop and those it serves.
- The unseen can reveal opportunities. Data, good data, is evidence on which you can expect to make better business decisions, decisions like what can be placed with what to speed sell-through.
- Not every shopper will walk past your door. A seamless connection between your software and a beautiful website can reach them.
Our charity / op. shop software costs $99.00 for each 30 days. The $99.00 is for access from as many computers as you have in the business.
There is no long-term contract, cancel any time. There is no finance application.
POS software that sells by fractions
We were shocked to discover that some POS software solutions do not handle the sale of items by fractions. In fact, we didn’t believe it at first. Like, who would think it is a good idea to create POS software that only sold items in whole numbers? Seriously, who?
Fabric, timber, liquids, sand, soil, birdseed, vegetables, fruit … plenty of items are sold in fractions if they are to be sold accurately.
For years, our POS software has handled fractions.
Now we know some do not offer this, it’s a feature, a benefit we need to speak to.
Garden centres, pet shops, farm supply businesses, produce businesses, fruit shops and more sell items by fractions. Selling by fractions is one of a range of specialty facilities in our specialty POS software, one of a range of things that help to separate our POS software from the everyday basic POS software you may have.
here are some of the other facilities in our POS software that help make it specialty POS software for specialty retail:
- Quote and invoice management. Strong, flexible, fit for purpose.
- Trade pricing profiles supporting pricing flexibility for your customers.
- Customer account management: Professional and accurate control.
- Pricing profiles. You can set pricing rules based on types of customers.
- Easier deliveries. Packing slips and delivery notes.
- Sell by weight or measure, including fractions.
- Bag your own products. Bag bulk to smaller and to your own brand.
- Colour / size / style. Track what you sell at a granular level.
- Product care receipts. You control design and detail.
- Re-potting. As plants grow, charge accordingly.
- Pre-orders – pre-sell stock and be ahead of the game.
- Special orders – easily manage special customer orders.
- Awesome loyalty through which you can easily differentiate.
- Seasonal reordering. Easily reorder inventory based on seasonal sales.
- Weatherproof labels.
- Electronic supplier invoice support – cut mistakes and save time.
- Easy Shopify integration. See:
We are grateful to business owners and staff in your channel who guide our software development. Their advice helps us make more useful software.
Sure, supporting the sale of items by fractions is a small deal. But … to some businesses it is a big deal and we are grateful to serve this big deal.
Lamingtons, Tyro and Tower Systems …
Updated Charity Shop / Op. Shop POS software helps these community shops connect locally
Tower Systems is grateful to work with a diverse and engaged mix of charities and community groups through providing charity shop / op. shop software.
Our work spans local op. shops, charity shops, community group shops, church bookshops, community groups with online shops and more. It is a diverse pool of businesses / shops / community groups we serve with our charity shop / op. shop software. The diversity helps in that it opens our eyes to more opportunities for service.
We were surprised when first approached years ago by a community group and, then, thrilled to discover that our specialty retail PO software has facilities embedded in the software that serve the needs of charity shops, community retail businesses and the quintessential Aussie Op. Shop.
Our op. shop software , opportunity shop software, charity shop software helps these businesses, these community run and community serving businesses, to run more efficiently, accurately and successfully.
We are used to dealing with committees and boards of management as software is assessed and consideration given to the needs of the shop in the context of the charter of the community group or charity. We offer to software the software multiple times so that all stakeholders are able to see what they need to see in order to make their own assessment.
From tracking inventory, rewarding shoppers, understanding sales performance and helping volunteers run the business, this POS software for charity shops and opportunity shops helps local charities in their mission of service. The software can sell items by barcode, inventory product code, price point grouping, description, PLU code or more. There is flexibility as to how a charity business tracks what it sells . This flexibility serves the data, time management and financial management needs of the business.
This op. shop software / charity shop software / social enterprise retail management software serves in a diverse mix of situations and offers facilities backed with flexibility. Indeed, this is what it is – social enterprise POS software made for the charity sector.
We can organise to show this software to those sunning the charity shop, the board or committee. To arrange this and tell us more about your needs, email: or call 1300 662 957.
Australian made. Australian supported. We are grateful for people who shop local.
Advice for bookkeepers and accountants who are asked for POS software advice
Accountants and bookkeepers are often asked for advice by retail business owners about which POS software to buy.
Unless an Accountant or bookkeeper has experience actually running the type of retail business, they may not know what the business needs in the shop. They will understand the accounting needs of the business, but what about the business operationally needs, the workflow needs, the specialty needs unique to that type of business?
Most accountants and bookkeepers we meet are accounting experts, not specialty retail operational and management experts.
Unless an accountant or bookkeeper has actually used the POS software they suggest how can they know if it is right for the job? Sure they will read about it and often talk to people about software from an accounting perspective, but this does not make them experts. Accountants usually know accounting software well, but not specialty retail POS software.
Good accountants and bookkeepers themselves use specialty practice management software to run their practices, to serve their customers. Why, therefore, would an accountant suggest a specialty retailer not use specialty software make specifically for they type of retail business? They shouldn’t. That’s right. In fact, they should suggest to their specialty retail clients that they use software for their type ion business.
Specialty retail businesses need specialty retail management software, software made for those businesses.
Bike shops need software made for bike shops.
Toy shops need software made for toy shops.
Homewares shops need software made for homewares shops.
Sewing shops need software made for sewing shops.
Game shops need software made for game shops.
Jewellers need software made for jewellers.
Firearms retailers need software made for firearms retailers.
Garden centres need software made for garden centres.
Pet shops need software made for pet shops.
Produce and farm supply businesses need software made for produce and farm supply businesses.
Fishing and outdoors shops need software made for fishing and outdoors shops.
Gift shops need software made for gift shops.
Newsagents need software bade for newsagencies.
Adult shops need software made for adult shops.
Accountant and bookkeepers need software made for accounting and bookkeeping practices.
Specialty retail management POS software provides opportunities for better workflow management, easier selling, better supplier connection and better service of customers. Bottom line: specialty software is more fit for purpose for specialty retailers.
Tower Systems only develops and sells specialty POS software in a selected number of niche retail channels. We are experts, selling expert software, to expert retailers.
While we like accountants and bookkeepers, and have a couple working full time in our software company, we think sometimes their advice to go with an generic simple POS package could be less than appropriate advice.
Antique shop software helps antique shops serve sellers and collectors
The data management needs of antique shops are unique, beyond what is traditional in retail businesses. Often, the needs are unique to each business in niche ways.
Historically steeped in paper-based management, antique businesses rely on accurate record keeping for it is this that serves the needs of sellers and buyers and the antique business itself.
Tower Systems is grateful to offer POS software for antique businesses, software tuned to the needs of these businesses based on what we have seen and been told.
Our POS software for antique shops has evolved from our decades of work in the jewellers POS software space. We serve hundreds of retailers in the jewellery channel from everyday fashion to high end to bespoke to heirloom to repair and maintenance. Our work with a diverse community opt jeweller businesses has set us up to serve the needs of antique businesses through our antique shop POS software.
Managing secondhand goods, managing insurance purchases, providing valuations, documenting product provenance, storing product images, offering product care instructions, tracking buyers, tracking sellers … all of these facilities and more are part of the core POS software for antique shops from Tower Systems.
Our seamless connectivity to Shopify helps us serve online sale needs too, from the physical shop to online and back in terms of accurate and timely data management.
Using our POS software, antique shops can track sales of items provided by different sellers. You can easily report on sales at this level. you can also aggregate items for reporting or tracking across sellers, based on product type.
Often in antique shops, product knowledge is held by a few. Using our POS software for antique shops you can help more people in the business offer consistency in terms of product related knowledge. This is key for the business to be able to operate under management if that serves the interests of the business owners.
Our approach in dealing with antique shop opportunities is to understand the needs first. We’re not right for everyone. we will say so if we are not right, and wish you all the best with your search.
See what we offer antique shops through our POS software, contact us: sales or 1300 662 957.
POS software for doll shops helps local doll shops help doll collectors and lovers
Tower Systems is grateful to help doll shops with POS software that serves the unique needs of their businesses. Made in Australia for local businesses, this software has facilities that go beyond what is traditional for retail POS software.
Our doll shop POS software helps doll shops better serve their customers. It does this in plenty of ways. We only realised when we were shown by experts in the doll shop retail space.
Here are some of the facilities in our doll shop POS software that we have been told are especially useful in these niche businesses:
- Repairs management. Doll shops often offer repair and care services. Our software enables the tracking of repairs including parts and labour tracking. It also maintains customer contact, to keep them up to date with when the repair can be collected. The flexibility of the repairs / workshop management tools is ideal for the nature of repair / maintenance services offered in doll shops.
- Club marketing and support. Embedded in the doll shop POS software are facilities that enable the business to serve the members of clubs with offers and pricing. This nurtures the love of collecting and showing dolls and better connects the business to this community, ultimately growing the size of the community.
- Special orders. With many dolls made to order or sold on a pre-order basis, offering facilities in the doll shop POS software for managing these types of orders helps the business to manage opportunities and to capture revenue in advance of having items to sell. This level on unique record keeping is key for the doll collector businesses.
- Serial number tracking. Yes, plenty of collector dolls have serial numbers. Tracking them from within the software offers a service that doll shops can leverage.
- Anniversary marketing. Collectors love their dolls. To many, they are a member of the family. Remembering anniversaries can help a doll shop maintain a connection with their collector customers.
- Rare visit loyalty. The customer visit cycle for a doll shop is infrequent, patchy. Embedded in this software for doll shops are loyalty tools that respect this and encourage shoppers to provide more value to the business from each visit. It’s in doll retail where you see old-school loyalty as inappropriate.
Tower Systems is grateful to serve specialty doll retailers with our POS software, to help them run more successful and enjoyable businesses, to help them broaden the appeal of doll collecting and doll love.
Our specialty POS software is good at serving specialist retail business needs.
For more information: sales@tower or: 1300 662 957.
Can your POS software help identify a gross profit problem in a retail business?
Yes, it can!
Good POS software provides you with tools for checking / tracking GP% and thereby cross-checking to see if data errors have been made that result in inaccurate information as to the profitability of the business.
Our POS software helps mitigate against data errors by eliminating human touch of data as much as possible. However, not all human touch can be avoided, and this opens to possible data errors, which can play out to GP, business profitability reporting and, eventually, tax liability.
Our Tower Systems POS software helps small business retailers to identify and resolve data errors that feed an inaccurate gross profit reporting situation. Our help desk team also provide comprehensive support for any business chasing problematic data. Our retail business support team go further and provide help from an accountant perspective, where a issue may be revealed in the P&L – we work back to the source, which is usually inaccurately entered data in the POS where someone has not followed basic principles or, worse, someone has manipulated the processes to hide fraud.
We saw a situation recently where a local retail business using other software, not from us, was confronted by a tax bill that was considerably higher than expected. They had been trying to get help through the POS software company they were using. As that was not working ut for them, they sought our help. We showed how we track and manage GP fluctuation in our software and encouraged them to speak with their POS provider again, to ask for more useful help in getting to an understanding of what has happened.
Can your POS software help identify a gross profit problem in a retail business?
We are grateful to answer yes to this question – through our software, our help desk and our retail business support team.
POS software is only as useful as support provided by those who make and care for the software and its users. It is frustrating seeing a small business owner left with a challenging situation for which there should be answers in their business data, but, answers they cannot find for themselves as they do not have the requisite tools and knowledge.
Good software support is key for small business retailers using POS software.
Quote and invoice management POS software facilities help local specialty retailers win more business
Retailers love the quote and invoice management tools that are embedded in the Tower Systems POS software. They love them because they help them win more business.
See for yourself some of the highlights of these unique quite and invoice management tools available in the Tower Systems POS software in this new short video that we shot in-house last week.
Retail businesses of all sorts are benefiting from these tools, loving these tools. garden centres, farm supply businesses, jewellers, bike shops, whole foods businesses … any business that quotes for business can benefit from these quote and invoice management facilities that are part of the Tower Systems POS software solution.
Quote and invoice management sounds like a mouthful, sounds complex. The beauty of these facilities in the Tower Systems POS software is that they bring structure and certainty to the process of creating quotes for customers, presenting the quotes professionally and easily turning the quotes into actionable invoices for goods to be supplied or work to be done.
The quote and invoice management facilities in the Tower software provide to local small business retailers management facilities rarely seen in POS software, management facilities through which local retail businesses can differentiate.
Quote and invoice management facilities are just part of the broader Tower Systems software package. Also included are facilities such as:
- Special customer orders – get a sale today, before you order the stock.
- Loyalty rewards customers love. Encourage return visits and purchases.
- Sell you. Extended product descriptions help you offer plant care info.
- Bagging up. Bag bulk products smaller packs, with accurate stock data.
- Genuinely informative receipts. Share information that sets you apart.
- Repairs / workshop management. Strong, flexible, fit for purpose.
- Trade pricing profiles supporting pricing flexibility for your customers.
- Customer account management: Professional and accurate control.
- Catalogues. Easily manage special pricing for a date range.
- Pricing profiles. You can set pricing rules based on types of customers.
- Sell by weight, including fractions.
- Seasonal reordering. Easily reorder inventory based on seasonal sales.
- Weatherproof labels.
- Stock write offs – done in a structured way feeding into your accounts.
Quote and invoice management is a specialty area in this specialty retail POS software from Tower Systems. We are grateful to work with many specialty retailers to bring differentiating retail experiences to local communities across the country.
Vape shop POS software helps manage local vape shops
The vape shop POS software from Tower Systems leverages specialty facilities that we are told by vape shop owners helps them run more successful and valuable businesses.
Here is a video we shop last week in which we discuss and look at some of the facilities offered by this vape shop POS software. See for yourself how this locally made POS software could serve the needs of your vape shop.
Our Vape Shop POS Software offers a range of facilities vape shop owners tell us they love. These are tools built to serve their needs and needs of businesses similar to their requirements.
Using our locally made Vape Shop POS Software you can benefit from …
- Systematically managing an age check at the transaction point. Being able to demonstrate that you do this in a strutted way in your Vape Shop POS Software can help when checked by regulators.
- Providing product use and other important notice information on receipts to ensure customers are fully informed.
- Customising product labels with information you want on there.
- Tracking the tastes of customers so that you can market to them if a new product emerges that may satisfy their interests, needs or tastes.
- Selling by fractions. With some products sold in less than whole number units of measure, our Vape Shop POS Software allows inventory tracking at the fractional level.
- Selling online through our Shopify link through which products managed in the POS software can be easily offered online through a beautiful website that is seamlessly connected to the Vape Shop POS Software for product details and images and with online sales details flowing back to the software.
- Tracking who sold what and when.
- Strong remote management tools for owners of businesses run under management.
- Strong audit tools through which we respect the importance of accurate business data and the need to track behaviour that may compromise the integrity of the business.
- Loading electronic invoices from suppliers.
- Structure. Ultimately, that’s what this software is about – structure, business structure through which the business can safely and consistently operate to the benefit of the business and those who work in it.
The Tower Systems Vape Shop POS Software is made for vape shops, built on already successful locally made small business retail POS software used in retail channels where regulation and adherence to regulation is key for the retail business owner, retail business staff and the regulators themselves.
Our goal is developing specialty retail POS software, like our POS software for vape shops is to help these specialty retailers to better serve and through this to be more valuable to the owners of the businesses and all who rely on them.
Our POS software for vape shops, made here in Australia by us, is feature rich for specialty retail.
Tower Systems serves more than 3,000 small business retailers across a range of specialty retail channels.
Repairs management software integrated with POS software for retailers
Tower Systems has been offering locally made repairs management software as part of its specialty retailer POS software for more than twenty years. the software it offers today is fresh, innovative and focussed on serving the efficiency and customer satisfaction needs of local small business retailers.
Thanks for wonderful advice from businesses offering repairs services, this software evolves to serve new opportunities.
See for yourself some of the highlights of this repairs software in this new short video that we shot in-house last week.
Integrated with the Tower Systems POS software, these unique and local business focussed repairs and workshop management tools are part of the software, not come add-on that you say extra for or that you rely on some other software company to support. being an integral part of the POS software helps make these repairs tools more valuable, more useful.
Made for jewellers and bike shops, these repairs and workshop management tools in our POS software are being used in myriad businesses today.
Some of the functions our specialist retail software’s repair features are being used for include:
- In Jewellers: Jewellery and watch workshop repairs, dated manufacturing.
- In Bike Shops: Bicycle and tricycle repairs, warranty returns.
- In music shops: instrument repair.
- In sewing shops: sewing machine maintenance and repair.
- In Garden Centres: Landscaping services management.
- In pool maintenance businesses: Pump and equipment planned maintenance as well as repair.
- In Firearms Stores: Gunsmithy and equipment repairs, warranty returns.
- In Pet Shops: Aquarium installations.
Repairs management software is flexible, serving a range of needs outside managing the actual repairs themselves. The flexibility in the software enables it to be used in different businesses for different purposes – from job management, to workshop management and traditional repairs management.
This specialty function software tracks the labour and resources used from a billing and inventory management perspective. It also handles allocation of repairs or parts of a repair to venues outside the business (for contracting and supplier exchanges or repairs for warranty issues, for example) and tracks repair staff and couriers used in shipping repairs.
Once the repair is ready for pick-up by the customer, the software finalises the billing and advises the customer by SMS or another preferred method. Customers love the contact they receive. It positions the business as professional and engaged.
Payments are processed with the usual depth of our retail software’s point of sale functionality – customers can make multiple payments against a repair or a specialist manufacturing, pay through cash, EFTPOS, PayPal or other methods.
We’re helping local retailers this Mother’s Day
Fixed price POS software connected Shopify sites for local retailers
The Tower Systems approach to Shopify website development and connection to our specialty retailer POS software is thorough. it includes …: For ease of reference and clarity, below is a numbered list of all work and tasks included in the above quote and work you will have to do. This is the complete list.
- Shopify account. We would use our development account until such time, as we deliver the live site to you. Once this has occurred you will need your own Shopify account and we will transfer the site to you. We can help you get your own account.
- Template / theme selection. We will guide you through template / theme selection options. You will have free choice over any theme available at Many templates have no cost while some have a cost, paid to Shopify. We will also fund the purchase of a paid-for theme up to US$250.00 in value if that is the theme you want.
- Overall design to be applied to the template selected to customise the look and feel of the site. While there is back and forth involved, the design process is not priced to be an extended back and forth process. Please be clear and concise in articulating our needs. We will listen to your brief and provide a design for your consideration. Adjustments can be made within the quote but any major diversion from the original brief may add to the cost.
- The site we create will have the following elements:
- Including text and images (which you are to provide), and site navigation. We would also include a business location map.
- Social media links to any business accounts you have for: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.
- About page. Your text, describing you and your business. This will need to be between 150 and 350 words. Well written, clear as to what you and your business are about.
- Legal / Privacy Policy. We can use yours or you can edit ours and use it.
- Terms and conditions page: terms and conditions that you can modify.
- Contact us page showing your contact details as well as an enquiry form.
- Configured Product Page showing the images and details about products.
- Shopify Chat setup, if you want chat turned on.
- Blog feed. A blog allows you to publish your own news stories. These can be critical for helping people find the site through Google.
- The setup of loading of products into the site via a live link to the Retailer software. We would need you to have this data in Retailer ready for export.
- Interfacing to payment gateways: Shopify Pay, Apple Pay, Stripe and Paypal.
- OPTION: Interfacing to Humm, Zip and Afterpay. The work is all done at once for all 3 or for those of the 3 you go with. It is vital you do all at once.
- Training: over the phone and usually around two hours. We’d like 2 people from the business there as we have found this helps the business get the most from it.
There is more to the work we do than this. It is detailed, comprehensive and small business retail ourcome focussed. Oh, and all done in Australia for local Aussie businesses.
Cloud POS software options for specialty retailers
Does your POS software run in the cloud? This is a common question we are asked.
Our answer … yes, our POS software runs in the cloud. We have many customers who do this. Some arrange their own hosting while others host through our secure off-site hosting infrastructure.
We also have many customers who choose to run our software on their own in-house desktop computers.
Our cloud POS software enables businesses to easily handle a single store situation through to a network of stores, 15, 20 … more. This is the flexibility of cloud POS software and we are here for it, helping small business retailers leverage cloud hosting to their advantage.
But, hey, if you run in a desktop situation, how can it be a cloud POS solution as well. Where the software runs, where it is hosted is 100% up to our customers. They choose the hosting platform that best suits their business needs and best suits their tech infrastructure access. This is important in that a business situation with poor internet access may not be ideal for a cloud hosted environment.
This is why offering flexibility for our customers as to hosting situation makes sense, it is why we provide our customers with choice.
Our POS software can be clod hosted or desktop hosted. You choose.
Big IT companies have spent hundreds of millions of dollars in marketing the term cloud. They have done this because they know buzzwords sell. The reality is, your software has to run somewhere. It has to be maintained. Whether it is running on computers in your business or in the cloud, the costs are not that different. The key difference is one approach feels sexier than the other, because of the marketing.
Our retail skilled account managers can talk with you to determine your needs and propose a solution that best serves your needs.
Whether you run cloud hosted POS software or desktop hosted POS software is best determined by your business needs, by your business situation. Take the time, do the research and decide what serves you, your location and your budget.
Tower Systems offers choice and that is what really does matter in the debate of cloud hosted POS or not.
Seriously, though …
Today, April 1, is a good day here at Tower Systems. We are grateful to our beta crew for the work they have done proving the latest release of our small business POS software. Their feedback is helpful, inspiring. The next update, and the one after that … they are awesome!
More good things are coming in our software thanks to our beta crew!
Accounting software for small business retailers
When it comes to accounting software, Tower Systems has experience as a software company and through years of direct small business retail experience. This experience includes direct experience with MYOB, Quicken and Xero for accounting software.
While our POS software offers connectivity through to Quicken, MYOB and Xero, it is the Xero integration that is the deepest and most useful. We use Xero ourselves in-house. When it comes to Xero accounting software, our advice is personal.
Our POS software and Xero together provide a useful and appreciated accounting software solution to many small business retailers.
Our accounting software Xero integration is one of many approved integrations provided by the software to serve the needs of retailers. Other integrations include:
- Tyro broadband EFTPOS.
- Linkly integration for major banks EFTPOS.
- Magento e-commerce. Magento is an excellent platform for website sales for small to medium businesses.
- Shopify e-commerce. Shopify is an excellent entry-level solution for small to medium businesses.
- FlyBys in New Zealand.
- Transactor loyalty in New Zealand.
- Scale integration for selling by weight.
- Epay for vending phone recharge, fishing licences and more.
- Plus, many supplier integrations through EDI.
The most effective ways small business retailers can compete with big businesses and online is through efficient operation, accurate data and customer service touch-points that add appreciated value. This includes fit for purpose accounting software, tailored to the needs of the retail channel in which a business operates.
We believe in small businesses, their importance to local communities and their broader economic value.
Through our software, our personal training, 24/7 human and locally based help desk service, regional user meetings, weekly online workshops and other touch-points we help small business retailers beyond what is usual for POS software companies.
Critical to all of this is the help offered from the Tower Systems customer service team. This includes providing advice on connectivity between our POS software and accounting software, helping our customers to ensure linkages are right, feeding data to the correct location within the accounts managed by the accounting software. Getting this right is key to calm and happy use of both the POS software and the accounting software.
Workshop software for retail businesses with workshops
Our Australian made workshop software has been an integral part of our POS software for many years. It continues to evolve thanks to insights as to teen ds shared by our customers.
Originally developed for jewellers and bike shops, our workshop software has evolved in function to serve a variety of business needs including sewing machine repairs, farm equipment repairs and more.
This workshop software serves in a range of business needs. It is POS software connected, Xero accounting software integrated and able to deliver tracking and other facilities needed in workshop management including:
- Tracking inventory used in jobs.
- Internal and external job tracking.
- Customer interface with advice as to when a job is ready. This includes text message and email advice.
- Tracking labour invested in a job.
- Stock control.
- Notes as to what has been done in a job.
- POS software connected.
- Employee engagement tracking.
- Workflow tracking.
This workshop management software is designed for small business retailers that have a workshop need within their businesses. Evolving out of local small business needs, the workshop software has stayed true to its roots.
The best way to assess the workshop software is to see for yourself if it serves your business needs. We will happily show the software to anyone looking for workshop management software.
With specialist software like our workshop management software, it is important it is thoroughly assessed and chosen by business owners who are sure it is the right fit for their business. We’re not here to push it, to sell it to you. We have found the opposite approach serves our business and the business of prospective clients well.
Workshop management is different in different businesses, even within businesses in the same channel. This is why the needs of a business need to be understood and agreed within that business before they start assessing different workshop management software packages out there.
Tower Systems has many years of service in the area of small business workshop management. It is grateful for the diversity of its customer base, which enables diverse in function software to be offered.
To see if this workshop management software may be right for you, please email or call 1300 662 957.
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