The POS Software Blog

The POS Software Blog

News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.

CategoryPOS Software

Buy X get Y free facility in POS software helps retailers compete


The fresh Buy X get Y free facility in the Tower Systems POS Software provides with enhanced loyalty options when considering how to encourage shoppers to spend more.

This facility is particularly useful for habit based purchases, where shoppers purchase an item or a category of items multiple times in a reasonable period of times.

Several retail channels will benefit from the enhanced facilities including pet shops, newsagents, garden centres and convenience stores.

Developed in close consultation with retailers in several retail channel niches, this facility is already in active use thanks to wonderfully supporting customers in our beta release program.

The loyalty options in the Tower Systems software continue to evolve to provide flexibility to retailers keen to offer relevant pitches to their shoppers.

We are grateful to the guidance of customers involved in this latest project.

Smart POS software takes stock performance measurement and management to a higher level


We are thrilled with the feedback on a new report we are trialling in our POS software. Developed with a senior business consultant for a group of retailers in the high ticket price item space, this report provides an alternative view on inventory performance, a view we think many of our customers will find useful as they look to extract more value from their businesses.

Screen Shot 2015-07-13 at 3.39.36 pm

This latest report reflects further enhancement of the Tower Systems software along a path of continuous improvement and in response to customer requests.

Engaging our development team direct with customers is a most useful exercise for any software company.

No, Aussie retailers, you are not required by the ATO to do an annual stock take


If your retail business turns over less than $2M a year you are not required to undertake a stock take. Click here for the ATO advice.

There are several ways to calculate trading stock. One way is to do a stock take. Our POS software can help any retailer undertake this. Another way is to track all goods inwards and all goods outwards (sold). Depending on your theft situation this leaves you with an accurate understanding of stock.

To check parts of your business, to see whether theft is an issue, you can easily do a spot stock take of part of this business. In a short time this can indicate whether a full stock take is necessary.

Offering a range of options in the stock take area, Tower Systems serves the needs of retailers with flexibility and compliance in terms of the tax office requirements.

We mention this today to provide clarity on what is required of retailers in terms of stock takes.

Of course, some from the lunatic fringe will say we are wrong. We are certain of our advice as we have spoken with the ATO directly as well as with a CPA. Our advice is sound. But we have a warning: this advice is appropriate if you use smart POS software properly. Our software is appropriate as it manages inventory on hand in a manner sought by the ATO.

Why our newsagency software is the best


What makes the newsagency software from Tower Systems the best? Here is our answer:


This is one of our own newsagencies. It is a valuable point of difference.

We have owned and operated newsagencies since February 1996. This has provided us with a live testing ground for innovation not only for newsagents but all retailers.

A software company walking in the shoes of its customers is better resourced to serve those customers than any other software company.

Today, more than 1,900 newsagents use our software. We think this is three times any other.

Another POS software training video from Tower Systems


Screen Shot 2015-07-22 at 2.59.19 amWe have launched another training video for retailers using our POS software. This new video is not your usual training – no, it highlights a new feature of the software, something fresh for all users. It provides a high level introduction from one of the architects of the new facility. All customers have been provided free access to the video and plenty have viewed it already. We are thrilled for such terrific engagement.

POS software to shine at Reed Melbourne Gift Fair


11705154_10155758806665142_7798774737494542679_nPOS software company Tower Systems will be showing off its latest gift shop software at the Reed Melbourne Gift Fair in two weeks.

Our involvement is already being promoted in the thick catalogue promoting the fair – sent to all gift shops, suppliers and other retailers in the gift space.

We are grateful for the opportunity to participate in this fair again this year. We anticipate learning plenty as well as making connections with many possible new customers as we show off what we do pitch the Tower AdvantageTM.

We are especially excited about some surprises we have to share at this marquee event.

Tower Systems POS software website mobile friendly


IMG_8357The reaction to the latest mobile version of our POS software company website has been terrific.

Launched weeks ago, the new mobile website automatically loads when it detects website access via a mobile device.

being a technology company, how we represent ourselves publicly speaks to the relevance of our software and services to the businesses we serve.

The latest mobile website innovation is leading edge. It makes us proud.

All the functionality a POS software user could want is available from the website.

At the Harrogate Gift Fair in the UK


Mark Fletcher, the owner of Tower Systems, is in the UK for the Harrogate Home & Gift Fair 2015. This international fair attracts exhibitors and attendees from around the world.

We are participating by invitation by suppliers with whom we already partner on behalf of retailers see serve using our POS software.

One outcome from participation of the fair is expected to be more help through the Tower software for retailers selling products from suppliers at the fair.

Participating events like Harrogate provide valuable eye-opening opportunities.

More reports knock points based loyalty programs


Screen Shot 2015-07-04 at 9.43.34 amMore and more reports are surfacing questioning the value of points based loyalty programs.

There appears to be growing fatigue among shoppers with points based programs.

Points based programs are popular with retailers. They do not offer a point of difference to retailers.

While the Tower Systems POS software supports individual, franchise, buying group and other points based loyalty programs, it is our exclusive discount voucher loyalty facilities that offer a genuine point of difference to retailers and their shoppers.

The New Loyalty is a fresh approach to loyalty marketing for retail businesses.

Tower Systems – an awesome POS software company


You guys are awesome and your software is awesomer.

This has to be the quote of the year from one of our customers. It makes us proud that we have made someone so happy.

The comment came about because we have helped a business get into our software and see that not all POS software companies are the same.

The thrill came when they saw what they could earn about their business from our software. A short time and they are loving outcomes being achieved.

We’re here to help.

That’s out motto. We believe it and live it through our cations with and for our customers.

Practical help from speciality POS software for small business specialty retailers


Small business retailers in the niche retail channels of gift shops, garden centres, jewellers, bike retailers, newsagents, homewares shops and several others can rely on the Tower Systems POS software to improve their situation. here are some of the ways retailers tell us they benefit by using the software:

  1. Guide shoppers to spend more in a visit.
  2. Attract shoppers to return to the business more often.
  3. Reduce dead stock.
  4. Reduce theft.
  5. Streamline selling.
  6. Reduce mistakes in sales processing by eliminating double handling.
  7. Better manage employee time.
  8. Better manage supplier relationships through buying based on facts and not emotion.
  9. More effectively plan for the future of the business thanks to access to accurate data.
  10. See things in your business that you may miss today.
  11. Offer a professional experience with personalised attractive receipts, personalised attractive gift certificates, structured Lay-By and a data driven approach to ordering.
  12. We bring structure and ease to the end of shift balancing process.
  13. You can easily manage catalogue and promotional pricing as well as bundled deals and through this drive sales.
  14. There are 100+ reports on which you can rely to assess the business. However, the reality is you will fall in love with two or three reports and rely on these.

Smart POS software helps small business retailers sell Spiderman


IMG_7982Spiderman is a superhero loved by generations. He is more popular today than decades ago thanks to a reinvigorating of the franchise by Marvel.

Retailers using our POS software can track the success of superheroes in their retail businesses. They can do this through a range of views, providing insights beyond what is common in POS software.

The insights can help retailers undertake more finely tuned marketing.

Spiderman, for example, can appeal to a young kid discovering their first superhero as much as he can appeal to a baby-boomer reliving memories of their first Spiderman comic back in the day.

These different customers engage with their fan driven interests in different ways. Thanks to a clever approach to viewing data, retailers are able to treat both interests differently and the same as may be needed from time to time.

This is another smart approach to inventory management from the smart software development team at Tower Systems.

Gift HQ trade show a hit for Tower Systems POS software


IMG_8005We are thrilled with the results of the Gift HQ trade show in Brisbane over the weekend to last night. We connected with many businesses that can benefit from what we offer through our Point of Sale software and our customer service facilities. Having specialist software for each of several niche retail channels helped us serve a broader range of the visitors to the fair.

We also met existing customers to share new facilities in our software.

Gift HQ has been an important extension to our Queensland presence and service. We are grateful of the opportunity to participate.

More POS software training for the new financial year


Tower Systems has kicked off the New Financial Year with the launch of fresh POS software user training opportunities for retailers who partner with us.

The free online new training is genuinely new: fresh, new topics … designed to help retailers get more from their Tower Systems relationship.

Our customers can book in for the free training now from our website. We send an email with instructions on how to get online.

POS Software training studio busy with EOFY training


IMG_7974The studio at the Tower Systems head office has been busy as we host regular online live training workshops in how to handle stocktake and end of financial year matters using our POS software in the last days of this financial year.

This photo is from the studio during one of our live training sessions. Having a professional studio setup helps us deliver training away from the busy help desk. It’s a valuable point of difference for us.

Best practice stocktake advice for small business POS software users


This advice is about the best business approach to undertaking a stocktake. Please refer to other Knowledge base articles on how to actually use the software. All retailers using our POS software have access to our knowledge base.

Please ensure you have the latest version of the Tower Systems Retailer POS software installed prior to undertaking a stocktake.

For the process to be as easy as possible you will need a wireless network – vital for OH&S reasons.

The best way to do a stocktake in your business is by using a laptop (or laptops) or tablet computer with a scanner attached. This enables you to do the stocktake live with no impact on sales and absolute integrity of your stock on hand data.

While using a laptop (or laptops) or tablet computer may seem cumbersome, it is our best practice advice for speed, data integrity and the ability to address data issues you may encounter on the shop floor. It enables you to do management work to ensure completely accurate data.

The alternative is to use a PDE. The challenges with this are the many different PDEs and it is challenging to be expert in all plus the PDE counts at that time and you load the data at a later time – meaning a gap in time in which sales could have been done. While PDE software is available for live to data updates, we have seen this be problematic and so we do not use it.

Given the advances in technology, our best practice recommendation is either a laptop of tablet computer as either offers a better solution than a PDE.

We suggest you setup a Laptop or tablet and use Team Viewer or the like to connect in and count this way. This approach means you do not need to purchase an additional software licence for the laptop. Team Viewer is easy to setup.

For the physical stocktake, we suggest you approach the business aisle by aisle, counting and rearranging stock as you go.

Once you have completed your first full stocktake, our advice is you engage in a rolling stocktake, doing parts of the business, through the year. The Tax Office does not require businesses with full sock control implemented to do a stocktake at the end of the financial year. They will accept data from your system if you manage stock through the year.

Free POS software training helps small business retailers


The free POS software training workshops we run weekly for small business retailers is a genuine point of difference for Tower Systems.

This training helps people get more from their software. It boosts their confidence. It also provides an excellent small business networking opportunity as there is plenty of time at the end of a session for participants to talk with each other.

The training workshops are free. Tower Systems funds the phone call for audio participation and visual access is via the Net.

From the day years ago when Tower Systems announced its commitment to this free training opportunity the company has maintained the free training service, delivering consistently on its promise, proving our motto: we’re here to help.

Sunday retail management advice: use your POS software well


This advice seems simple, obvious – yet it is advice that must good POS software companies repeat daily. Here at Tower Systems we take this seriously we offer advice on how to use the software well, how to run a better business with the support of the software

Going beyond what is traditional in POS software support, Tower Systems helps its customers get more. Here are some of the ways retailers can use their POS software well:

  1. To track everything sold by item detail.
  2. To track all products returned.
  3. To manage gift vouchers.
  4. To run your Lay-By program.
  5. To create order for replenishment stock.
  6. To manage the employee roster.
  7. To track inventory theft.
  8. To track all sales.
  9. To stop employee theft.

This list is just a start on how to use your POS software well.  Too many retailers use their software as a glorified cash register and we don’t like that. There are plenty more ways retailers can use their POS software to run more efficient and valuable businesses.

New POS software update in final stages of development


It has been a busy time at Tower Systems as we design, code, test and re-test a suite of new facilities for our POS software, pushing our software into areas beyond what has been traditional for software in the specialist retail channels in which we serve.

We are excited for the developments and the business growth opportunities they will bring to our customers.

We are a couple of weeks away from our first customer previews – such as the rigorous process new development goes through prior to first glances we offer outside our development lab.

Several of the new facilities we have been developing are from insights we have gained inner work forecasting where some retail channels are headed. We are bringing new lift and opportunities to small business retailers to enable them to be even more excited about this futures.

We are love what we do an the customers we serve.

Small business retailers love the time saved with POS software cloud backup service


bupThe cloud backup service launched last year by Tower Systems is popular with retailers using our POS software. Backups are seamless, not taking any noticeable time thanks to the smart technology. The result is welcome double protection.

While Tower Systems has supported external and automated backup services for years, this new cloud-based service that offers excellent protection to users of our POS software.

Run on a subscription basis and backing up to the cloud real-time through the day, this is a comprehensive replacement of the old end of shift backup approach for small and independent retailers.

Xero cloud based accounting promotes the Tower Systems POS software


Screen Shot 2015-04-15 at 1.26.18 amCloud accounting software company Xero features Tower Systems and its retail management software on the Xero website. This privilege is for software companies which have met compliance requirements set by Xero. Tower Systems achieved this status last year. Since then, we have worked with Xero on communication with small business retailers about the benefits of our Xero integrated POS software solution.

We have plenty of retailers using our software and our automated link to Xero … saving them time and money in the management of their financial records.

We use the Xero live and automated link for our own retail businesses and can speak to the benefits ourselves.

Tower Systems to host New Loyalty events for small business retailers


POS software company Tower Systems has launched free training for small business retailers on The New Loyalty, a fresh approach to encouraging retailers to use loyalty facilities to compete with big business.

The New Loyalty offers small business retailers a framework through which to compete with big business in the shopper loyalty stakes.

The free workshops offer insights deep into shopper engagement with the loyalty facilities in several businesses. We take participants on a deep data behind the scenes view of business benefits through to shopper behaviour. This is a first ever insight at this level. It is something any retailer in a competitive situation will want to see.


Good small business retail success story thanks to POS software


While plenty in retail talk about our tough things are, here at Tower Systems we are hearing many stories of success from retailers doing well, retailers growing gross profit in the face of a traffic decline and other retailers growing traffic by using the facilities in the POS software.

One retailer told us last week that while traffic was flat with less than 1% growth, their profitability was up 8% thanks to using inventory management tools in our software to guide buying as well as shop floor product placement.

Our software is rich in facilities that help small and independent retailers make better quality business decisions, decisions that pursue profitability for the business and enjoyment for the business owner.

Each success story we hear adds to our arsenal of stories we can share with others, to encourage them and spread the news of optimism in small business retail.

The POS Software Blog




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