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The POS Software Blog

News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.

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POS software for local Australian retailers who prefer Australian made and pitch shop local


If your retail business is locally owned, pitched shop local and likes to stock Australian made products, we are writing this for you.

You know the importance of supporting local. Here are Tower Systems we are grateful and  proud to offer Aussie-made and supported POS (point-of-sale) software designed specifically for local retailers.

Tower Systems goes beyond just helping you process sales. Our POS software, called Retailer (we’ve been in the game for over 40 years!), is built with specialty retailers in mind. Whether you’re running a jewellery store, a bike shop, a garden centre, or something else entirely, Tower Systems has features that cater to your unique industry.

The software we offer today is designed for retail today, it’s very different to where we started, as is your shop most likely.

Imagine managing repairs in your jewellery business, selling produce by weight, or creating custom bundles of products – our Tower Systems POS can handle it all.

Tower Systems is all about helping local businesses thrive. We understand the challenges that independent retailers face, and our software is designed to streamline operations and boost efficiency.

Here are just a few ways our Tower Systems POS might be able to help your business:

  • Save time and money: Streamline your processes and reduce errors with user-friendly software.
  • Improve customer service: Faster checkouts and better inventory management lead to happier customers.
  • Gain valuable insights: Get reports and data to help you make better business decisions. Better still – ditch reports and rely on business insights presented to you.
  • Integrate with other tools: Connect your POS system with existing accounting software or online stores for a seamless workflow.

One of the biggest benefits of choosing Tower Systems is our local human-based support. With a team based here in Australia, you can get the help you need quickly and easily. We also understand the specific needs of Aussie retailers, so you can be sure you’re getting software that’s built for our market.

With us, support starts with a conversation. There are no rigid scripts. Talk to us. Tell us what’s on your mind.

If you’re looking for POS software that’s made for Australian retailers by Australians, then Tower Systems is the perfect choice. Visit their website to learn more about their products and book a free demo today!

What makes the Tower Systems software for newsagents stand out?


Beyond the 1,843 newsagents who now use the Tower Systems software for newsagents and the customer service that supports this community, there is functionality for newsagents deep within the software, including:

Quote and invoice management: comprehensive tools●︎
Catalogue: create and manage pricing based on time/date range●︎
Refund management: maintaining data integrity●︎
Marketplace integration: (free)●︎
Insights dashboard: pushing actionable business insights●︎
Theft tracking: early detection of employee theft●︎
Stock reorder by min / max requirements●︎
Stock Management: easily make changes in bulk●︎
Easily manage LayBy (Lay Away) purchases, payments and more●︎
Produce gift receipts (price not shown)●︎
Gift Vouchers: manage sale and redemption easily●︎
PreOrders & Special Orders: sell products before you have the stock●︎
Automatic sales based replenishment with supplier connectivity●︎
Easy purchase order generation (supplier ready)●︎
Include images on receipts for easy promotion / marketing●︎
Manage product box / package location●︎
Attach product data/info sheets●︎
Age check for products you select●︎
Easily bundle & Manufacture products for package sale●︎
Manage magazine inventory where an item has multiple issues●︎
Manage products with different prices on different days (papers)●︎
Manage the regular home delivery of products daily / weekly●︎
Manage sale & return of products to other retailers●︎
Recall customers based on purchases●︎
Special customer orders●︎
Manage product returns●︎
Easily train casual staff●︎
Kiosk/Self-Serve mode●︎
Aird group EDI integration●︎
Club / group member pricing for products●︎
Product classifications for easy online product management●︎
Product tags for easy horizontal product management●︎
Comprehensive customer accounts management●︎
Reorder based on past sales●︎
Average cost price maintenance●︎
Record customer details for certain products●︎
Batch payments: easily import a payments file●︎
Track stock by author for bookshops●︎
Surcharge management: EFTPOS fees to customer●︎
Customer display content management●︎
Multiple customer delivery address support●︎
Click and collect management●︎
Pick slips for efficient product picking●︎
Proforma invoicing●︎
Account credit limits●︎
Easy supplier stock file importing●︎
Reporting to Excel●︎
Managing tax free items (set by item)●︎
Manage tax free / duty free sales (entire transactions)●︎
Multibuy price breaks (pet food, coffee etc)●︎
Multiple suppliers supported per stock item●︎
Static quantity Items (no stock control tracking)●︎
Product weight per item (flows to e-commerce)●︎
True landed cost price for stock tracking●︎
Insurance claim related sales management●︎
Google maps address autocomplete●︎
Microsoft365 and Gsuite email Integration●︎
Customer loyalty cards for easy engagement●︎
Staff rostering●︎
Staff permissions manage function access●︎
Manage stock at multiple locations, transfer stock easily●︎
Manage newspaper home delivery●︎
Manage sales to sub-agents (wholesale)●︎
Manage magazine putaways●︎
Integration: XchangeIT●︎
Integration: TheLott●︎
Integration: Pacstream●︎
Integration: Titlepage●︎
Integration: ePay●︎
Integration: Centrepay●︎
Integration: POSTEC forecort controller. Sell Fuel●︎
Integration: Cashless Debit Card, Product Level Blocking●︎

This software for newsagents is more than average, it’s industry standard, and we have our customers to thank for this.

Tower Systems releases major POS software update for specialty retailers


Two weeks ago we released the most substantial software update in several years, and that is saying something because there have been some significant updates in recent years.

This update is more substantial as it takes the software deeper into a couple of areas of specialty retail business management that are new for us.

As we have grown, we have found opportunities to serve more deeply. So, we asked our customers early last year about these areas and plenty responded with suggestions.

Thus began a project of significant collaboration as we developed new software, new functionality for our POS software. We showed progress along the way, seeking feedback. Then, we finally moved to alpha release, then pre-beta followed by weeks of beta and, then, commercial release around two weeks ago.

We are grateful to the customers who worked closely with us through this, providing feedback, encouraging us, being test sites. It means so much to have customers working with you in partnership like this.

In announcing the commercial release of the software, we shared comprehensive details on how yo use the new facilities as well as a brief overview. Here’s a sample of some of the comms on the POS software update:

  • New Facility: We are excited to introduce a new capability within our Quote & Invoice Management system that allows users to reserve items from their inventory. This ensures that your stock levels are accurately reflected, preventing overselling.
  • Proforma Invoice Status: A new interim status, “Proforma Invoice,” has been added to our Quotes & Invoice management. This status acts as an accepted quote that has not yet been processed as an invoice but has already reduced the available stock quantity by moving it to a new “Reserved Quantity.” This significant update allows you to issue proforma invoices to customers without making the reserved stock visible on your website or in-store.
  • We have enhanced the Quote & Invoice Management system to support the acceptance of deposits and progression payments for Proforma Invoices. This feature facilitates flexible payment options for your customers and streamlined financial management for your business.
  • New Feature: The ability to order parts directly from the Repairs Module has been introduced. This feature links part orders to the corresponding repair case, ensuring that parts are accurately tracked from order to delivery, and reducing the risk of misplacement.
  • New Substatus – Awaiting Parts: For better management and visibility, a new substatus, “Awaiting Parts,” has been added to the Repairs Module. This helps workshop technicians easily identify which repairs are pending part arrivals.

Our update notes are considerable, enabling our customers to access details appropriate to their type of business.

POS software for sporting goods retailers: Aussie made and supported


Our Australian made and supported sporting goods retail POS software helps local and indie sporting goods retailers to run more efficient and successful businesses. We are grateful to sporting goods retailers for their guidance on ensuring this software is of service.

This POS software offers a bag full of facilities sporting goods retailers can use to focus on the specialist nature of their retail businesses. Facilities such as:

  1. Track inventory by colour, size and style – variants. That is, track by colour, size and style. This works for clothing as well as sporting equipment.
  2. Tag products by sporting code. This helps you to understand what matters to your local shoppers.
  3. Leverage you with local knowledge shared automatically on receipts – demonstrating your point of difference.
  4. Embrace next gen LayBy through buy now pay later like ZipPay and Humm – get purchases today that shoppers may otherwise think are too expensive..
  5. Know what you sell by brand / supplier.
  6. Supporting sporting clubs and their members with deals, offers and support – to drive them members to shop with you.
  7. Easily load electronic invoices from suppliers. Save time.l Cut mistakes.
  8. Manage your workshop if you do repairs or maintenance work – including text messages to customers.
  9. Drive customer stickiness with marketing based on past purchases.
  10. Offer club and group pricing to win more business.
  11. Sell online easily, direct from your POS software.
  12. Enjoy pricing consistency for catalogues, multi-buy and bundles.
  13. Save money on bookkeeping by integrating with accounting software.
  14. Make more money from the one time only shoppers.

Respecting the capital needs of retail businesses, our sporting goods POS software can be rented for $185.00 a month. For this you get…

  1. Australian developed and supported sporting goods POS software.
  2. Software updates as we release them.
  3. Unlimited licences for your retail location. If you need an extra computer, there is no extra software cost.
  4. Shopify / Magento / Woo link. Easily sell online from your POS software.
  5. Xero link. Easing bookkeeping costs and streamlining accounting.
  6. Our OzBiz link – connect to MYOB and Quicken through OzBiz.
  7. Tyro link – safe, fast and easy EFTPOS link for streamlined sales.
  8. PC Eftpos link – easy EFTPOS processing for the major banks.
  9. Easy buy now pay later thanks to Zip Pay and Humm – that Boomers, Gen Y, Gen X and others are using more and more.
  10. Support – help desk access, unlimited training, updates and more.
  11. User documentation. Access to our searchable knowledge base.

Rent this software for a few dollars a day.

This is awesome POS software for sporting goods retailers. We’d love to help you enjoy your business more.

Tower Systems offers  Industry-Specific Features: functionalities tailored to a range retail sectors, including produce stores, firearms dealers, and specialty retailers. Seamless Integrations: Tower Systems integrates with popular accounting software (Xero) and e-commerce platforms (Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce) for streamlined data flow and efficient business management.  Offline Functionality: Our Retailer Roam™ tool allows you to make sales even without an internet connection, perfect for situations like market stalls or mobile sales. User-Friendly Interface: The software is designed to be easy to learn and use, minimising training time for your staff. Local Support: Tower Systems prides itself on offering personal and local human-delivered support. Their team is readily available to answer your questions and assist you with any issues.

Thank you for considering Tower Systems.

Aussie made game shop software helps local game shops thrive


The game store POS software from Tower Systems helps local game shops thrive by nurturing:

  • Connections with local clubs and local game players.
  • Helping to identify faster moving games.
  • Leveraging game knowledge is service of customers.
  • Better and more valuable business decisions.
  • Reducing dead stock.
  • Accurately and easily managing sales.
  • Bringing shoppers back sooner.
  • Guiding more items each purchased each visit.

Game shops are unique businesses, not your everyday retail. This game shop software helps game shops leverage their specialisation in service of game players, local game clubs and the makers of games, while at the same time running an efficient and successful local business.

This POS software made for game shops has facilities that go deep into the unique needs of game shops.

Here are some of the ways our game store POS software helps local game shops leverage their uniqueness:

  1. Rare visit loyalty.  We are told that customers visit a game shop infrequently. Our software offers subtle loyalty tools that encourage more value from each visit.
  2. Pre-orders. Easily manage selling products before you have them in-stock. Collectors love these facilities. It works really well for items that are hard to find.
  3. Buy Now Pay Later and LayBy. Through our software you can have both.
  4. Club / collector marketing and support. Leverage clubs and collectors with offers and pricing. Nurture the love of gaming and connecting to this community, and growing the size of the community. These facilities can also help the game shop raise funds for game clubs.
  5. Special orders. With some items ordered in for a customer request, managing these types of orders helps the business to manage opportunities and to capture revenue in advance.
  6. Consignment selling. For customers who ask you to sell their items, you can track this inventory and any sales.
  7. Sell online. It’s easy with our Shopify integration.

Our Australian made and supported game store POS software does much more than this.

We are grateful to the game shops already using our software for their advice and feedback is key to helping us to continue to evolve this game store POS software.

Of course, the game shop POS software from Tower Systems offers much more than this.

Customisable thanks to many user-selectable options, this software helps game shops differentiate from big box retailers. It helps retailers highlight their difference, leverage their specialty knowledge and compete in unique and proven valuable ways.

This POS software is not average POS software that you’d see widely used. It really has been made for local specialty retail, like game shops, to help them leverage being specialty.

Tower Systems offers personal customer support. Our Australian-based help desk is available by phone and email during business hours, with 24/7 support for urgent issues. We also provide up-to-date videos for training as well as access to an awesome knowledge base.

If you’re a game shop owner looking to streamline operations, build a stronger community, and focus on what matters most – creating an awesome gaming experience for your customers – then Tower Systems POS software is worth considering. Check us out here:

If you run a gift shop and stuggle to keep track of product boxes, this software could be your life saver


The customer comes to the counter with their purchase and you know there is a box for it but have forgotten where. You go to the back room and wonder which of all the boxes is the right one for this beautiful gift.

Finding the box that belongs to each product in a gift shop is so hard for some that they trow the boxes ut and tell customers the gift does not come with a box.

The Tower Systems POS software helps your record the product box location, thereby making it easy for you to find the box and give the customer that extra customer service experience they will for sure appreciate.

This facility of recording the location of a box for a product is just one of many facilities in the Tower Systems POS software for gift shops that helps local gift shops provide efficient, professional and local service to local shoppers – showing that local retail can cut it with the best of them.

There are many benefits to using Tower Systems POS software in your gift shop. Here are just a few:

  • Save time: Tower Systems POS software can help you save time on a variety of tasks, such as sales processing, stock management, and reporting.
  • Reduce theft: Our software includes features that can help you reduce theft, such as employee logins and password protection.
  • Increase sales: Tower Systems POS software can help you increase sales by making it easier to track stock, run promotions, offer gift cards and target market to customers.

Best of all, this POS software for gift shops helps you make business decisions based on evidence.

In today’s retail climate, an online presence is crucial for any gift shop, even if your heart lies in serving the local community. Tower Systems’ POS software goes beyond the in-store experience, integrating seamlessly with popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify, Big Commerce, Woo Commerce and Magento. This seamless data flow to and from e-commerce helps local gift retailers get and stay online with success.

The Tower Systems gift shop POS  software helps you:

  • Wave goodbye to the time consuming box search: Find the right box for the purchase thanks to software that records this location for you per product.
  • Sell smarter, not harder: The software helps you identify what’s popular and what’s collecting dust. This means you can make sure you’re always stocked up on best-sellers and avoid over-ordering those slow movers.
  • Keep your customers coming back: Gift-giving is all about creating a special experience. Tower Systems’ software allows you to track customer preferences and purchase history. Use this intel to offer personalised recommendations and loyalty programs that’ll keep your customers coming back for more.

If you’re looking for a POS software solution that can help you run your gift shop more efficiently and profitably, then Tower Systems is a great option to consider. Their cloud-based system is easy to use and manage, and it offers a wide range of features that can benefit your business.

Be sure you know what you want out of software for your gift shop. Coe to us with a list. If we don’t do any of the things you want, we will tell you. We know we are not right for everyone.

POS software from Tower Systems helps retailers manage duty free sales and tax free sales


For years, Tower Systems, through its POS software, has helped retailers who do duty free sales and tax free sales to easily manage them at the sales counter with good record keeping, streamlined workflow and sound business management practices guided for the employees of the retail business. Let’s break that down:

  • Streamlined Workflow: This POS software from Tower Systems automates tasks and calculations associated with duty free and tax free transactions, reducing the time it takes to complete a sale. This minimises wait times for customers and frees up employee time to focus on other tasks or provide better customer service.

  • Easy Record Keeping: Tower Systems’ POS software ensures accurate and efficient record keeping for all duty free and tax free sales. This can include capturing customer information, flight details, and itemised receipts that meet customs regulations. Having this information readily available simplifies reporting and audits.

  • Sound Business Practices: The POS software from Tower Systems guides employees through the duty free and tax free sales process, ensuring they follow all the relevant regulations and procedures. This can help to minimise errors and ensure that the retailer remains compliant with all the requirements.

  • Improved Customer Service: By streamlining the sales counter processes for duty free and tax free sales, employees can focus on providing excellent customer service. This can mean spending more time with customers to answer questions, recommend products, and create a positive shopping experience.

Tower Systems has offered POS software for managing duty free and tax free sales for many years. Retailers are able to identify products that have the tax free status if they have products that do and do not have tax applied to them.

The best way to see if this POS software may suit your needs in magazine duty free and / or tax free sales is to see the software for yourself. This can be done via a personal and one-on-one demonstration where you outline what your business needs and the software functions in those areas can be shown. If the software is not right for the needs you have outlined, we will say so. It’s not in our interests to promote our software where we know it will not suit your needs.

If you do duty free sales and / or tax free sales, take a look at the POS software Tower Systems offers.

Do you need POS software that tracks multiple suppliers per item?


The Tower Systems POS software can handle multiple suppliers per stock item. This offers retailers flexibility and transparency. There are several real channels where this has been used: jewellers, bike shops, pet shops, garden centres, toy shops and newsagents.

By supporting multiple suppliers for each stock item, the POS software from Tower Systems offers a function of differentiation that plenty of retailers like, and use.

With traditional POS systems, you might be stuck scrambling to find a new source for an item that is out of stock, potentially delaying sales and frustrating customers. With the POS software from Tower Systems this data can be at your fingertips. You can link one stock item to multiple suppliers. This creates a win-win for you and your business.

  • Flexibility: If your primary supplier is out of stock, the system shows alternatives, allowing you to fulfill customer requests promptly. No more scrambling to find a new source or informing customers of delays.
  • Transparency: You can compare pricing and terms from different vendors within the same system. This empowers you to negotiate better deals and optimize your profit margins.
  • Data: You can track data by supplier per item.

By providing this level of flexibility and control, Tower Systems POS software empowers retailers to be more responsive and competitive. It’s a feature that many retailers appreciate and use to stay ahead of the curve.

This is another facility of specialisation in the specialty retail POS software from Tower Systems, somewhat makes our POS software more than ordinary, more than average.

If you have a moment, here’s our pitch:

  • Australian Made and Focused: We are an Australian company with a deep understanding of local retail. We serve retailers in Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, The Cook Islands and Fiji.
  • Human Touch Support: We offer personal customer service. Our dedicated training and support staff are readily available to answer your questions and ensure you get the most out of their software.
  • Focus on User Experience: Our POS software is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, allowing you to take advantage of the multi-supplier function quickly and easily.

If you think our software may suit your needs, organise a personal demonstration. There is no obligation. We’d love to hear about your needs, answer your questions and show you what our Tower Systems POS software can do.

POS software from Tower Systems tracks product weight for easy online sales management


Knowing what a product weighs is key to accurate calculation of freight costs for online businesses. It’s not been so important for brick and mortar businesses. But online, product weight is key. It can also inform the choice of the method of shipping an online order as some freight businesses may offer better services based on product weight parameters.

The Tower Systems POS software allows retailers to record product weight by product and it shares this information with the retail business website thanks to its integrations with Shopify, Big Commerce, Woo Commerce and Magento.

The recording of weight by product has been covered in the POS software from Tower Systems for years.

Unlike brick-and-mortar stores where customers handle products themselves, online businesses rely on freight services to deliver their goods. This is where product weight becomes a crucial factor, something that can have considerable financial benefits for a retail business.

Tracking weight in the POS software has a range of benefits for a retail business including:

  • Accurate Shipping Costs: Imagine a customer adding a seemingly lightweight product to their cart, only to be surprised by a hefty shipping fee at checkout. This can lead to cart abandonment and lost sales. By knowing the exact weight of your products, you can calculate accurate shipping costs upfront, setting clear expectations for your customers and avoiding unpleasant surprises.

  • Competitive Shipping Options: Some freight companies offer tiered pricing based on weight. Knowing your product weights allows you to explore different shipping options and choose the most cost-effective service for each item.

  • Informed Shipping Decisions: Weight isn’t just about cost; it can also influence the shipping method you choose. For delicate or heavy items, you might prioritize slower but more secure shipping options. Lighter items might be suitable for faster, budget-friendly methods.

Tower Systems offers weight-aware POS software for retailers selling online and where freight is a factor on managing cost-effective online sales. Our point-of-sale software allows retailers to record the weight of each product directly within the system.

Tower Systems POS doesn’t operate in a silo. Thanks to its built-in integrations with popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, and Magento, the product weight information you enter in the POS automatically syncs with your online store. This eliminates the need for manual data entry I the online side of the business, saving you valuable time and minimizing errors. Your customers will always see accurate shipping costs displayed at checkout, fostering a smooth and transparent buying experience.

By leveraging Tower Systems POS, online businesses can gain a significant edge in today’s competitive landscape. Accurate weight data translates to accurate shipping costs, informed shipping decisions, and ultimately, happier customers.

Sound retail staff permission access key to POS software security in retail businesses


The Tower Systems POS software offers good permission management when it comes to determining who has access to what parts of the software being used in the retail business.

Now, here’s why staff permissions in POS software are important. Imagine a scenario where any staff member could modify product prices, delete sales records, or even access financial information. We have seen these things attempted. Here’s how proper permission control safeguards your business:

  • Reduces Fraud Risk: Limits employee ability to manipulate transactions or steal funds.
  • Protects Sensitive Data: Restricts access to customer information and financial data.
  • Ensures Data Integrity: Prevents unauthorized changes to inventory levels and sales records.
  • Improves Operational Efficiency: Staff focus on assigned tasks, streamlining workflows.

With many retail businesses run today without the owner being in the shop the whole time, it is vital that POS software provides the right level of security options for the shop. Here are some key considerations for creating a strong staff permission structure for your POS system:

  • Role-Based Access Control: Assign permissions based on job roles (sales counter, manager, supervisor). For example, those at the sales counter might only process sales, while managers can access reports and modify settings.
  • Least Privilege Principle: Grant the minimum level of access needed for each role to perform their duties effectively, knowing you can change it if needed.
  • Regular Reviews: Periodically assess staff permissions and adjust them as roles or responsibilities change.
  • Change passwords / codes. The more often you do this, the better.

While robust staff permissions are essential for security, they offer clear roles with defined permissions make it easier to track actions within the POS system, they can reduce mistakes and they can offer the business a compliance an insurance company may find comfort in.

By implementing a well-defined staff permission structure, you can empower your team while safeguarding your valuable data. Remember, a secure POS system is not just about technology; it’s about creating a culture of accountability and data protection within your retail business.

Tower Systems offers good security managing in its POS software thanks to allowing you to manage in-store staff security access to the software. You are in control.

Taking Home the Gold: Trophy Shop POS Software for Aussie Businesses


For local Aussie trophy shops, keeping on top of stock, engraving requests, and all the different orders than come in can feel like a marathon, not a sprint. That’s where good trophy shop POS (point-of-sale) software comes in, streamlining your business and letting you focus on what you do best: creating champions.

Tower Systems makes POS software that suits the needs of trophy shops.

Here’s how our Aussie made POS software can serve trophy shops:

  • Team pricing. Easily manage pricing for a team to drive business and financially support the team.
  • Offer pre-sets. Package trophies by team type for easy ordering: footy team package, basketball team package etc.
  • Stock Management: Juggling bases, figurines, and mountains of plaques can be a nightmare. POS software tracks your stock levels, so you know exactly what you have and can order supplies before you run dry. No more scrambling to find that last golden cricket ball!
  • Making up an order. Often, an order is made up on several components and time. Our POS software can manage each that makes up a product you sell.
  • Customisation: Engraving and personalisation are bread and butter for trophy shops. POS software lets you manage these requests efficiently. Input engraving details directly into the system, track progress, and ensure every inscription is spot-on.
  • Order Management: From presentations to corporate awards nights, trophy shops deal with all sorts of orders. POS software keeps track of everything, from the initial quote to the final pick-up. No more misplaced orders or frustrated customers. Plus, you can identify for follow-up up on annual or seasonal customers.
  • Customer notification. The Tower Systems POS software can be used to advise customers by text message or email when and order is ready.
  • Reporting Scores Big: This software provides valuable sales reports. You can track sales by category, to understand more about business performance. This data can help you optimise your stock and make data-driven decisions for future purchases.
  • Selling online. Connect with Shopify, Big Commerce, Woo Commerce or magento for a POS software connected e-commerce solution for your trophy shop.

Serving many retailers in this space of making items for customers, it was a natural step for Tower Systems to put its hand up in service of trophy shops. Our software has a facility called manufactured goods where several components can be used to make an item. Also, we found that our repairs management tools work well in serving of managing the work involved in customising a trophy.

Trophy shop POS software might seem like an extra expense, but it’s an investment in the future of your business. By streamlining operations, improving customer service, and giving you valuable data, POS software can help you take your trophy shop from podium finish to gold medal performance.

Tower Systems is a local POS software company serving local retailers. Our support is local too, offering human based conversations with retailers.

The best way to find out if our POS software for trophy shops is suitable for your business needs would be for you to contact us, outline your needs and then have a one-on-one demonstration to see if our software does what you need. We will always tell you if our software does not do something you tell us you need.

It all stars here. Call 1300 662 957 or email

Sales of products for insurance claims easy with POS software from Tower Systems


The POS software from Tower Systems manages and simplifies handling insurance claims for retailers in various industries, including jewellery, bicycles, gardening supplies, and homewares. These insurance claim relates sales management facilities were developed with retailers with years of experience fulfilling insurance claim related sales.

Here is some of what the Tower Systems POS software offers in managing insurance clim related product sales:

  • Dedicated Insurance Features: Tower Systems POS offers built-in functionalities specifically designed to manage insurance sales. This eliminates the need for manual processes or external integrations, saving time and reducing errors.
  • Streamlined Claims Processing: The software facilitates a smooth workflow for processing insurance replacements and manages appropriate record keeping. Retailers can efficiently handle customer claims, receive payments directly from insurers, and ensure accurate record-keeping.
  • Improved Customer Satisfaction: By efficiently processing claims, retailers can provide a faster and more positive experience for customers dealing with insurance replacements.

With years of experience in this space, Tower Systems and its POS software can help retailers win more insurance clim business.

Insurance companies benefit too from this work. Tower Systems empowers insurance companies to leverage a broader network of small and independent retailers for claim fulfillment. This expands options for customers and potentially reduces claim processing times. We ensure retailers have the necessary tools and training to handle insurance claims accurately and efficiently. This reduces the risk of errors and streamlines the overall claims process for insurance companies.

We are committed to enhancing the insurance claim facilities in our POS software as needs evolve in retail businesses and from the insurance companies with which they partner.

If your retail business handles sales related to insurance claims, our POS software is worth considering. We’d be happy to arrange an obligation free demonstration so you can assess the software for yourself. Be sure to have a list of must-have requirements so that we can show how the software may handle these. If the software does not handle any, we will tell you.

Our POS software has been made for a range of specialty retail settings. The insurance claim product sales management facilities in the POS software are available in any marketplace.

Tower Systems’ commitment to ongoing improvement through customer feedback ensures the insurance claims functionalities stay current. This benefits both retailers, who can adapt to evolving insurance processes, and insurance companies, who receive a future-proof solution.

We are grateful to our local independent retail business customers for their support.

Plenty of local small business retailers report strong sales in Jan-Mar 2024 quarter


While news outlets report bad news in terms of retail business insolvencies at the start or 2024, here at Tower Systems we are grateful to share the news that plenty of retailers in local small business specialty retail channels have reported an excellent start to 2024.

We have seen 2024 versus 2023 sales comparison data for many businesses reporting double-digit sales growth. For many, this is on the back of strong growth in 2023 over 2024.

There is a common thread among the businesses reporting terrific growth and that is good use of business data informing good business decisions.

This good news for local small business retailers is not something news outlets will report. They remain fixated on big businesses, names people recognise. In towns and cities, on the high street, it is local retail that matters more, shops owned and run by locals, shops that make a difference in the local community.

One retail business reported growth of 22%. They achieved this by entering a whole new category for their business, one they discovered after analysis of business performance reports from our POS software being used in the business.

Smart POS software plays a role in helping local retail businesses to do well.

We work with retailers who want to engage, assessing their business data, sharing insights we see in their business evidence. We don’t tell retailers what to do. rather, our approach is top share what we see and leave the rest up to them. The insights offered by our POS software are comprehensive and specific to each business.

So while news outlets preference negative news, there is this good news out there for local small business retailers that have had an excellent start to 2024, with double-digit sales growth. Newsagents, jewellers, pet shops, gift shops, homewares shops, garden centres, produce businesses, fishing shops and plenty more are trading against the trend you read about in mainstream media.

The news is good for plenty of local retailers and here at Tower Systems we are grateful to play a small role in good news for 3,500+ local small business retailers.

Let’s shine a light on a few inspiring examples.

One local retailer saw a 15% increase by analysing their Tower Systems POS software data to identify understocked products. By reducing out-of-stocks they had been missing they increased sales.

Another local retail shop leveraged POS software data insights to expand an already strong category into new niche areas. This proved a hit with several thousand dollars in new shopper traffic revenue.

Another local retail shop leverages their POS software data to quit dead stock and use the freed capital and space to expand two product categories that POS software data revealed as having greater demand opportunities than the business was satisfying.

Plenty of local retail businesses are thriving! By embracing data and prioritising their communities, these small shops are not only surviving but flourishing.

So next time you need that perfect gift, a delicious treat, or something to spruce up your home, skip the big box stores and seek out your local gems. You’ll be surprised by the selection, the service, and the positive impact you’ll have on your community. Shop local, celebrate local, and be part of the local success story!

Tower Systems proudly supports independent local retail businesses with POS software that is made and supported locally.

Awesome repairs management software for jewellers, bike shops, music shops, sewing shops and more


The repairs software that comes with the Tower Systems POS software has been made in association with retailers who do repairs in a range of specialty niche retail businesses.

Businesses that do repairs typically want to track the labour and parts used in repairs. They also want to track the repairs themselves, whether done in-house or outside the business.

Through the repairs facilities in the Tower Systems POS software we are able to serve a diversity of needs, all from local specialty retailers like jewellers, bike shops, sewing shops, garden centres and farm supply businesses. Yes, the repairs sides of these businesses share common needs.

There is no additional cost for the repairs facilities in the Tower Systems POS software.

The Tower Systems repairs software empowers you to:

  • Track Repairs Easily: Manage every step of the repair process, from job intake to customer pickup.
  • Boost Efficiency: Automate tasks and free up your team to focus on what matters most – excellent customer service.
  • Inventory Management Made Simple: Keep close track of parts and materials used in repairs, ensuring you never run low on what you need.
  • Accurate Billing: Generate clear and accurate invoices that reflect all work performed.
  • Happy Customers: Keep your customers informed with repair updates and estimated completion times.

This is robust and proven software first developed for jewellers and bike shops and now being used on so many different specialty retail settings.

ome of the functions our specialist retail software’s repair features are being used for include:

  • In Jewellers: Jewellery and watch workshop repairs, dated manufacturing.
  • In Bike Shops: Bicycle and tricycle repairs, warranty returns.
  • In Garden Centres: Landscaping services management.
  • In Firearms Stores: Gunsmithy and equipment repairs, warranty returns.
  • In Pet Shops: Aquarium installations.

The repairs management software tracks the labour and resources used from a billing and inventory management perspective. It also handles allocation of repairs or parts of a repair to venues outside the business (for contracting and supplier exchanges or repairs for warranty issues, for example) and tracks repair staff and couriers used in shipping repairs. Once the repair is ready for pick-up by the customer, the software finalises the billing and advises the customer by SMS or another preferred method. Payments are processed with the usual depth of our retail software’s point of sale functionality – customers can make multiple payments against a repair or a specialist manufacturing, pay through cash, EFTPOS, PayPal or other methods.

The Tower Systems repairs management software streamlines the repairs process, facilitates good communication and helps bring management certainty to the overall repairs process in your business. It helps local independent businesses provide the kind of professional, personal and efficient repairs services that major corporate stores and online-only offerings can only dream of.

We are grateful to our customers for helping us enhance the repairs software, to meet evolving needs in this space.

Why garden centre software is better for garden centres than regular POS software


While regular POS software will transact sales, manage loyalty, track inventory and report on business performance, specialty garden centre software like what we offer at Tower Systems offers facilities designed to help deep within a garden centre business to save time, manage for success and thrive.

Here are some of the unique facilities in the garden centre software from Tower Systems that garden centre owners tell us they love:

  • Tracking re-potting of products to maximise retail price.
  • Serving plant care information on sales receipts.
  • Attaching product care and use documents to sales.
  • Recalling customers based on purchases.
  • Serving local plant care advice on receipts.
  • Selling by weight thanks to scale integration.
  • Selling to fractions.
  • Selling by length.
  • Selling from our in the business – far from the sales counter.
  • Selling from a truck.
  • Buying products in bulk, mixing them to your recipe into smaller packs for easy sale of products unique to your business.
  • Easy selling at a local market.
  • Weatherproof product labels.
  • Integration with Evergreen Connect.
  • Managing local delivery from multiple vehicles / trucks.
  • Integration with Allotrac.

This software isn’t just another generic POS system. Tower Systems understands the unique needs of Australian garden centres. We have developed features with your specific challenges in mind, all thanks to the input they get from centres just like yours.

Tower Systems’ software goes beyond the basics. Imagine:

  • Building stronger garden clubs. The software has tools to connect with local clubs and share gardening tips, fostering a vibrant community around your centre. It helps the clubs flourish and for your business to benefit from this.
  • Smart marketing for repeat customers. Reconnect with past buyers based on their purchases, reminding them of the things they love.
  • A breeze to use, a breeze to manage. The software is designed for easy use by staff at all levels, with features like Xero integration and optional cloud-based storage.

Running a garden centre is more than just sunshine and roses. You need the right tools to keep your shelves stocked, your customers happy, and your profits growing. That’s where Tower Systems’ garden centre software comes in!

This is software made for garden centres, and software that continues to evolve thanks to the wonderful input from our many garden centre software customers. We are grateful to count more than 150 garden centre businesses as customers.

Now in case you are not sure:

  • Selling bags of potting mix or delicate seedlings? No sweat! Tower Systems handles everything, allowing you to sell by weight or measure with complete ease.
  • Knowledge is power, especially for plant parents. The software lets you add localised plant care information to customer receipts, ensuring they have the knowledge to nurture their new treasures.
  • The Aussie sun shouldn’t dim your prices. Print high-resolution, weatherproof labels that stay clear and crisp no matter the weather. Rain or shine, your customers will always know exactly what they’re paying for.
  • As your plants grow, so should your profits. Easily track repotting cycles and adjust prices accordingly, ensuring you maximise your return on investment.
  • Turn impulse buys into bundled bonanzas! Create irresistible package deals that combine plants, pots, and fertiliser, encouraging customers to buy the whole garden oasis in one go.

We are proud to serve garden centre customers in Australia and New Zealand.

Bike shop software from Tower Systems helps local independent bike retailers thrive


There is software being used by bike shops and then there is bike shop software, that is, soft3are made specifically for bike shops, software enhanced in consultation with bike shops.

Tower Systems makes software for bike shops. We are grateful to serve 200 local independent bike shops with our software made for bike shops, and we are proud to share that this bike shop software continues to evolve.

It is packed with specialty functions bike shops rely on:

  • Repairs management.
  • Handling special orders.
  • Integrated with Bike Exchange.
  • Handling electronic invoices from suppliers.
  • Warranty tracking.
  • Service reminders.
  • Loyalty bike shops can leverage.
  • Serial number tracking.
  • Spare parts management.
  • Labour management.
  • Customer delivery management.

Unlike generic POS systems, Tower Systems understands the unique challenges of bike shops. This is a marketplace we have now served for more than 24 years. Our bike shop software offers features specifically designed for your industry, including:

  • Streamlined Repair Management: Track labor, parts, and details of repairs and maintenance work, keeping your workshop running efficiently.
  • Inventory Management: Say goodbye to surprise out of stock situations. Tower Systems helps you manage bike inventory, parts, and accessories, ensuring you always have what cyclists need.
  • Customer Loyalty Programs: Turn those one-time customers into lifelong cycling enthusiasts. The software allows you to build loyalty programs that keep people coming back for parts, service, and upgrades.
  • Integration with Online Platforms: Connect your Tower Systems software with popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify, Big Commerce, Woo Commerce and Magento, making it easy to manage your online and in-store inventory.

The bike shop software from Tower Systems goes beyond just managing your stock. Their software helps you build stronger relationships with your customers.

  • Targeted Marketing: Leverage cyclist clubs and targeted marketing tools to drive sales and promote special offers.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Gain valuable insights into customer behavior and buying habits, allowing you to tailor your offerings and promotions.
  • Improved Customer Service: Provide a better customer experience with faster checkout times and a centralised view of customer purchase history.

Best of all, Tower Systems does not levy a fee or cost per transaction. There is a flat low cost to rent the software. If you grow your business, the shftware does not cost more. There is no tax that grows with your success.

Tower Systems is an Australian company that understands the needs of local bike shops. We offer responsive locally-based customer support to ensure you get the most out of their software. Yep, call us and a human is there to help you. We have support people in Australia and New Zealand.

Pet shops need more than POS software, they need software made for get shops


There are many software companies saying they offer software to pet shops and only a few who offer software made for pet shops.

This matters as pet shops continue to consolidate thanks to moves by big retailers and a major mass retailer moving into this space. Here at Tower Systems we only serve local independent retailers in Australia and New Zealand. Local matters to us and it matters to those who live and shop locally. Wr help local pet shop owners embrace local profitably.

Because we only service independent businesses, you can be sure that you will matter to us as a customer.

Tower Systems makes software for pet shops. Our community of pet shop owners contribute ideas that are vital for the regular enhancement of the software. As needs in pet retail change, so does our pet shop software.

Here are pet shop specific facilities in our pet shop software:

  • Receiving bulk stock items and tracking mixing these to create bags of your own unique products.
  • Including pet care information on receipts tailored to your local area: helping you sell you.
  • Attaching product documents to receipts for better product use by customers.
  • Recording pet chip numbers.
  • Sell by weight.
  • Sell by fractions.
  • Handle customer subscriptions, for structured regular purchases.
  • Track and manage local delivery.
  • Compare supplier performance – this has proven to be of value in the pet food space.

The Tower Systems pet shop software goes beyond the checkout. It helps you:

  • Save time: Say goodbye to manual data entry with features like automatic invoice imports – we link to many pet shop suppliers.
  • Order smarter: Keep your shelves stocked with the right supplies without overspending, thanks to intelligent stock control. We help you see what you need and when.
  • Make better decisions: Gain valuable insights from sales data to understand what your customers are looking for.

Tower Systems helps you focus on what matters most – your furry customers and their humans. Here’s how:

  • Provide exceptional service: Offer personalised advice and recommendations with access to pet care information.
  • Stand out from the crowd: With features like loyalty programs and birthday reminders, you’ll create a lasting bond with your customers.
  • Compete with the big guys: Small businesses can thrive with the right tools. Tower Systems helps you level the playing field.

If you’re a passionate Aussie pet shop owner who wants to streamline your business and provide the best possible service to your customers, then Tower Systems is definitely worth a look. We offer affordable plans, excellent local support, and software designed with your success in mind.

Tower Systems Pet Shop Software is an investment in your business’s future. It can help you:

  • Increase sales: By offering a smoother customer experience and targeted promotions.
  • Reduce costs: Through better inventory management and minimised waste.
  • Improve efficiency: Freeing up your time and staff’s time to focus on what matters most.

Tower Systems isn’t just selling software; we are offering a solution for busy Aussie pet shop owners who want to focus on what they love – pets! With its user-friendly features, local support, and focus on helping you succeed, Tower Systems Pet Shop Software could be the missing piece you’ve been looking for.

Please let us know about your needs. If we think are not right for you, we will say so.

Gift shop software from Tower Systems helps gift shops thrive in a changing marketplace


Gift shops need gift shop software, not just any POS software. They need softer tuned to the needs of their type of business because they are different to other retailers. Everyday POS software, generalist POS software does not cut it.

Running a gift shop is a dream for many who own a gift shop – sourcing wonderful gifts and helping customers find the perfect present. But behind the charming facade lies the day-to-day operations that can make or break your business.

Good gift shop software will help you run an efficient business with fewer mistakes, a business attracting new shoppers and reaching shoppers who do not live nearby. Good gift shop software will help you made decisions based on evidence more so than on gut feel. It will also help you detect and cut theft and find opportunities that you may have otherwise ignored.

Today in 2024, gift shops are changing, they are selling a more diverse range of products. This is where smart specialty gift shop software can help you attract new shoppers. For example, we see gift shops moving into clothing. being able to manage inventory buy colour, size and style can help you make more money from fashion products. Others are moving into offering products sold by length. Not all POS software can track sales to fractions. And other gift shops are in the collectible space and not all POS software can track inventory by serial numbers, with each product having a unique number.

Tower Systems goes beyond the basic functions of a Point-of-Sale (POS) system. Here’s how it empowers your gift shop:

  • Streamlined Sales and Inventory Management: Say goodbye to manual processes and hello to efficient transactions. Track inventory levels, manage suppliers with ease, and avoid dead stock with accurate data at your fingertips. From the moment inventory arrives in the shop through to when it is sold, it is tracked, easily, consistently. Workflow is smooth and easily followed by casual staff.
  • Boost Customer Loyalty: Gift shops thrive on repeat business. Tower Systems’ loyalty program features encourage customers to return, increasing your sales potential. we offer the traditional points based approach and the even more powerful cash discount offer where you have control over several levers to guide shopper behaviour.
  • Special customer orders: serve unique needs of customers with this facility that lets you manage it from the moment a customer orders.
  • Repairs: yes, some gift shops manage repairs for customers. Our gift shop software helps you manage this.
  • Customer life events: our gift shop software helps you track customer family life events, offering reminders and helping you to target market to shoppers.
  • Market based on past purchases: this is easy with our specialty gift shop software, helloing you leverage shopper relationships over time.
  • Embrace Online Sales: The world of retail is no longer confined to brick-and-mortar stores. Easily integrate your Tower Systems software with platforms like Shopify, Big Commerce and Woo Commerce allowing you to tap into the online market and reach a wider audience.
  • Gain Valuable Insights: Make data-driven decisions for your business. Our gift shop software offers instant access to an insights dashboard that reveals important data on which you can act with certainty. The insights dashboard is better than old0-school reports, even though we offer these too: Tower Systems provides insightful reports that help you understand customer trends, identify top-selling items, and optimise your product mix.
  • Australian-Made with Aussie Support: Tower Systems is a local company that understands the needs of Australian gift shops. They offer exceptional customer support, training, and resources specifically tailored to your market.

Tower Systems is built on the philosophy of empowering local businesses. We don’t just offer software; we offer a partnership. Our team, with extensive retail experience, understands the intricacies of running a gift shop and is dedicated to your success.

We only supply local independent retailers. Every customer is important to us. At Tower Systems you would be welcomed as part of a small vibrant community of local retailers.

Cuddly Profits: How Tower Systems Can Help Your Bear Shop Thrive


Running a bear shop isn’t just about selling adorable stuffed animals. The bears in a bear ship are characters, family. You cherish them. Your shoppers cherish them. Often times, the bear chooses their family.

It is likely that every day you are dealing with passionate collectors who some browsing and learning about the beautiful handmade bears. We know it’s important that you have all the details about each bear at your fingertips.

Here’s where Tower Systems comes in – with software for bear shops.

Our bear shop software – it’s actually specialty software used in several retail businesses that has been found to suit bear shops – helps you run a a happy, successful and enjoyable shop for you and your bear collector customers.

Tower Systems understands that teddy bear collectors are a special breed. Our bear shop software offers features like:

  • Special order tracking: Allow customers to pre-order upcoming releases or rare finds.
  • LayBy management: Make big purchases more accessible with flexible LayBy options.
  • Collector profiles: Track customer preferences and buying habits for targeted marketing campaigns.
  • Bear birthdays and special occasions: Send personalised greetings to keep customers engaged.
  • Bear care. If you repair bears, our repairs management tools can help manage this for you.
  • Collector loyalty. We offer loyalty facilities bear collectors are likely to love.
  • Club love. Our club support tools make it easy for you to serve club members and encourage them back sooner while supporting the club at the same time.

Of course, Tower Systems offers all the functionalities you’d expect from a POS system in out bear shop software, including:

  • Inventory management: Keep track of stock levels and avoid overbuying.
  • Supplier comparison: Easily see how different suppliers perform.
  • Sales and reporting: Gain valuable insights into your business performance.
  • EFTPOS integration: Accept electronic payments seamlessly.
  • Website integration: Ensure your online store reflects real-time inventory.

Customer Loyalty

Tower Systems goes beyond basic transactions. Our bear shop software helps you foster customer relationships with:

  • Loyalty programs: Reward repeat customers and encourage them to spend more.
  • Product care information: Provide personalized care instructions on receipts, adding value to the purchase.
  • Professional receipts: Customise receipts to reflect your brand and showcase your expertise.

The teddy bear business in-store as well as online is competitive. Tower Systems helps you differentiate yourself with features like:

  • Serial number tracking: Essential for managing limited edition and collectible bears.
  • Package deals: Create special offers to boost sales.
  • Marketing based on specialty interests: Target your marketing to specific collector preferences.
  • Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce and Magento integration.

Ready to Make Your Shop Pawsome?

Tower Systems offers a user-friendly platform with Australian-based customer support. They understand the unique needs of bear shops and are constantly evolving their software to keep pace with the industry.

Our video training library means you can refresh learning at your own pace and easily train new team members.

If you’re looking to streamline your operations, target the right audience, and build a thriving bear shop, consider scheduling a free demo with Tower Systems today. You might just be surprised at how hugely their software can impact your business.

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