The POS Software Blog

The POS Software Blog

News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.

When a retailer calls for help with their POS software, they want to chat with someone, they want to chat with a human, and not be confronted by a wall of inhuman tech


Here at Tower Systems, we provide human based customer service for our POS software. That is, humans answer the phone, and they chat. There is no script. No agents. No set or questions to go through.

We are grateful to win business because of our human based customer service, that it is relevant, locally based, and staffed by people with lived experience working in small business retail.

Too many software companies only want customer to email them, or fill-in a form, or navigate their way through an AI driven phone system … anything to avoid having to talk to their customers.

There is no substitute for human interaction with retailers. We learn from this and that helps us provide better POS software, and better customer service.

Retail is a people business. I makes sense that a business like ours supporting retailers is, also, a people business.

By Mark
The POS Software Blog




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