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The POS Software Blog

News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.

How does Tower Systems POS software compare to Square POS?


Okay, we are Tower Systems. It’s important you know that when reading this article. But, that said, we have tried to be objective. We are not doing a deep dive comparing software function with software function. No, this comparison note today is high level – even at this level the differences are considerable.

The big pitch by Square POS is that it is free, and while technically this is true, it is a questionable claim given how they get paid – through a clip on EFTPOS. At the moment, from what we can tell, the clip is 1.l6% of transaction value.

An average gift shop putting $250,000 a year through card transactions will pay Square $9,176 over 2 years. Compare this to a Tower Systems customer paying us $159 a month to rent the software and also pay EFTPOS fees of, around, 0.75%, their cost of ownership is $7,566.

We think Tower Systems is cheaper than Square POS. If our calculations are wrong please let us know and we will correct.

The Tower Systems POS software comes with loyalty software includes. Square POS is currently quoting $49 a month for opo9yalty facilities with their software.

That makes Square POS more expensive than the free offer people tend to see.

Tower Systems offers 7 day a week support, 24 hours a day. Our understanding from the Square POS website is that their coverage is not as extensive.

Square POS is from overseas while the Tower Systems POS software is Australian made and supported.

The Tower Systems POS software supports for no extra cost Shopify integration, Xero integration, selling by fractions, scale integration and comprehensive management reporting.

These are all differences.

Then, there are the people. Any retailer considering the Tower systems POS software can speak with a human and discuss their needs. They are welcome to an obligation-free demonstration to see if the software is a good fit for them before investing any time.

Let’s, for a moment, consider software functionality in a more detailed way.

The Tower Systems POS software has been made for specialty retailers, small business retailers, indie retailers. It is loaded with specialty functionality.

Tower is not chasing high volume sales.

Square POS , on the other hand, is chasing volume, mass, they want numbers and because of this we thing their focus is more general, serving more common needs rather than specialty retail needs.

So to answer the question, How does Tower Systems POS software compare to Square POS?, we think we compare well. What we can’t match is the Square POS advertising budget. We rely on word of mouth, for which we are sincerely grateful. We have o thousands of awesome customers, which makes us happy.

By Mark
The POS Software Blog




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