The POS Software Blog

The POS Software Blog

News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.

Tower Systems offers retailers an alternative to the new costs for Lightspeed POS users following Lightspeed Payments changes


We have been told by Lightspeed POS customers they have received an email advising higher costs if they do not wish to use the Lightspeed Payment platform.

Tower Systems does not retailer its POS software customers to use specific payment processing, EFTPOS processing platforms. There are no charges with any platform chosen.

Here is what one Lightspeed POS customer in Australia said a few days ago:

We have just spoken with LS regarding their new, unfair charges if you opt out of their payment platform, and when we asked what they were offering for this $240 fee, they could not actually provide an answer….despite the disruption it will cause, we will probably move to another POS system. We have also taken this to the ACCC here in Australia as I’m sure they will see this as the simple money grab that it is.

Here is another example from a Lightspeed POS customer in Australia:

The customer received an email from Lightspeed noting that the terms of the contract have changed. They’ll now be paying $700 per month extra if they continue using Tyro (and don’t switch to LS payment).

Retailers are unhappy with the email from Lightspeed outlining new charges should the retailer choose to NOT use the Lightspeed Payments platform.

Tower Systems stands ready to help retailers if they want to partner with a POS software company that does not force such a move.

Of course, it is critical retailers ensure they choose the right software for their business in terms of functionality. we are happy to demonstrate this, answer questions, learn more about your business and demonstrate the functions that are critical to you.

If, based on the information you share, we feel our POS software is not a good fit for you, we will say so.

Lightspeed has to own the decision they have made about Lightspeed Payments. We do wonder if the decision is a representation of what they look for in customers. Their May earnings presentation outlined for about what the ideal Lightspeed POS customer looks like.

Here at Tower Systems we love service locally owned independent small retail businesses in a variety of specialty retail markets.

Here are our POS software marketplaces:

Here’s what’s included: software licences for unlimited computers in the location, help desk support (phone or email) 6 days a week (incl Saturday), access to a knowledge base, after hours support call access for urgent support, Shopify, Xero and other integrations, access to our supplier invoice import tools.

Again, there is no payments related cost – we encourage retailers to choose the payments solution that is best for their needs.

By Mark
The POS Software Blog




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