The POS Software Blog

The POS Software Blog

News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.

If you run a gift shop and snuggle to keep track of product boxes, this software could be your life saver


The customer comes to the counter with their purchase and you know there is a box for it but have forgotten where. You go to the back room and wonder which of all the boxes is the right one for this beautiful gift.

Finding the box that belongs to each product in a gift shop is so hard for some that they trow the boxes ut and tell customers the gift does not come with a box.

The Tower Systems POS software helps your record the product box location, thereby making it easy for you to find the box and give the customer that extra customer service experience they will for sure appreciate.

This facility of recording the location of a box for a product is just one of many facilities in the Tower Systems POS software for gift shops that helps local gift shops provide efficient, professional and local service to local shoppers – showing that local retail can cut it with the best of them.

There are many benefits to using Tower Systems POS software in your gift shop. Here are just a few:

  • Save time: Tower Systems POS software can help you save time on a variety of tasks, such as sales processing, stock management, and reporting.
  • Reduce theft: Our software includes features that can help you reduce theft, such as employee logins and password protection.
  • Increase sales: Tower Systems POS software can help you increase sales by making it easier to track stock, run promotions, offer gift cards and target market to customers.

Best of all, this POS software for gift shops helps you make business decisions based on evidence.

In today’s retail climate, an online presence is crucial for any gift shop, even if your heart lies in serving the local community. Tower Systems’ POS software goes beyond the in-store experience, integrating seamlessly with popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify, Big Commerce, Woo Commerce and Magento. This seamless data flow to and from e-commerce helps local gift retailers get and stay online with success.

The Tower Systems gift shop POS  software helps you:

  • Wave goodbye to the time consuming box search: Find the right box for the purchase thanks to software that records this location for you per product.
  • Sell smarter, not harder: The software helps you identify what’s popular and what’s collecting dust. This means you can make sure you’re always stocked up on best-sellers and avoid over-ordering those slow movers.
  • Keep your customers coming back: Gift-giving is all about creating a special experience. Tower Systems’ software allows you to track customer preferences and purchase history. Use this intel to offer personalised recommendations and loyalty programs that’ll keep your customers coming back for more.

If you’re looking for a POS software solution that can help you run your gift shop more efficiently and profitably, then Tower Systems is a great option to consider. Their cloud-based system is easy to use and manage, and it offers a wide range of features that can benefit your business.

Be sure you know what you want out of software for your gift shop. Coe to us with a list. If we don’t do any of the things you want, we will tell you. We know we are not right for everyone.

By Mark
The POS Software Blog




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