The POS Software Blog

The POS Software Blog

News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.

What is the future of POS software?


With so much change in retail and POS software solutions for retailers, it is reasonable to ask: What is the future of POS software?

We are a POS software company, we have a vested interest for ourselves as well as for all who rely on us. When we consider a question like What is the future of POS software?, we do so with honesty and clarity, because we owe ourselves that.

Not a black and white question, not a yes or no situation. Retail and and what POS software does are more complex than that. Indeed, the nature of retail has changed considerably in recent years. So, too, has POS software. Whereas in the past it was about inventory management and cash register replacement, today it is about workflow, maximising business performance and helping businesses be everywhere all at once, easily.

Good POS software evolves at pace with change in retail, or faster. It remains relevant while at the same time offering retailers the opportunity to leap forward into new revenue opportunities. It is also about helping retailers to be challenges as to what they do in their businesses, to help them reach beyond their expectations. This is where flexibility plays a key role.

This need for flexibility, for playing outside the boundaries of traditional, is relatively new in retail, in our world of specialty retail for sure. Whereas for decades retailers stayed within their lanes as defined by the shingle under which their businesses trade, today a shingle can mean little as to what a retail business offers. This is where it can be interesting for POS software in the sense that the traditional POS software for a type of retail business may not be as flexible as it needs to be in this more open world.

While some POS software companies have pivoted to focus more on collecting revenue for themselves with tollway type charing at the transaction level, the POS software that we think will have a brighter future is the software that delivers measurable and loved benefits ton retail business owners and those who work in retail.

Yes, functionality in the software is the key. What the software does is what matters to the future of the POS software. And to be clear here, in this world of considerable and rapid changes, rapidly evolving POS software is the key.

The future of POS software as a category is as strong as retail itself. The future of any specific POS software solution will depend on the attention those who control the software pay to changes in retail. Speed is as important as functional change.

Now, if this sounds challenging, rapid changes, new technology … these are things smart software developers love as these changes help them enhance their own skills and that’s something for which they are grateful.

Tower Systems is a vertical market POS software company. We serve 16 specialty retail channels. We love change and we love retail. We are grateful to have engaged customers who keep us abreast of changes in retail.

By Mark
The POS Software Blog




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