The POS Software Blog

The POS Software Blog

News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.

POS software for New Zealand specialty and local independent retailers


Tower Systems makes, sells and supports POS software for retailers in New Zealand. Wee are grateful to serve plenty of retailers in New Zealand already using our POS software. We have been serving New Zealand retailers for for more than fifteen years.

Our POS software for New Zealand retailers comes with facilities designed to save time and enhance business value for small business retailers across a range of retail sectors including garden supply, pet shops, jewellers, bike shops, gift shops, toy shops, dairies, bookshops and plenty more.

Our New Zealand POS software customers have access to a toll free number for support. Support coverage suits hours for NZ businesses too.

We’re local too. One of our senior help desk team members lives near Christchurch and one of our senior POS software developers lives in Auckland.

Our POS software is integrated with Shopify, Magento and Woo commerce and easy online selling. We also develop POS software connected websites.

Plus, our POS software is integrated with Xero and has been for years.

We’re an odd POS software company in that since 1996 we have owned and run shops – 3 gift and homewares shops. 2 in Westfield centres and 1 on the high street. We walk in the shoes of our customers.

Call us on 0800 444 367.

Our specialty POS software for New Zealand retailers offers many specialty retail benefits, including:

  1. Colour, size and style: Easily track sales at a granular level.
  2. Club pricing: Helps you attract community group members.
  3. Repairs: Easily track & manage repairs & communicate with customers.
  4. Sell by weight. Sell by fractions.
  5. Smart loyalty. While you can use points, we also have something better.
  6. BOGO: Increase sales with buy this and get that bundling.
  7. Warranty: Track details and leverage this for customer service.
  8. Bring them back: Target market for birthdays, anniversaries and more.
  9. Sell anywhere: Using our Retailer RoamTM sell anywhere app.
  10. Sell anytime: With our Shopify / Magento / Woo integrations.
  11. Special orders: Easily manage special customer orders.
  12. Jeweller specific product labels.
  13. Outdoor, weatherproof, product labels.
  14. The ability to design your own product labels.
  15. The ability to design your own receipts.
  16. Awesome loyalty: Guide one-time and regular shoppers to spend more.
  17. Seasonal reordering: Easily reorder inventory based on seasonal sales.

The low monthly rental cost gives you:

  1. POS software with unlimited computer licences for your location.
  2. Software updates as we release them.
  3. Integrations: Xero, Shopify and more.
  4. Easy access to Support, training and documentation.

We help you from the get-go with personal one-on-one training to make it easy for you to get the most from your software. In you are a local independent retailer in New Zealand and you are looking for POS software, Tower Systems could be a good partner for your business.

By Mark
The POS Software Blog




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