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The POS Software Blog

News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.

POS software Quote and invoice management software from Tower Systems helps local small business retailers win more business


The new quote and invoice management POS software integration solution from Tower Systems is helping computer shops, garden centres, produce businesses, building businesses and other businesses that provide quotations to provide quotations, appropriately manage stock and deliver solutions all from within the POS software.

The new quote and invoice management solution from Tower Systems is a complete replacement from what was there before. It’s expanded in scope and function, based on wonderful feedback from our customers with whom we actively consulted before starting work on the upgrade project.

We first developed the facilities over last year and into 2024. Then, we embarked on a comprehensive in-field trial process during which we further enhanced the software. This was followed by a comprehensive beta release process that resulted in further enhancements.

The new POS software integrated quote and invoice management solution is now live and in commercial use across a broad range of businesses. here is some of what we shared with our customers in the release announcement email:

  • New Facility: We are excited to introduce a new capability within our Quote & Invoice Management system that allows users to reserve items from their inventory. This ensures that your stock levels are accurately reflected, preventing overselling.
  • Proforma Invoice Status: A new interim status, “Proforma Invoice,” has been added to our Quotes & Invoice management. This status acts as an accepted quote that has not yet been processed as an invoice but has already reduced the available stock quantity by moving it to a new “Reserved Quantity.” This significant update allows you to issue proforma invoices to customers without making the reserved stock visible on your website or in-store.
  • We have enhanced the Quote & Invoice Management system to support the acceptance of deposits and progression payments for Proforma Invoices. This feature facilitates flexible payment options for your customers and streamlined financial management for your business.

This was accompanies by a video preview of the software facilities as well as documentation for those who prefer to learn by reading text. These new facilities for quote and invoice management come with a full set of training and documentation, we have made sure of that.

Quote and invoice management is something we have always done. This re-write allowed us to take the solution to the next generation based on evolving needs.

We are grateful to the customers who engaged with us through this process. we think, together, we have made something wonderful and business beneficial.

By Mark
The POS Software Blog




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