The POS Software Blog

The POS Software Blog

News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.

The transact anywhere POS solution: retailer Roam from Tower System perfect for pop-up, market and other retail


Retailer Roam is another tool in our Tower Systems POS software solution suite. It is cloud based POS software that lets retailers work where needed: on the road, at a market, in a pop-up shop, from a truck, from home, while at a supplier warehouse.

This is truly portable POS software. We have customers using it at local markets, in pop-up shops and from trucks on the road all day selling.

It is cloud based POS software. In the cloud, and working when net access is not available.

This is POS software for businesses on the move. Transact anywhere, any time.

Retailer Roam is available to all Tower Systems POS software customers. This is a proven solution bringing flexibility and remote access to retail businesses in ways that serve their portable and flexible POS software access needs.

The latest version, out now, is even more comprehensive and beneficial.

Behind the scenes, seamlessly, data is synchronised in 3 phases in serving of the needs of our retail business customers. Here is how this happens:

  1. Phase One is an initial transfer that contains the base stock. This is done on start-up. It sets Retailer Roam up to be able to sell.
  2. Phase Two is to receive product updates – on hand levels or pricing changes.
  3. Phase Three is to send sales and customer, inventory and sales data to Retailer. Sales data is identified by each Roam terminal, allowing you to view the terminal sales.

Sales (Phase 3) will be stored in a ‘Queue’ on the device, which will be cleared periodically to sync sales with the Roam server (and then sent to Retailer). There is an option to force a sale to be sent to Retailer again (incase it was missed for whatever reason).

Retailer Roam can work where there is no internet access, making the storage and sharing of data back to the base of the business flexible and accurate to the needs of the business.

Retailer Roam offers retailers on the go a range of facilities including…

  • Cash/EFTPOS Sales
  • Invoice Sales
  • Create a LayBy
  • Sell stock with Serial Numbers
  • Loyalty Point Redemption & Acrrual
  • Customised POS Screens
  • Variants
  • Refunds
  • Basic End of Shift
  • Stocktaking
  • Re-ordering
  • Integrated EFTPOS

Retailer Roam is a solution for retail businesses that need to be able to conduct business on the go, from a variety of situations, from multiple terminals of iPads at once. It is easy to use and secure in service of the needs of retail businesses.

By Mark
The POS Software Blog




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