The POS Software Blog

The POS Software Blog

News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.

CategoryHealth Food Shop software

The benefits of the Best POS Software for any retail business will be more beneficial than any price difference


There’s POS software, and then there’s the right POS software for your business. The difference between the two can be huge.

Writing POS software is easy. Writing POS software that delivers on specialty retail needs is more complex.

It’s not about price you pay for the software, it’s about the commercial benefits to your business.

Even though plenty of companies want you to think it is about price of the software. They want you to believe it’s all about price because that’s how they compete. Competing on price is easy – and lazy – as any retailer knows.

People who buy based on price aren’t loyal. And loyalty matters when it comes to POS software.

  • You want your POS software company to invest in their software – the software you’re using.
  • You want them to focus on serving you, not chasing customers who only want the cheapest option.
  • You want more from the software for your business than just a quick dopamine hit from a low price.

It’s not about price because that’s the least of the costs of POS software.

The best POS software saves you time. It helps you make better decisions. It helps you stand out from the competition and attract loyal customers. It helps you nurture better employees and reduce your stress levels. Ultimately, the best POS software is about money because of all these things. It will help you run a more enjoyable and valuable retail business.

Take your time. Make the right decision.

Too often, POS software companies pressure small business retailers into making a quick decision. They chase sales and apply unnecessary pressure. Don’t succumb to this. Make the decision you feel best about, when you’re ready.

Get this right, and you can tap into some awesome benefits from the right POS software for your retail business. Here are some of the benefits we offer retailers we partner with:

  • Save time with electronic invoices from suppliers.
  • Offer personal customer service by tracking dates that are important to your customers.
  • Use tags to get a fresh perspective on stock performance.
  • Leverage your knowledge. If you believe your expertise is a differentiator, offer it through structured opportunities in the software.
  • Easily handle special customer orders. Bring product in for a specific customer and have them notified automatically by email or text when the goods arrive.
  • Build business-differentiating loyalty. Stand out from the crowd and have customers coming back to you for this. We’re told it’s a game-changer.
  • Maximise the basket with easy-to-use one-time shopper loyalty tools.
  • Trade and club pricing profiles. Set pricing rules based on customer type.
  • Leverage your local community with an awesome two-way benefits package.
  • Make money from pre-orders. Easily pre-sell a delivery so that when the stock arrives, you can manage distribution and billing efficiently.
  • Differentiate with informative receipts. These can include product care, use and safety information based on what customers buy.
  • Differentiate with bundles. Selling items bundled together makes price comparison difficult.
  • Track who sold what.
  • Say goodbye to LayBy (if you want) with buy now, pay later options.
  • Market to customers based on past purchases.
  • Save time by importing electronic invoices.
  • Sell more with a direct connection to buy now, pay later services.
  • Cut mistakes with integrated EFTPOS.
  • Cut accounting and bookkeeping fees with integration to Xero and others.
  • Easily sell online with a direct link to Shopify, Magento or WooCommerce from your POS software.

These are tangible deliverables, and the list is incomplete. Using our POS software, you can expect even more benefits than these.

Remember: Choosing the right POS software is an investment in your business’s future. Take your time, research your options, and select the system that best meets your needs and supports your growth.

See our POS software running live in one of our shops


One of the benefits of us owning and running retail shops is that we can offer a live and behind the counter demonstration of our POS software.

Retailers considering our Tower Systems POS software can get in behind the counter, watch transactions, and even do transactions so that they get up close and personal with the software in a live situation. Better still, they can talk to our store managers and team members on a retailer to retailer level and ask any questions.

Typically, these visits happen without sales people there, offering a more authentic opportunity to see this POS software live.

We also have customer who watch from the customer side of the counter, to see how that plays out, the workflow and efficiency.

Some retailers like to look in the back room and see any back office management using our POS software – where stock bay be arrived into the business,s stock scanned out to be returned to suppliers or other more office related work undertaken.

Having shops available for retailers to visit is a unique situation. We are not aware of any other Australian POS software company that has this resource – shops they own and run where their POS software can be seen, used and observed first-hand.

POS software démonstrations are good and can show off the detail of how the software works. It is in-store where you get to see real life situations, how the software can help with queries, actually save time, genuinely cut mistakes and more. It is in smooth workflow in specialty retail settings that the Tower Systems POS software shines and we think our ownership of retail businesses is a factor on the tuning of our software to a level that it is easily seen as valuable.

We have more retailers going through our softens for personal in-store demonstrations and hands-on use this week. It’s all organised through our sales team: or 1300 662 957.

We do have retailers who just turn up at one of our shops and look and while there is no barrier to this, it’s more respectful of our retail team members if we schedule the visit as in the shops we put the needs of our retail customers and our retail team members ahead of everything else.

So, come see awesome locally made and supported POS software live in one of our shops, serve some of our customers and see whether it suits your own business.

5 ways to make your local retail business more competitive


Every day can feel like a grind in local small business retail. A grind competing with big businesses, a grind competing with online businesses. It can wear people down if they let it.

The key is to not let it wear you down.

It starts with loving your business, believing in it, respecting it and making it stronger at the core. That’s what this advice from Tower Systems is about today, making your business stronger at the core, by making the business more competitive.

5 ways to make your local retail business more competitive

Now, before we get into them they will feel easy, even lame. The thing is, these are deliberately everyday things you can do without a budget, just with a small time investment.

These are all things your POS software, like the Tower Systems POS software, can help with if you wish.

1. Offer something unique that your competitors don’t. This could be a unique product, service, or even just a specific focus or niche that you cater to. have a point of different. This matters a lot. Create it, embrace it, leverage it. This point of difference is you, it is your reason, your go to, your 7 second pitch.

2. Make sure your prices are competitive. This doesn’t mean always having the lowest prices, but rather offering a good value for what you’re selling. Value is something you create based on how you bundle items, how you source to differentiate, how you make raw price comparisons hard.

3. Offer excellent customer service. This could be something as simple as providing a great experience in your store, or going above and beyond to help your customers. make it personal, different and valuable. At each contact point provide that extra bit that helps people make better use of what you sell.

4. Use marketing and advertising wisely. Make sure you’re targeting your ideal customer, and using the most effective channels to reach them. When you market, market you, your point of difference – always ahead off price as price based shoppers are not loyal.

5. Stay up to date on industry trends. This will help you anticipate changes and stay ahead of your competitors. It will also help your business be a resource, and that will bring people back.

Being more competitive in local retail is all about you and the core of your business. get this right and worries about competitors out there, real or imagined, will fade away.

Tower Systems through its POS software helps with this and more. We have embedded in our software opportunities for you showing your competitive advantages, giving shoppers lived experiences they will love.

How the Tower Systems POS software helps local small business retailers leverage Boxing Day sales


Local small business retailers using the Tower Systems POS software and following retail management advice from us have had access to terrific tools with which to leverage the Post Christmas sale opportunity. Our training, support and retail business advice platforms have aligned to help retailers make the most of the seasonal sale opportunity – well in advance of the big day.

This year is no different. For weeks we have been prompting and advising our POS software customers, prepping them for the opportunity.

Businesses in the city and country, mall and high street have terrific tools to leverage this traditional sale season in the retail year.

While Black Friday, Cyber Monday and other events have grown in popularity, in Australia the Boxing Day / post Christmas sales continue to be an important feature of the retail calendar. We help our retail community make the most of the opportunities.

Our focus has also included training and guiding new retailers and those who have never undertaken such sales. Owning our own retail businesses for years, we have been able to drawn on our own advice to to speak from personal experience, to help those new to the Post Christmas sale opportunity to help it work for them.

From loyalty discount facilities to inventory opportunity discovery to targeted marketing tools, our POS software is an ideal platform through which to drive additional revenue this time of the year.

Fresh POS software marketing pitch


We are loving the reaction from our new range of POS software marketing postcards, which are out now. Each features a happy image representing our software in a specialty niche retail channel. They are a good reflection of the specialty nature of our small business retail focussed POS software.

This is us, Tower Systems. We are proud of what we make and the businesses we get to help.

POS software for nutrition businesses


The Tower Systems POS software for health food shows and whole foods businesses is good POS software for nutrition shops. Using this software, nutrition shops can manage retail sales, online sales, special customer requirements, gift packs, customer advice and more.

Creating your own products, like muesli, made from other products, can be tracked and managed through this locally made POS software. It is easy.

Developed locally for local health food shops and whole foods shops, this POS software for nutrition shops continues to evolve thanks to the support and advice from those in existing businesses using it. We are grateful for their help in maintaining wonderful POS software for these businesses.

There are plenty of benefits from this nutrition business POS software, including:

  • Save time with electronic invoices from suppliers. If they do not currently offer EDI, we can help them achieve this for you.
  • Offer personal customer service by tracking timing requirements of customers – reminding them what is due for them.
  • Use tags to get a fresh perspective, side-view, on stock performance.
  • Leverage you. If you believe your knowledge is a differentiator, offer it through structured opportunities in the software.
  • Market to customers based on past purchases.
  • Easily handle special customer orders. Bring product in for a specific customer and have them notified automatically by email or text when the goods are in and ready.
  • Business differentiating loyalty. Stand out from the crowd. Have customers coming back to you for this.
  • Maximise the basket with easy to use one-time shopper loyalty tools.
  • Trade and club pricing profiles. Set pricing rules based on customer type.
  • Make money from pre-orders – Easily pre-sell a delivery so that when the stock arrives you can manage distribution and billing efficiently.
  • Differentiate with informative receipts. These can include product care, use and safety information based on what customers buy.
  • Differentiate with bundles. Selling items bundled together makes price comparison hard.
  • Track who sold what.
  • Sell more with a direct connect to buy now pay later services.
  • Cut mistakes with integrated EFTPOS.
  • Cut accounting and bookkeeping fees with integration to Xero and others.
  • Easily sell online with a direct to Shopify / Magento or WooCommerce link from your POS software.

This nutrition business POS software can help you bring structure to your business, it can help you serve shoppers in new and appreciated ways. It’s made locally for local businesses.

POS software for health food shops and POS software for whole foods shops


The Tower Systems POS software for health foods shops and wholefoods shops is locally made, to serve local business needs. This is software tuned to the needs of these businesses, software that helps them shine a light on what is different about these businesses that makes them appeal.

Here is a new video from us where we talk through some of the facilities in this POS software for health food shops and whole foods businesses, and in which we show some of the unique facilities of the software. Best of all, in this video you see the Tower Systems authenticity in action. We are real people offering real POS software for real businesses. Our whole company is like this, authentic and at your service.

This video touches on just some of the features and benefits of this POS software for health food shops and whole foods businesses. An obligation-free demonstration is the best way to see if this software could serve the needs of your business.

‘Embedded in this POS software for wholefoods businesses and health foods shops are benefits aimed at sustaining these businesses, making them stronger and of more service to their customers. Benefits include:

  • Save time with electronic invoices from suppliers.
  • Leverage you. If you believe your knowledge is a differentiator, offer it through structured opportunities in the software.
  • Use tags to get a fresh perspective, side-view, on stock performance.
  • Offer differentiating personal care through customer details.
  • Easily handle special customer orders. Bring product in for a specific customer and have them notified automatically by email or text when the goods are in and ready.
  • Business differentiating loyalty. Stand out from the crowd. Have customers coming back to you for this.
  • Maximise the basket with easy to use one-time shopper loyalty tools.
  • Trade and club pricing profiles. Set pricing rules based on customer type.
  • Make money from pre-orders – Easily pre-sell a delivery so that when the stock arrives you can manage distribution and billing efficiently.
  • Differentiate with informative receipts. These can include product care, use and safety information based on what customers buy.
  • Market to customers based on past purchases.
  • Save time by importing electronic invoices.
  • Sell more with a direct connect to buy now pay later services.
  • Cut mistakes with integrated EFTPOS.
  • Cut accounting and bookkeeping fees with integration to Xero and others.
  • Easily sell online with a direct to Shopify / Magento or WooCommerce link from your POS software.
The POS Software Blog




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