The POS Software Blog

The POS Software Blog

News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.

CategoryPOS Software

How the Tower Systems POS software helps local retailers with holiday season sales


In the Tower Systems POS software, small business retailers can tap into terrific holiday season help. This can be in the form of inventory buying guidance, marketing help, co-location assistance and shopper nudging support … plus more.

Helping small business retailers with holiday season facilities is an important role for any POS software. It is something Tower Systems has offered it’s thousands of small business retailer POS software customers for decades. Over time, the holiday season advice and tips have evolved, as have economic and consumer needs.

Leveraging holiday season inventory guidance, for example, retailers can make more informed purchase decisions that better serve the needs of the business based on prior holiday season experience and taking into account trends from this year.

Oh, and when we are talking here about the holiday season in retail, we are talking about holiday seasons like Christmas, Easter, Black Friday, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, Christmas in July, back to School. You see, a holiday season in retail is any season that a retail business can respond to in any to leverage the business opportunity and serve niche customer need.

Holiday seasons in retail do not necessarily have to be the holiday season you think of in a traditional sense.

Using our POS software, beyond knowing what to stock for a holiday season, our retail business partners are able to make shop floor decisions that guide shopper engagement with the holiday season product opportunity ties. These could be loyalty, price, packaging, bundling or post purchase re-visit invitation. these and more can be leveraged thorough the Tower Systems specialty retail POS software.

Leveraging the surge in traffic that a retail business sees from the holiday season can be key to through the year growth, benefiting the business between holiday season shopper traffic peaks. This is key to any retail business achieving a smoother sales flow. While a spike in shopper traffic and revenue are good, less of a spike makes management of a retail business easier and more cost friendly.

Tower Systems, using its considerable retail experience, can help small business retailers cross the divide between tech and real world to offer a better and more beneficial holiday season experience. That is our goal in the software we develop and the advice we provide through our customer help desk.

How the Tower Systems POS software helps local small business retailers nurture loyalty in shoppers


Stamping a loyalty card in a coffee shop, gift shop, pet shop, toy shop and other settings can be a thing of the past thanks to terrific tools in the smart POS software from Tower Systems.

Here is a new video we shot a few days ago explaining how to set this up in our software and how to drive sales through it…

What Tower Systems offers in terms of nurturing shopper loyalty is not new. It is something the POS software company has done for many years. And, it is something the company continues to evolve in service of better solutions for POS software retailers.

For years, retailers, especially independent and small business retailers, have been told to follow retail giants and reward loyal shoppers with points that can be redeemed for gifts and discounts.

Dutifully, many small business retailers acted on this – but without a thought-through strategy to achieve the best outcome for the business.

Without a financially rewarding outcome for a business, a loyalty program is worthless.

This is why retailers, in any retail channel and in any retail situation – high street, shopping mall, rural and or regional – need options in terms of shopper loyalty rewards.

While a points based program is useful, it could be that the business will benefit from a different approach.

Good POS software will offer flexibility. This flexibility can add thousands of dollars to the bottom line performance of a retail business each year.

The Tower Systems Point of Sale software supports multiple loyalty options that include: a traditional points based approach, interfacing to the respected Vii Accumulate loyalty platform, interfacing to the equally respected Transactor loyalty platform, interfacing to Flybys NZ and offering a unique and flexible front end loyalty solution.

Having so many options available provides Tower Systems retail partners with commercially valuable flexibility.

The loyalty platform selected by a business depends on the needs of that business. A business that chooses POS software without broad flexibility will be limited in what they can achieve for their business with their software.

Offering flexibility as well as certainty provides loyalty solutions that local small business retailers can embrace and love, and their customers can love.

There is a big different between point of sale systems for local Australian retailers


Not all point of sale systems are the same. Indeed, the differences between point of sale systems are considerable, from software function, to ease of use, to support, to price, to inclusions.

Our advice to local small. business retailers considering point of sale systems for their business is do your research, take your time, choose the software that BEST serves your needs, the software backed with the type of service that you want. The company providing the type of training and support you know your need. Then company with the software upgrade and enhancement commitment that suits how you see the needs for your business evolving.

Take your time. There is no rush.

Be sure what is important to you. Your needs come ahead of the needs of the point of sale system software company.

Compare apples with apples. Some point of sale system software sales people are good at playing smoke and mirrors. Be in control of how you compare software. Your needs matter.

Know the true price. Some play games with the total cost of ownership. Get to a true understanding of this before you commit.

Shop local. If you want your customers to shop local, shopping locally yourself is a good position to take.

Here at Tower Systems we are a transparent business, offering you easy access to the software before you make any decision. Plus, we will record the demonstration with you and make this available for you to share with others in your team. This helps you bring others in your business on the journey of point of sale system software with you – which is important.

So, yes, take your time, be in control, be sure that the choice you make is the choice you want to make, the choice that is right for your retail business and those who work in the business.

You know your needs better than an accountant or a consultant. Back yourself.

Tower Systems is grateful to serve thousands of local small business retailers. We have been doing this for many years. We’d love to support you with our years of experience. But, we promise, we will not pressure you. We will be here when you are ready …

Thanks for stopping by.

New product dispatch facilities make POS software more appealing


We are grateful to the insights offered by our garden centre, landscape, produce supply and stockfeed businesses in the area of product dispatch and delivery. These insights have helped us craft new facilities in our specialty retail POS software that serve their needs and more.

The new dispatch facilities have been previewed several times through development and further tuned thanks to feedback.

The result is a sweet set of enhancements in our POS software in this area of managing the dispatch and delivery of products from our small business retail customers.

We are days away from releasing this commercially, further enhancing already robust tools in this area.

Our POS software continues to evolve thanks to the active engagement with our customers, for which we are sincerely grateful.

POS software referral program


Here at Tower Systems we are grateful to professionals – accountants,. business advisors, computer experts – who endorse our business and our POS software to others. We appreciate their time and respect that with our POS software referral program

Our POS software Lead Referral Program expresses appreciation to professionals who provide us with sales leads that convert to bankable business.

This document outlines the program, terms and conditions and other information. Any party seeking to be part of the Tower Systems Lead Referral Program is expected to have read and understood this.


We are a vertical market POS software company. That is, we sell software designed for specific retail channels. The home page of our website lists all the retail channels in which we serve at any time.

While we may sell/rent/lease our software to businesses outside the retail channels listed, it is rare and only when approved by the leadership team of the company.

We currently serve in excess of 3,000 small business retailers primarily in Australia and New Zealand.

We actively promote our software through direct mail, social media marketing, search ads, trade shows and, recently, on radio and TV.


We own and run three unique retail shops, offering us hands-on retail experience where we can test and refine our software. This has been particularly useful in workflow management where we have tuned our software for efficiency in counter-based retail.

Owning and running retail businesses enables us to provide a unique and valuable level of practical, retailer-focussed, advice to our customers.


Our software is directly integrated with Xero. We are a Xero partner. We also link with MYOB and Quicken through third party product.

Our customers, through our help desk, have access to support in the use of our software as well as advice on the correct linking of our software with accounting software.


In addition to plenty of retail channel specific integrations and supplier connections, we also integrate and partner with Shopify, WooCommerce / WordPress, Magento, Xero and plan ty more.


All of our customers, when they acquire our software from us, are offered two or three days one-on-one training. This training is backed by a new customer support program to help them settle.

Once we sure are they are comfortable, they have access to the full, regular, help desk.


We have an unmoderated private customer Facebook page.

We send a weekly email. This email contains use and business tips. It is a customer service and not a sales communication.

We snail mail a quarterly print newsletter with information about our software and advice on its use.


We have a separate, in-house, website development team that develops websites for our software, POS software connected websites.

All of our web development is done in Australia, usually on a fixed price basis.

We have also developed websites for our own retail businesses, where we showcase our development, SEO and deployment skills.


We release three or more updates to our POS software each year. These updates are in-house tested ahead of a robust and transparent beta release program.

Our approach with updates is to not surprise our customers.

Small business retailers have told us that they do not want to be surprised, that they want to control when they update, once they are certain of the value of an update.


Our software can run in the cloud or on a desktop. We have plenty of our customers using it this way.Our customers can choose the approach right for them and their business. We can host for cloud customers or work with external hosting.


We offer a one-off appreciation amount paid to a business providing a referral that leads to our software being installed and paid for. The terms and conditions are:

  1. A party wanting to refer sales prospects to Tower Systems needs to register by emailing, providing business details and a summary of their experience with retailers.
  2. We will confirm by email acceptance or otherwise and confirm the then prevailing POS software referral fee.
  3. All referrals are to be submitted in writing, by email only to This facilitates head office tracking.
  4. We will advise in writing, by email, the acceptance of a referral.
  5. We will not accept a referral if the prospect is already in active discussion with us. That is, if we have had discussions with or demonstrated to the prospect in the last six months.
  6. We will also not accept a referral if another party has submitted the referral within the last six months.
  7. On receiving the referral, a Tower Systems sales person will make contact with the prospect and qualify them and their business.
  8. Only one referral is paid per business, regardless of the number of retail locations involved.
  9. The referral fee paid will be discounted by the same percentage (if any) of any discount offered the sales prospect.
  10. The referral relationship involved is not
  11. The Tower software available for referral is everything that can be purchased or leased or for which there is an on-boarding fee of more than $1,500.00
  12. The referral relationship may be terminated by either party, by email, with seven days’ notice, without nullifying any pending referral appreciation payment already due.


The sole goal of the referral program is for Tower Systems to achieve sales it would otherwise not have achieved.

Our transparent approach to selling our POS software


Here at Tower Systems we follow a transparent and no-pressure sales process for our locally made and supported POS software for specialty retailers. It is a process that has been tuned over many years, a process that benefits from serving thousands of local small business retailers.

We made a short video recently in which we discuss our POS software sales process. Here it is:

We are here for the journey, to serve local small business retailers using our POS software, to help them run more successful, enjoyable and valuable retail businesses.

We are proud of our POS software help desk team members with practical retail experience


Here at Tower Systems, our POS software help desk team members all have practical retail shop floor experience.

From selling using our POS software to pricing inventory, receiving new inventory through to completing a full sock take.

It is practical experience this this, and more, that helps our POS software help desk specialist to have context that is useful when speaking with local small business retailers. It is a key difference, a valuable difference, something to set tower Systems apart.

No small business retailer or staff member wants a tech person telling them how it is in retail because oftentimes the tech knowledge does not match the shop floor experience or requirement. Having real world retail experience can guide a more useful conversation that can help local retailers and POS software help desk people together find the appropriate approach.

We’re not saying that our retail experiences trump yours, no way! Rather, we are saying that our retail experiences provide us with an empathy for shop floor retail and it is this that we can bring to any discussion. It makes us more attuned to real world situations that those without retail shop floor experiences may dismiss before even listening fully to you.

Yes, shop floor retail experienced POS software help desk people are more useful when providing POS software help desk services to local small business retailers.

This is a big different. Our commitment to ensuring our POS software help desk team members have retail shop floor experiences demonstrates our commitment to retail above the software technology itself. It offers a discernible point of difference that anyone considering POS software can assess and measure. We do think it is differentiating for us, and has been fort decades. It’s a factor in our 3,000+ small business community size.

When you call our POS software help desk it starts with us understanding your query, requirement or concern. We listen, ask questions and engage in a conversation. landing on a thorough understanding off what you are calling about is key to the next steps toward resolution that satisfies you.

If you want to talk retail, give us a call. We’d love to talk shop with our, sharing war stories and learning from each other. We believe in local small business retail and appreciate its vital role in the local economy.

Supplier electronic invoices and stock files easy with POS software from Tower Systems


Through our Tower Systems POS software we make it easy for local small business retailers to load electronic invoices and supplier stock files and inventory images provided by suppliers.

Our approach follows worldwide standards in this regard, and has done so for many years.

We will work with any supplier to facilitate ensuring their electronic invoices, stock files and image files are easily loaded through our POS software for the retailers we partner with.

Our work includes helping suppliers to tune files for easy loading. We do this work for no cost to retailers or suppliers.

By loading electronic invoices, stock files and product image files, retailers are able to load more accurate data into their Tower Systems POS software and this benefits their business as well as their customers and their suppliers.

We have worked with suppliers across many different specialty retail channels and through professionally structured EDI processes to more loose or free flowing links. We can tailor our approach to what works best for suppliers and for the retailers they supply.

We are used to working with large supplier IT departments right through to sole trader suppliers who have no It department. Our help is universal, regardless of size. Our focus is on serving the needs off our POS software customers. This is paramount to us.

As our work has evolved to include delivering POS software connected websites, we have focussed more on accurate product descriptions as well as product images, to make it easier for retailers to transact online through accurately representing products.

Our work has included with suppliers in the following product categories: bikes, jewellers, garden centres, fishing, homewares,  toys, games, sewing, gifts, newspapers, magazines, stationery, firearms, confectionery and more. It is a diverse mix of suppliers we have worked with and helped.

By helping small business retailers to access electronic invoices, stock files and product image files, we help these local retailers and their suppliers. We are grateful to be of service.

Tower Systems serves more than 3,000 local retail businesses in New Zealand and Australia with specialty POS software made for a variety of specialty retail settings.

Expanding the POS software help desk


Several weeks ago we welcomed new employee James to our help desk. James joined us from a busy shop where he had worked for years, using our software and acting as that the IT guru in that business.

We are grateful to be in a position to expand the help desk head count. Thank you to all the retailers new to our community who have joined us and thank you too, to the thousands who have been with for a long time.

We are grateful.

It is wonderful being able to fill this new role with someone who has active retail skills, especially with our software.

If you get James on the phone, on our help desk, please say g’day.

Is our POS software right for your local community?


The question we are asking today may sound a bit obscure, but it is 100% relevant to local small business retail.

Is our POS software right for your local community?

We pose the question to retailers considering POS software because embedded in the question is the bigger question abut what is right for your local community.

If you pitch shop local at all in promoting your business in-store or on social media then this question is key for you, because in calling for your local community to shop local you would want to back this up with your own shop local approach to your business decisions.

Is our POS software right for your local community?  This question is all about shop local – for our POS software is locally made and supported for local specialty retailers. We have competitors in the marketplace that are overseas businesses with overseas software developers and overseas help desk people.

Shop for POS software with us and you are supporting local IT. This is why we like the question Is our POS software right for your local community?  If shopping local matters to your local community then that is a factor in the software you choose.

Of course, you need to choose software that is right for your business and the software company that is right for your business. But, if after all your research it is us and someone else and Tower Systems, being local could be the factor that is the differentiator because our situation aligns with your situation, our value proposition aligns with your value proposition. These are factors when shop local matters to your local community.

We are proud to support local software innovation and to develop local IT skills. These are things that are important for Australia and our small software business plays a role in this.

Is our POS software right for your local community?  Only you can know the answer to this question. Today, we hope that our words were useful in your consideration as to the right POS software for your business.

Tower Systems is a specialty retail focussed POS software company. We are grateful to serve more than 3,000 local small business retailers across a broad range of specialty retail channels.

Is our POS software right for your local retail business customers?


This is a serious question: Is our POS software right for your local retail business customers?

Today’ we’d like to explore why this is a serious question, an important question, a question every local retailer could ask themselves.

Is our POS software right for your local retail business customers?

Retail businesses exist to serve their customers. This is especially true for local retail businesses, small retail businesses, specialty retail businesses. If your POS software doe snobs help you in this mission, it may not be the right POS software for you. that does not make it bad POS softwares just, maybe, not right for your business.

The right POS software for your customers is software that serves their needs for us you are able to well serve the needs of your businesses you will find success for your business.

This is why when considering POS software for your business it is good to ponder this question that we ask ourselves when talking with a sales prospect: Is our POS software right for your local retail business customers?

We want to understand your business and how it serves customers and how you think it could even better serve customers. We then consider your answers in the context of what we know that our POS software offers. Once we have this information, we can form our own view as to whether our POS software helps you serve your customers. If we don’t think our POS software does this, we will say so.

Good POS software for your retail business helps you serve customers how, when and where they want. It gives them the information they want. It helps you reach out at the right time to customers. It helps your customers enjoy your business more. It helps you provide the value-add that your customers will love and through which they will want to visit your more frequently.

Is our POS software right for your local retail business customers? Only you can know this for sure. Our desire is to help you discover what we can do and how we can do it so that your decision is fully informed.Now, if all this feels too complex, remember that the right POS software will deliver more financial and emotional value for your business than you expect. It’s the measure twice cut once rule. Time spent now on a question like this can help you avoid a mistake.

Tower Systems builds and supports specialty POS software for local specialty retailers.

Is our POS software right for you?


Yes, you, we are asking you. This is a personal question directed at local retailers, small business retailers.

Is our POS software right for you?

We think this is a question any local retail business owner needs to answer for themselves prior to purchasing POS software, prior to making that decision for themselves.

Yes, it is a personal decision, like any vital and important decision you make about the business.

You have to feel good abut the decision. It has to feel right. It has to fit. It has to be the decision you are comfortable and happy with.

We say, take your time, research thoroughly, be sure of what you want, be sure of the people you will deal with. It’s your business after all and every decision you take in and about the business is a reflection on you. This is why we say the decision about the best POS software for your local retail business is likely to be a personal decision for you.

Is our POS software right for you?

We are not seeking to be combative or offensive in asking the question. rather, our goal is to help you make the decision that best serves your own needs for if they are served then the POS software you choose will serve the needs of the business as well. It starts as a personal decision and evolves into a business decision.

The way to answer the question Is our POS software right for you? is by being personally involved, looking at software, talking to people from the company, talking to existing customers, being sure about your needs and being sure about your ultimate decision. If you are not sure, don’t rush, there is no hurry – expect sometimes from the software sales person who is chasing a target. We will not pressure here at Tower Systems – we are here for the long haul. make your decision when it is right for you.

So, Is our POS software right for you? We hope so. But, if it is not, we will wish you all the best. We may even suggest other POS software to consider.

Tower Systems makes specialty POS software for selected niche retail channels. Our focus is on local small business retail.

How Tower Systems has been helping NSW and ACT businesses through the challenging Covid lockdown


When the lockdowns in NSW and the ACRT were announced, Tower Systems reached to local small business retailers with practical help on how to work on their businesses with minimal cost, to make the businesses more valuable today and, especially, post lockdown.

Through a carefully created offer, we pitched practical help that included free advice with ideas that could be implemented without any outlay through to more commercial engagement that made our specialty retail POS software more affordable.

Tower Systems is an Australian software company. We make POS software for specialty retailers: jewellers, produce businesses, farm supply businesses, gift shops, garden centres, bike shops, bookshops, pet shops, toy shops, fishing & outdoors shops, music shops, sewing shops, mobility scooter businesses.

At our website,, you can see a video for each specialty retail marketplace we serve.

For a personal demonstration, please email or call Tim or Justin on 1300 662 957.

We are grateful to serve 3,500 local specialty retailers with our locally made and supported POS software.

Rent from a few dollars a day.

You can rent our software for a few dollars a day with no extra cost for more computers. Software rental includes:

  • Software updates.
  • Software support, human based support by our own team of retail specialists.
  • Extra training when you need it.

And, in our POS software, you have access to our Xero link, MYOB link, EFTPOS links for major banks, Tyro EFTPOS link, Zip, Humm and Afterpay access for buy now pay later, Shopify integration as well as Woo and Magento.

Plus, we have awesome loyalty tools, smart reporting, easy importing of electronic invoices and a pathway for converting from other software.

Limited time offer: $1,000 off training and setup package.

We charge for the two and a half days of training, setup and tailoring of software settings for your specific business. Right now, for NSW and ACT retailers we offer $1,000 off. This limited offer is put to respect the challenges you’re facing right now.

To find out more, please email or call 1300 662 957.

This Covid lockdown offer was embraced by plenty of business owners keen to work on their businesses. We re grateful to be able to help.

The POS Software Blog




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