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The POS Software Blog

News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.

CategoryPOS Software

Tower Systems supports op. shops and charity shops and community enterprises with tailored POS software


Local op. shops are part of the retail landscape across Australia. Run by churches, community groups and charities, these shops serve the vulnerable in our community while raising funds for vital local community projects.

Op. shops have unique needs when to comes to managing them. The needs are similar to those in charity shops and other community enterprise retail businesses.

Tower Systems is grateful to offer low-cost POS software for charity shops, op. shops and community enterprise businesses. This is software made for these retail situations, designed to help these community-focussed shops serve their goals, to fulfil their missions.

Charity and op. shops are unique and loved businesses, providing valuable service to the local community and to those supported by the charity. Here is some of what you can expect from the Tower Systems POS software for op. shops / charity shops / community enterprises:

  1. Easy shopper loyalty.  While the software offers a loyalty points system, we have found the cash-off approach in our loyalty tools works better in local retail. People understand money. A receipt showing an amount they can save on their next purchase gets, usually, at least 20% of people spending more that visit.
  2. Manage inventory your way. You can sell by barcode, products code, department, category within department, price point. You can sell, measure and report at the level point appropriate to your needs.
  3. Easy to learn. We have found that in community enterprises easy to learn / easy to use really does matter. Volunteer turnover makes this essential. We can record training specific to your needs and make these videos available for future volunteers.
  4. Secure. You can lock down parts of the software to secure them for management access only.
  5. Check and balances. This software guides processes. It also provides hidden tracking so you can investigate should the need arise.
  6. Club / group marketing and support. Leverage clubs and community groups with offers and pricing just for them.

This Australian made and supported charity / op. shop POS software does much more than what’s on this list. See it for yourself, live and obligation free, to see if it could serve you and your business. We’d be glad to show it to all involved in the operation.

We started din this space many years ago with our first church shop software and it’s evolved since for bigger businesses in this space as well as for much smaller businesses. We are grateful to help these organisations in their commitment to community service.

Advice for small business retailers considering SquarePOS for their business


Square POS is an American Point of Sale program that is pitched to small business retailers as low cost and easy to use.

There is no doubt that Square POS is easy to setup. As to cost, you need to do your homework to fully understand how costs of using Square POS accrue for a business. Look at your sales, how many transactions each day and the total value of those. Then calculate the cost of Square POS based on your business performance numbers. It is only after you have done this that you are able to calculate the actual user costs of SquarePOS for your business.

Tower Systems offers an alternative to Square POS that does not have any costs associated with transaction volume or transaction value. In other words, using the Tower Systems POS solution your POS software usage, software access and support costs are capped, you know exactly the cost of the software for your business on a daily basis, and it is only a few dollars a day for the software and real human support access.

If you are interested in Square POS for your business, call Square. Pick up the phone and call them. Have some questions ready to ask. We suggest you call Tower Systems too on any of our local office numbers, our mobile numbers or our national sales line 1300 662 957. Or, email us at

If you did call Square POS, or at least try and call them, and then you called us … we think you will have had very different experiences. we say this because one of the reasons local small business retailers go with our POS software over Square POS is because of the easy access to customer service, the human access to customer service, and that we are genuinely local.

POS software can be complex and confusing. A quick phone call with a human can easily answer any questions. It’s when you can’t reach someone that it can be frustrating. This is why we say call square POS with a question or two. see how they respond and factor that into your consideration as to the right POS software solution for your local retail business.

Only you can determine the best POS software for your specific business. Our core suggestion is do your homework, fully understand the costs and benefits of each software package under consideration.

New video: repairs software embedded in POS software helps local retailers


If you offer repairs services in your retail business, the repairs management software offered by Tower Systems as part of its POS software solution could prove ideal for managing repairs for your business and for the customer experience.

Jewellers, bile shops, scooter businesses, music shops, fishing and outdoors shops, farm supply businesses and more all use the repairs facilities to help them manage customer repairs.

Here is a new video we shot in which we explore some of the features and benefits of our POS software integrated repairs software:

Helping local small business retailers work on their businesses during lockdown


The latest Covid lockdowns in Australia are being embraced by many small business retailers as an opportunity to work on the business, and our POS software company is grateful to be able to help. And, help we are.

Here are some of the ways we are grateful to help local small business retailers to encourage more enjoyable, successful and valuable businesses.

  • Data de-cluttering. We have a structured process for helping retailers using our POS software to eliminate dead data. This data that has no relevance to the business today and into the future can be a burden. Our approach is careful, structured and comprehensive in helping the retailers to clean house, thereby seeing more clearly into the future.
  • Visual refresh. With so many settings in our POS software, retailers can make the software feel new and as a result more enjoyable. We sit with customers, learn about their needs and make some changes to give them a fresher look and feel.
  • Learning new stuff. People don’t know what they don’t know. We chat with them, test their knowledge boundaries and extend them through professional POS software training. From one-on-one to group training. From self-study to bespoke, our training does help detailers and their team members learn more about our POS software.
  • Streamlining workflow. We look at how things are done and offer suggestions for more efficient workflow, with the POS software at the core of this. In the back room. At the sales counter. Our workflow guidance and engagement can help local retailers improve efficiency.
  • Rooting out evil. People are known to misbehave in retail; businesses. yes, we are talking about theft here. People steal. Customers steal. Staff steal. Not everyone. Not even the majority. All it takes one to hurt,. in our POS software we have secret tools that can reveal what is happening.

Our goal is to help local small business retailers learn more and get more from their POS software. We have these and other programs and opportunities for achieving this, for making good business use of any downturn in shopper traffic because of Covid lockdown or related challenges.

As a wholly engages POS software company with excellent retail experience, Tower Systems is here to help local small business retailers improve their situation.

Charity / Op. Shop / Community POS software


While we serve many charity / op. shop retail stores in many different situations, we know this every shop is unique, with its own requirements. Our goal is to offer software that is as useful as possible, while being affordable for these tight budget businesses.

Here are answers to some of the questions we have been asked about our Charity / Op. Shop Software over the years.

When you are ready, we’d love to show you our Charity / Op. Shop Software and through that show you answers to other questions you have.

Does the software support community member pricing? Yes.

We work on behalf of several local charities. Can we track purchases by their members as a fund raising tool? Yes.

We have a lot of volunteers, is the software easily learnt? Yes.

We report to a board, are there good checks and balances? Yes.

Do we have to barcode everything we sell? No.

Can we compare the performance of different categories of what we sell? Yes.

Can we report on sales by product type so we can understand the categories that sell? Yes.

Does the software produce WAS / NOW price labels so we can show what something would cost in a regular store? Yes.

Our manager is off-site. Can they access the software from there? Yes.

Does the software support a loyalty program? Yes, there are several loyalty options that work in different situations from infrequent shopper visits to regular shopper visits.

Can we set a quantity purchase price for items? Yes.

Can we bundle items together, like into a hamper, and easily sell that? Yes.

Can the software handle tracking sales to group members to calculate a rebate for the group?Yes.

Can I include product care instructions on the receipt? Yes.

Does the software track where I have stored a box for an item? Yes.

Does the software handle LayBys? Yes.

Does the software connect with my website? We partner with Shopify, Magento and WooCommerce and offer direct links to these.

Can I email receipts? Yes.

Can I track where my customers come from? Yes.

Do I have to pay for software on additional computers in my business? No.

Can I connect with my EFTPOS terminal? Yes. We have a direct link to Tyro and through Linkly we connect to all major banks.

Can I use my existing hardware? Yes, as long as your hardware meets our minimum standards.

Can I use my existing data with the software? Yes. We’d like to check your data to be sure. We will advise what can be safely brought across.

Does it integrate with Xero? Yes.

Find out more at

Retailers loving POS software update


The update to the Tower Systems POS software released last week is attracting kudos from customers.

Thanks for the software update. It’s awesome. Thank you for including my suggestion! It was a small idea but it means a lot to me.

Including some new features as well as enhancements to existing features, retailers can review the update contents prior to deciding if they wish to load the update. This puts them in control.

With much of the update content coming from our proprietary Software Ideas platform and voted on by our customers, we knew this update would find plenty of love.

What’s critical about this and all of our updates is the steps they take to creating something even more useful and valuable to the niche business needs of our specialty retailer customers. We cover needs that are considered too niche by many software products.

Previewing new POS software


We have announced details to our POS software customer community of a preview opportunity for the next major release of our POS software.

This customer exclusive preview will demonstrate new facilities under development, providing existing customers an opportunity to comment and, through this, to guide the pathway home for these new facilities.

Our approach to active engagement with customers through the POS software enhancement process is something we have followed for a while. We benefit and our customers benefit from this transparent approach to developing and releasing major POS software updates. That we do this demonstrates an inherent and mutual trust in the software company / customer relationship.

This latest POS software pre-release preview session, which will be hosted in the next few days, is exciting ad we will be demonstrating, live, a significant body of work that takes us deeper into the needs of a couple of retail channels we are proud to serve. the work has already been seen and guided by some customers. This new session will open the reach of those who can engage with the opportunity.

Good POS software does not come from development in darkness. We have never believed that. The more retailers who see and comment on software we develop prior to release the better the ultimately released POS software is. This is why our approach is in the light, in front of customers as much as possible, for their feedback, guidance and encouragement.

The best people to guide POS software development are those with retail experience. They know what retailers need in their businesses, certainly more so than a programmer with no current retail experience. This is why sessions like the one coming up for us is so critical. It puts us in touch with the experts, those who can make a big different to our knowledge of what is really needed for our software to be of real service in a retail business. They know. Retailers are the experts. We learn from them and code to their needs.

Our approach of retail customer engaged and transparent POS software development has helped us earn a good place within our specialty retail POS software communities. We’re keen for our new session in the next few days.

POS software alternative to MYOB Retail Manager


We are grateful to have welcomed more MYOB Retail Manager customers to our POS software retail community so far in 2021. Offering a feature-rich POS software front end for MYOB Retail Manager customers provides them with sure-footed landing, an alternative to the Retail manager POS products, which, as we understand it, will not be further developed.

We help MYOB Retail Manager users transition to our POS software, to bring across as much data as possible, if they wish, and to setup business processes and practices that serve their needs into the future.

Our POS software is actively developed and enhanced, and it serves a range of specialty POS software retail channels such as jewellers, garden centres, bike shops, toy shops, pet shops, health food businesses, vape shops, music shops, antique shops, newsagents and more.

Many retailers have switched already from MYOB Retail Manager to our Tower Systems POS software. We are grateful for this and their sharing of information that has helped us further refine what is involved in the process. Their experiences have helped us better serve those making the switch now and those who will switch from MYOB Retail Manager in the future.

MYOB Retail Manager software customers who do switch to our POS software and want to keep using MYOB for accounting functions can do this as we link to MYOB through a third-party available platform that ensures data feed integrity. Those who want to switch to Xero can do so and rely on the direct Xero link that we offer in our POS software in partnership with Xero.

Our installation and training team members are skilled at helping MYOB Retail Manager customers to make the move. There is plenty to un-learn and plenty to learn. We help with this, offering support and assistance to make the path as smooth as possible. It is challenging, there is no doubt about that. But, many have trod this path before and it is on their shoulders that you can stand to see the way ahead.

You can do this, you can enjoy POS software beyond the MYOB retail Manager experience. Tower Systems is here for you, to help you and your business, with a viable and loved alternative to MYOB Retail Manager.

Square POS software alternative for local small business retailers


here at Tower Systems we make POS software for specialty retail businesses. We have businesses that have switched to us from Square POS as their needs have evolved from the basic to the specialty retail.

Our specialty retail business POS software is different to Square POS software in that we go beyond the everyday POS transactions of tracking sales, inventory and customers.

Our EFTPOS integrated POS software goes beyond Square POS in offering integrations with specialty retail suppliers, specialty retail functionality like repairs management, customer special orders, bagging up your own products, multi-layered loyalty tools and much much more.

While Square POS software serves basic retail needs, we dive deep every day, guided by the evolving needs of the specialty retailers we serve. This includes working with suppliers, retail business owners and the field force working in retail.

Beyond the sales counter, where Square POS software is most loved, in the back room, on the road, on the shop floor and at home ur tower systems specialty retail POS software serves, serves and serves as it helps retail business owners to uncover opportunities, to see what they might otherwise not see in and for their businesses. This is valuable differentiation on which the retailers can rely and bank.

The thing about Square POS is that they say there is no cost for the software, and that you pay a fee per transaction. It’s easy even for a small business to rack up fees using Square POS that make it more expensive than the Tower Systems POS software. take a gift shop, using our POS software, the cost is under $1,200 a year. our of a $300,000 turnover, that equals a percentage of turnover cost of .4%. That’s less than half the cost of Square POS. Plus, a gift retailer using our POS software has access to facilities and serves considerably beyond the Square POS software options.

Our software is Australian made and Australian supported. Our business is Australian, serving the Australian community. these are all factors for businesses that appreciate and support buy local – because they want their customers to appreciate their own local credentials.

If you are thinking about Square POS soft your local retail business, let us show you a comparison, so your decision can be more informed.

POS software for mobility scooter businesses


Using our POS software for mobility scooter businesses you can expect to engage with software that has facilities of value and worth to your specific type of business. This is software with facilities and tools for mobility scooter businesses …

  • Tracking serial numbers.
  • Handling orders for customers, special orders.
  • Managing repairs that are in-house as well as external.
  • Bringing customers back for servicing.
  • Club pricing, which can work for retirement villages and similar situations.
  • Regular sales.
  • Loading supplier stock files.
  • BOGO: Increase sales with buy this and get that bundling. And, yes, it’s a thing.
  • Warranty: Track details and leverage this for customer service.
  • Bring them back: Target market based on past services.
  • Sell anywhere: Using our Retailer RoamTM sell anywhere app.
  • Sell anytime: With our Shopify / Magento / Woo integrations.
  • Special orders: Easily manage special customer orders.
  • Awesome loyalty: Guide one-time and regular shoppers to spend more.
  • Seasonal reordering: Easily reorder inventory based on seasonal sales.

All these things and more are useful in helping our POS software for mobility scooter businesses be useful, valuable and helpful to these unique and local businesses serving people with mobility needs.

Here are some of the ways our locally made POS software for mobility scooter businesses leverages the uniqueness of these businesses:

  1. Rare visit loyalty.  The customer visit cycle for a mobility scooter business is often infrequent. Embedded in this software are loyalty tools that encourage shoppers be more valuable each visit.
  2. Pre-orders. Easily manage selling products before you have them in-stock.
  3. Buy Now Pay Later and LayBy. Through our software you can have both.
  4. Bundle / package. It’s easy to bundle items together to create something unique to your needs, unique for your customers. Putting items together this way can help you guide shoppers to spend more.
  5. Club / group marketing and support. Leverage retirement villages, clubs and other local groups with offers and pricing.
  6. Special orders. Being able to manage and track special customer orders helps you save time and cut mistakes. Also, it’s easier for you to be paid in advance for these.
  7. Product repairs and servicing. Using our repairs management facilities you can track parts and labour used in repairs as well as repairs done outside the business. You can also recall customers based on activity, like last service date.
  8. Serial number tracking. For service records, insurance and much more. Tracking serial numbers of stock items is good for busines and good for customer service.

Our Australian made and supported mobility scooter business POS software does much more than what’s on this list. See it for yourself, live and obligation free, to see if it could serve you and your business. We’d be glad to show it to you.

POS software for computer shops helps local IT businesses serve local customers


Our POS software for computer shops helps these local and loved specialty IT businesses better serve their customers thanks to a range of specialty tools built into the software, tools that help these businesses more efficiently and successfully serve the needs of their customers.

Let’s get into it.

Our POS software for computer shops helps these businesses …

  • Track stock, including small computer parts.
  • Manage special customer orders.
  • Manage and track a computer build from parts through to labour to completion.
  • Manage computer repairs.
  • Track and manage serial numbers.
  • Offer loyalty for shoppers who shop infrequently.
  • Track customer call backs for service visits.
  • Encourage sales by offering club pricing support.

This is POS software made for computer shops, bringing certainty, structure and smooth workflow to these local businesses that provide specialist IT products in their local communities.

We often see local computer shops running general POS software when they could more usefully benefit from POS software that is more closely aligned with the needs of the business.

Computer shops that handle special orders for customers will find the pre-order, lay-by, customer special orders and other related facilities useful as they can help you capture business long before you have the goods in the shop.

Computer shops that quote for business will find the unique quote and invoice management tools useful as it is designed specifically for that service. This reimagined facility was developed with businesses that do a lot of quotation related work.

The Tower Systems computer shop POS software has been tuned to the needs of computer shops. We are grateful today to note that we have plenty of customer in this specialty retail niche of computer shops. They guide our enhancement program and help us to continue to evolve our computer shops software solution to be of more value today than it was last release and the release before that. Many of our customers were surprised at some things we do, helping them to expand what they offer from their businesses.

This is what local POS software companies like Tower Systems do, constantly improve their POS software to evolve the value it provides.

Our local computer shop POS software is worth a look if you are in this retail channel. We’d love to show it to you.

This software is based on our bike shop software as that has been found to serve the needs of computer shops.

Joyful POS software


We are grateful to our creative team for sourcing joyful images to represent each of our specialty retail POS software products for local specialty retailers. here’ a quick video we put together focussing on those images.

A Covid lockdown To-Do list for local small business retailers


Here in Melbourne we are in our fifth Covid lockdown. As well as owning our POS software company and working with local small business retailers every day, I also own three retail businesses and several online businesses.

This Covid lockdown To-Do list for local small business retailers is practical advice you can action without cost, to make the most of the lockdown opportunity.

Whether your shop is closed or open but with less traffic, now is an ideal time to work on your business.

  1. List what’s not sold. Run a report listing all inventory in the business that has not sold at all this year. This list gives you a starting point for action. We did this last week for one customer and identified $15,000 worth of dead stock, stock the owner to that point was not focussed on.
  2. Act on what’s not sold. Dead stock is dead weight. If you have long since paid for it, cents in the dollar for it is better than nothing.
  3. Look at what’s been selling with what. Often the items in the same basket are not seen by retailers as items you can put together. This list, which you should be able to get from your POS software, can guide shop floor placement changes.
  4. Front to back clean. Literally, start at the front of the shop and work your want to the back. Clean every single product. We often find that the act of holding every product leads to decisions about some products, decisions we might otherwise not have made. We have just done this at one of our own Westfield shops and the decisions we made along the way have been liberating.
  5. Work on your roster. Look at what usually sells by day of week and by time. Your POS software should be able to help with this. Take time to review your roster to ensure it is set appropriately. Labour is usually the top or second highest cost in a retail business outside of inventory.
  6. Reset the front third of the store. Look carefully at that front third of your store. Make bold changes simply by moving things, so that when shoppers return they see things they’ve not noticed before.
  7. Prepare social media content that leverages you. Using your phone, film short videos of you or a team member talking about products. Prepare these to load over time on Facebook, Instagram and more. Have fun.
  8. If you have a website for the business, write blog posts as they are absolutely the single best thing you can do to attract traffic to the website. A blog post should be single topic, pitch a consistent keyword at least five times and be over 350 words. We have a lot of experience with this and note, again, this is the single most effective online marketing for a website. The only investment is your time – don’t outsource this.
  9. Learn something new. Ask your POS software company for the best report in the software to reveal what you are unlikely to know about your business. Run that report. Read it. Make a list of things you could do. Act on it.
  10. Be a shopfitter. Shopfitters are expensive. Look at an area of your shop that you want to change that you would usually hire a shoplifter to handle. Think through how you can do it yourself. I know many retailers who have done this and vowed to not use shopfitters for such changes in the future.
  11. If you are online, undertake a data driven review of your website. Look at your traffic and the traffic of your competitors. Review your site and theirs. Look for opportunities to attract more shoppers to your site based on the data. Whoever developed your website should be able to collate this data for you.
  12. Personally: refresh. If you can take a break from business, even for an hour a day, read fiction, listen to music you love, go for a walk outside. These nourishing things can help reset mood and that could help you discover new opportunities for your business.

We are a local Aussie POS software company serving 3,500+ local small business retailers with POS software and beautiful Shopify websites. Beyond this, we also offer retail business management advice and help to our customers every day.

Thanks for reading. have an awesome rest of your weekend …

Mark Fletcher |

The POS Software Blog




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