The POS Software Blog

The POS Software Blog

News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.

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Expanding the POS software development team


We are adding to our POS software development team, in the React space. We have several roles requiring skilled, commercially experienced, developers. here’s what we are looking for in candidates:

  • 2 years’ minimum experience in developing software using ReactJS (Typescript).
  • Experience in front-end development is a must.
  • Experience in back-end development is desirable.
  • Understanding of AWS Architecture, GraphQL, REST APIs, and offline storage.
  • Ability to work in a highly agile, non-prescriptive environment.
  • Must be able to work autonomously and with high level directives.

Tower Systems is grateful to support local IT professionals with leading edge opportunities.

Tower Systems helps retailers separate online and in-store revenue for easy reporting


If your shop sells online and in a physical store, how easy is it for you to report on sales revenue by location of the sale?

How easy is it for you to report in-store sales versus online sales?

We think this should be easy.

Online sales have a different set of costs compared to in-store sales. There are different customer acquisition costs, too, and different fulfilment costs.

By separating out the reporting of sales based on the platform through which sales are transacted, Tower Systems provides retailers using its POS software with insights that could be valuable in better understanding the business, and thereby better taking those next steps in the business.

This level of reporting in the Tower Systems POS software is differentiating for the business, it is helping Tower Systems to win customers, for which we are sincerely grateful.

When we shared our innovative approach with our customers, there was much joy. The enhancements were not sought out by our customers. We did it because we saw the need in our own retail businesses. So when the enhancements were released in an update a while back, customers were surprised. It was like giving them a nugget of gold that made their use of our POS software even more valuable. We are so proud of delivering this and delivering what’s next in this space, and next again.

While our POS software connected Shopify, Magneto and Woo customers can get the online sales data from those platforms, by bringing it together in the POS, which manages data for all sales – in-store as well as online – made sense to us. It’s a time saver for retailers and retail business managers. It is a good decision feeder by placing this data, these insights, in one place.

This is a good POS software move, a value-add, a way the Tower Systems POS software enhanced the user experience and the value they can mine from their use of our POS software.

Maybe you can tell we are excited. Well, that’s because of customer feedback. Yes, it’s been terrific, for which we are even more grateful.

2022 is a good year for local small business retail and we are happy to be part of the story evolving in many main street settings in Australia and New Zealand.

5 benefits POS software companies neglect in their sales pitch


Good POS software offer these 5 benefits. Tower Systems does.

  1. What’s not selling = cut dead stock waste.
  2. What you’re missing out on = stop selling out.
  3. What’s sells with what = selling more.
  4. Theft under your nose = save thousands.
  5. Know when you’re busy and quiet = reduce labour costs.

Of course, thanks to the Tower Systems POS software, there are many more benefits than these. Now, here’s a new video from us about these 5 benefits from the Tower Systems POS software.

Tower Systems helps local Aussie retailers sell Aussie made products


In many different ways in our POS software we help local retailers pitch local, and this matters to many in local communities.

Of course, the more more keep local jobs, the more the local economy thrives, and Thi sis good for everyone.

So, in our POS software, we make it easy for local retailers to shine a light on locally made.

And, outside our POS software, we promote local, in support of our retail customers.

This video is another way Tower Systems goes beyond what is traditional for a POS software company. We are proud to do this, and more.

Aussie POS software for vape shops


Vape Shop software made here in Australia for local Australian vape shops.

Australian made. Australian supported. $155.00 a month.

Thanks to the work Tower Systems does in a range of regulated specialty retail spaces, we have software ideal for vape shops, as current vape shop software customers tell us. Find out more here:

  • Easily manage an age check at the sales point. Being able to demonstrate that you do this in a structured way help if you are checked by regulators.
  • Product use information on receipts.
  • Customising product labels with the information that you want on there.
  • Tracking the tastes of customers so that you can market to them if a new product emerges that may satisfy their interests, needs or tastes.
  • Selling by fractions. With some products sold in less than whole number units of measure, track inventory at the fractional level.
  • Selling online through our Shopify link– stock data and images flow across.
  • Tracking who sold what and when.
  • Strong remote management tools for owners away from the businesses.
  • Strong audit tools through which to track behaviour that may compromise the integrity of the business.
  • Loading electronic invoices from suppliers.
  • Ultimately, that’s what this software is about – structure, business structure through which the business can safely and consistently operate to the benefit of the business and those who work in it.

Here are 5 more reasons to love our Vape Shop Software:

  1. Local matters. Our software helps you leverage your localness, to genuinely differentiate your business from big competitors.
  2. You are a key asset. Only your business has you and your people. You can leverage you through our software, to easily share your knowledge.
  3. You can bank on loyalty. In our software, you have fresh loyalty tools customers truly love.
  4. The unseen can reveal opportunities. Knowing return on investment and return on floorspace … knowledge is power.
  5. Not every shopper will walk past your door. A smart and seamless connection to a beautiful website can help you sell more.

Our Vape Shop Software costs $155.00 for each 30 days. The $155.00 is for access from as many computers as you have in the business.

There is no long-term contract. You can cancel at any time. There is no finance application.

We understand the controversy around vaping. Our commitment is to provide specialty retail POS software for legal specialty retail businesses. Should legal settings change and result in selling vaping products be illegal in Australia, we will stop offering our software.

Retailers: beware POS software companies that charge per transaction


When comparing POS software for your retail business be sure to look at the total cost of ownership.

If there is a fee per transaction, work out what you would be paying for the software based on your current transaction volume level.

One local retailer recently discovered that they would be paying $5,000 a year more for another POS software product compared to going with Tower Systems. This is despite the other company saying they were low cost.  Once they added up the software rental cost, the per transaction cost, the EFTPOS cost and the cost for additional support to match what we consider to be basic support, the cost was even greater.

We all have EFTPOS costs so comparing the companies on that net each other off. The real differences were in the per transaction cost – we don’t have one – and the cost for extra support – there, it’s all included.

Taking a moment to more completely research the cost of POS software can reveal significant cost differences.

Another company said their rental was $50 a month less if you sign ups for their payments platform. You had to dig a bit to see the actual costs of that. What we found in that situation was that their payment costs were 33% above market cost, meaning a business that signs up for their payments platform would pay far more to use their POS software than if they went with us, where costs are transparent and fixed.

The retailer being hit with these costs, once they discovered the extent of them, was horrified at what they had been paying.

Here at Tower Systems we are a POS software company. We are not in the business of setting our price based on your transaction volume or how people pay. Indeed, it frustrates us when local retailers discover how much extra they have paid because they signed up to a transaction fee arrangement as most we have spoken to who did this did so without understanding. They thought it was a saving. They tend to feel dudded and this negatively impacts how they see all POS software companies.

All of us in business owe our customers transparency when it comes to pricing. Charging per transaction or charging based on the use of a payments platform is not transparent based on what we can see, or not see as the case may be.

Tower Systems makes it easy for retailers to load supplier invoices and stock files


We are grateful to win for retailers to the Tower Systems POS software thanks to our easy to use approach for loading supplier electronic invoices and stock files.

This happened again a couple of days ago when a retailer switched once they saw how easy we made it to load electronic invoices. They were tired of not being able to do this and appreciated that we make it easy.

here;’s the thing though – we have been doing this for years and years.

Saving time for retailers is a key goal. Couple this with data accuracy and it is a no brainer for POS software companies to make loading electronic invoices and stock files easy. we are grateful when. People switch to our POS software for this and are proud to deliver them with even more facilities they can love.

While it doesn’t make sense to us when we see POS software that does not make it easy to load invoices and files, we leverage the opportunities competitor missteps provide.

Tower Systems gift shop software @ Reed Gift Fair in Sydney


We are grateful to be at the Reed Gift Fair in Sydney. We are 2 days in and we have met so many gift shop owners, newsagents and other local small business retailers. It’s a wonderful opportunity to show off our POS software.

Being the only POS software company here is a treat,

Our stand is in a good position, which is a bonus.

The mood of people at the gift fair is terrific, optimistic. People have an appetite for change. Very few talked about wanting things to be the way they were. They are looking ahead, evolving, planning business moves for the new normal rather than the old past.

We have had so many good discussions, useful discussions and what’s interesting is people are up for it, they are up for a chat to explore business. It’s this face top face that people have been missing and to be there at the first major show on this scale in 2 years is a joy, a delight and a wonderful opportunity.

We are glad to have invested the money to be here, to meet face top face with retailers.

What’s particularly interesting about this gift fair is that it has attracted a diverse mix of retailers, most of whom trade in retail channels we serve: jewellers, garden centres, gift shops, homewares shops, toy shops and newsagents. This has made the show even more valuable for us, which we sincerely appreciate.

Our Aussie made and supported POS software for local specialty retailers is software to love and here’s why …

  1. Local matters. Local retail businesses make a vital contribution to local cycling communities and families. Our software helps you leverage your localness, to genuinely differentiate your business from big competitors.
  2. You are a key asset. Only your business has you and your people. You can leverage you through our POS software, to easily share your knowledge in ways big businesses cannot match.
  3. You can bank on loyalty. Points don’t reward loyalty. What is a point worth anyway? In our local shop POS software, you have fresh loyalty tools you can bank on to drive a deeper visit value, bring shoppers back sooner and genuinely leverage their lifetime value opportunity.
  4. Service, service, service. Offering service and managing this for the benefit of your customers and your business can genuinely differentiate thanks to our smart management tools. You can bank on this difference.
  5. Not every shopper will walk, or rides, past your door. A smart and seamless connection between your software and a beautiful website can help you easily and with low overhead sell to people you will never meet.

Uploading supplier data is easy, as is sharing data with Shopify websites – through two-way traffic.

All of this has been on show at the Reed Sydney Gift Fair.

Insights from Shoptalk 2022


We are grateful to have been able to attend Shoptalk 2022 live in Las Vegas last week, along with thousands of retailers and tech experts working with retailers. here is some of what we are prepared to share publicly in terms of insights:

Insights for pet retailers and other retailers


A couple of us got to see some cool retail in Los Angeles last week. here is one of the videos. This one is about a fun and happy pet shop serving locals in suburban Los Angeles.

Beyond our POS software, we support our 3,000+ local retailer community with business insights and advice, to help them run more enjoyable and valuable local retail businesses.

$159/mth gift shop POS software on show at Sydney Reed Gift Fair


We are grateful to have a terrific stand at the Reed Gift Fair that starts this coming weekend in Sydney. Situated in the main hall, in the centre of action, we will have fresh new gift shop POS software on show, software available for a monthly fee of $159.00, including GST.

You won’t miss our stand as it features our latest artwork, which includes:

We are so excited to show off this new software, which is packed with features to help local gift shops thrive in-store as well as online.

Gift shops can rent this software for $159.00 a month. Here his what is included in this complete package offer:

  • Software made for gift shops.
  • Free half a day one-on-one training and setup advice.
  • Free training videos. Learn at your own pace.
  • Free knowledge base / online manual.
  • Free access to a help desk – based here in Australia.
  • Cancel at any time.

Why do gift shops need specialty POS software? Why can’t they use basic software? They can. However, the more specialty the software, the more facilities the business has to attract shoppers and leverage what’s special about the business.

The Tower Systems gift shop software is specialty POS software made for gift shops. It has been made to help gift shops leverage what is unique about their businesses. We think this is a reason many hundreds of gift shop retailers have chosen our software.

At the Reed Gift Fair in Sydney we will offer live demonstrations of this software boy our skilled professionals. They will be able to answer questions and help any retailer see whether this software could be right for their business.

We’re not 100% sure as these things can change but our latest check indicated we were the only gift shop software company at the trade show.

Using our gift shop software, local gift retailers can tap into plenty of benefits, including:

  • Easy and accurate selling.
  • Less dead stock.
  • Fewer sales mistakes.
  • Get rid of manual books at the counter for LayBys, special orders, stock you need to order and more.
  • Cut theft by knowing what is being stolen.
  • Eliminate LayBy and get you paid sooner with buy now pay later.
  • Make price comparison harder with bundled packs.
  • Easily and consistently pitch locally sourced products.
  • Drive community group member engagement with group pricing.
  • Get one-time-only shoppers spending more with loyalty tools.
  • Bring customers back with reminders on dates important to them.
  • Save money on bookkeeping by integrating with Xero.
  • Leverage your knowledge on receipts and elsewhere. Sell you.
  • Reach beyond your four walls with a directly linked Shopify store.

Our team will do everything possible to help your local gift shop thrive – in the city or country, on the high street or in a mall.

Tower Systems only serves local retailers in selected specialty marketplaces.

Tower Systems features in ABC news report on work from home


I am grateful to Dan Ziffer and the ABC for the opportunity to participate in this story about working from home. I am also thankful to colleague Jennifer for being willing to be interviewed and to Michael and Minh for their live shots and to some other crew members for joining on the Zoom. Here’s a link to the full story:

The story itself is an indicator of changes in reporting. Dan shot the interview with Jennifer at home and myself in our office over 2 days. The content made its way onto radio, TV and online yesterday.

On the topic itself, for us, engagement came about because some people were calling for a return to the city, a return to offices. That didn’t make sense to me so I wrote about it. Dan Ziffer from the ABC noticed that. My view is there is no going back to office blocks full of people. People who can work from home should be able to. People who want to work in an office should be able to.

Thrift shop POS software helps local thrift shops manage


Thrift shops, like charity shops, have unique needs when it comes to business management. The Tower Systems thrift shop software helps these businesses meet plenty of uniquer needs in their service of local communities and causes.

The Tower Systems thrift shop software has facilities designed to serve these unique needs such as:

  1. Easy shopper loyalty.  While the software offers a loyalty points system, we have found the cash-off approach in our loyalty tools works better in local thrift shop retail. People understand money. A receipt showing an amount they can save on their next purchase gets, usually, at least 20% of people spending more that visit.
  2. Manage inventory your way. You can sell by barcode, products code, department, category within department, price point. You can sell, measure and report at the level point appropriate to your needs. This means thrift shops have multiple ways in which they can track what they sell, to understand what they sell.
  3. Easy to learn. We have found that in community enterprises, like thrift shops, easy to learn / easy to use really does matter. Volunteer turnover makes this essential. We can record training specific to your needs and make these videos available for future volunteers.
  4. Secure. You can lock down parts of the software to secure them for management access only. With volunteers working in thrift shops they may not need access to some parts of the software.
  5. Check and balances. This software guides processes. It also provides hidden tracking so you can investigate should the need arise.
  6. Club / group marketing and support. Leverage clubs and community groups with offers and pricing just for them. Thrift shops often exist to serve local community needs, our thrift shop software makes it easy to incentivise engagement by locals for the support of locals.

Our Australian made and supported thrift shop POS software does much more than what’s on this list. See it for yourself, live and obligation free, to see if it could serve you and your business. We’d be glad to show it to all involved in the operation.

Here are some questions we have had from thrift shop managers:

Does the software support community group member pricing? Yes.

We work on behalf of several local charities. Can we track purchases by their members as a fund raising tool? Yes.

We have a lot of volunteers, is the software easily learnt? Yes.

We report to a board, are there good checks and balances? Yes.

Do we have to barcode everything we sell? No.

Can we compare the performance of different categories of what we sell? Yes.

Can we report on sales by product type so we can understand the categories that sell? Yes.

Does the software produce WAS / NOW price labels so we can show what something would cost in a regular store? Yes.

Our manager is off-site. Can they access the software from there? Yes.

Does the software support a loyalty program? Yes, there are several loyalty options that work in different situations from infrequent shopper visits to regular shopper visits.

Can we set a quantity purchase price for items? Yes.

Can we bundle items together, like into a hamper, and easily sell that? Yes.

The best way to see if this thrift shop software is good for your situation is through a demonstration.

We are grateful to support the work of local charity / thrift shops:

Retail advice: if you are concerned about rising EFTPOS merchant t fees, here are some steps you can take to help


It’s an easy complaint to make – my merchant fees are going up, it’s not fair, time for me to consider another supplier.

Okay, yeah, that’s an easy take. It’s a cheap shot by us to call it out. But, let’s explain and explore it with you.

Our advice is to look at your data first.

We have thoroughly looked at hundreds of thousands of baskets from many retail businesses.

The most common reason merchant fees are increasing is because of more sales transacted using EFTPOS.

While sometimes the actual fee basis, flat fee per Tx or percentage, increases, this is rare.

Yes, the most common reason a retailer paid more in merchant fees last month than the month before is because more transactions were paid for on a card.

So, the EFTPOS provider is not the cause of the issue.

Retailers is some marketing groups have access to preferential rates that see them paying the lowest fees in the country.

But, that addresses only the base cost.

To address the growing cost to the business, of people using a card to pay, you need to be an engaged retailer. Here are some ideas:

  • Promote cash payment – if you want the costs associated with cash of course.
  • Be clear as to the cost of using a card. You could apply a surcharge, which I think is a ridiculous idea though.
  • Price knowing that cards will be used. Build the cost into your pricing model. Keep the bump under 2% and it is less likely to be noticed.
  • Lower a cost elsewhere to cover the cost. Look at your labour cost, for example. Shaving a hour of employee rostered time can save you around $30.00, that’s equal to purchases of $3750.00 on a card – depending on the type of card used.
  • Increase sales. While you should be single-mindedly focussed on this anyway, increasing sales helps you address the EFTPOS cost and more in the business.

It’s easy to kick a bank over EFTPOS fees. But … before you do that, look at your own behaviour. Here are common points in retail businesses that retailers overlook when they kick a supplier:

  • Dead stock. It’s easy to identity but often not. A problem not seen is not a problem to some. In my experience on conducting an audit of stock performance, usually, 20% of stock on the shop floor over which the retailer has full control underperforms and should not be there.
  • Bloated roster. Some prefer to spend money on people so they have time to themselves for relaxing, golf or to sit in the back office, where no customer purchases from.
  • Wrong trading hours. Some stay open too long while others are not open long enough. Either way has a cost to the business.
  • Being blind to theft. Theft in retail, like a local newsagency business, costs on average between 3% and 5% of turnover. Not watching for it, tracking it and mitigating against it has a cost to the business.
  • The wrong product mix. GP% is a key measure of retail business performance. Increasing yours beyond what is traditional for your channel provides you with a buffer. For example, transaction count / sales can decline and you can be okay. Measure GP%. Set a goal. Chase it. The air is cleaner in above average.
  • Ignorance. It’s not bliss. It’s not! There are insights in your software that can guide better decisions, faster decisions, more financially rewarding decisions. Yet, too many in retail don’t want to know. That failure costs them plenty.

The 6 items on the above list are all on the retailer to address.

We get that it’s easy to complain about high EFTPOS fees. If you are contemplating that, please take a moment to look back inside your business, look at the reason why and see if there are decisions you could make that are more valuable than complaining about EFTPOS fees or changing supplier. Our team here at Tower Systems would be happy to help.

Rising EFTPOS fees are likely not a problem since the y reflect rising sales, unless your provider is hiking your fees, which is rare.

The opportunity of Easter in local small business retail


Seasons, like Easter, can be challenging for local retailers. It is important, but very personal for many. For others, it’s about delicious hot cross buns and a mountain of chocolate treats. Engaged retailers want to connect, but not intrude.

Through our work with card and gift retailers, and local Aussie newsagents, we respect the opportunity of Easter, to help people connect with family and loved-ones. That’s what we like about these cards, they cover different, thoughtful, approaches to Easter.

We help retailers plan for seasons like Easter by reflecting on what happened last year, and the year before that. History is helpful, and being able to tap into it, even when the dates of a season change, help us learn from it.

We are a local Aussie POS software company that helps local retailers serve their local community:

#Easter #Family #Love #Comfort #Care #Community #Reflection

Walking in the shoes of our customers: what we are learning from our latest retail shop


While creating and supporting locally made POS software is what we do, we have owned and run shops in several; retail channels since February 1996. The experiences over the years have helped us make better software. There is no substitute for the personal understanding of everyday retail needs.

While we are not experts in all retail channels in which we serve, our knowledge from our own experience sets us apart among software companies.

Recently, is a new shop we purchased, we learnt more than we anticipates when we came to change the carpet …

Retail advice: shopfit changes worth doing are worth doing well – replacing the shop floor covering

We decided to replace the worn-out carpet in the retail newsagency business that we purchased on Glenferrie Road, Malvern, Victoria, in December 2021.

The decision is part our small-steps approach to refreshing this business. Rather than undertaking a whole shopfit at once, we are making a series of changes over time, as we learn more abut the business and its customers, and, to suit our goal of creating a less traditional newsagency.

So, we decided to replace the carpet.

We got several quotes, and chose a company with a good reputation. we appreciated their honesty regarding the need to close for 2 days to do the whole shop, around 250 sq metres.

The challenges started part way through day 1, when the old carpet was being removed. It turned out that under the old carpet was underlay, more carpet, tiles, and, lino tiles. The business had not changed hands in 38 years and it appeared that the original flooring was still in place for plenty of the shop.

In some places there were not as many layers on top of the original concrete floor.

The carpet installers had not anticipated dealing with so many layers when accepting the removal job from the carpet company. We had to get to the shop to take a look for ourselves as they were asking for more money.

The quote we had agreed to was not, in hindsight, as clear as it could have been. They could have removed the carpet and underlay and laid our new carpet on top. But, that would have resulted in an uneven floor. For the best result, all previous flooring had to be removed, and that would cost, we were told, $2,500.00 more.

A complication was the look of one layer. To be sure, it needed to be treated like asbestos. It was either that or halt the works and have it tested, which was not an option given where the project was at.

So, we agreed to the $2,500 and the removal back to the original concrete was done.

From the Saturday through to the Monday, March 14, the project was completed and new, lush, underlay installed and new carpet on top of that. The result is wonderful, clean, soft, and, quiet, it is very quiet.

From when we re-opened Tuesday morning we have been receiving comments from customers. They agree with us, it’s soft to walk on, and, it’s quiet.

While the project cost more than expected, the end result is well worth it. Along the way we have been reminded some things about shopfit works:

  • Be sure of the outcome you want.
  • Be thorough in your research, so you know the complete scope of the project.
  • Be clear what you want done in the project when seeking quotes.
  • Have a contingency in your budget so you can cope with surprises.
  • Health, safety and comfort of those working in the business and those shopping in the business has to be your top priority.
  • When it comes to flooring, if the shop is old, expect past changes to have been placed on top of old flooring, as it is cheaper.
  • The best flooring outcome starts with new flooring being placed on the base concrete or timber flooring in the building, and not on top of existing floor coverings.

Point 1 is always our position going into anything. it’s why we quickly agreed to the additional payment – we wanted then best outcome.

In terms of health, safety and comfort, we chose a more expensive underlay and this has been key to the customer comments over the last week since installation. The feel underfoot is wonderful.

While we want our shoppers to talk in good terms about what they buy in our shops, them talking in good terms about the experience is equally valuable, especially in a suburban high street situation like our Malvern shop. This is why we invest in shopfit upgrades and changes.

Every week we are making changes in this shop, introducing new product lines, moving fixtures, editing existing ranges and more. But, we are doing this in a small-steps approach – in part so as to not disrupt long-term customers who appreciate certainty (a thriving shop 2 doors away has had the same family owners since the 1930s) and to allow us to adjust as we learn.

On our current trajectory, we think it will be early 2023 before we have the shop feeling how we want it. Completing it before then could see us make changes too soon, and there is no win in that.

Also, our small-steps approach has us in control whereas a more traditional new shopfit approach would see the shoplifter in control and that’s not what we want as retailers.

The POS Software Blog




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