The POS Software Blog

The POS Software Blog

News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.

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New video: jeweller POS software


A couple of us got together a few days ago and filmed a new video in which we explore the features and benefits of our jeweller POS software:

This locally made and supported POS software for jewellers is used in hundreds of jeweller businesses. Thanks to their engagement, it continues to evolve. We are grateful to our customers for their support.

New video: repairs software embedded in POS software helps local retailers


If you offer repairs services in your retail business, the repairs management software offered by Tower Systems as part of its POS software solution could prove ideal for managing repairs for your business and for the customer experience.

Jewellers, bile shops, scooter businesses, music shops, fishing and outdoors shops, farm supply businesses and more all use the repairs facilities to help them manage customer repairs.

Here is a new video we shot in which we explore some of the features and benefits of our POS software integrated repairs software:

Thank you for shopping local


It’s the tax contribution by local businesses that can make a big difference to the local community.

We have competitors based overseas who shift revenue to minimise the tax that’s paid in Australia. Any time that is done it reduces income for the government that could have helped fund health, schools, education, infrastructure and more.

We are grateful for the support of Aussies, for this is what helps us be successful and our success is success for Australia.

Whether you shop with us or another locally owned and run business, thank you. #ShopLocal #grateful #AustralianMade #community

Helping small business retailers deal with Covid related supply chain challenges


2021 is proving to be challenging for all retailers, but especially small business retailers, when it comes to supply chain confidence. Covid has wreaked havoc on predicting, in-country logistics, shipping and arrival port congestion.

Christmas 2021 is looking challenged for some retail businesses as a result. This is leaving some retail channels scrambling to resolve Christmas options to keep their shops and websites full and able to satisfy shopper demand.

We have been leveraging our cross channel experience and contacts to help retailers looking for assistance in putting in place contingency plant to buttress their business against the impact of supply chain challenges.

Through contacts, business data and some other elements we have been able to highlight opportunities for retailers to consider that may play well for them, offering alternative for otherwise hard to stock product for Christmas 2021. Right now, in August 2021, it is getting close to too late to put in place reasonable contingency plans. That’s why we have been encouraging retailers to work on this for several months now.

The Covid impacted factory, logistics and related challenges are not new, we all went through 2020. But, they are more intense now, even more so than in 2020. We did engage then. This year, the engagement has been broader and with more retailers.

As a POS software company with a wide and deep relationship with its customers, Tower Systems is grateful for the opportunity to serve retailers in this way, to help with practical advice and connections beyond what could be usual for a POS software company. There is a POS software connection though, since it is the data curated by our POS software that can reveal opportunities outside of what has been traditional for a business when they are looking to fill an unexpected product gap.

Thanks to other business interests we have, we are fortunate to have access to good data as to factory and other challenges for products in a. range of categories. This is helpful for us as we can share this with our customers. Sometimes local suppliers are not as forthcoming with data as to delays. Retailers want information so they ca n implement a plan b. Some suppliers are scared they will lose business, which is odd as they would lose it anyway with such late deliveries.

Helping local small business retailers write blog posts to drive website sales and online traffic


Today, Thursday, at 10:30am we are hosting a session about writing blog posts to drive website traffic.

We have considerable success you g this for our own online businesses and will, in this free session, share tips and advice for retailers, guiding them as to what they can do to write effective blog posts.

Here are the details to access this free Zoom workshop:

Thursday August 26 @ 10:30am Melbourne time:
Meeting ID: 948 1461 2952 Passcode: 941762

Writing blog posts can feel daunting. Let’s talk and see if we can help show a pathway to make this achievable free marketing for you. Plus, we will answer any Shopify / online sales questions you have.

Advice for small business retailers on writing blog posts to drive website traffic


Today, Thursday August 25, we are hosting a free workshop for small business retailers on writing blog posts for websites to attract online shopper traffic.

This is the fourth free Zoom workshop we have hosted this week for local small business retailers seeking advice and help in creating beautiful websites for their businesses.

From the workshops, a common question from people was about writing blog posts: how to, when to, why to and how to. So, we decided to share our experience from successfully using blog posts to drive online shopper traffic.

Writing blog posts can feel daunting. Let’s talk and see if we can help show a pathway to make this achievable free marketing for you. Plus, we will answer any Shopify / online sales questions you have.

Today, Thursday August 26 @ 10:30am Melbourne time:
Meeting ID: 948 1461 2952 Passcode: 941762

Click here to access our fixed-price standard POS software connected Shopify website quote.

Click here to access our website customer questionnaire. This is designed to help you clarify your needs. A copy of your responses is sent to you.

Selling online is hard and relentless work. There are no shortcuts. But, there are decisions you can make to narrow your focus, so you can have some early learning opportunities.

Based on what we are seeing and based on the data from major retailers here, online is contributing more and =more to business bottom line. What Covid has done is speed up that transition.

Oh, and if you think online is not impacting you or not being used by your shoppers, based on my experience I am sure it is. Hopefully, we can offer advice that helps you see what is next for you online.

There is no easy road. But, that should not put you off for if you get it right, the reward can be wonderful. Click here to see some of the many websites we have created.

I have a small high street retail shop in suburban Melbourne that will do more than $160,000 in online sales this year. What we have done for that shop is what we advise our POS software and web development customers to do. It runs a POS software commented Shopify site, which we created here at Tower Systems.

A website is a hungry beast. if you leave things to someone else, I guarantee the results will not be as good as they could be. There is no easy road. We have a pathway that focusses on early wins, good commercial outcomes you will like.

We develop POS software connected websites for our customers for $6,600.00. But, we expect you to get your data ready, in the POS software, so it flows across. We guide you through this.

Helping local small business retailers work on their businesses during lockdown


The latest Covid lockdowns in Australia are being embraced by many small business retailers as an opportunity to work on the business, and our POS software company is grateful to be able to help. And, help we are.

Here are some of the ways we are grateful to help local small business retailers to encourage more enjoyable, successful and valuable businesses.

  • Data de-cluttering. We have a structured process for helping retailers using our POS software to eliminate dead data. This data that has no relevance to the business today and into the future can be a burden. Our approach is careful, structured and comprehensive in helping the retailers to clean house, thereby seeing more clearly into the future.
  • Visual refresh. With so many settings in our POS software, retailers can make the software feel new and as a result more enjoyable. We sit with customers, learn about their needs and make some changes to give them a fresher look and feel.
  • Learning new stuff. People don’t know what they don’t know. We chat with them, test their knowledge boundaries and extend them through professional POS software training. From one-on-one to group training. From self-study to bespoke, our training does help detailers and their team members learn more about our POS software.
  • Streamlining workflow. We look at how things are done and offer suggestions for more efficient workflow, with the POS software at the core of this. In the back room. At the sales counter. Our workflow guidance and engagement can help local retailers improve efficiency.
  • Rooting out evil. People are known to misbehave in retail; businesses. yes, we are talking about theft here. People steal. Customers steal. Staff steal. Not everyone. Not even the majority. All it takes one to hurt,. in our POS software we have secret tools that can reveal what is happening.

Our goal is to help local small business retailers learn more and get more from their POS software. We have these and other programs and opportunities for achieving this, for making good business use of any downturn in shopper traffic because of Covid lockdown or related challenges.

As a wholly engages POS software company with excellent retail experience, Tower Systems is here to help local small business retailers improve their situation.

Local small business retailers keen to enhance online and click & collect


Our Zoom meetings yesterday with local small business retailers about getting online and making the m out of the online opportunity have resonated, and resulted in plenty more informed with evidence they can use as they walk the pathway to doing more business online.

Our sessions stayed away from pitching our web development services. We said they would be educational, not sales focussed, and that is how we ran them. we even had a couple of web developers join us to find out about connecting with our POS software.

With so much misinformation abut there about taking your retail business online, it’s important to us that we offer facts from which small business retailers can benefit.

When you are ready to connect your POS software to Shopify through a beautiful and easily found website, we can help through our professional web development services.

Making click and collect easy for local small business retailers


Using our specialty retail POS software we help local small business retailers to engage with click and collect retail.

Better still, with our beautiful Shopify websites connected directly with our POS software we are helping local small business retailers sell to anyone, anywhere, at any time online for click and collect and for delivery.

In our POS software we have the ability to manage click and collect orders, bringing structure and consistency to the workflow involved with picking items, packaging them and advising shoppers of collect opportunities.

We have been providing click and collect opportunities for local small business retailers for many years. Their use has grown through the Covid pandemic. It is terrific seeing the different types of businesses engaging with click and collect through our POS software: jewellers, garden centres, pet shop, toy shops, gift shops, newsagents and more.

Making click and collect easy and manageable for small business retailers is something we are proud to have brought to life. In addition to the facilities in our POS software, we provide these retailers with business execution advice, to help them achieve valuable outcomes using the tools we provide access to.

We first started pitching click and collect to our small business POS software customers more than six years ago. Our engagement has grown plenty since through enhanced software, more nuanced advice and better tools on the web side of the tech opportunities available to retailers.

Thanks to a dashboard, retailers are able to easily, in one place, manage orders and manage the work associated with these online orders. This central management of online orders, in the local retail shop, provides a consistent approach that small business retailers are loving.

While there is a surge of interest in click and collect because of Covid, click and collect will be vital in the future for local small business retail. It is here to stay as part of the retail mix, because shoppers love it. They love the time it saves, the ease of shopping. retailers, with good systems in place, love it too as it can help them reach shoppers they may otherwise not reach.

The Tower Systems POS software helps local small business retailers engage with click and collect.

Hey, it’s the weekend …


Hey, it’s the weekend. We hope it’s relaxing and recharging. If you’re in part of Australia that is in lockdown, take care. We are. we’re focussed on that light up ahead, and we know it’s not a train. It’s summer filled with laughs, BBQs and some beers. In the meantime, at home this weekend our BBQs and beers will be just us, but that’s okay. Take care folks …

Small business retail advice: how to deal with a cashflow crisis


A cashflow crisis is when you can’t pay your bills on time or a sustained period of dissatisfaction with the cash reserves in the business. Too often, small business retailers ignore a cashflow crisis, leaving action until it is too late. We have put together some basic advice for dealing with a cashflow crisis in local small business retail and share it here with you today:

  1. Own the problem. Fixing this is on you.
  2. Bring in outside help. This could be a friend, a financial counsellor. The best person will be someone who understands your type of business who can help you see what you don’t see and support you in tough decisions to be made, someone prepared to tell you the truth.
  3. Understand the problem. Know if it is short term or long term. Be certain about the role you have played.
  4. If you run customer accounts, collect with urgency.
  5. Ask the landlord for immediate rent relief. The more transparent you are with them the better. Document your case. Be prepared to show your P&L in support of your request.
  6. Cut your roster to bare bones. Yes, this can mean more work for you to cover the needs of the business. However, in a cashflow crisis, your labour cost is the lowest in the business.
  7. If you have stock on sale or return and it is not selling, return for credit.
  8. Immediately start a sale.
    1. Give it a cool, non scary, name.
    2. Price items to sell, especially items for which you have already paid. Even selling below cost frees cash to the business.
    3. Get everything on the shop floor.
    4. Display to clear. i.e. not pretty displays for sale items.
  9. For inventory that you cannot sell, consider eBay.
  10. Consider selling assets. If you have equipment in the business that you no longer use, sell it.
  11. Talk to all your creditors, apologise, outline your plan, ask for their support and help.
  12. When making progress payments on creditors, respect all with payments. NOTE: small regular payments could be key to you not facing debt collection action.
  13. Act. Every decision, every action you take must work to addressing the cashflow challenge. If you have created a plan act on it immediately. This is not a time to overthink things.
  14. Invest. If your cashflow challenge is because of a decline in traffic, not spending money chasing traffic will only make the problem worse. Spend carefully.
  15. Plan for the end point. This will be either coming out on top or closing the business.

The cashflow achieved by a business is a product of decisions in the business. Be thoughtful in each decision and single-minded in your focus on a better cashflow outcome.

Small business retail advice: if you think closing and walking away is the only option


A few years ago, a local retail business we knew well closed, and the owner walked away. They said they could not handle the changes going on around them.

The thing is, the changes had been happening, slowly, for years.

The biggest challenge faced by the retailers is faced by many in local small business retail: how to nurture relevance for your shop in a constantly changing world.

It takes guts to embrace and chase change. The sooner you engage with this the better. This is what we say chase change, because that is what we need to do – go find change rather than waiting for it to come to you. Advice on change and help with it will most likely come from new sources, sources not rooted in your past.

The more you reach outside your usual lane for insights and encouragement the more likely you are to find fresh ideas. the alternatives are to do nothing or complain and do nothing.

Complaining is not a management activity.

Here is some practical advice for any retailer feeling overwhelmed by challenges and, maybe, contemplating closing.

  1. Dig deep into your business data and look for green shoots of good news onto which you can attach growth. It will be there, for sure.
  2. Stop doing what you have been doing, unless you want the results you have been getting.
  3. Rely on retailers for advice as they know more about retail than accountants.
  4. Find products that will generate net new traffic in your location.
  5. Refuse to be restricted by the shingle under which you trade
  6. Change, change and change your business.
  7. Listen to your shop floor team members. They often have the best advice.

Change is challenging. It is also essential. Too often we see local small business retailers resist change out of fear, ignorance or an expectation that things will naturally improve. The reality of retail today is that change is everywhere, including where we cannot see. And, this is what makes it difficult for us in that if we can’t see something we may not worry about it.

One of our jobs in our POS software company is to encourage local small business retailers to be the best they can be. Through good use of our software we can do this. But, it starts with desuire, desire for change and the benefits that flow from change.

Expanding the POS software help desk


We are grateful to be in a position to add a new role to our POS software help desk. We have started seeking candidates for this new role. We are looking for people with good tech skills, experience in small business retail, excellent communication skills and a passion for supporting small business.

If you know someone who may fit and who is looking for a career in tech, have them reach out to us here at Tower Systems.

Charity / Op. Shop / Community POS software


While we serve many charity / op. shop retail stores in many different situations, we know this every shop is unique, with its own requirements. Our goal is to offer software that is as useful as possible, while being affordable for these tight budget businesses.

Here are answers to some of the questions we have been asked about our Charity / Op. Shop Software over the years.

When you are ready, we’d love to show you our Charity / Op. Shop Software and through that show you answers to other questions you have.

Does the software support community member pricing? Yes.

We work on behalf of several local charities. Can we track purchases by their members as a fund raising tool? Yes.

We have a lot of volunteers, is the software easily learnt? Yes.

We report to a board, are there good checks and balances? Yes.

Do we have to barcode everything we sell? No.

Can we compare the performance of different categories of what we sell? Yes.

Can we report on sales by product type so we can understand the categories that sell? Yes.

Does the software produce WAS / NOW price labels so we can show what something would cost in a regular store? Yes.

Our manager is off-site. Can they access the software from there? Yes.

Does the software support a loyalty program? Yes, there are several loyalty options that work in different situations from infrequent shopper visits to regular shopper visits.

Can we set a quantity purchase price for items? Yes.

Can we bundle items together, like into a hamper, and easily sell that? Yes.

Can the software handle tracking sales to group members to calculate a rebate for the group?Yes.

Can I include product care instructions on the receipt? Yes.

Does the software track where I have stored a box for an item? Yes.

Does the software handle LayBys? Yes.

Does the software connect with my website? We partner with Shopify, Magento and WooCommerce and offer direct links to these.

Can I email receipts? Yes.

Can I track where my customers come from? Yes.

Do I have to pay for software on additional computers in my business? No.

Can I connect with my EFTPOS terminal? Yes. We have a direct link to Tyro and through Linkly we connect to all major banks.

Can I use my existing hardware? Yes, as long as your hardware meets our minimum standards.

Can I use my existing data with the software? Yes. We’d like to check your data to be sure. We will advise what can be safely brought across.

Does it integrate with Xero? Yes.

Find out more at

Bike shop POS software Q&A


We are grateful to serve hundreds of bike retailers with our bike shop software. Their input helps us keep the software fresh and valuable. Here are answers to some of the questions we have been asked about our Bike Shop Software over the years by people considering using it.

From everyday bike sales to high-end performance bikes, we help bike retailers to serve their customers in specialist ways would expect for a specialty retailer.

When you are ready, we’d love to show you our very latest Bike Shop Software and through that show you answers to other questions you may have.

Does the software connect with Bike Exchange? Yes.

Does the software connect with Bike Chaser? Yes.

Does the software connect with Specialised? Yes.

Can I offer a special price to members of a cycling club? Yes.

Can I market to members of bike clubs? Yes. You can tag customers as belonging to a club and target market to club members.

Can I track sales to club members to rebate the club as a fundraising opportunity? Yes.

Can you pass on bike manuals and other documentation? Yes, you can load files, images, documents or PDFs for products (information sheets, advice, notices) and have them automatically included in emailed receipts.

Can I promote local bike paths and other local information of interest to cyclists on receipts? Yes.

Can I use the software to manage repairs? Yes. You can track jobs, parts and labour. Plus, communication with customers is streamlined.

Can I remind customers about servicing? Yes.

Can I do this by text or email? Either, we support both.

Can I look-up historical servicing records for a specific customer? Yes.

Can I create a bike quote for a customer and manage this? Yes.

Can I track / manage quotes for bikes? Yes.

Can I track using parts from my shop and labour to make a bike or other product? Yes.

Can the software track special or one-off orders for customers? Yes, from the moment the order is placed.

Can I manage selling second-hand items? Yes.

Can I group items together to sell in a pack or bundle like bike, helmet and gloves? Yes, it’s easy to create packs using the software.

Does the software track product serial numbers? Yes. You have a couple of different ways you can do this.

I sell shoes and clothing, can I manage this by colour, size and style? Yes.

Can I integrate the software with my suppliers? Yes. We have many customers importing stock files and invoices. If you want to provide a supplier a data feed of sales of their product, our software can do this too.

Does the software connect with my website? We partner with Shopify, Magento and WooCommerce and offer direct links to these.

Can I email receipts? Yes.

Can I track where my customers come from? Yes.

Do I have to pay for software on additional computers in my business? No.

Does the software handle LayBys? Yes.

Can I connect with my EFTPOS terminal? Yes. We have a direct link to Tyro and through Linkly we connect to all major banks.

Can I use my existing hardware? Yes, as long as your hardware meets our minimum standards.

Can I use my existing data with the software? Yes. We’d like to check your data to be sure. We will advise what can be safely brought across.

Does it integrate with Xero? Yes.

Find out more at

Pet Shop POS Software Q&A


Here are answers to some of the questions we have been asked about our Pet Shop POS Software over the years. We are grateful to serve so many in this specialty retail channel.

When you are ready, we’d love to show you our Pet Shop POS Software and through that show you answers to other questions you may have.

I am with AIRR, can I load their catalogue into the software? Yes.

I am with Indepet, can I load their catalogue into the software? Yes.

Can I record the microchip numbers for family pets? Yes.

Does the software work with and easily load supplier provided electronic invoices? Yes, including: Airr, Eastern Distributors, Premier Pet, Master Pet, Kongs and Pet Pacific.

Can I target market to customers based on dog breed? Yes.

Can I track when a customer may need more worming or other date related products for their pets?  Yes.

Can I sell items without a barcode? Yes.

Does the software track frequent shopper dog and cat food purchases, like what you see in coffee shops? Yes.

Can the software report on the free dog or cat food we give away, to get a supplier rebate? Yes.

I buy products in bulk and re-bag them to retail size. Can the software handle this? Yes.

I buy several products in bulk to mix to create my own brand of feed. Can the software handle this? Yes.

Does the software have a pet shopper friendly loyalty facility? Yes, there are several options – you can choose the one that works best for your needs.

I am part of a pet retail group that does catalogues. Does the software let me manage time-based catalogue pricing? Yes.

Can I sell at fractional quantities? Yes. This works for selling by weight or by measure.

Does the software handle pet club member pricing? Yes, this can be a great marketing tool, getting community group members support the business and fundraising at the same time.

Does the software have a facility for encouraging infrequent shoppers to spend more? Yes, it’s proven to work well at achieving this.

I sometimes sell from away from the shop. Can the software do this? Yes, our Retailer RoamTMoption manages selling from anywhere.

Can I sell gift cards for my business? Yes.

Can I set an age check on age restricted items? Yes.

Does the software produce WAS / NOW price labels? Yes.

Can you manage quotes? Yes, you can create quotes and then turn them into sales if they proceed.

Can you reach out to customers based on past purchases?  Yes, you can select customers for marketing past on a range of criteria, including past purchases.

Does the system handle account customers? Yes, you can setup and manage customer accounts.

Does the system produce invoicing and statements? Yes, these can be printed or emailed.

Does the software track product serial numbers? Yes. You have a couple of different ways you can do this.

I sell clothing, can I manage this by colour, size and style? Yes.

Does the software connect with my website? We partner with Shopify, Magento and WooCommerce and offer direct links to these.

Can I email receipts? Yes.

Can I track where my customers come from? Yes.

Do I have to pay for software on additional computers in my business? No.

Can I connect with my EFTPOS terminal? Yes. We have a direct link to Tyro and through Linkly we connect to all major banks.

Can I use my existing hardware? Yes, as long as your hardware meets our minimum standards.

Can I use my existing data with the software? Yes. We’d like to check your data to be sure. We will advise what can be safely brought across.

Does it integrate with Xero? Yes.

Find out more at

Firearms Dealer POS Software Q&A


Here are answers to some of the questions we have been asked about our Firearms Dealer POS Software over the years

When you are ready, we’d love to show you our Firearms Dealer Software and through that show you answers to other questions you have.

Can I set the software to force an age check by product purchased? Yes.

Can I load photo of a customer’s driver’s licence to have on file? Yes.

Does the software track product serial numbers? Yes. You have a couple of different ways you can do this.

Can I handle permit to acquire? Yes.

Can I track customer items stored in the business for safe-keeping? Yes.

Can track sales of access to a firing range for target practice? Yes.

Does the software track customer details for items purchased if required? Yes.

Does the software let me sell at a special price to club members or other groups? Yes.

Does the software let me share product care tips on receipts? Yes.

Can I sell products by weight? Yes.

Can I use the software to offer bulk purchase pricing? Yes.

I sometimes sell away from the shop, can the software handle this? Yes, our Retailer RoamTMproduct lets you sell from anywhere, anytime.

Can I track purchases by people recommended to my shop? Yes.

I do repairs. Can the software manage this? Yes, the repairs facilities in the software can track parts and labour, and let a customer know when a repair is ready for collection. It can also track off-site repairs.

I buy some items in bulk and re-package them for retail. Can the software manage this? Yes.

Does the software let me track customers based on what they purchase? Yes.

Can I include product care information on receipts? Yes.

Can I look-up historical records for a specific customer? Yes.

Can the software track special or one-off orders for customers? Yes, from the moment the order is placed.

Can I create a quote for a customer and manage this? Yes.

Can I track / manage quotes? Yes.

Can I manage buying and selling second-hand items? Yes.

Can I group items together to sell in a pack or bundle? Yes, it’s easy to create packs using the software.

I sell items with colour, size and style, can the software handle this? Yes.

Can I integrate the software with my suppliers? Yes. We have many customers importing stock files and invoices. If you want to provide a supplier a data feed of sales of their product, our software can do this too.

Does the software connect with my website? We partner with Shopify, Magento and WooCommerce and offer direct links to these.

Can I email receipts? Yes.

Can I track where my customers come from? Yes.

Do I have to pay for software on additional computers in my business? No.

Does the software handle LayBys? Yes.

Can I connect with my EFTPOS terminal? Yes. We have a direct link to Tyro and through Linkly we connect to all major banks.

Can I use my existing hardware? Yes, as long as your hardware meets our minimum standards.

Can I use my existing data with the software? Yes. We’d like to check your data to be sure. We will advise what can be safely brought across.

Does it integrate with Xero? Yes.

Find out more at

Retailers loving POS software update


The update to the Tower Systems POS software released last week is attracting kudos from customers.

Thanks for the software update. It’s awesome. Thank you for including my suggestion! It was a small idea but it means a lot to me.

Including some new features as well as enhancements to existing features, retailers can review the update contents prior to deciding if they wish to load the update. This puts them in control.

With much of the update content coming from our proprietary Software Ideas platform and voted on by our customers, we knew this update would find plenty of love.

What’s critical about this and all of our updates is the steps they take to creating something even more useful and valuable to the niche business needs of our specialty retailer customers. We cover needs that are considered too niche by many software products.

$159 a month gift shop software offers local high street gift shops beautiful and valuable POS software for an affordable price


Our gift shop POS software is used by hundreds of gift shops in Australia. We are so proud of its reach and thrilled that it is helping so many business owners and team members to run efficient, successful and enjoyable businesses.

This is POS software made for gift shops, to serve their needs, to help them be more successful.

Here are some of the benefits people in businesses like yours tell us they love:

  1. Say goodbye to LayBy With our buy now pay later options.
  2. Customers will love your product use and care instructions on receipts.
  3. Make more money offering special orders that you can easily track from the counter and notify shoppers by email or text when the goods arrive.
  4. Get one-time-only shoppers spending more with an awesome and differentiating loyalty facility.
  5. Sell online easily, direct from your POS software.
  6. Bring customers back with reminders on dates important to them.
  7. Save money on bookkeeping by integrating with accounting software.
  8. Make more money from the one time only shoppers.
  9. Save time, load electronic invoices from suppliers.

There is more to this gift shop software, too …

  • Get rid of manual books at the counter for LayBys, special orders, stock you need to order and more.
  • Cut dead stock and re-order based on data facts.
  • Cut theft by knowing what is being stolen.
  • Eliminate LayBy and get you paid sooner with buy now pay later.
  • Make price comparison harder with bundled packs.
  • Easily and consistently pitch locally sourced products.
  • Drive community group member engagement with group pricing.
  • Get one-time-only shoppers spending more with loyalty tools.
  • Bring customers back with reminders on dates important to them.
  • Save money on bookkeeping by integrating with Xero.
  • Leverage your knowledge on receipts and elsewhere. Sell you.
  • Reach beyond your four walls with a directly linked Shopify store.

We are so so proud every day of what this awesome gift shop POS software is helping local small business gift shops achieve. From competing with the big end of town to competing with online, this gift shop POS software is empowering. It is evolving, too, as more releases come out with new facilities fine tuned based on evolving needs we see in the marketplace.

We are thankful to serve so many gift shops already. If you are looking for POS software for your gift shop, we’d love to show you what we do.

Fishing and outdoors shop POS software Q&A


More and more fishing shops and outdoors shops are using our fishing shop POS software to serve their needs and through this the needs of their local community.

Here are answers to some of the questions we have been asked about our Fishing and Outdoors Business POS Software over the years

When you are ready, we’d love to show you our Fishing and Outdoors Business POS Software and through that show you answers to other questions you have.

Can I connect the software to a scale to sell bait by weight? Yes.

Can I sell products in fraction units, like 1.25? Yes.

Can you pass on local fishing maps and information? Yes, you can load files, images, documents or PDFs for products (information sheets, advice, notices) and have them automatically included in emailed receipts.

Can I bundle items together like a rod, reel and line? Yes.

I sell at events away from the shop sometimes, can I do this with the software? Yes, using our Retailer RoamTM software you can sell anywhere, any time.

Does the software handle club member pricing? Yes, this can be a great marketing tool, getting local community group members support the business and fundraising at the same time.

Can I share local fishing and camping tips on receipts? Yes.

Can I set an age check on age restricted items? Yes.

Can I run BOGO pricing, buy 1 get 1 or similar? Yes.

Does the software let me manage my own time-based catalogue pricing? Yes.

Can I sell gift cards for my business? Yes.

Does the software have a facility for encouraging infrequent shoppers to spend more? Yes, it’s proven to work well at achieving this.

Does the software let me buy in bulk and break up to retail packs? Yes.

Does the software produce WAS / NOW price labels? Yes.

Can you manage quotes with the software? Yes, you can create quotes and then turn them into sales if they proceed.

Can you reach out to customers based on past purchases?  Yes, you can select customers for marketing past on a range of criteria, including past purchases.

Does the system handle account customers? Yes, you can setup and manage customer accounts.

Does the system produce invoicing and statements? Yes, these can be printed or emailed.

Does the software track product serial numbers? Yes. You have a couple of different ways you can do this.

I sell clothing, can I manage this by colour, size and style? Yes.

Does the software connect with my website? We partner with Shopify, Magento and WooCommerce and offer direct links to these.

Can I email receipts? Yes.

Can I track where my customers come from? Yes.

Do I have to pay for software on additional computers in my business? No.

Can I connect with my EFTPOS terminal? Yes. We have a direct link to Tyro and through Linkly we connect to all major banks.

Can I use my existing hardware? Yes, as long as your hardware meets our minimum standards.

Can I use my existing data with the software? Yes. We’d like to check your data to be sure. We will advise what can be safely brought across.

Does it integrate with Xero? Yes.

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Previewing new POS software


We have announced details to our POS software customer community of a preview opportunity for the next major release of our POS software.

This customer exclusive preview will demonstrate new facilities under development, providing existing customers an opportunity to comment and, through this, to guide the pathway home for these new facilities.

Our approach to active engagement with customers through the POS software enhancement process is something we have followed for a while. We benefit and our customers benefit from this transparent approach to developing and releasing major POS software updates. That we do this demonstrates an inherent and mutual trust in the software company / customer relationship.

This latest POS software pre-release preview session, which will be hosted in the next few days, is exciting ad we will be demonstrating, live, a significant body of work that takes us deeper into the needs of a couple of retail channels we are proud to serve. the work has already been seen and guided by some customers. This new session will open the reach of those who can engage with the opportunity.

Good POS software does not come from development in darkness. We have never believed that. The more retailers who see and comment on software we develop prior to release the better the ultimately released POS software is. This is why our approach is in the light, in front of customers as much as possible, for their feedback, guidance and encouragement.

The best people to guide POS software development are those with retail experience. They know what retailers need in their businesses, certainly more so than a programmer with no current retail experience. This is why sessions like the one coming up for us is so critical. It puts us in touch with the experts, those who can make a big different to our knowledge of what is really needed for our software to be of real service in a retail business. They know. Retailers are the experts. We learn from them and code to their needs.

Our approach of retail customer engaged and transparent POS software development has helped us earn a good place within our specialty retail POS software communities. We’re keen for our new session in the next few days.

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