The POS Software Blog

The POS Software Blog

News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.

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Retail business advice: how to reduce the impact of shoplifting in your retail business


Theft by customers costs a typical retail business on average between .7% and 2.2% of annual product revenue. While this can vary by type of retail business, the band of .7% to 2.2% are considered a reasonable guide in costing this to the business.

Things you can do to reduce customer theft in your business …

  1. Greet customers as they enter and leave. Make eye contact.
  2. If you have a security system, have a screen on the shop floor in plain sight showing that it is on and filming.
  3. Have a notice at the door indicating that you have video surveillance.
  4. Be wary of people in bulky clothing, anyone constantly looking behind or around them, any group of shoppers, anyone distracting attention of staff members, someone looking for too long at an it or someone who is uneasy with an offer of assistance.
  5. Make a mental or written note of the description of anyone fitting patterns noted in 2.
  6. Have a policy of reporting suspicious behaviour to the most senior staff member in the shop.
  7. Consider asking the suspicious person to leave.
  8. If you are successful in catching someone, let your local newspaper know and post it on Facebook – without identifying the person.

If you suspect that theft has occurred:

  1. Immediately you are aware of a theft, call the police. Make a clear and concise report.
  2. Note down everything you can remember including date, time, description of the person(s) involved, what they looked at, your notes about seeing them entering, what they looked at, what they took and that they left without paying. Get all staff involved to make noted without referring to each other.
  3. If you are comfortable, considerer approaching the person (only after point 1) and saying you think they may have an item they did not pay for. Invite them back to the shop to resolve the matter. If you decide to do this: approach them from the front in a non-threatening way, do not touch them, say something like: Excuse me, I’m with newsXpress XXX, could I speak to you about the merchandise in your coat/purse/bag? Would you please accompany me back into the store? If they run, don’t chase them.
  4. If they accompany you back to the store, invite them to show you their bag, coat, purse or anything where your goods could be hidden. If it looks like you made a mistake, apologise and let them go. If the goods are found ask what they would like to do about it. If the goods are not found and you remain suspicious, ask them to wait for the police.

If the person left the store with no opportunity for you to speak to them, consider carefully what you may do with any video footage or photos. While the law varies state to state, police and lawyers advise retailers against publishing photos of videos, especially if there is an accusation that the person identified committed a crime. Such publishing could be used to have the case withdrawn. When you speak with your local police, ask their advice on this.

Online Easter gift pack helps local retailers expand the reach of Easter


The Easter gift pack being sold through a local retail business connected magenta website we developed is proving popular with Easter shoppers this year.

This gift pack bundle uses smarts embedded in our POS software that enable and manage product bundling into a pack or hamper, tracking sales and facilitating easy picking and packing of the Easter gift pack opportunity.

This clever POS software tech / Magento website integration developed by us here at Tower Systems is another way we are helping small business retailers to reach shoppers beyond their local areas.

We are proud to help local retailers in this way.

Since we are retailers too we help our retailers appropriately leverage our POS software for best advantage in-store and online … whether it be with a Magento, Shopify or WooCommerce website connected to our POS software.

The online Easter gift pack opportunity is another way our POS software is helping connected retailers to make the most of the Easter retail season.

Retail business advice: how to assess gross profit by floorspace in your retail business


While there are plenty of retail performance KPIs you can use to assess the performance of your retail business, what we outline here is simple and easy … a good starting point for people not sophisticated when it comes to grad school business KPI analysis.

This advice outlines one of the first assessments we undertake when asked by the owner of a retail business to review the performance of a business. The approach we outline here provides an understanding of the return being achieved from floor space allocation. With retail space usually costing between 11% and 15% of  revenue it is usually the next highest cost outside of the cost of stock itself.

Spend half an hour on what we suggest here and the result should be a different view of the performance of your floor space allocation. This is not advice you will get from your accountant or from reviewing your P&L or computer reports. It is designed to be practically helpful in managing your business.

Please follow these simple steps.

  1. Take a blank sheet of paper, ideally A3, and roughly sketch out the layout of your shop, marking in display units, wall shelving, the counter – everywhere you have product.
  2. The floor plan layout should also include your back room if you have stock there.
  3. Colour-shade the layout by department. For example, shade all areas with magazines in yellow, all floor space for gifts in blue etc.
  4. List the departments on the side of the floor plan.
  5. Calculate the percentage of total space taken by each department. This does not need to be accurate to two decimal places. List this next to each department you have listed.
  6. Use your POS software to report on gross profit earned by each department over the last year.
  7. Calculate the percentage of total gross profit contribution earned by each department and list this next to the floor space allocated to each department.
  8. Circle in blue those performing the best and in red those performing the worst. A best performing department will typically be responsible for a significantly higher percentage of gross profit than percentage of space allocated whereas a worst performing department will be contributing a percentage of overall gross profit considerably lower than the percentage of floor space allocated.

Once you have the marked-up floor plan with the space percentage and percentage of total gross profit, think about your floor space allocation.

The above steps do not take into account product size and the average gross profit percentage from each dollar of revenue for a department.

The objective of the analysis is to provide you with fresh insights you could use when considering floor space change.

You can take the analysis a step further by looking only at one department and analysing performance by category.

This advice is an example of the practical small business retail management advice provided buy Tower Systems in its assistance to indie small business retailers. Beyond the POS software we help retailers run more valuable, successful and enjoyable businesses.

Retail business advice: choosing the POS software that’s best for your business


How do you choose the POS software that is best for your retail business? Here is our advice based on years helping small business retailers.

Note, while we are a POS software company, our advice here is not specific to our product. rather, it is general and couple apply to any retail business considering POS software.

There is no short-cut or easy way to choose POS software for your retail business for if you do take a short-cut it is likely to hurt you. It’s kinda like the carpenter mantra, measure twice, cut once. For choosing POS software for your retail business, research, research again before you decide.

This is not something to outsource. It is your business, you need to own the decision.

Technology knowlkdge is not required. If a POS software company representative speaks in tech speak tell them to stop. It is likely they would do this to dazzle you into a possibly wrong decision.

But let’s take a step back. before you can start the process of choosing the right POS software for you business you need to know what you want and what all those in your business who will use the software will want from the POS software. Get your requirements right first and your process of selection from there will be easier for you and better for the business.

So, let’s get is a list of what we think you need to do to choose the right POS software for your retail business …

  1. Own the process of choosing the right POS software for your retail business yourself.,
  2. Know what you want.
  3. Be sure of what you need.
  4. Prioritise these list. And, yes, they are two lists.
  5. Keep conversations away from tech jargon.
  6. Take your time.
  7. Look at the software.
  8. Talk to others using the software.
  9. Get claims made by any POS software company in writing or recorded – so you have a record. A good POS software company will want to do this for you.
  10. Make a decision when you are ready.
  11. Don’t be pressured by a pricing deal.

Choosing the right POS software for your retail business is something to approach seriously, in a structured way and with the needs and wants of you and your business paramount at all times.

Remember, you are choosing a relationship with tech ology and not the person selling it to you.

How to spot an out of touch out of date POS software company


Here are some tips on how to spot a POS software company that may be out of touch or out of date and thereby maybe not ideal for consideration for serving your business.

  • Nameless / faceless. POS software businesses that do not provide public-facing access to the names and contact details for their leadership team demonstrate a lack of faith in your business in our view. Retail is personal. The service of needs of retailers its personal. Here at Tower Systems you can see who we are and tap into our contact details easily, quickly. If you are looking at a POS software company and can’t see authentic photos and genuine leadership team contact details, wonder about their commitment to personal service.
  • Fake sales people. Some POS software companies use fake names for sales people. They use a cartoon type image to represent them, too. This should be a warning sign. Not using real names and real images or videos may reflect rapid turnover of sales people. That’s a warning sign right there. You want your POS software sales person to stand by what they sell. they do this by being themselves and sharing their real contact details.
  • Clip Art. if you see that on a POS software business website run, run fast! It’s so 1980s, so out of date … leaving you to wonder if their software is out of date.
  • Free software. You’re in business right?! You understand that businesses need income to exist. Free is not a sustainable business model.
  • Are they on a list of the best? Check it out because it may be a list they paid to be on. If a few clicks you can soon discover this.
  • Fact check. Let’s say, for example, they claim to a partner with, hmmm, Microsoft. You can soon see if this is true. If they are not such a partner you then know they have made an inaccurate claim on their website. Is that what you want from a PSO software company.

We share these tips today as a reminder that not all POS software companies are the same. Do your research. Start with what you need in your business and then focus on the best software that serves your business needs. remember, you are in control. Choose what you want, what you know is right for your business.

Beware the con of POS software comparison websites


There is a con online that is duping small business retailers. The con is POS software comparison websites … that they do not compare software.

Too often POS software comparison websites do no comparison at all. They will accept any POS software business to be listed through them as long as that business agrees to the fees charged by the comparison website. It really is that simple. Pay the bucks and your business is put forward as one recommended as worthy of consideration.

There is no comparison done by POS software comparison websites. They are an ad platform that POS software companies pay to be listed on.

We know this from first hand experience being signed up to a POS software comparison website for a short time. They didn’t;t compare us, check us out, look at our software or do anything that could be considered an assessment of our suitability.

POS software comparison websites do not comp0are POS software.

Sure, you enter responses to some questions – this is only so they can provide their customers, the paying POS software companies, more information about your needs.

POS software comparison websites are an ad platform plain and simple.

Look at the POS software listed through them and you may not be seeing all of the software options that could be suited to your specific business needs.

There is no substitute to thorough research. You owe it to your retail business to do that. This is why we recommend against using a POS software comparison website – they restrict the businesses pitched to you. They do this without really understanding your business needs.

POS software comparison websites do not compare software, certainly not in our experience at least.

Our opinion is that if your business is serious about its POS software you need to do your own research, create your own short.list and do the work of looking at the software yourself. This way you are pursuing the outcome that is most appropriate to your own business needs, based on your own work and focus. We are certain this approach will give you a better business outcome.

Buyer beware. That POS software comparison website that says it has done the work for you and done the comparison and found the best of the best may have done none off those things.

Web development for small business retailers in Australia


Tower Systems offers local professional POS software connected web development services for small business retailers in Australia.

Our web development work is done locally, by people you can speak with, people who will understand your business and its needs. This matters because too often web development work is sent offshore and that’s not good for the local narrative or for local IT jobs.

Our web development work is done primarily for small business retailers using our POS software and through this and our web development services connecting to Shopify, Woo Commerce or Magento websites.

Finding the right web developer for your retail business can be a challenge. Our advice is …

  • Do your homework.
  • Ask plenty of questions.
  • Speak to those doing the development.
  • Understand how and when you pay.
  • Look at recent developed sites.
  • Be sure to understand how the proposed website would connect to your POS software
  • Get everything agreed in writing.

All of our web development work is done on the basis of an agreed quote. This quote is prepared following a consultation with your about the needs of your business.

Our fixed price quote includes an outline of the work to be done and the outcome delivered for the quoted price.

Key to successful POS software connected web development for a retail business is having a complete understanding of everything that is expected to be delivered with the resulting website. It is essential this is known from the outset.

Since all of our website work from sales through to development and support is done out of our Australian based offices, we provide a local perspective and context for all we do. This delivers better outcomes for locally focussed businesses.

Our web development work is done from scratch, for each specific business. This takes care and time and is built on a thorough understanding of the business needs.

We are grateful to the many different retail businesses that we have helped already to bring them online. Every new site we develop adds to our experience and that helps us to continue tis evolve our approach and the outcomes we can deliver. This is a fascinating part of our work, something we love.

6 reasons to love our Pet Shop software for local Australian pet shops


This is pet shop software made and supported locally for local pet shops. Here are our 6 reasons to love our Pet Shop software for local Australian pet shops.

Love your shop as much as you love your pets. Here are 6 ways this pet shop software helps you achieve this.

  1. Easy small wins. The one-percenters make a business. This pet shop software is packed with one-percenters, helping you to small wins in efficiency, add-on purchases, smarter buying and more.
  2. Healthier pets. Pet owners will love your reminders about a treatment that is due. They will also love that you treat their pets as a member of the family. You will love that this software makes it easy.
  3. Hands off. Every keyboard click has a cost and could be a mistake. Look at your last Kongs invoice and reflect on the time it took to process. Imagine importing an accurate electronic version in seconds.
  4. Standing out from the crowd. While dog breeds are judged to a set of strict standards, in retail being different matters. When it comes to loyalty, we help you stand out, be noticed and be loved.
  5. You are the difference. When it comes to pet food and other items that make up the bulk of your revenue, standing out from the crowd can be a challenge. The thing is, you and your people are the difference. This software helps you shine a light on that.
  6. Not every shopper will walk past your door. A smart and seamless connection between your software and a beautiful website can help you easily and with low overhead sell to people you will never meet.

Our Pet Shop Software costs a few dollars a day to rent. The is for access from as many computers as you have in the business, updates, support and additional training.

There is no long-term contract. You can cancel at any time. There is no finance application.

This pet shop software is made for local pet shops to help them compete with the big retail businesses as well as the massive online competitors. It helps local pet shops shine a light on what iOS unique about their offering. This is pet shop software make to serve local pet shops every day.

5 reasons we love our Toy Shop POS software for local Australian toy shops.


We love our Toy Shop POS software and here’s why. In fact, here are 5 reasons we love our toy shop software …

As retailers ourselves, we’ve owned and run retail shops in the toy / collectibles / gift niches since the late 1990s, here are 5 reasons we love our software:

  1. Local matters. Local toy shops make a vital contribution to local communities and families. Our software helps you leverage your localness, to genuinely differentiate your business from big competitors.
  2. You are a key asset. Only your business has you and your people. You can leverage you through our toy shop software, to easily share your knowledge in ways big businesses cannot match.
  3. You can bank on loyalty. Points don’t reward loyalty. What is a point worth anyway? In our toy shop software, you have fresh loyalty tools you can bank on to drive a deeper visit value and bring shoppers back sooner.
  4. The unseen can reveal opportunities. Knowing for sure what sells with what, knowing how suppliers compare knowing return on investment and return on floorspace … knowledge is power.
  5. Not every shopper will walk past your door. A smart and seamless connection between your software and a beautiful website can help you easily and with low overhead sell to people you will never meet.

Local toy shops are vital in local communities. We are committed to helping you run a more enjoyable and successful business.

Our Toy Shop Software can be rented for a few dollars a day. This offers access from as many computers as you have in the business.

There is no long-term contract. You can cancel at any time. There is no finance application.

We can help you bring across existing data. Plenty of MYOB Retail Manager users have found this helpful.

Locally made and supported and able to be run in the cloud or on the desktop, this toy shop software is made to serve locally owned independent retail businesses. It is designed to help local toy shops actively and successfully compete against the chain stores and the online posters. This toy shop software empowers local and helps to make them great in a. competitive retail world. This is software that can make a genuine and positive difference in the success experienced by a local toy shop.

Retail marketing tips for Easter 2021


Easter is what each store makes of it in retail. Each retailer decides through their engagement whether this is a big or not so big season.

Our advice, based on working with retailers across a diversity of business settings, is don’t get caught up in tradition, think about easter 2021 as one of connection. This can broaden your focus and provide a more useful pathway to sales success.

Here are some ideas to get you thinking what easter 2021 could be in your retail business…

  1. Have fun. No matter what you do, make sure it involves fun, active fun.
  2. Promote connection. Easter is a good this for people to connect with people nearby and far away. help them do that.
  3. Do good. Collect for something during the season. Given the animal theme of so much Easter product, maybe a local animal shelter.
  4. Have fun give rabbits a discount on a set day or days. Give a doubt to everyone who presents as a rabbit. Promote it widely – get the local paper in for a photo. Make the discount worth it for them dressing up.
  5. Invite a wall of stories. If you have a wall available, cover it with paper and invite your customers to write or draw what Easter means to them. this makes the season more interactive.
  6. Make a giant papier-mâché egg with things you sell (old newspapers, coloured paper, paint). Go big, I mean really big. Taller than a person. Let the kids paint it. Make it a local thing for people to come see.
  7. Have an Easter Egg hunt for over 70s. Egg hunts are usually for kids but those over 70 will have a different recollection of the season from when they were kids. Cater to them with a hunt in your shop for tasty eggs.
  8. Respect the season. Easter means different things to different people. Respect this outside of the fun you may have. Be sure about your greeting and that it is appropriate. Maybe include a nice message on your receipts.

Easter is considered by many in retail to be a small season. I see it as full of opportunity and primed for fun in the newsagency. Chase year on year growth.

easter 2021 is an opportunity to guide connection. Our advice is be part of that opportunity.

People matter at our POS software company


What’s happening this afternoon in our POS software business is a good example that people do matter in our line of work.

Our help desk is open, calls are being answered by a human based in hawthorn Victoria. Our customers are getting to speak with real people who know our software and understand local retail. Today is a regular Saturday for us.

That our customers can do this without going through a call centre or a computerised phone systems that gets you pushing button after button. They can also reach us through a private Facebook page, a customer engagement area of our website or through other social media platforms. We make POS software customer service access easy.

We know that being accessible is key to a good customer service experience … from pre sales to sales to installation to training to support to accounts queries. This is why we are so accessible, even on a Saturday afternoon.

A good way to compare POS software companies is to see how many names, mobile numbers and email addresses you can find on their website. If they have faith in what they do they will list plenty, especially of their leadership team. If they are not sure of what they offer they will guide behind general details and no or few names.

On our website, prospective customers can watch videos of our team, too, videos in which we talk about our software and show parts of it. No cartoons here. rather, we publish real people from the business, real members of our team speaking to what we offer and how it may be of service. This is important as authenticity is key from a POS software company.

Now, to be sure that contact is easy, here is some of what we include in every customer email and newsletter …

    • CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER. Gavin Williams. 03 9524 8000. Email
    • CEO: Mark Fletcher. 0418 321 338. Email:
  • SALES. Please call 1300 662 957 or email

We make contact easy and direct. It’s a key first step in any good POS software customer service experience. This is especially true and important for local retail POS software.

Bookshop POS software helps manage returns, links to Titlepage


The bookshop POS software from Tower Systems helps local bookshops in myriad ways from the sales counter to the back office to the website driving online sales. There are two ways, however, where the bookshop POS software from Tower Systems provide practical and beneficial help to the local book shop.

  • Returns management. Returning unsold books can be time consuming. Using our bookshop software, booksellers can identify titles that can be returned based on arrival in-store, sales and current quantity on hand. We provide the insight and the structured approach for handling the return, in a publisher friendly way. The approach in our software has been tested with booksellers, toe snare it is genuinely useful and in line with what is required from suppliers.
  • Titlepage Integration. Our software has connected to Tiotlepage fore years. Our latest integration is even better and more useful for book retailers. This will evolve further as the Titlepage software itself permits.

We serve local booksellers with POS software made to help them serve their local communities. Our software helps them position their businesses as locally focussed in unique ways and touchpoints from reader loyalty to special interest focus to local club support to bundle offers. We help local bookshops better serve local readers and those who buy for them.

Beyond the shop, our seamless Shopify link helps local booksellers sell online easily and professionally … enabling them to play in the online world and reach shoppers way beyond their local catchment area. We are proud to have delivered bookshop software connected websites that are doing this.

Also embedded in our locally made bookshop software are other tools that booksellers tell us they like, tools such as:

  • Easy searching of book inventory by title or part of a title.
  • Easy searching by book inventory by author name or part of author name.
  • Pacstream integration.
  • Structured handling fo special orders of books.

Book retailing is challenging with. big businesses pushing hard in this space. Our goal with our locally made bookshop software is to help small local retailers more successfully compete every day.

The bookshop POS software we offer today is different to what we will offer tomorrow as continuous evolution is part of our approach to POS software development.

Cloud POS software for local retailers


Some retailers love the idea cloud POS software – not having to worry about software updates or managing the software installation itself.

Tower Systems offers cloud based POS software and has done for years … fully hosted with appropriate security and redundancy. Created for small business retailers with one store or several stores, this cloud based POS solution is working in a range of small business retail sectors.

In addition to providing our cloud based POS software solution, we also offer a desktop solution, which retailers install on their own hardware under their control and management. There are plenty of local retailers who prefer this control, who want to take care of their owns security arrangements.

Tower Systems offers retailers choice when it comes to cloud hosted or local installation. you choose as to what best serves your personal and business needs.

We think offering flexibility is key. It’s certainly what we have found ourselves in our own retail situations. we first ran some of ur shops in a 100% cloud model more than fifteen years ago. That experience helped us evolve our cloud POS offering.

There are some POS software companies that only offer a cloud solution and others that only offer a desktop solution. We are grateful to our software developers for providing a solution that can be either – in the cloud or on the desktop, allowing retailers to choose what is most appropriate to their business needs.

So, cloud or not? It really is up to you. take your time. Think about your business needs. Look at the total cost of ownership of each and make an informed decision. While one approach may look more appealing in the short term, it is the ownership cost over time that we think it is worth considering when assessing whether cloud hosted of desktop is the best approach for your business.

We can connect you with retailers in each situation so you can hear first hand from their experiences. We can also demonstrate what either approach may look like for you and your business.

While buzzwords sound cool, business decisions are best made on the evidence, away fro. the marketing gloss. this is why we say take your time, collect the evidence and decide what is right for you, when you are ready. we will support you through this.

Updated toy shop software helps local toy shops compete


What makes our toy shop POS software special? It’s kind of an arrogant question to pose here. It’s real though. It is a question often asked in the sales process. Toy show owners want to know how we see ourselves. Well, let’s try and answer that today. We’d like to do this through the prism of service of local toy shops, because service of local retailers is core to our business.

We are sincere in our interest in and focus on local retail. Local matters. Local shops matter. Walk down any Main Street in any town and you can see it. We’d much prefer to shop these shops than a national chain any day. This is one reason we are so focussed on local retail here at Tower Systems.

But, back to toy shops and our toy shop POS software. we thought about what makes our toy shop POS software special in terms of a top 5 … because who doesn’t love a top 5?

The top 5 reasons our Toy Shop software is ideal for local Australian toy shops.

In developing this list, we thought about it as retailers. We’ve owned and run retail shops in the toy / collectibles / gift niches since the late 1990s.

  1. Local matters. Local toy shops make a vital contribution to local communities and families nearby. Our software helps you leverage this, to differentiate your business from big competitors.
  2. You can bank on loyalty. There is excellent data revealing the lifetime value of a family and those they purchase for. Leveraging this through smart loyalty tools and marketing tuned for toy shops helps you maximise the opportunity.
  3. Safe decisions make for a better P&L. While following your gut can see you catch wins, safe decisions, those based on the data, are bankable. From data feeds from suppliers through your POS to accounting software, we help you nurture data for the safe decisions.
  4. Not every shopper will walk past your door. A smart and seamless connection between your software and a website can help you sell to people you will never meet. This should be easy, certain and financially rewarding.
  5. You are a key asset. You and the people in your business are a differentiator to big business competitors. Too often we see toy retailers not leverage themselves. Our software helps correct this … because you and your knowledge are an asset.

Our locally made and supported toy shop POS software is more than this top 5, much more. We’d love to show it to you, to let you see it first-hand, to see if it might serve your business needs.

The big news is that we have released an update to our toy shop software. It’s out now, fresh and ready for service.

Tower Systems helps local pet shops compete with pet shop POS software


Local pet shops face tough competition from national chains and national websites. It is a daily battle with these local family businesses under attack from national businesses with deep pockets.

Local pet shops provide vital support and services for local pet owners. They are important local businesses … important not only to local pet owners, but important to the local community.

Your local pet shop staff are more likely to have and share locally relevant knowledge. Their products will serve local needs – and not be set in some office thousands of kilometres away.

Tower Systems is proud to support local pet shops. We only sell to small local businesses. Our Aussie software is designed for local pet shops, so they can better service their local community. Embedded in our pet shop software are facilities through which local pet shops can do this. Our software helps them consistently pitch and support local in ways local pet owners will appreciate.

Supporting local pet shops is vital not only for local jobs but also for the local community as it is locally owned and run shops that communities turn to in times of need. This is the small business way.

Using our Tower Systems pet shop software, pet shops can tap into plenty of benefits including:

  • Differentiate with you. Share your product use and care information. This can include locally tuned information.
  • Track worming and other date-based treatments for customer reminders. The reminder can help pet owners provide better pet care.
  • Track pet microchip numbers.
  • Make your own products, from your own feed and seed mix. There is nothing more differentiating that your own products.
  • Business differentiating loyalty. Stand out from the crowd. Drive sales. Points are dead, their value is a challenge to understand. Our approach to loyalty will drive sales.
  • Easy special customer orders. Smart track and notify of orders.
  • Club and group pricing. Set pricing rules based on customer type. you can support the club members who support you.
  • Use tags to get a fresh perspective, side-view, on stock performance.
  • Multi buy pricing – like a coffee card – to drive loyalty. Buy x packs of dog or cat food over time and get a pack for free. we track this for you.
  • Say goodbye to LayBy – with integrated buy now pay later options.
  • Market to customers based on past purchases.
  • Cut accounting and bookkeeping fees with integration to Xero and others.
  • Easily sell online with a direct to Shopify link from your POS software.

Local pet shops are vital for local communities. Tower Systems is grateful for their support and committed to evolving our software to serve the evolving needs of these businesses.

The POS Software Blog




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