The POS Software Blog

The POS Software Blog

News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.

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A message for retailers who pitch shop local when promoting their shop


If you are a small business retailer and you pitch shop local in promoting your business, please take a look inside your business. Look at what you buy, the source of the goods and services.

Do you shop local?

Shoppers today notice these things. They want to know the source of what you sell and use in your business.

Because the understand that shopping local is about more than product or goods being made locally.

Shopping local is about a whole of business local experience.

Tower Systems is an Australian POS software company serving local small business retailers with locally developed, supported and trained POS software for speciality retailers.

Many of our competitors are based overseas. When you buy, rent or lease their software, 100% of what you spend leaves the country.

When. you buy, rent or lease from Tower Systems, 100% of the spend stays in Australia.

If you are a local small business retailer and want to show off your local credentials, shop local for your POS software with the locally grown and supported Tower Systems retail management software.

By shopping locally with us you are supporting the Aussie tech industry. This is good for the economy as well as the career paths of school leavers. Yes, shop local reaches beyond the transaction itself. Shopping local delivers wonderful and appreciated value, often outside the business you shop with.

You’d see that in your shop too, when you support local suppliers. It could be part of the pitch you make to local shoppers, to support their local community because your reach is outside your shop and into the community.

We are a proud, strong and growing local POS software company offering world class software here in Australia as well as in New Zealand and some other Pacific region countries.

Our contribution is consistent and far-reaching, beyond out Hawthorn VIC office. This is a demonstration of the value of shop local – the jobs we provide, the families we support, the buying we do with other local businesses.

The circular relationships of supporting local businesses have value considerably beyond the $$$ transaction value in front of you.

For good local POS software for specialty retail, consider Tower Systems.

How our POS software co. helps small business retailers pitch their economic value


Through a range of assets, our POS software company helps small business retailers pitch the value of small businesses and local retail businesses in Australia.

These assets are readily available for any to use. Many are unbranded, too, making their use even easier.

We research the content we create and ensure it is accurate as well as easily understood for people in the community. We want them to pick up on the small business value narrative and through this better support small businesses, especially small business retail.

We are grateful for the opportunity to serve in this way.

Tower Systems acquires newsagency marketing group newsXpress


This announcement was shared with newsXpress members and newsagent and gift suppliers earlier this month.


newsXpress founding director Graham Randall has agreed to sell his shares in the newsXpress business to Mark Fletcher, his partner since 2005 in newsXpress. The transaction will be completed in the next few days.

Having founded the business in 2001, Graham played a key role in its formation and early development. He saw the need for a group for proactive newsagents as well as the need to move the group from its Queensland base and in 205 invited Mark Fletcher to acquire an initial share in the business.

The years since 2005 have seen considerable growth in terms of rooftops and in terms of services delivered to its small business retailer community.

newsXpress today is considerably more diverse than the group of even ten years ago. The company has plans for considerable evolution through 2019 and beyond.

The sale and acquisition transaction has been negotiated between the two and with a focus on ensuring operating stability and commercial opportunity for newsXpress members.

Graham Randall’s own newsXpress businesses will continue to be trade under the newsXpress name and be part of group.

Graham Randall commented … “The time feels right for me to step away from an ownership role in newsXpress. I know it is in good hands and have every faith in the whole team to continue to develop and evolve the group. This move frees me to explore some other opportunities in addition to my existing retail businesses. I wish newsXpress, its employees and its member businesses every success in the years ahead.”

Mark Fletcher commented … “Graham Randall had the vision to create newsXpress and through it to provide many newsagents a pathway away from the traditional and into a brighter future. I am grateful to Graham for the thirteen years of business partnership and look forward to plenty more years of friendship. While this is a change to the ownership of newsXpress, it will not result in dramatic change in what we do.”

Given the stable management and operating structure of the business, it will be business as usual for newsXpress, its supplier relationships and its members. The company has a skilled teal of merchandise, marketing, sales and creative professionals who work enthusiastically and diligently every day for the benefit of the newsXpress member community.

newsXpress today serves in excess of 240 locally owned retail businesses located in all Australian states and territories. It also operates a network of websites that acquire online orders on behalf of newsXpress member businesses as well as running a network of social media accounts with a combined reach of in excess of 100,000 people.


As the Australian newsagency channel continues to evolve, so will businesses that serve the channel. I am energised and focussed on presenting to newsagents through my businesses commercially valuable opportunities and through this place freely accessible ideas and encouragements for embracing valuable change.

Public holiday today


Our head office is on minimal staff today as it is Labour Day in Victoria. We are open 8:30 through 5pm AEST and our after hours phone network is live for urgent calls.

Labour Day is an annual public holiday that celebrates the eight-hour working day, a victory for workers achieved in the mid-late 19th century. The argument for the eight-hour day was based on the need for each person to have eight hours labour, eight hours recreation and eight hours rest.

What separates our POS software co out


Check out a display we created in one of our own shops recently, promoting some new products we imported direct from the US. Creating the display, tracking product success connecting with social media, selling in-store and online … this is all part of the Tower experience. Be sure to play with the sound on.

Easing into the Australia Day long weekend


It’s been a fun day today as retailers eased into the Australia Day long weekend. Help desk call traffic has been low, giving us an opportunity to prepare more training assets and het some other housekeeping done. Oh, and to eat cake, since we will not be in Sunday, Chocolate Cake Day – we could not let this day pass without chocolate cake in the office.

Kris Kringle in the office a heap of fun


We did our Kris Kringle in our head office a couple of days ago with presents under, behind and deep in the tree. We play with a model that allows stealing of other’s gifts, with cash and wine prizes thrown in got bonus fun.

It was another wonderful event this year, celebrating with our work family.

This, plus our party and our Christmas treats in the lunch room and some very special treats on each desk make Christmastime a wonderful time of the year at Tower.

And all through this, we serve our customers, helping them make good use of our POS software through the Christmas season … because that is what we are here for.

Christmas party


We were thrilled to catch up with team members and some partners at our Christmas party on the weekend at The Royston  in Richmond on the weekend.

We booked out the restaurant for an afternoon and enjoyed drinks, lunch and more drinks, before kicking on to other venues.

Our Christmas parties are a cherished tradition.

Small business retail management advice for POS software users


Tower Systems is an Australian POS software company that developed, sells and supports POS software for selected small business retailers in Australia and New Zealand.

By focussing on specialty retail businesses, we ensure that our POS software is fit for purpose, that it is the right software for the job in each of those specialty retail marketplaces. We dive deep into the needs of selected retail channels, making sure that we serve their needs, delivering software that is highly tuned to the needs of these businesses.

This is what makes us a vertical market POS software company.

It is what separates us from many POS software companies. While anyone can say they have software for jewllers, bike shops, toy shops, gift shops and more, only a few software companies truly specialise, only a few software companies work deep in these areas, serving the needs of these businesses thoughtfully and in ways that are specific to these types of businesses.

POS software is a specialty tool. It is not general. It is not the same for everyone. There really is no one size fits all.

This is why we say take time, take care, be thoughtful and careful about what your need to run your business to get your business right.

This is what Tower Systems does. We know our POS software is right for everyone. We don;lt say it is. We don’t change it for everyone because that is not us. We are a specialty POS software company focussing on nine or ten specialty retail channels because specialisation matters, it really foes in software and in retail.

Our POS software is developed here in Australia. It is supported our of our Australian head office. We back it with unlimited free training. This is live and business specific. We have been doing it for years, evolving as the needs of retailers evolve. This sets us apart and makes for a more finely tuned and appreciated solution for our customers and we like this because it makes for an easier business life for us too.

The POS software choice for your business needs time and care for it to be the right choice for your business. This is where Tower Systems excels. we come to you. We show you our software and we don’t pressure.

Why it is important for a POS software company to visit your business before you make a purchase decision


Tower Systems offers retailers considering POS software a personal visit to assess the needs of the business, to understand if our software is right for the business.

Doing this on the phone may not be ideal. It can be done if our customers prefer, but it is not ideal. Doing it by email is nonsense.

As a company dedicated to personal in-store service, we start the relationship off right with a personal visit to see iff we are right for you. This visit is often the beginning of a long and personal relationship with our customers

Retail is personal. So is POS software for local retail businesses.

By visiting a business prior to purchase we can more effectively assess the needs of the business. Our software may not be a good fit. If we think this is the case we will say so.

In a personal visit we can show the software working with products the business sells. this can bring confidence to the decision process. We think it is important for us and for prospective customers that were visit a business in person prior to a purchase decision being made.

Get your needs right and match these with then right software and you are better positioned to achieve great outcomes for the business.

Here at Tower Systems we are committed to personal service.

Why personal service matters to small business retailer POS software users.


Personal service is a key differentiator in local small business retail. With most products being available in big and small business, in-store and online, personal service, local knowledge added local value really matter as a differentiator.

The same is true with POS software.

We see too many POS software companies that hide behind anonymity on their help desk, admin, sales and other customer facing roles.

Here at tower Systems we believe in personal service, we trust it and respect it as a small business owner need and desire.

Th8is is why when you hear from us you hear from a person, with a name. Our contact is real and authentic. You can be sure that the name is real and that you can ask for them again, to continue the relationship. We think this approach sits at the hearty of the relationship we have with our customers and foster with our sales products.

By operating this way, this personal way, we show our customers that we treat them as they want to treat their customers, with differentiating good and personal customer service, which adds value they can appreciate.

Whether it is a support call to the help desk, advice on tracking an employee theft situation, help to understand the financial performance of the business or a general business strategy discussion, here at Tower Systems we provide personal service where you can speak with the person providing the service.

We know of companies where staff use fake names. For ex ample, in one company, help desk people were told to use the name David so that customer contact felt consistent. None of the employees providing service actually had the name David. People soon see thr9ygh games like this. It is nuts in our view. That is why we are a8thentic, personal and real … trust starts with this honesty.

Next time you are providing a service in your business by phone, email or in person, see to do it in an authentic personal way as customers are more likely to remember your personal approach than if it is general, vague and without any personal context.

AFL Grand Final cakes were a hit at the POS software co. office


We celebrated AFL Grand Final eve in the office Thursday with pizza, fresh office-made chicken wings, salad,  beers, cocktails and cake. We love this tradition. While our customer base is national and international, the AFL Grand Final captures attention and it’s an opportunity to celebrate.

Oh, and we made sure to not go overboard in ‘celebrating’ as it was business as usual on the help desk, helping our POS software customers.

As for the big game today, we’re not going to call it. We hope everyone has a wonderful day.

Australian POS software helps specialty small business retailers compete


The most effective ways small business retailers can compete with big businesses and online is through efficient operation, accurate data and customer service touch-points that add appreciated value.

Tower Systems only sells its POS software to small business retailers. We help our customers achieve efficient operation, accurate data and customer service touch-points that add appreciated value. we do this every day in many different ways, tailored to the business niches we serve.

We believe in small businesses, their importance to local communities and their broader economic value.

Through our software, our personal in-store training, 24/7 human and locally based help desk service, regional user meetings, weekly online workshops and other touch-points we help small business retailers beyond what is usual for POS software companies.

Our company motto is we’re here to help. We take this seriously. Everyday, out motto challenges us to help our customers in ways they do not expect, ways beyond the software itself.

Founded in 1981, Tower Systems has evolved as technology has evolved. The software we sell today is generations away from where we started. We are proud to have served some of our customers for decades.

More than 3,500 specialty small business retailers in Australia and New Zealand use our specialty POS software.

To us, a specialty retailer is one that offers services unique to the channel, services that define the business.  We embed in our software for each retail channel facilities that serve needs unique to that channel. We take pride in doing this and enhancing these channel-specific facilities as the needs evolve.


The Tower training is personal, one-on-one. It is delivered in-store, by someone with extensive retail experience.

The help desk help desk is based in Hawthorn victoria. When people call, the call is answered by a human and not a computerised phone system. We believe in personal service.

The company also offers free online training workshops where retailers  can learn more and talk to each other about how they use the software.

Every customer has access to free one-on-one training year after year.

There are also user meetings around the country where people can meet the management and technical team in an open group setting for more free training and free assistance.

The POS Software Blog




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