How the Tower Systems produce / farm supply business software helps local communities
Here at Tower Systems we are grateful to be able to support local and independent produce and farm supply businesses with locally made and supported POS software for produce and farm supply businesses.
Through our software and through our support services we help these businesses, and the communities in which they serve, to grow locally, in support of not only local suppliers but also local community groups.
Our produce and farm supply POS software, which is made locally, helps rural supply / farm supply / produce businesses with efficient service and support of local farms and community groups.
Through purpose-built and retail channel specific inventory management, efficient shipping, produce use notes and more, this software helps businesses serve local needs for local conditions.
The produce and farm supply software helps these local businesses serve local communities through sharing local care advice and instructions, tagging locally made products and guiding shoppers about what is best for local conditions.
The most recent update to this produce business POS software delivers benefits sought by produce and farm supply businesses based on their own evolving needs. Offering software that evolves ensures its value increases with time, as do their businesses.
Embedded in the produce business POS software from Tower Systems are many benefits, including…
- Sell accurately by measure – by whole numbers orfractions.
- Sell by weight. We are government authorised scale-integrated.
- Customer special orders. Bring product in for a specific customer and have them notified automatically by email or text when the goods are in and ready.
- Time saving invoicing and account management – manage accounts in a way tailored to your business. yes, you are able to properly account for freight.
- Produce picking slips, manage accounts, feed data to Xero and MYOB and do more.
- Be accurate with all-weather product labels.
- Business differentiating loyalty. Stand out from the crowd. Have customers coming back to youfor this.
- Trade pricing profiles. You can set pricing rules based on types of customers.
- Pre-orders – We make it easy for you to pre-sell a delivery so that when the stock arrives you can manage distribution and billing efficiently.
- Bagging up feed – Easily manage bagging up a bulk feed delivery into smaller, saleable lots, while keeping accurate stock on hand data.
- Making your own feed mix. We help you track managing bulk quantity ingredients and mixing these into saleable packs of your own brand of seed mix. What an awesome point of difference for your business!
- Differentiate with informative receipts. These can include care, use and safety information based on what customers buy.
- Sell more with a direct connect to buy now pay later services.
This Australian made produce / farm supply business POS software is comprehensive and regularly changing, to support the changing needs of rural businesses.
We love seeing our customers in the news
The Cairns Post ran a feature on The Feed Shop from Gordonvale, located half an hour out of Cairns, and their online sales. We are grateful to have made their POS software connected website. The reference in the article to tech support is a reference to us.
Michelle, the owner of the business said this yesterday on our private Tower customer Facebook group: If there are any Tower customers who are considering an online store with Tower, I encourage you to chat to the team. From the first step in planning, to completion, and now upkeep/new ideas, the Tower support has been amazing! Our online store has made HUGE difference to our business during these challenging times.
How our POS software company is helping local retailers rebound from Covid impacted 2020
Tower Systems is not your everyday POS software company. Our help goes beyond what is usually traditional. As retailers for many years ourselves our help has a practical bent, a useful connection that seeks to deliver tangible benefits small business retailers like and want.
During 2020 and the months of Covid impact, we developed a suite of practical assistances for local retailers to help them bounce back once their local communities came back to active life. Through our Point of Sale software we delivered facilities that local retailers leverage to better connect locally, supporting locally made and helping to refresh their local credentials.
Most important is the facilities embedded in our Point of Sale software that enable a local retail business to appreciate local shoppers. Our approach to loyalty, for example is practice, easily understood and engaging. It is something that local retailers are having success with as they emerge from Covid times. Indeed, plenty of our retailers tell us that our fresh approach to loyalty has been keen at delivering faster bounce-back.
In more practical ways, however, our Point of Sale software company helps local retailers with free software options, discounted training, lower cost website engagement and more through our small business Covid support package that remains available to the retailers in our 3,500+ small business retailer community.
Probably the most valued Covid support is our free business insights package. This is where we take local business data, analyse it at depth and share insights we can see in the data, insights often not noticed by those in the business on a day to day basis. We have seen businesses embrace opportunities revealed, leveraging them to benefits beyond that those in the business had imagined and delivering new traffic and revenue results that are exciting and encouraging.
Our approach to Point of Sale software is unique, practical and outcome-focussed. We sincerely seek to serve the needs of your small business retailers and all who rely on their business for income, shelter and professional fulfilment. Point of Sale software can be a force for good beyond the tech and this is where we love what we do. Our help, guidance and our software can combine to deliver wonderful outcomes. We are grateful to serve in this way.
Showcasing our POS software for specialty retail
Work where you are with our cloud based Retailer Roam POS software
Retailer RoamTM is an extension to our awesome POS software. It is cloud based POS software that lets retailers work where needed: on the road, at a market, in a pop-up shop, from a truck, from home, while at a supplier warehouse.
This is truly portable POS software.
It is cloud based POS software.
This is POS software for businesses on the move.
It’s available from the Apple App Store, Google Play and elsewhere. This is a proved app solution bringing flexibility and remote access to retail businesses in ways that serve their portable and flexible POS software access needs.
Behind the scenes, seamlessly, data is synchronised in 3 phases in serving of the needs of our retail business customers. here is how:
- Phase One is an initial transfer that contains the base stock. This is done on start-up. It sets Retailer Roam up to be able to sell.
- Phase Two is to receive product updates – on hand levels or pricing changes.
- Phase Three is to send sales and customer, inventory and sales data to Retailer. Sales data is identified by each Roam terminal, allowing you to view the terminal sales.
Sales (Phase 3) will be stored in a ‘Queue’ on the device, which will be cleared periodically to sync sales with the Roam server (and then sent to Retailer). There is an option to force a sale to be sent to Retailer again (incase it was missed for whatever reason).
Retailer RoamTM can work where there is no internet access, making the storage and sharing of data back to the base of the business flexible and accurate to the needs of the business.
Retailer RoamTM offers retailers on the go a range of facilities including…
- Cash/EFTPOS Sales
- Invoice Sales
- Create a LayBy
- Sell stock with Serial Numbers
- Loyalty Point Redemption & Acrrual
- Customised POS Screens
- Variants
- Refunds
- Basic End of Shift
- Stocktaking
- Re-ordering
- Integrated EFTPOS
Retailer RoamTM is a solution for retail businesses that need to be able to conduct business on the go, from a variety of situations, from multiple terminals of iPads at once. It is easy to use and secure in service of the needs of retail businesses.
Australian made POS software is best for Australian retail businesses
Why is Australian made POS software best for Australian retail businesses? Here is why…
Australian made POS software will be closer to the needs of Australian businesses as it is made by people who understand local customs, needs and shoppers.
Australian made POS software is likely to be more easily enhanced to serve emerging local Australian retailer needs.
Australian made POS software will benefit the local Australian economy more with people working on making and supporting the software spending their payroll locally and this benefits local retailers who9 can use Australian made POS software.
Australian made POS software is more likely to be tuned to the needs of specialty retail channels in which the software is to be used. Retail channels have different needs, unique needs. Software made for these channels, for these Australian retail businesses will be more of a solution.
Buying Australian made helps the Australian economy and all who depend on the Australian economy. It is as simple as that.
Tower Systems employs local software developers, support experts and more in the pursuit of development and support of our specialty retail POS software. These people are our company. They live and work locally, connecting with local retailers as shoppers. Their experiences and easy access connection with retailers help them to make better POS software for Australian retailers.
Here at Tower Systems we develop specialty POS software for a range of specialty retail channels:
- Jewellers
- Garden Centres
- Pet shops
- Produce businesses
- Gift shops
- Bike shops
- Toy shops
- Adult shops
- Homewares shops
- Bookshops
- Repairs businesses
- Fishing & outdoors businesses
- Farm supply businesses
- News / Card / magazine shops
And, outside of these niche businesses, the Tower software serves because of its specialisation. For example, pool maintenance businesses, butchers, health food stores and more benefit from the Tower POS solutions.
If your local Australian retail businesses ever pitches shop local, then where you source what you use and sell in your business matters. The COVID-19 pandemic and the economic response has brought that into sharp focus. It has helped us understand that our local economy matters.
We are proud to offer Australian made POS software for Australian specialty retailers. We are grateful to our customers that we can do this.
Fixed price POS software connected Shopify website development
Tower Systems offers a fixed price website development solution for retailers keen to sell online using Shopify. Our POS software connected Shopify websites are made to serve the needs of each retail business that partners with us.
We engage in a discovery process to ensure we genuinely understand their business needs. Our website development team then works with them to create a beautiful POS software connected Shopify website.
The work is considerable, detailed, interactive and focussed solely on delivering for the retail business the POS software connected website solution they want. And, yes, all of this is delivered on a fixed price basis.
We went with offering fixed price Shopify website development because of the need we saw and the discovery that too often web developers hooked people with a lowball quote and then applied add-on charges, making the website far more expensive than needed.
Our fixed price Shopify POS software connected solution has already been embraced by many retailers with commercial success, helping them to sell to shoppers who live in other states and even countries.
Our approach is structured from the outset, undertaken with the goal of delivering what our retail business customers want. We have found that by engaging in through pre-planning we are able to deliver happiness to our customers. The old adage of measure three times and cut once is true when it. comes to our fixed price Shopify POS software connected website service.
Our Tower Systems Shopify website development service is 100% based out of our Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia office. This matters as our web development people understand the needs of local retail. They work local hours. They have the cultural and retail knowledge experiences to deliver an intuitive and engaging Shopify website solution. And, again, this is a fixed price service.
We suggest you approach launching a website as a start-up business. Sure, it may sell some or all of what you sell in your shop. However, it is different, it is its own thing with different needs and different opportunities. Seeing it as a start-up can help. Also, seeing it as a start-up could take you on a fresh path.
You need to love your website. If you don’t it will not get the attention and support it needs from you. By lovewe mean love what it sells, how it does this and how it represents you.
A note on POS software comparison websites
More and more websites are offering POS software comparisons. Some claim that they have done the work for you and found the best POS software out there for you.
But what are these POS software comparison websites and how far do they go in making the comparisons they claim?
Like many other product comparison websites, POS software comparison websites often offer comparisons of products that pay to be listed. Yes, it is a commercial relationship funded by the POS software companies. They pay for each lead they are given.
This commercial approach means that if you go onto a POS software comparison website you may not see all POS software solutions that meet your needs. They often limit the number of products they will ‘compare’. This makes it look like they have done research.
Too often, the POS software comparison websites will not look at all software products in a marketplace. rather, they approach it as a purely commercial relationship, booking places from businesses that are prepared to pay the fee per lead provided. This feels like their main criteria.
Looking at some POS software comparison websites we would say they are not comparison websites at all. rather, they are another form of targeted marketing designed to harvest leads, often soft leads.
If you are looking for POS software fort your specialty retail business, do your own research. Do a Google search, ignore all the ads, look at the natural results and make your own shortlist and research them based on your needs.
Yes, this is hard work, time consuming. Only you know what you need and want. Only you can choose what is the right POS software for your retail business. Cutting corners and relying on someone else, like a POS software comparison website, to do the work for you could result in the wrong choice or at the very least a choice from only a small pool of contenders.
Nothing beats you doing your own research, taking your time, being sure that each software product is thoroughly investigated and you making the POS software selection based on your real business needs, on the points of value you seek for your retail business.
You can still find a good solution through a POS software comparison website. However, to consider all options, do the work yourself and make the choice based on your work rather than rely on someone who may have not done any comparison work at all. Your business deserves the best POS software you can find.
Shopping for Back to School needs? Shop your local newsagency
Your local Aussie newsagency can serve your Back to School stationery and textbook needs. We are proud to say that our POS software company serves many of these local newsagency businesses, we help them offer quality Back to School products at competitive prices and in a way that supports local school and community groups.
Back to School is a competitive space in Australia. The local Aussie newsagency is often calls upon by school and community groups for support. The best way to help them support community group and school group fund raising is to shop for Back to School from these local newsagency businesses.
Too often we see Back to School purchases going to companies outside Australia and national retailers who chase on price and often neglect the all important product quality.
Your local newsagency delivers quality goods since they are local and easily contacted is the quality of a product does not stack up. Big businesses tend to not have this local care. This local accessibility is another reason to shop for back to School locally.
For Back to School stationery needs, start at your local newsagency. Supporting them helps them support your local school community. You see that every day through local newsagent support for school students, school groups. Every day newsagents are asked for support and donations for local community groups, including school groups. They can only do this if there is robust local support for their businesses.
Please don’t be duped by the truckloads of cash poured into advertising by competitors chasing your back to school spend. They have the cash to do this, to make it look like they have good products and good prices. Often, when they say they will price match, they don’t sell the same brands, often selling cheap imported products only available through them.
Your local newsagent is a perfect place to shop for back to school for quality, service and community connection.
Tower Systems is proud to support 1,750+ local Australian newsagency businesses with newsagency software that helps them deliver a good Back to School experience and through which they can support local community and school group fundraising.
For Back to School 2021, please shop local, shop with the locally owned and run business that supports the local community.
Cash register versus POS software, what’s best for small business retail
We are a POS software company so, naturally, our advice will be choose POS software over a cash register … here’s why:
A cash register offers little security against employee theft. This alone should knock out using a cash register in any situation. With employee theft accounting for around 75% of all theft in retail businesses, the more you can do to track, understand and mitigate against it the better. POS software offers excellent security / control over employee theft. The key is to use POS software well, properly.
Using a cash register denies the business an opportunity to truly understand what is happening in the business whereas POS software provides that data and averages those insights.
It is as simple as this:
- Cash register: you sold something for this amount of money.
- POS software: you sold these items for this much. It can even show the customer details, what was sold with it, how they paid and more.
Sure a cash register can feel like lower cost and easier to run. However, with employee theft, data loss and insight denial a cash register is a far more expensive solution for a retail business than POS software.
Good POS software for a specialty retail business can cost $3.00 to $5.00 a day. This is a small cost when you consider the data and insights value to a business compared to the ignorant cash register alternative.
Compared to a cash register, good POS software will help a retail business:
- Cut labour costs.
- Reduce customer theft.
- Reduce employee theft.
- Reduce the overhead of dead stock.
- Increase sales.
- Better manage supplier relationships.
- Better manage employee resources.
- More successfully lay out the shop.
- More easily and quickly sell online.
- be more appealing to a prospective purchaser.
Sure, a cash register can seem like the easy to use and easy to understand way to take payment at the sales counter. The reality is different. If you want to maximise the opportunity of your retail business, POS software is a better and far more complete solution for the business. It nurtures the data and insights that enable you to be a business person rather than a button pusher.
The future of retail management in POS software driven. cash registers are old school, from the past, not useful to retail today.
These are some fo the reasons we recommend POS software far ahead of a cash register for small business retail.
Ah, Sunday
We make specialty POS software for specialty retailers
Check it out…
Aussies embracing Australian made when shopping locally, to help the local community
It has been great to see the renewed interest in shopping locally, especially in sourcing locally made products. So many of our small business retail POS software customers have shared with us stories of shoppers specifically seeking out locally made products.
Stories of support for locally made products warm the soul.
Local makes are grateful for this support. We have spoken to plenty – local soap makers, local artists, local scent makers, local craftspeople, local pointers, local plant farms, local card makers … they are all loving the stronger support for locally made that we have seen in recent months.
We share the delight of local makers and excitement for what this may mean for 2021.
Buying locally made is good for the community in which those making the locally made products live, the communities in which they spend their money.
Tower Systems is a local POS software company.
We live and work locally, in communities in Australia and New Zealand. You can’t get more local than that when developing POS software for specialty retailers in Australia and New Zealand.
We love helping local retailers to support local makers and shopping locally through smart tools and facilities in our local made POS software. Integrated in our software are opportunities for local retailers to pitch local products, to demonstrate their own local credentials and to shine a light on what being local is all about … and through these things to separate their business from non locally owned and operated alternatives.
This all matters in today’s retail world of heightened awareness of shopping locally and supporting local makers. We are proud to help our retail partners to do this in our POS software, to do it easily, consistently and with commercial outcomes in focus.
With the world disrupted politically, economically and health wise, shopping local matters more today than in recent times. However, telling people, to shop local is not enough. We need to be smart, actively engaged and supporting of the shopper and local makers, serving their diverse needs. This is where our POS software can help with the encouragement and the storytelling.
If you own a local retail business that relies on people to shop locally, consider our locally made POS software. We’d love to show it to you.
Helping small business retailers through the latest Covid challenge
With Covid continuing to impact communities in New South Wales and Victoria this week, we have reminded our POS software customers of the Covid impact support services available from us. This is a package of opportunities at no and low cost through which our retail partners can mitigate their situation.
Launched in March 2020, our small business retailer Covid response package was a hit. It has been a joy to see how customers have used the free training, free software and other benefits they tapped.
We are grateful to have been able to make a contribution.
Now, here we are in the early days of 2021 and in some communities the challenges are more intense than last year. This is why we have reminded our customers that our Covid support package remains available.
Small business retail is vital to local communities and those living in them. Helping small business retail is another way we can help local communities.
If you know a small business retailer facing challenges in the latest Covid situation, see if what we offer could help. We will do what we can.
Seamless POS software Shopify integration helps more small business retailers easily sell online
Tower Systems offers seamless integration of its POS software with Shopify, sharing sales data, inventory data and inventory images. The flow of data from the POS to Shopify and from Shopify to the POS software means that small business retailers can deliver a whole of business approach to data management for physical and online sales.
Better still, Tower Systems developed Shopify websites for customers, in addition to developing POS software for specialty retailers.
Our POS software development team and our web development team are separate in our POS software company but they do collaborate, to ensure that the Shopify POS software integration is seamless, robust and to the standards expected by Shopify.
As a Shopify partner, we are grateful to have delivered for our customers in this area, providing a seamless two-way data link between Shopify and our POS software.
Last year, we helped many retailers sell online through our Shopify POS software integration. In 2021 we are set to help even more.
We offer a fixed price Shopify site development solution, guiding our customers through product selection, design, editorial, theme selection and go-live. Our approach is comprehensive. It is assisted by a strong and direct link to Shopify from our POS software, built to the standards set by Shopify.
We go further…
Through a consultative process, the web specialists at Tower help retailers discover how they can genuinely differentiate online to attract new shoppers, especially shoppers who are not local, shoppers who may otherwise not know the business exists.
By researching current search engine data as to what people are searching for, Tower Systems has been able to help retailers pivot online while using the existing business for labour and other overheads.
While the temptation is for retailers to represent their existing business online, the most success is had by retailers who treat their website as a start-up, a new business. This is where the comprehensive keyword research by Tower can help unlock commercially valuable opportunities.
Selling online is hard work made easier if you get the technical foundations right first. This is where Tower Systems can help, it is where our POS software / Shopify integrated solution helps small business retailers – to get online, sell online and through this to find new shoppers who might otherwise never have discovered the retail business.
Serial number tracking in POS software helps specialty small business retailers provide a more complete service
The Tower Systems POS software provide serial number tracking facilities in the POS software.
Retailers using our POS software can track each serial number sold. They can do this from the moment the item arrives in the shop fro the supplier, or, they can track the serial number the moment that item with a serial number is sold.
Serial number tracking is a core and differentiating part of our specialty retail POS software.
Tracking serial numbers matters to jewellers, bike shops, equipment retailers, firearms dealers and more. That it is included in our POS software as a standard feature ensures that retailers who rely on serial number tracking tools are able to deliver a customer experience that matches the specialist nature of their business.
Having developed the comprehensive social number tracking tools in the POS software years ago, the development team at Tower Systems has continue to enhance the facilities, ensuring that our serial number tracking solution keeps up with marketplace expectations, ensuring that our retailers themselves are keeping up with supplier and customer expectations.
Serial numbers take inventory tracking to a new level. The facility also offers a better solution for insurance details, government regulatory requirements and other record keeping requirements that differentiate a specialty retail business from an everyday business.
It is the flexibility in our approach to serial number tracking in the POS software that matters, too, as this allows businesses options for the point at which they track serial numbers. This can vary based on current business processes.
Not all POS software packages offer serial number tracking. If serial number tracking is a requirement for your retail business, ensure that software you consider handles it. Better still, have it demonstrate to you – see it for yourself so that you are satisfied the approach in the software will suit your business needs.
Serial number in our POS software is another differentiator for Tower Systems. We are grateful to our customers who have helped us deliver this, who have guided and encourage us, for it is their front line retail experience that matters when it comes to delivering on specialty retailer needs in our POS software.
Tower Systems makes POS software for specialty retail. We serve more than 3,500 small business retailers.
Zippay merchant POS software connection helps small business retail
The thousands of small business retailers using the POS software from Tower Systems have access to Zippay merchant facilities embedded in the POS software. Using these the retailers are able to offer access to the Zip buy now pay later facilities across the counter.
Using the Zippay merchant facilities in the Tower POS software, retailers able able to enjoy a commercially valuable alternative to LayBy. It is better for them and better for their customers. indeed, customers love Zip.
Thanks to a thoughtful and compliant integration, Zippay merchant facilities in the Tower Systems software are proven, valuable and commercially enjoyable in retail businesses of many different types. Tower Systems did the integration early in with Zip, bringing the Zip opportunity to life for the first time in many retail niches.
Using the Zippay merchant facilities, retailers have reporting and other tools for the accurate and prper management of their businesses.
Give your customers the power to pay later, interest free and watch your sales grow. Tower Systems and Zip have teamed up two years ago to provide a seamless, interest free payment solution for your customer, allowing your business to benefit from:
- Increased sales volume
- Increased average order values
- Increased customer repurchases
- Now, with a seamless integration with Tower Systems, you can accept Zip payments as soon as you are accredited. Simply enter your credentials.
Get started!
Our Zippay merchant facilities are robust, best practice, useful and enjoyable act the counter and in the back offer. They are true total solution for a business wanting to bring to life a buy now pay later option.
Tower Systems is grateful to the folks at Zip for their engagement and encouragement. It’s a partnership relationship that we value and have learned from.
The Zippay merchant facilities integrated with our POS software bring to life opportunities thanks to the way Zip promotes their retail business partners. The Zip community is strong and growing. Zip shoppers love their service and this can help small business retailers to find shoppers they may otherwise not have found. It’s an example of a valuable mutual relationship.
Tower Systems is grateful to offer Zip as part of a quite of integration solutions with its POS software. This suite of integrations is growing in 2021, which is terrific news. More soon…
Sell by fractions using our POS software and keep accurate stock on hand data
The Tower Systems POS software allows the sale of products by fractions. This is important in retail businesses that see by weight or some other form of measure.
Selling by fractions works for jewellers, garden centres, sewing businesses, haberdashery businesses, produce businesses, farm supply businesses, bait and tackle businesses and repairs businesses.
We have offered scale integrated POS software for many years, just as we have facilitated the sale of items by fractions for many years. These are key benefits of our POS software.
Not many POS software programs let you sell 1.25 of something or .75 of something. They usually want to deal only in whole numbers. Selling by fractions is important to many retailers. We are proud and grateful to offer this point of difference.
It may seem simple, selling a fractional amount of a product. That not all POS software programs can handle this speaks to a technical complexity. We saw this many years ago and addressed it and have maintained support for it for many years.
Being specialty like this, delivering access to specialty software that serves the needs of specialty retailers os something we do here at Tower Systems. We take serving the needs of specialty retailers seriously and are grateful to our customers fore encouraging us, guiding us, helping us to achieve and maintain this for them.
Selling by fractions in retail matters where businesses sell by measure – weight or length. The ability of our POS software to sell by fractions means accurate pricing, accurate stock on hand data and more for the business. It supports their position as specialty retailers, offering personal service.
If you sell by fractions in your retail business, ensure that any POS software you are considering can handle this and deliver for your business. You do not want to discover that POS software you have chosen cannot do this once it it is installed.
POS software that supports selling by fractions is specialty in nature. That’s us, that’s Tower Systems – specialty POS software for selected specialty retail channels. If you sell products by weight or measure in your business, by fractions, you can be confident that we can serve your needs. It’s another specialty facility in our POS software that serves your needs.
Using POS software to make 2021 the year of shop local
In 2020, out of necessity, many Aussies rediscovered the value of shopping local.
2021 is our opportunity as local retailers to build off that, to make this the year shopping local is the preference, the year shopping local comes into its own.
We say our opportunity since we are retailers too. In addition to owning the Tower Systems POS software company, we own and run six retail businesses.
We have experienced first-hand the new love of shopping local.
In our POS software you can easily leverage local in ways that can guide deeper baskets and encourage shoppers back sooner.
We have built into our POS software these opportunities and more, to help you shine lights on what makes your business more appealing in today’s circumstances.
You can easily identify and tag locally sourced products.
You can easily share local knowledge and insights.
You can easily ‘make’ your own local products to differentiate from others.
You can easily support and leverage local community group members.
You can easily take your local pitch to the world through a Shopify website.
Our POS software is a start. Our local retail business experience can help you make the most of the POS software opportunities.
May your 2021 be healthy, happy and filled with profitable.
We are a POS software company 100% focussed on serving local small business retailers. Our software is developed to serve niche specialty retailers in selected retail channels. It is make to be fit for purpose for each of these retail channels.
Our specialty approach sets us apart from many other POS software companies. In each of our marketplace specific products you will find facilities, connections and tools that connect us with each in a deep, meaningful and commercially valuable way. This is what being specialty POS softwares is all about.
On top of marketplace specific facilities in our POS software there is our local focus, our local tools and opportunities through with our retail business partners are able to leverage shop local, buy local and support local opportunities.
Beyond the traditional POS software we go deeper into business opportunities, providing platforms from which local businesses can leverage their differentiators to shoppers, to get them spending more and to bring them back more often.
This is smart retail POS software in 2021 … a complete solution backed by training and support to bring shoppers in and guide their connection for the long term.
Comprehensive approach to POS software onboarding helps small business retailers
Aussie POS software company Tower Systems offers a structured, comprehensive approach to POS software onboarding.
Onboarding is the process of bringing on new POS software customers. It involves software installation, setup, tuning and training.
The Tower Systems onboarding approach is whole, complete and solely focussed on helping each small business retailer to achieve their goals for use of the POS software.
Onboarding is the process of installation, training and advice related to getting our new customers up and running with the Tower Systems POS software in your business.
With many new customers joining our POS software community each month, it makes sense that we have a structured process through which we deliver personal and consistent service in pursuit of you happily using our software.
Onboarding includes software installation and training experts at Tower working with you to help you achieve this goal of you happily using our software. It also includes a scheduling expert to be with you at each step of the way.
Our approach to POS software onboarding includes a team of transition experts who will help once the software is setup and the training done. These folks help you transition from high contact training to everyday help desk support access.
As an off-the-shelf software product, the Tower Systems POS software is what it is. By this we mean, it is not bespoke, not written specifically for you. However, there are many options in the software where selections can be made that determine how the software works for you. This is another reason structured onboarding matters.
The pathway we follow to guide you to be live is based on years of experience with thousands of small business retailers like you.
We follow a pathway that works. We understand some of what we suggest may frustrate, especially if you are moving from other software. Please be patient. We are grateful for your joining our community.
While our approach is structured for each specialty retail channel, it is also flexible to ensure we have time to address queries unique to each business. We understand the importance of personal service and seek to deliver a personal and appreciated experience to our customers each time.
The Tower Systems approach to onboarding of new POS software customers is comprehensive, mature and loved by customers. It continues to evolve, too.
Our locally made POS software for specialty retailers
Sound on. Click play.
It feels like we are holding our breath
It feels like we are all holding our breath, wondering if 2021 will repeat 2020, as we wait to hear the numbers of the day.
The number will be what they are. What we do know is that we can do out bit to stop them growing. That’s why we are cleaning, sanitising and wearing masks … for you, and for us.
The rapid closing of borders was a surprise, yet understandable. However, it feeds into anxiety some feel.
We will do everything possible to provide for you a safe and happy place to shop, so 2021 is more like you hoped.
We are optimistic. Living in Victoria, we have been here before. We know what Victorians can do, what all Australians can do. It’s simple really … wear a mask, wash your hands, keep your distance, discover some delicious new recipes, enjoy jigsaws and talk more on the phone.
Together, we can show this shadow of 2020 that it’s not welcome in 2021.
Welcome to 2021
Day 1 of a new year is always exciting, and full of anticipation.
We have plans for this year that we are excited to share with our customers as the year unfolds. New products. New services. New connection opportunities.
All in pursuit of helping small business retailers in our community to have an awesome 2021 using our POS software.
We have had a busy few days between Christmas and New Year planning for 2021, working on our software, working on our customer experiences and more.
The last few days have been a wonderful opportunity to set us ready for Q1 2021.
The last few days have been busy bringing on new customers, too. We have had new customers keen to use a quieter time in their shops between the major holidays to get our software installed and up and running.
2021, we’re ready and excited. Let’s do this!
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