The POS Software Blog

The POS Software Blog

News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.

Categorynewsagency software

Oxipay POS software integration helps small business retailers win more sales


Oxipay works just like AfterPay. It is a buy now pay later offer. Interest free. Hassle free. Easy for you. easy for the customer. You are paid right away. You carry no obligation if the shopper does not pay off the debt.

Oxipay is integrated with our POS software. We were the first in the world to do this.

Your customer can pay over eight weekly payments. Here is how it works on a $160.00 purchase: they pay $20.00 on purchase and seven payments of $20.00 each. You are paid right away for the full purchase price, into your bank account.

What you pitch in-store is $20 today and 7 payments of $20.00 interest free. People can see this as achievable whereas they could baulk at a $160.00 purchase. This option to pay small weekly amounts is loved by Oxipay shoppers -= this brings them back to Oxipay shops.

Oxipay is integrated with the latest release of Retailer. We were the first POS software company in the world to to do this. Our software treats Oxipay as another payment method.

The shopper is already registered for Oxipay prior to the transaction or they can quickly sign up in-store. They can do this on their phone. It is easy.

The beauty of Oxipay is that it can reduce your LayBy commitment. This can save you space. It can also save you the cost of dealing with a situation where a customer cancels a LayBy prior to collection. In fact, Oxipay is loved by shoppers for the LayBy alternative it offers them too given the structure for payments.

We use Oxipay in our own shops and on consumer websites. Oxipay is currently being used for 14% of transactions on one site that does over $500,000 in sales in a year. This site has an average transaction value of $75.00.

The way to make the most of Oxipay is for you to ensure all staff are trained to pitch it to shoppers considering items they may not have the ready cash for today. They may be able to handle fortnightly payments and this could see you win business today that otherwise might have gone elsewhere.

Tower Systems publishes newsagency sales benchmark results


Core categories in retail newsagencies challenged while specialty categories grow.

This newsagency sales benchmark study reflects sales results as tracked in 149 retail newsagency businesses in Australia for the January through March quarter of 2018 compared to the same period in 2017.

Tower Systems undertakes the survey each quarter on a pro-bono basis in support of small businesses newsagency businesses across Australia. We are grateful to newsagents and their suppliers for their interest and to others who trust the survey results.

Only businesses with accurate data are included in the study.

With under 3,000 businesses in this channel, the number of participants is considered as a good indicator of overall channel performance. In collating data, I have removed businesses at the extremes where other factors are at play such as major construction shutting a street or a newsagency in a centre with two newsagencies where one closed and thereby giving an unnatural boost to the other.

Each data point is the average, mean, of all data for the data point.

In collating results, I have only included data for each category businesses trading in that category.


  • Customer traffic. Down 3%
  • Overall sales. Down 4%
  • Basket depth. Flat.
  • Basket dollar value. Flat.


  • Newspapers. Unit sales. Down 9.3%.
  • Magazines. Unit sales. Down 8.8%.
  • Greeting cards. Revenue. Down 2.7%.
  • Stationery. Revenue. Down 7.6%
  • Lotteries. Revenue. Flat.
  • Tobacco. Revenue. Down 16%.
  • Agency. Parcels, gift cards, betting account top-up. Down 6%.


  • Gifts. Revenue. Up 2%.
  • Toys. Revenue. Up 9.2%.
  • Plush. Revenue. Up 3.1%.
  • Collectibles. Revenue. Up 2.4%.
  • Craft. Revenue. Up 3.1%.
  • Coffee. Revenue. Up 11%.

What does this mean?

These core products numbers reflect continuing challenges in the core for newsagency businesses. This is not news given the benchmark results for years now.

In my opinion, the decline in newspapers, and magazines to a lesser extent, impacts the results for other products in the core such as stationery and cards. If this is true, it reinforces the importance of having other traffic drivers in a retail business, giving shoppers other compelling reasons to visit.

The occupancy cost challenge – a note for landlords.

Landlords want newsagency businesses in their retail mix. They want the store with papers, magazines, lotteries and other core items for the channel. Often, they restrict the space available for non-core, imposing a low gross profit model on businesses, thereby increasing occupancy cost.

Newsagencies today cannot sustain occupancy costs of more than 15%. The goal must be 11% for the business to be profitable and able to serve the usual level of debt needed for such a business.

Landlords need to be aware of the changes in product mix, the challenges of low-margin core products and restrictions they place on what businesses can sell. They need to be flexible on rent so newsagency businesses can be sustained and thereby provide the service they want in their centre.

If landlords want a newsagency business they need to price the space to reflect the nature of a sustainable business in that location rather than any premium rent they could get from a retailer with higher margins.

Labour cost – dealing with the challenge and opportunity.

Labour cost for an average newsagency sits at 16% of revenue where revenue is product revenue plus agency commission.

On a pure benchmark analysis, this is too high. However, the right labour invested in the right location in-store generates a good return. For example, a skilled person working the shop floor in high margin product categories can deliver valuable benefits whereas the right person working newspapers or magazines is less valuable.

When it comes to labour investment and management the core focus must be on customer-facing. That means having the maximum labour time possible situated to be accessible to customers. You do this by shifting to the shop floor as much work as possible – pricing, returns etc.

Newsagents need to manage their roster carefully and manage employee hours to be customer facing focused and engaged on a shared goal of driving revenue from each customer visit. Sharing information with employees is key to achieving this.

The specialty opportunity.

It is easy to say to newsagents get into one or more of the specialty areas. There are suppliers who will pitch products in these areas. The challenge is how you drive success. Getting the right product is part of the story. Visual merchandising, employee training, shop floor engagement and out of store marketing are all important factors. These all require relentless focus. Putting a category of products on the shelves is not sufficient.

Specialty products are rapidly evolving, presenting more opportunities over time. Keeping yourself informed of the opportunities, especially ahead of any wave, is key.

Tower Systems serves more than 1,700 newsagents with awesome newsagency software.

Mark Fletcher.
Email:  Website:  Blog:
M | 0418 321 338

Help for POS Solutions newsagency software users


Tower Systems has been quietly helping more users of the POS Solutions newsagency software switch to Tower Systems newsagency software.

What we have learned from the many hundreds who have switched already have blazed the path for others.

We help people switch with personal and timely support access, one on one training, data conversion and more. As the company serving in excess of 1,700 newsagency businesses we have the critical mass to serve newsagents keen for then Tower Systems experience.

As the newsagency channel undergoes extraordinary change, Tower Systems remains a constant support through its best-practice newsagency management software, newsagent support and newsagent marketing help.

Size matters. Tower Systems serves more newsagents than all other software companies combined.

Tower newsagency software customers receive:

  1. The latest Tower Systems newsagency software.
  2. On-site installation and training.
  3. Data conversion, converting as much data as we can access.
  4. Software support for the first three years.
  5. Software updates for the first three years.
  6. Unlimited over the phone follow up training for the first three years.
  7. Access to an online knowledge base with hundreds of articles and advice on the software, which you can easily search 24/7.
  8. Access to weekly group live online training workshops.
  9. Access to a private Facebook page where you can discuss on any topic.

More broadly, we are well resourced to help newsagents navigate change.

  1. Tower Systems will not leave the newsagency channel.
  2. We will fight for you. Beyond our software, outside of support, we will help with supplier issues, business strategy and other challenges you confront.
  3. Our software continues to evolve. We release two to three major updates each year. You choose when to load them. Each update is thoroughly tested in a comprehensive beta program.
  4. We own newsagencies. Yes, we walk in your shoes.
  5. No locked-in support fee. Taking up support coverage once the three-year period ends is optional.
  6. Lower support costs. Also, transparent. No mates’ rates for a select few.
  7. Fast support. Most calls are handled when you call. If not, we call back.
  8. At any time, you can see live how many help desk calls we are working on and how many we have closed that day.
  9. Support escalation. We have a structured escalation process should you be unhappy with a support call.
  10. Easy management access. The leadership team of Tower Systems is available to you. We take customer service seriously and personally.
  11. Updates when you want. You are in control of when you load updates.
  12. You are listened to. We offer the only transparent, user driven, software enhancement suggestion service. All our customers are listened to.
  13. Free training. Long after you install our software you have access to free personal training to refresh knowledge or cover new facilities.
  14. More integrations. Our direct links to Xero, Magento, Shopify and more mean you have more direct link options to help you grow your business.
  15. Business management insights. We can look at your business performance data and provide a personal analysis of what we see
  16. Owner access. Call Tower owner, Mark Fletcher, on 0418 321 338 or email

How webstore connected POS software helps retailers in a group and independent retailers win more sales.


As well as offering POS software designed for your specific type of business, Tower Systems provides websites seamlessly connected to the shop floor, giving you a single management view.

We develop websites for our customers, in Magento, Shopify or WooCommerce.

Our websites are POS software connected, offering 24/7 selling with payments through PayPal, Oxipay (interest free buy now pay later) and credit cards.

Our websites leverage online purchases as well as click and collect. They also drive basket depth with up-sell options and handling coupons for special deals.

If you are in a banner group or a marketing group, we can provide a single website to represent all stores in the group. We do this today for one group, through five websites we created – each easily found through Google thanks to our SEO work.

Each store in a banner or marketing group gets their own page, which they can easily promote. For a single business, the POS connected website promotes their business.

We know from experience that:

  1. In some businesses, around 75% of key in-store purchases have an online search component. POS connected websites are important for winning online sales and even more important for driving in-store purchases.
  2. 45% of purchases in many categories are when retail shops are closed.
  3. 10% of purchases are click and collect in higher-end product categories.
  4. 14% of purchases are done with buy now pay later financing.
  5. Shoppers like certainty that a store will have in stock they want to purchase – stock on hand by item can be viewable for each store.

We can network stores from a banner or marketing group into a single website. Thereby leveraging the power of the group of independently owned small businesses to be stronger and more useful than a big business competitor. This is how small businesses can win online.

Let us show you how together we can do this, how we can bring single stores online as well as whole groups online … through webstore connected POS software.

Not only do we create the website and the POS software, we ensure they can be found. This is key as a website that cannot be easily found through Google is a waste of money.

We would love to show individuals privately or members of your group, if you are in a group, the POS software connected websites we have created. We would take you behind the curtain, showing not only the tech. but explaining the business approach, outlining what we have done to create successful online businesses.

Fulfilment can be a challenge. We can help here too thanks to our integration work with Australia Post, Sendle and others. We can help you reduce friction with fulfilment and see you benefit from incremental online business.

Online is about a race to the cash. By this we mean that an online shopper is more likely to be ready to purchase. The first business to take their cash wins. This is where POS integrated websites can win. We can show you how.

The latest release of our POS software introduces a web dashboard to help in-store online sales fulfilment. This, coupled with inventory integration, accurate stock on hand data, professional image handling and smart SEO work helps you create and run an efficient, integrated physical and online business.

Whether you run a single store or operate as part of a marketing or banner group, Tower Systems has a track record of success you can leverage for your success. Let us show you how.

How to contact us.
Sales email address:
National sales phone line:  1300 662 957.
CEO: Mark Fletcher. 0418 321 338.
COO: Gavin Williams. 0418 554 759.

Cloud backup helps small business retailers deal with crypto lockers and other cyber attacks


Cyber attacks are on the increase. Their impact is serious. They are becoming more sophisticated and this increases the harm.

The best way to any business, especially any small business, to be prepared for an attack, beyond firewall and other force-field protection is to have easy and fast access to up to date backup data, of whole of systems backup data.

The Tower Systems cloud backup service is safe, secure, offsite and on site and updated regularly as each day transacts.

Were developed the service in response to the call from ur small business retailer customers who were keen for protection beyond the old approach to backups. They wanted something that was seamless, fast and always on. This is where our service and our installation and monitoring support ensure that the appropriate coverage is in place, protecting small business retailers.

Our cloud backup service for small business retailers has professional redundancy built in. We will not provide details here as to do so could compromise the security. 

There have been instances recently where after a crypto lock attack on a client we have had them up and running, fully restored, within the hour.

This is what professional backup looks like. It is insurance for getting over the attack quickly and professionally. Without a hefty price tag.

The Safe Backup service is a cloud-based incremental backup service to help you store your valuable data more efficiently and with greater security. Using the specialist backup software created by Storagecraft, our service allows you to perform live backups of your entire MAIN computer to your in-store NAS. These backups are then uploaded to the internet so you have a second copy stored securely in the cloud for hassle-free, total backup security with no further need for USB sticks.

We monitor the backups. This is bonus coverage beyond the notifications on your local computer about backup status.

The peace of mind is valuable and appreciated by small business retailers. It frees them to focus on other requirements, other parts of their business.

Cloud back is, in our view, the only safe backup for small business retailers. It is what we recommend. It is what we use ourselves in our own retail businesses.

Free POS software train ing for small business retailers


Tower Systems has announced details of its free live online group training programs through to the end of June. All sessions are available to any Tower customer. Access is free. each session has plenty of time for questions on any topic. Bookings can be made through our POS software training portal.

Meeting Name: Stocktaking for EOFY
Date: Wednesday 23rd May
Time: 2pm
Description: Doing a stocktake in retailer and what option works best for you.

Meeting Name: Stocktaking for EOFY
Date: Wednesday 30th May
Time: 11am
Description: Doing a stocktake in retailer and what option works best for you.

Meeting Name: Getting Ready for EOFY
Date: Wednesday 30th May
Time: 2pm
Description: Get ready for End of Financial Year now. What you need to do and the reports you need to run.

Meeting Name: Stocktaking for EOFY
Date: Wednesday 6th June
Time: 2pm
Description: Doing a stocktake in retailer and what option works best for you.

Meeting Name: Getting Ready for EOFY
Date: Wednesday 13th June
Time: 2pm
Description: Get ready for End of Financial Year now. What you need to do and the reports you need to run.

Meeting Name: Stocktaking for EOFY
Date: Wednesday 20th June
Time: 2pm
Description: Doing a stocktake in retailer and what option works best for you.

Meeting Name: Getting Ready for EOFY
Date: Wednesday 27th June
Time: 2pm
Description: Get ready for End of Financial Year now. What you need to do and the reports you need to run.

To participate in an online meeting all you need access to is a computer with a broadband internet connection and a phone to receive a call so you can hear the audio. Each session runs for approximately 45-60 minutes depending on questions.

Accessible free training is key for small business retailers as it allows them to continue to get more from their investment in POS software. Tower has been running these workshops and its free one on one training programs for years. Consistency is important to us and to our customers.

We are grateful to our small business retailers for their support of our training and of the use of our software.

What makes for the best POS software for small business retail?


It is not our place to say our software is the best POS software for small business retailers. We could not know, just as any other POS software company could not know if their software is the best.

In fact, not one could know if a POS software package is the best unless they have tried all others. And, no one has.

Our role is to create the best software we can, for each of the specialty retail marketplaces we serve.

Thanks to serving 3,500 small businesses we have a big community on which to draw to be able to do what we do. their insights guide us as we continue to evolve our software. What our software offers in terms of functionality and experience is a testament to our user community.

But it is not just about the POS software. It is about the support and the business management assistance provided by retail experts in the POS software company as being able to leverage the software for valuable outcomes is a key here.

It is about relationships too, working with suppliers and other patties to integrate with the retail businesses, seamlessly, through the software, for speed, accuracy and genuine business value. In fact, a good supplier relationship can add real bottom line benefits to small business retailers. Leveraging this through technology is efficient and valuable.

We take it further than this. We are retailers too, owning and operating several physicals and a bunch of consumer-facing websites. We do this for the experience, k so we can play and experiment, and provide our customers with a deeper and more valuable experience.

We think these things, the user community, years on business, marketplace specialisation, supplier integration, and being retailers ourselves provide a complete and valuable experience. Were think it is a valuable suite of experiences like this that make then Tower Systems POS software relationship valuable for our customers.

We love what we do here at Tower systems. We love our software and the service of small business retailers. we only sell to small businesses, this keeps us focussed and in the moment with these most important of businesses in any economy.

Small business POS software customers appreciate THEFT POLICY


A week ago we shared with our customers an updated THEFT POLICY, and suggested they print this and seek employee engagement.

The reaction has been terrific with plenty downloading and pricing the policy. We have had calls, too, from retailers seeking our suggestions on other actions they can take. Some have called with their stories of theft in their businesses.

Our work in the area of retail employee theft is comprehensive and on-going.

We welcome opportunities to work with our thousands of small business retailer customers to help them mitigate the theft situation in their businesses.

Here is the latest version of our THEFT POLICY that we shared a week ago:


  1. Theft, any theft, is a crime against this business, its owners, employees and others who rely on us for their income.
  2. If you discover any evidence or have any suspicion of theft, please report it to the business owner or most senior manager possible immediately. Doing so could save a considerable cost to the business.
  3. We have a zero tolerance policy on theft. All claims will be reported to law enforcement authorities for their investigation.
  4. From time to time we have the business under surveillance in an effort to reduce theft. This may mean that you are photographed or recorded in some other way. By working here you accept this as a condition of employment.
  5. New employees may be asked to provide permission for a police check prior to commencement of employment. Undertaking the police check will be at our discretion.
  6. Cash is never to be left unattended outside the cash drawer or a safe within the business.
  7. Credit and banking card payments are not to be accepted unless the physical card is presented and all required processes are followed for processing these.
  8. Employees caught stealing with irrefutable evidence face immediate dismissal to the extent permitted by local labour laws.
  9. Employees are not permitted to remove inventory, including unsold, topped, magazines, unsold cards or damaged stock from the store without permission.
  10. Employees are not permitted to provide a refund to a customer without appropriate management permission.
  11. Employees are not permitted to complete sales to themselves, family members or friends.
  12. Every dollar stolen from the business by customers and or employees can cost us up to four dollars to recover. This is why vigilance on theft is mission critical for our retail store.


Tower Systems shares insights from Magento Imagine 2018 conference in Las Vegas


We are grateful here at Tower Systems for the partnership we share with Magento, the e-commerce platform businesses prefer when bringing transactions and services online. We were at the Magento Imagine 2018 conference in Las Vegas. Our Magento integration with our POS software is world class, ideal for small business retailers. Here is a short video with some of the many insights we gained.

We love POS software integrated Tyro for our small business retailer customers


Our Tower Systems POS software has been integrated with the Tyro broadband EFTPOS for years. we love Tyro and our customers love Tyro. Their solution is excellent and they are a dream to deal with.

In a recent note to our customers, we shared why we love Tyro:

  1. 🎯 Reliable Systems:  99.9% uptime with 3G backup, dual live data centres.
  2. 💸 Faster Than Cash:  Sub 1.6 second transactions to keep queues short.
  3. 👍 Easy Setup: Quick & simple set-up: plug-in, activate & go.
  4. 💱 Seamless POS Integration
  5. 🏦 Keep Your Current Bank: Tyro can deposit your EFTPOS takings into any Australian bank. We can even open a fee-free bank account for you.
  6. 🔒 Secure Transactions: Proprietary security.
  7. 🏝️ Local Support:  24/7 100% Aussie customer support.
  8. 🌈 No Lock In Contracts:  No lock in contract: we believe in our products.
  9. 📝 Instant Reporting: Real-time reporting and stress free reconciliation.

As an independent bank, far outside the major banks, Tyro is small business focussed. We really like this. we like the small business focus. Our customers are all small businesses, we only sell to small businesses. Hence our attention to and preference for small business focussed companies.

The integration in our POS software with Tyro is easy to setup and solid to operate. It delivers excellent operational benefits for retailers and for their customers. It is a perfect solution for small business retailers.

Another crucial factor here is the speed of addressing issues as issues do arise from time to time with EFTPOS. Getting fast answers to questions and support to resolve challenges is key with any EFTPOS relationship. Tyro is brilliant here. Their help is easy to access, professional and small business focussed.

In our experience working with big banks and Tyro in our own retail shops, which we have run for many years, is tyro is a dream to work with. we use Tyro in our own shop for the vet reasons we have outlined above.

So, our POS software integrated Tyro broadband EFGPOS is a solid preference from Tower Systems for all the reasons we have outlined here and detailed in the list shared above.

Small business matters to us here at Tower Systems.

Free small business retailer POS software training for May


We are thrilled to have a terrific suite of free (live) online training sessions in May for small business retailers using our POS software.

Each session is free to any of our customers. Each includes plenty of time for questions, on the topic covered or other topics.

Here are the May sessions:

  1. 02 May. How to compete with big retailers.
  2. 09 May. How to handle non EDI invoices to keep stock accurate.
  3. 16 May. Events: Take a look at this new facility, learn how to use it to bring shoppers back into your business.
  4. 23 May.  Stocktaking for EOFY.
  5. 30 May. Getting ready for EOFY.

Customers can book through our training portal.

We run  online training sessions each week across a wide range of subjects. These are an excellent way for you and your staff to learn in detail about specific areas of the software.

We also offer free one on one training sessions that are business specific and private between us and the business. There is no limit to how many training sessions any customer engages with.

To participate in an online group meeting all you need access to is a computer with a broadband internet connection and a phone to receive a call so you can hear the audio. Each session runs for approximately 45-60 minutes depending on questions.

The face to face meetings are yearly in capital cities and regional centres across Australia. These are in addition to our weekly online live sessions. We also attend more than twelve industry trade shows offering face-to-face meeting opportunities with users.

Tower Systems at Magento Imagine 2018 in Las Vegas


The Magento Imagine conference is a must attend conference for Magento partners. Magento is the premier e-commerce platform in the world.

At the conference this year we expanded our knowledge, networked with valuable colleagues and learnt how best practice retailers leverage Magento to facilitate in-store and online growth.

The time away was also an opportunity to fine-tune our web and desktop development plans and leverage the already considerable success we are having with multi-store POS software connected Magento websites.

The story about baked by Melissa was especially inspiring.

Xero POS software link helps small business retailers


Tower Systems offers a direct integration between the xero cloud based accounting application and its smart POS software.

Using our xero link, retailers can be sure they will:

  1. Save time.
  2. Cut mistakes.
  3. Uncover theft more easily.
  4. Reduce overstocking.
  5. Make better quality business decisions, sooner.

We know this because we see it every day, in retail businesses we own ourselves.

The Tower Systems POS software Xero link helps small business retailers cut costs. It does this in a range of practical ways that small business retailers can leverage without having to spend more money on software or professional services.

Thanks to the Xero POS software link retailers are able to eliminate bookkeeping work and have accounting data flow through accurately from the POS software where data originates to Xero where it is accessed for key business accounting functions.

Developed with careful oversight of CPA qualified accounting experience as well as current small business management accounting experience plus insights from experienced bookkeepers, this link is a true cost saver because of the accounting steps it eliminates and the mistakes it avoids. Both of these have costs to any small business. Eliminating them is a bottom line cost benefit for any business.

Setting up the Xero link is easy. You map the data flow from invoice entry through to the chart of accounts managed by Xero. Once this is done, supplier invoices, sales, credits, LayBys and other everyday business transactions flow from the POS software to Xero.

This makes business accounting easier, more certain, less expensive and more useful to the business.

Your BAS is easier. Your P&L and Balance Sheet are more up to date. This is a big win for any small business retailer.

Tower Systems uses the Xero POS software link itself for retail businesses it owns in the gift and homewares spaces. By using our software, especially the Xero link we are able to draw on broad practical experience when providing advice to our retail business owner customers. It means that our help desk advice is based on us walking in your shores more than is usual for a POS software company.

Tower Systems is keen to help small business retailers cut costs. We know the more we can do this the more our customers will appreciate the practical benefits a relationship between our businesses can deliver. With our software support being optional we know that our customers can switch any time. The best way for us to keep them is for us to deliver practical benefits at each touch point.

Inspiration for small business retailers from our POS software company


Here at Tower Systems we help small business retailers in ways beyond what is traditional for POS software companies. One such way is through inspiration.

Our inspiration initiative is all about eloping retailers see what they may be missing. This could be in their data, in their sore or elsewhere.

As skilled retailers, we bring real world experience in many different retail situations to the table to help our Tower Systems POS software customers who engage with our inspiration initiative to find new joy from their businesses.

The joy could be from a new approach to business, new insights, now opportunities uncovered or better understanding. It can be different for different businesses. It can be big or small. Quick or slow. Each inspiration is different for each business … and we love it.

We are grateful to our customers for engaging with us on this, for trusting us to be part of these inspiring opportunities where we learn plenty about retail each time and where we can share what we know, too, to benefit those whom we serve.

Beyond POS software, Tower Systems is grateful for the trust shown in us to serve in this practical and valuable way in small business retail. We take the opportunity seriously and engagingly.

  1. In one case recently we helped a retailer find $20,000 they had invested from which they were not receiving any return.
  2. In another situation we helped a retailer discover a business cost they had no idea about and which they could quickly rein in.
  3. In another we helped a retailer see that the bad news they saw was hiding some good news, which they leveraged to build a better business.
  4. In another we helped a retailer with shop floor placement such that they increased the average shopper spend.

These are each practical things we have done working with everyday small business retailers. Real things, in-store things, things retailers can action right away without spending any more money.

And from each of these things came inspiration for more change in each business, to the broader benefit of the business and those it serves.

We are proud that Tower Systems is not your average POS software company.

World first integration from Tower Systems helps retailers win more sales


Oxipay buy now pay later integrated with the Tower POS software helps small business retailers sell more.

Tower Systems was the first POS company to integrate with Oxipay, the buy now pay later solution launched by ASX traded Flexi Group.

With Oxipay, your customers can buy now, take the goods now and pay over time. If they default, there is no cost to you. Approval is fast, easy. Settlement is fast. And, being integrated with our software, record keeping is easy.

The Oxipay relationship is one of a series of strategic relationships that we leverage for the commercial benefit of retailers like you.

Let us show you our POS software in an obligation-free demonstration.

We use Oxipay in our consumer-facing websites as well as in our own retail gift shops. Our experience goes beyond the software, and into the retail operational. It will help you sell more.

Email or call for an obligation free demonstration: Please call our sales team at 1300 662 957 or email them at We are proud to serve 3,500 specialty retailers with our software.

The loyalty offer that helps small business retailers compete against big business – in our Aussie POS software


Tower Systems pioneered the pitch of discount vouchers in small business retail. Now, many years on, more and more retailers are singing the praises of this unique and loved small business POS software loyalty offer.

Discount vouchers change shopper behaviour. They are a unique loyalty offer that older how shoppers see a business and how they engage in-store.

What sets Tower Systems apart, beyond the strong algorithm behind the vouchers, is the way we support small business retailers in deploying the voucher tactic in-store. We offer business trade training, so the context is understood at the owner level through to the sales counter level.

Being retailers ourselves and using the vouchers in different retail businesses we can speak from experience and retailers love this. Beyond the vouchers themselves, which are unique, our business engagement and knowledge is unique in software company circles.

Discount vouchers can be called anything you want, too. We have customers in the high end jewellery space calling them a Personal Thank You Gift and finding wonderful shopper engagement.

We are confident that Tower Systems’ Discount Voucher facilities can help you:

  1. Get customers spending more in a visit.
  2. Bring existing customers back sooner.
  3. Attract new shoppers to your business.
  4. Drive impulse purchases at the sales counter.

One of our own retail businesses reported growth of 10% in the three months to June 30, 2015. Much of the success comes down to smart use of Discount Vouchers.

Discount Vouchers don’t need a card – they print on sales receipts and offer an amount customers can spend right away. Our experience and the experience of hundreds of our customers is that Discount Vouchers drive faster and deeper engagement with the business – making a shopping visit more valuable right away.

  1. You name the voucher anything you like and can change this at any time.
  2. You set the rules on how the value of the voucher is calculated.
  3. You set the rules on what the voucher can be redeemed for.
  4. You set the rules on expiry dates.

See the software live. Contact us for an obligation free demonstration: Email: Please call our sales team at 1300 662 957 or email them at

Why our POS software might not be right for your retail business


Here at Tower Systems we will tell you if we think our POS software is not right for your business.


We have been in business too long and have too good of a reputation to risk it by selling a business software that is not ideal for their needs.

Our sales team are not under any pressure to reach a sales quota. This takes away the usual pressure on sales people to get a sale at all costs.

Here are some of the reasons why we might say our software is not right for your business:

  1. Your retail business is not in one of the retail channels for which we have specialty software.
  2. You want changes that do not fit with our vision for the software.
  3. You have business processes you are not prepared to change that we think are not a good fit with the software.
  4. The price you are prepared to pay does not res the software and services we offer.

We don’t like saying no. However, being transparent is important to us, and to prospective customers.

When we do say no we do so with an explanation, usually in writing, so there is not doubt. This can lead to a discussion about why we have said no and even changes in a business so the no becomes a yes. This process works well as it encourages a business discussion from which we learn and our prospective customer takes a look back at their business.

More than a software company, we are a retail business focussed business. Being retailers ourselves we understand the complexity of retail today. This personal experience enables us to take a retailer-focussed approach in how we navigate a situation where we do not think our software is a good fit for a prospect.

Some of our most engaged customers are businesses where we felt we were not a good fit. The process we have has worked well in ensuring everyone goes into a relationship with their eyes and ears open and we often see this benefiting both businesses.

See the software live. Contact us for an obligation free demonstration: Please call our sales team at 1300 662 957 or email them at

Helping small business retailers manage a more efficient end of shift


The end of shift process in any retail business is when the day comes together, when the numbers are revealed and and errors resolved.

This week, today in fact, we are offering retailers who use our POS software a free training workshop in end of shift processes and, in particular, the end of shift reports – in which wonderful and valuable in formation can be found.

Understanding the End Of Shift Reports

Why is the End of Shift important? How do I check my settings are correct? What do the reports mean? What parts of the report do I need to use for my accounting….

This training is accessible at no cot whatsoever to any of our customers. People can book online, through our free training portal.

The training is live, interaction and allows for plenty of time for questions.

This free training is another way our POS software customers can learn, for free.

Why we think our POS software is better than VEND


We are asked from time to time how our software compares with VEND, the POS software from New Zealand. To answer this question we asked people who have switched from VEND to our Tower Systems POS software. Here, we have assembled the most common reasons people give any our POS software is better than VEND:

  1. Fit for purpose. Our POS software is fine-tuned, tailored, for selected speciality retail marketplaces.
  2. Not trying to be for everyone. Generic POS software is generic. The Tower POS software is for selected specific marketplaces.
  3. Human contact is easier. call us and a human who knows our software answers and talks with you.
  4. Enhancement. The Tower software is regularly enhanced, based on direct user suggestions.
  5. Transparency on changes. All changes are detailed in advance of being made available to users.
  6. Control over changes. Users control when they switch to a new version.
  7. On site training. Personal. In-store. At a time to suit.
  8. Unlimited one on one training. Long after on-stire installation Tower customers can book more free training, personalised to the business.
  9. User meetings. Around the country. Meet the leadership team. Influence our direction.
  10. No on going fees. If you want to keep using the software but not pay for support and u0dates you can.
  11. Leadership team access. The leadership team at Tower is accessible, every day.
  12. Cloud or not. The Tower Systems POS software can run locally as well as in the cloud. You choose what is right for you business. Having the option is appreciated by many customers.
  13. Rent or buy. Tower Systems offers customers the option to choose the method of acquisition that best suits their circumstances. Just by appearing options the company demonstrates its flexibility.

At a functional level the Tower Systems POS software is different, unique and valuable. see it for yourself, in your business, at a time that suits you. If we think the software is not a good fit for your business we will say so.

See the software live. Contact us for an obligation free demonstration: Please call our sales team at 1300 662 957 or email them at

Small business advice: be generous with loyalty rewards in retail and shoppers will show appreciation


Too often small and independent retail businesses create and run shopper loyalty programs that mimic their big business competitors. They ignore that the big business loyalty programs do not have rewarding shopper loyalty as a core focus.

Big business loyalty programs are primarily about the needs and profitability of the big business running them. Too often, they do not offer a real reward for loyalty.

Our advice for small business retailers is to be generous with your loyalty program.

Offer generous rewards for loyalty. Run a loyalty program shoppers love, a program that brings shoppers back again and again.

It is called a loyalty program after all. Show your customers you appreciate their loyalty.

Being stingy will cause frustration and anger among customers, it could have them talking negatively about the business. This is not good for business.

When we look at loyalty programs that have failed to deliver good results in a small or independent retail business, the most common cause we find is that the loyalty reward is not sufficiently a reward.

This is why we encourage retailers to be generous in loyalty reward settings.

The best way to reflect generosity is through transparency of value. By this we mean making it clear what a reward is worth. This is why a dollar amount is more valuable than points. People understand dollars. It is unlikely the will easily understand the ‘value’ of points.

While the Tower Systems software offers multiple loyalty programs and options, our recommended approach is discount vouchers. It is easy to setup, easily understood by shoppers and genuine in the reward.

Showing $$ value on receipts in the form of a voucher that can be spent presents immediate in-store opportunities as well as after the visit opportunities. Our research indicates an average redemption of 20% of all vouchers issued and a total net cost to the business of around 1% of turnover for, usually, a 8% to 10% bump in sales.

For more advice and assistance on the best-practice approach to shopper loyalty, please talk with the team at Tower Systems.

This general retail business advice is another example of the type of advice Tower Systems provides its customers, to help beyond our POS software.

Small business advice: how to serve local, authentically


Being local matters in small business. Here are ways for any local retail business to be more locally engaged.

  1. Be visable locally: at community events, cafes, restaurants and markets.
  2. Buy locally. It sends the wrong message if you pitch shop local yet you purchase stationery online and have it delivered or if you buy your pet food online and have it delivered. Source locally as much as possible and be obvious about it.
  3. Facilitate local connections. Have a local community noticeboard in-store.
  4. Provide local receipts. Use your receipts to share local information. This could be local advice relating to what you sell or other local insights that add value to the relationship with your business.
  5. Talk local. Where you source locally, show it with products. Note that local can be a flexible term. For example, you may have a product sourced from Australia that some would consider local if the alternative is an imported product.
  6. Give locally. Five local charities priority with your time and money ahead of non-local charities.
  7. Hire locally. When you place a notice looking for a new team member, note preference given to local candidates.
  8. Share local knowledge. If you sell provides the use of which would benefit from local knowledge, have that served automatically by your POS software on shopper receipts.
  9. Share local on your Facebook page. Talk about local activities on your business Facebook, show your local connection.
  10. Explain why local matters. When you pitch on your Facebook page or noticeboard your support for a charity, explain that it is through local community support that you are able to help the local community.
  11. Offer a locals only discount.
  12. Be proud of local. Express this, often.
  13. Be seen local, shopping, walking, drinking.
  14. Talk local. Pick up on and use the lingo.

Too often small business retailers call for people to support local businesses. It can be more valuable if you show what local looks and feels like, so people in the community understand the benefit for them from supporting you.

To Tower Systems, local is small business. We only sell our software to small businesses because we believe in the importance of small business in any economy. Small businesses are our local community.

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