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News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.

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How does Tower Systems POS software compare to Square POS?


Okay, we are Tower Systems. It’s important you know that when reading this article. But, that said, we have tried to be objective. We are not doing a deep dive comparing software function with software function. No, this comparison note today is high level – even at this level the differences are considerable.

The big pitch by Square POS is that it is free, and while technically this is true, it is a questionable claim given how they get paid – through a clip on EFTPOS. At the moment, from what we can tell, the clip is 1.l6% of transaction value.

An average gift shop putting $250,000 a year through card transactions will pay Square $9,176 over 2 years. Compare this to a Tower Systems customer paying us $159 a month to rent the software and also pay EFTPOS fees of, around, 0.75%, their cost of ownership is $7,566.

We think Tower Systems is cheaper than Square POS. If our calculations are wrong please let us know and we will correct.

The Tower Systems POS software comes with loyalty software includes. Square POS is currently quoting $49 a month for opo9yalty facilities with their software.

That makes Square POS more expensive than the free offer people tend to see.

Tower Systems offers 7 day a week support, 24 hours a day. Our understanding from the Square POS website is that their coverage is not as extensive.

Square POS is from overseas while the Tower Systems POS software is Australian made and supported.

The Tower Systems POS software supports for no extra cost Shopify integration, Xero integration, selling by fractions, scale integration and comprehensive management reporting.

These are all differences.

Then, there are the people. Any retailer considering the Tower systems POS software can speak with a human and discuss their needs. They are welcome to an obligation-free demonstration to see if the software is a good fit for them before investing any time.

Let’s, for a moment, consider software functionality in a more detailed way.

The Tower Systems POS software has been made for specialty retailers, small business retailers, indie retailers. It is loaded with specialty functionality.

Tower is not chasing high volume sales.

Square POS , on the other hand, is chasing volume, mass, they want numbers and because of this we thing their focus is more general, serving more common needs rather than specialty retail needs.

So to answer the question, How does Tower Systems POS software compare to Square POS?, we think we compare well. What we can’t match is the Square POS advertising budget. We rely on word of mouth, for which we are sincerely grateful. We have o thousands of awesome customers, which makes us happy.

7 free marketing tips for local indie small business retail to drive traffic and sales


Shopping ought to be enjoyable and, preferably, fun. Often it is the experience itself which separates one retail store from another. This is why every retail business needs to devote management and front line attention to delivering a memorable and enjoyable experience.

The pandemic fundamentally changed retailing 2020. These changes prevail today. It’s time we re-awakened the inso-tore experience.

While Tower Systems its a POS software company, we offer retail management advice to our community of local indie small business retailers, advice beyond our POS software itself, advice designed to help our retailers thrive, and have fun.

One way to provide a memorable shopping experience is to have fun – among the sales team and with customers. Here are seven tips for having fun in any retail store:

  1. Theme days. Embrace an era which with interest your customers. For example, the 1970s. Dress the store and employees in keeping with the 1970s. Have a couple of items on sale at 1970s prices – to connect the theme with a commercial outcome. Get some stories from the 1970s related to products you sell and place these on display boards in the window. Consider a competition for the customer in the best 1970s costume. Other theme days include: school days, foreign country days where you wear traditional dress from a foreign country, crazy hair day and, of course, more theme days around key decades.
  2. Local sports competition. Fully embrace any major local sporting event, choose a team, dress in their colours and dress the store in their colours. Be unashamedly parochial and show your customers your local support.
  3. In-store buskers. Find some local musicians you enjoy and who have a repertoire which would connect with your customers and invite them in to play live for your customers. This would bring a vibrancy to the store and provide welcome entertainment for your customers as they shop. The local performers get to reach a new audience and you get to change up the feel of your business.
  4. Repurposing day. Host an event where customers compete for a prize for the most innovative repurposing of a product you sell. The idea would be that they take something you sell and demonstrate a use for it in a way which is completely different to what the manufacturer expected. There would need to be a rule that the new use is genuinely useful.
  5. The cutest baby. Invite your customers to bring in a photo of whey they were a baby, the older the better. Stick the photos on a wall and take votes on the best. You could change this up with two photos: as a baby and today and get customers to connect the two. Family members will come in to look at the photos and vote. A local store could get a real buzz with a promotion like this. While there is no obvious direct sales imperative, the traffic and word of mouth should drive good business.
  6. Stand up comedy in store. Invite local comedians to try out their stand up routines with your customers. While you would need to be careful about content, such an event would show the store supporting local artists and it could bring some fun to quiet retail times.
  7. Crazy tie day. While this has been done before plenty of times, you could kick it up with an amazing tie display – collect these from local Goodwill stores, invite customers to donate. As with the theme days idea, interact with customers and offer a prize for the best / worst. This tie day ist especially fun given that ties are a thing of the past in business today.

These seven ideas are the tip of the iceberg for in-store promotions. They are designed to kick start your own thinking on engagement ideas that could work well in your situation.

Retail is very much about the shopping experience, especially local indie small business retail. While good customer service and a friendly shopping experience are vital, sometimes it is the wonderful unexpected experience which can get people talking about a business.

Be bold and have fun.

Tower Systems makes software for local specialty retailers, software designed to help you run more successful, valuable and enjoyable businesses. Along the way, we have collected plenty of management and marketing tips. We share them here and in our customer emails from time to time. We hope you find them useful.

Advice for local small business retailers: promoting to retirees


The retiree (or seniors) marketplace can be lucrative for a local small business retail store. They tend to be loyal and engaged in word of mouth marketing about good retail experiences, experiences they value. They can also be flexible about when they shop and this is where a retail business can really leverage the opportunity.

Before you can market any retiree service or benefit you need offer what they want, offer what they value. Next, you need a plan. What products will be offered and at what special prices? The most common approach is to offer a flat discount to retirees, or seniors as they are called in some marketplaces. This discount is usually between 5% and 10%. Discounting is kind of lazy though.

Price is important to the seniors marketplace since they either have a fixed income or are living off finite savings.  They like businesses which help them save money. This is the value piece. It’s about value every day, every visit.

One option is to create your own retiree / seniors card, something like a club card, for use in promoting the business. These should be professionally designed and produced. Ensure that such a card is respectful and something these customers would proudly carry. Design the card so that it promotes the benefits you offer – so that it is an extension of your marketing program.

An approach we really like is partnering with local seniors organisations or retiree communities – helping members save and the group itself benefit. Mutual benefits like this – for individuals, a group and your shop – yes,  they are programs that work the best in nor experience. Plus, our POS software can manage this for you.

Local indie retailers, small business retailers, are well placed to connect with the retiree marketplace through these approaches. Where big businesses will tend to go the straight Seniors card discount route or similar, a more engaged and nuanced approach with a community benefit connection is more likely to drive a valuable Lebel of word of mouth.

Tower Systems provides this advice to local indie small business retailers because you are our community. We only engage with indie retailers. No big businesses. We want, and need, local indie retail to thrive.

To market a business to retirees consider these options:

  1. Train employees to offer the discount or other benefits to someone who looks eligible. While this could cause embarrassment, it could also extend the word of mouth around the offer.
  2. Promote to retirement villages in the local area.
  3. Advise local government authorities that you offer a benefit to retirees.
  4. Contact local clubs and organisations likely to connect with retirees.
  5. Promote the benefits in-store and in your business newsletter. You want to spread your offer as far and wide as possible, so that retirees beat a path to your door.
  6. Visit local retirement residences and offer assistance.
  7. Advertise in trailer parks.
  8. Look up clubs the Internet – there are plenty of groups, clubs and forums for older folks travelling around. They share tips about places they like.

The value of the retiree market to your retail store will depend on the value of the offer available to them and how widely you promote this. While some retailers see retirees as a chore others see a business opportunity.

Epos Now compared to Tower Systems POS software


Epos Now is a British software company selling its Epos Now POS software product in Australia. We come across them a bit with retailers comparing their POS software with our Tower Systems POS software.

There is a big difference in POS software from Tower Systems compared to Epos Now.

Epos Now makes out that they are low cost, when a comparison shows that may not be the case, certainly compared to Tower Systems.

Let’s compare the Epos Now cost of $139.00 a month with the Tower Systems cost of $159.00 a month.

From what we can tell on the Epos Now website today, a gift shop, for example, would see you have to pay extra for additional terminals, Get is not included in their price, you have a lock-in 2 year contract, support is provided out of the UK, support is Monday to Friday and in office hours. It appears you use their EFTPOS processing at a cost of 1.2% of transaction value. We saw this on their website.

Compare even these basic details with the Tower Systems POS solution for the same gift shop the cost is $159 a month, Get inclusive, no lock in contract, no extra cost for additional terminals, genuine 24/7 support, including weekend support. With Tower you can choose your own EFTPOS partner and Tower has plenty of customers on a deal it negotiated at 0.75% of transaction value.

On the EFTPOS cost comparison alone, unless we are missing something, Epos Now looks expensive. If we’re wrong on that, please contact us.

The Tower software also includes, at no extra cost, terrific loyalty options, advanced reporting, sell by fractions, sell by weight, integration with Xero, Integration with Shopify, and more.

If you are Aussie retailer and you want your customers to shop local you will appreciate the value of local in your business.

Tower Systems in an Aussie company offering software developed here in Australia and supported here in Australia. Partnering with us is a strong message for the shop local engaged.

Plus, Tower Systems offers local Aussie retailers free and easy access to a local marketplace through which your shop can be found by people searching for items you sell.

So, which is better for your business, Tower Systems or Epos Now? Only you can make that decision. start by looking at both software products. be sure of what matters to you and your business. be sure of the value you want from your POS software choice.

Compare like for like. Ask lots of questions. get the answers in writing. be sure to get the true total cost of running the software in writing too.

Get a thorough personal demonstration. This extra work you put in before you make your decision will ensure that the decision you do make is more valuable for you and for your retail business.

Here at Tower Systems we offer personal one-on-one demonstrations. We record them and give you a copy of the recording so you can share with your colleagues.

And, if you are still not sure, be sure to understand for certain whether you can stop using there software without penalty or payout at any time. With Tower Systems there is no lock in contract. You can sign up today, use it for a few weeks and then stop. rental is paid every month.

The importance of POS software data backup in local small business retail


Our advice to retailers using our Tower Systems POS software is to backup every day, ideally at the end of the day.

We recommend to our customers that they use a cloud backup service that undertakes the backup, in the background, perpetually. We offer this type of service. We are equally happy with any other commercial cloud backup service.

Cloud backup is ideal because you don’t have to think about it, it’s offsite and onsite, it offers options as to the restore, it’s fast.

How our customers backup is 100% up to them.

The problem is, some don’t backup and as these things go, their realise the cost of not backing up when they need a recent backup the most.

So, we regularly remind our customers about the need to backup and we do this by sharing stories about businesses that did not backup and they cost to them of failing to to this vital and regular thing for their business.

POS software data backup should be daily as up to date backup data is critical to the ability to recover from anything.

Any business not backing up could suffer from a range of impacts by the lack of access to a recent data backup, including:

  • Wrong decisions based on gaps in business data.
  • Lower price achieved when selling the business due to gaps in data or no historical data.
  • More theft because of lack of evidence available.

The negative impacts of not backing up POS software data go beyond these, too, as because data is an asset and any loss of assets within a business comes at costs often not discovered at the time.

By moving to a cloud based backup solution, retailers are able to provide certainty as to data access and accuracy, and this brings peace of mind for a small cost to the business.

How and when any local retail business backs up POS software depends on how they view data. If they view it as an asset, the business benefits and those who rely on the business benefit. If they do not view data s an asset, then the business suffers.

Our advice here at Tower Systems is that any local retail; business should backup POS software data daily.

Our thoughts on the Optus data hack from our indie retail business focussed POS software company


The Optus data hack that was announced yesterday is serious. As to how serious, it’s too early to sell since Optus is yet to be sure as to the extent.

What we don’t understand is how Optus had this data organised and stored.

Our advice to our customers is to not, ever, store customer credit card, licence or other key identifying details in one place.

It’s why we recommend all payments are done through secure gateways, with only those gateways capturing and processing payment. This way the POS software itself does not need to store or even know the payment method or account numbers.

We also recommend any identifying details required for age specific purchased, details like a licence number, are sighted and accepted, but not stored. It doesn’t make sense to us to store a licence number or passport number. Maybe Optus had their reasons.

The last thing any business wants is to be responsible for the release into the public domain of private identifying details for any customer.

Software companies have a responsibility to provide tech platforms that meet the needs of local businesses. We have, in the past, been asked to store personal identifying details of customers, and declined. We explained the security risk. Some who asked understood. Others, it turned out, were not a good fit for us.

Software companies, like our POS software company’s have a responsibility to also provide advice to our customers since we are likely to be the tech experts in their world., We can’t make them behave a certain way, but we can at least explain what’s best when it comes to data security, protection from hacks and best practice backup tools to enable recovery would a hack be successful.

Local indie small businesses retailers following the advice we provide could not, ever, find themselves in the situation of Optus as the sensitive personal data would not be there to be taken in a hack.

Here at Tower Systems we take our role of making and supporting POS software for local indie retailers seriously. We are grateful to the 3,000+ local indie retail customer we serve for their support and engagement,. it means a lot to us and all who rely on us.

And the Big Men Fly


Our head office is closed today for the AFL Grand Final eve public holiday. But fear not, we’re open in other states, providing awesome customer service and sales access to awesome POS software made for local small business retail.

Now, the And the Big Men Fly reference … it is a reference to an excellent Australian play by Allan Hopgood. It’s a classic AFL drama. But back when it was written, the AFL was the VFL.

Those were the days.

Shopify POS software solutions from Tower Systems help retailers thrive in-store as well as online


The Shopify POS solution from Tower Systems is designed for a range of specialty retail channels, independent retailers, local retailers, retailers that offer unique liocal service around specialty products.

Our Shopify POS solution is made here by us at Tower Systems and it is supported by us too.

We partner with Shopify to provide local small business retailers with a seamless Shopify POS solution.

From sales to inventory management to business decisions to business success, the Shopify POS solution is an ideal partnership solution for any local retailer keen to deliver a seamless in-store and online retail business management solution. designed for retailers first, it’s easy to learn and use, with the POS being in control of inventory and data at all times.

We love Shopify and what it offers online. Add to this our decades of years experience is serving local specialty retailing bolt it into Shopify and you have a two-way, seamless, Shopify POS solution from us here at Tower Systems.

Here is how our integration with Shopify works for retailers using our POS software:


Retailer is your master stock database. You flag what stock items you want to appear on your shopify store. Descriptions and extended descriptions are added as your titles and descriptions in Shopify. Newly flagged products are automatically added and if you edit items in Retailer you have field level control over how these are handled in Shopify.

Department And Categories

Option One: Treat departments as collections and Categories as Product Tags

This will use your Retailer Department as the collection and the category will be created as a product tag. This is our recommended approach as it allows for menu sorting and for categories to appear over multiple collections. Tags are searchable keywords associated with your product and can help customers find your product through your online store search. Tags can also use them to create automated collections. Please see Shopify knowledge base for more information.

Option Two: Treat Categories as Collections, ignore departments

The collection names are Retailer Categories. This is best used in smaller web stores selling a defined range of product.

Option Three: Self-Managed Collections

This is the least popular but may be necessary if there is an existing store and you do not want to change your current structure. If this option is selected then products will be added without a collection you will then need to allocate them once they have been added to the site via the link.

Prices And Quantity On Hand

You have control over your webstore pricing from within the Retailer Stock Screen. Bulk updates of the webstore prices can be performed in Stock Manager. Once new prices are set, your web store is updated automatically.

Quantity on hand is also managed automatically, when your sell or arrive an item into stock these adjustments are sent directly to Shopify. If the quantity on hand of an items drops to 0, the item is marked as out of stock in Shopify.


The images you set against stock items in Retailer are automatically uploaded to your website. If images change, then old one is removed and the new one is added. You can upload as many images as you like per stock item.


Customers that purchase off your webstore are added as customers in your Retailer database, allowing you to track what they buy and market to them if you desire. Existing customers with an email address will also be added to your web store to facilitate easy sales if you choose.


Sales are downloaded on a periodic basis and imported into Retailer. They are imported into our Customer Invoice Maintenance facility allowing you to place orders and print invoices if needed. Once sales are imported it reduces your quantity on hand so you maintain accurate stock control. Sales can be allocated to a specific location or merged to you main sales data, giving you excellent control over how you report on your webstore sales.

The Tower Systems Shopify POS solution is comprehensive and constantly evolving as retail changes and the tech. platforms themselves change.

Adult shop POS software helps adult shops


Aussie software company Tower Systems makes POS software for a range of specialty retail businesses including POS software for adult shops. Adult shops, like any specialty retail business, have needs unique to their channel. Some are regulatory needs while others come with the nature of the business and needs owners have to successfully run these businesses.

The POS software for adult shops from Tower Systems offers access to a variety of benefits including:

  • Get one-time-only shoppers spending more thanks to an easy to pitch loyalty system embedded in the software.
  • Leverage you. If you believe your knowledge is a differentiator, offer it through structured opportunities in the software.
  • Add value with product care information included on receipts.
  • Encourage customer happiness by serving product care info. on receipts.
  • Easily handle special customer orders. Bring product in for a specific customer and have them notified automatically by email or text when the goods are in and ready.
  • Easily sell online with a direct to Shopify / Magento or WooCommerce link from your POS software – including image flow.
  • Ensure compliance when required with structured age checking.
  • Save time with electronic invoices from suppliers.
  • Use tags to get a fresh perspective, side-view, on stock performance.
  • Bundle items together to make price comparisons harder and thereby increase sales.
  • Business differentiating loyalty. Stand out from the crowd. Have customers coming back to you for this.
  • Trade and club pricing profiles. Set pricing rules based on customer type.
  • Make money from pre-orders – Easily pre-sell a delivery so that when the stock arrives you can manage distribution and billing efficiently.
  • Differentiate with informative receipts. These can include product care, use and safety information based on what customers buy.
  • Differentiate with bundles. Selling items bundled together makes price comparison hard.
  • Track who sold what.
  • Say goodbye to LayBy – with integrated buy now pay later options.
  • Market to customers based on past purchases.
  • Save time by importing electronic invoices.
  • Sell more with a direct connect to buy now pay later services.
  • Cut mistakes with integrated EFTPOS.
  • Cut accounting and bookkeeping fees with integration to Xero and others.

We are proud to serve this specialty retail community with software made for them, software fit for purpose for adult shops.

You can rent our Aussie designed and supported POS software made for Adult Shops for $155.00 a month.

  1. Australian developed and supported Adult shop POS software.
  2. Software updates as we release them.
  3. Unlimited licences for your shop. No extra cost for extra computers.
  4. Shopify / Magento / Woo link. Easily sell online from your POS software.
  5. Direct to Xero link. Easing bookkeeping and accounting costs
  6. Our OzBiz link – connect to MYOB and Quicken through OzBiz.
  7. Tyro link – safe, fast and easy EFTPOS link for streamlined sales.
  8. PC Eftpos link – easy EFTPOS processing for the major banks.
  9. Easy buy now pay later thanks to Zip Pay and Humm – that Boomers, Gen Y, Gen X and others are using more and more.
  10. Support – help desk access, unlimited training, updates and more.
  11. User documentation. Access to our searchable knowledge base.

Like all our POS software, our software adult shops continue to evolve. We have released two updates this year and have a third coming out in the next week or so.

Closed for national day of mourning


All our offices are closed today for the national day of mourning following the passing of the Queen. Our after house numbers are available for any customer in urgent need of help.

Best POS Systems for Retail


retail pos

In 2021, customers used cash for only 18% of POS transactions worldwide. People everywhere are using physical money less and less as technology advances.

To remain profitable, almost every business needs a method of accepting credit and debit card payments. A retail POS system is essential to avoid losing customers and sales.

However, choosing the best POS system can be difficult since you have so many options to choose from. There are many factors to consider when choosing retail POS software, like your business model and the volume of transactions.

If you’re not sure how to choose from all the newest retail technology on the market, we’ve got you covered. Read on to learn how to choose a POS system retail locations can rely on!

Retail POS: An Overview

POS stands for “point of sale.” POS systems for accepting card and mobile payments are often called EFTPOS, which stands for “electronic funds transfer at point of sale.”

The point of sale is the location where the actual transaction between customers and businesses takes place. Before digital payments, the POS was simply a cash register, but today the POS can be a mobile device or completely online.

The type of POS retail locations and restaurants use can vary, as restaurants often include a way to tip servers with your card payment. For retailers, this function is typically unnecessary for POS systems.

In addition to accepting card payments, POS systems can create receipts, and track sales and taxes. By keeping all this information together, you can make your accounting much simpler.

Different POS systems have options to help prevent retail theft and manage multi-store businesses.

Replacing point of sale technology can be overwhelming, so let’s look at some of the options on the market.

Tyro: Best Overall for Australian Retailers

Perhaps lesser known than POS giants like Square and Clover, this hidden gem is a great choice with several options to choose from.

Tyro has a monthly rental fee for equipment, which may initially be a turnoff. However, they charge a lower transaction fee than other retail POS systems, which can easily outweigh the rental fee with even a small number of transactions.

Tyro software also integrates with external POS hardware. If you already have a register and a card reader, you can use Tyro software without getting new equipment.

Tyro offers retail technology options for physical stores as well as e-commerce. Businesses also have a choice between mobile and tabletop POS hardware.

In particular, retail locations based in Australia should consider a Tyro POS system. Tyro is an Australian company that aims its services specifically toward Australian small businesses.

Square: Best Free Option

Square is possibly the biggest name in the POS industry. Known for its low-maintenance mobile readers, Square is a good choice for small business retail operations with a lower budget.

Businesses that want a simple and portable option will be pleased with a Square POS. Startups that can’t afford high upfront costs might also consider Square.

The simplest system is the magstripe reader, which is available for free and plugs right into a phone or tablet. For businesses needing more functionality, they also offer bigger POS hardware.

Square gives the option to buy POS equipment and doesn’t require a contract. The software can also help with tracking inventory and staff management.

What customers tend to like about Square is its simple pricing structure. Businesses know what they’re going to pay without a confusing combination of fees.

The biggest issue you may run into with Square is in the delivery of your funds. It can sometimes take days for funds to transfer to your bank.

Clover: Best for Large Shops

Clover is a good choice for larger stores that have a large number of monthly transactions. The software is user-friendly and it’s easy to get set up.

The biggest advantage of a Clover system is its functionality. Clover has many added features that can make businesses run more smoothly.

With this software, you can track payroll, customer reviews, and several other features that most POS systems don’t include.

While Clover has lots of perks, it doesn’t compare well to other systems in its contract structure and costs. Users have 60 days to cancel a subscription without additional fees.

In addition to the contract, Clover software doesn’t integrate with external systems, so you have to use their equipment. The transaction fees are also higher than Square and other systems.

Shopify: Best for Online Selling

Shopify is another good choice for retailers considering replacing POS system software. Specifically, Shopify works well for e-commerce.

While you can use your preferred payment processor, Shopify offers one on its platform called Shopify Payments. Users who process transactions on this payment processor don’t pay transaction fees.

The software is compatible with most smart devices and they offer mobile card readers.

The reason Shopify is good for online selling is because of how well it integrates with websites and social media. Customers can make partial payments, and you can embed the POS on Facebook and Instagram pages.

While there are many features available, users are often priced out of using a different payment processor. If you use a third-party processor, transaction fees can be as high as 2.9% plus a flat fee.

Another feature missing from Shopify is offline processing. If your system loses its internet connection, you can’t take payments using Shopify.

Upgrade Your Business

Payment processing is essential to running a successful business. Having an effective retail POS will ensure your customers can easily pay for your product.

When choosing the POS system that’s best for your business, consider your market and what features you want.

Still have questions about POS systems? Since 1981, Tower Systems has been helping small businesses in Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands.

Book a free demo today to learn what our POS services can do for your business!

ANNOUNCING: Tower Systems announces new free online marketplace for local independent retailers

Tower Systems is launching, a free marketplace for local indie retailers like you. Listing products on FindIt will be free for Tower Systems customers.
Our goal for FindIt is to help customers looking online for items you sell, to drive traffic to your shop.
All Tower Systems POS software customers have access to FindIt for free.
We have built FindIt because of the growing importance of being online to in-store retail, and because some retailers are challenged with creating and running their own website. This is a no cost / low cost solution to help you be found online.
If you do have your own website, you will still be able to list on FindIt if you wish.
Retailers can choose to sell through FindIt, or just list what they have available in-store. If they do sell through FindIt, there is a fee of 10%. This covers Tower for credit card fees and Afterpay fees once that is live. It also covers us for credit card fraud claims. Retailers choose whether to sell through FindIt or not. Again, to list products and have your shop found is free.
We are hosting the website on a large secure and fast server in a remote data centre. We are also doing the backend SEO work to raise the Google profile.
Customers will land on the website from Google. As the ranking of the site increases, products on FindIt will list in Google results. Customers will be able to add items from multiple retailers to a FindIt basket in a transaction.
The FindIt website confirms the order to the customer and provides the retailer with a recipient created tax invoice. Retailers will be able to go to their FindIt vendor panel to download a picking slip.

Retailers choose the price of what they sell – it can be their web price or their retail price. In the Tower Systems POS software, retailers choose whether a product is listed online.
The image for a product will be the first image loaded for a product. If a retailer has a better image than the first one loaded by another retailer, it would take a manual process to change it, a process not currently in place. The same applies to descriptions.
We connect products by barcode. If a retailer generates their own barcode for an item already on FindIt, it will treat that product as a new item.
The price will be the retailer’s price – yes, multiple retailers on FindIt could result in different prices for the same item.
The product description is the key. Our advice on this is to try and think about what someone is likely to type into Google.
Retailers will have the option to be either freight free or charge. If a retailer has product dimensions and have selected to charge freight, the Australia Post plug-in we have will calculate a freight charge. Retailers will also have an option, on their vendor page in FindIt to set a flat freight charge if you wish.
We currently serve over 3,000 local small business independent retailers. Across that eco system there are more than 100,000 unique products. FindIt has the potential to be an important marketplace.
We are around 3 weeks away from launch.
In terms of the launch tho, it will be soft, no major fanfare. We’re taking a Field of Dreams approach … building it in the hope they do come.
This is a new space for us and for our customers. There will be missteps along the way for sure. We will evolve the site based on what we learn from these and from your feedback.
We are excited to help local indie retailers find new shoppers for your business.
Find out more about our Tower Systems POS software at our website,, where you can also easily watch demonstrations of our software. We only supply independent retailers. Plus, our software is Aussie made and supported.
For a personal demonstration or to discuss your POS software needs:
  • 1300 662 957.

Multistore POS software helps retailers with more than one business to more efficiently manage


Multistore POS software helps retailers manage across multiple retail stores easily, accurately and efficiently.

Created by Tower Systems for retailers with multiple stores in the toy, garden, jeweller, bike, homewares and similar specialty retail spaces, this multi-storey POS software is made to save time, reduce mistakes and support fluid movement of inventory between stores.

This is an add-on to the Tower Systems POS software. Single store retailers can evolve to multi-storey POS software if they wish over time, when it suits. They can also transition back, if or when it suits. It is available in every specialty marketplace in which Tower Systems operates.

Flexibility is the key to this multi-storey POS software.

No matter how hard you work as a business owner, you can’t be everywhere at once – but with Tower Systems’ multi-store technology, you can act as if you are.

If you’re a small business owner with multiple retail sites then you need flexible software to manage each location with confidence. We first expanded our software suite with multi-store functionality in 2007 and continue to install and support it for dozens of clients, whether they have two shops or twenty. Developed out of our own retail experience running four gift shops, you can rest assured that we’ve considered your needs and have the answers you’re looking for.

For example, if a customer asks for a certain product that is out of stock at their current retail location, our software will immediately check for stock in other stores and inform your customer service staff of its availability. If you have a warehouse location, your staff can use this functionality to provide estimates on how long it will take to restock your retail store, or to transfer stock across from another store. This kind of seamless connectivity is instantaneous, invisible to the customer and representative of the opportunities of a multi-store point of sale system.

Multi-store locations can also be managed remotely, from any device and at any time – all you need is an Internet connection. You may want to do stock item maintenance for all your stores from home in the evening, or arrive invoices for some of your stores while you head to a café for lunch. You can compare store sales data over breakfast, adjust rosters for each store’s employees from the backseat of a taxi and much more.

Our multi-store package has fixed, transparent pricing. While some other retail software platforms charge a monthly amount per terminal, we offer pricing per physical location – whether each of your shops has one computer terminal or three, our competitive pricing remains the same for that location. It’s also eminently scalable – if you have one store now, you can easily add another later.

Tower Systems’ multi-store functionality has been built from the ground up to link your stores and give you the best possible control. We want to help you grow your business.


How our Aussie POS software company offers practical help to local community groups


Community enterprises, like Op. Shops, Charity Shops, Community Workshops, Community Garden centres and similar play vital and cherished roles in their local communities.

We make software that can help these Community Enterprises run more efficiently and, through this, provide better assistance to those they serve. Our charity and community group POS software can track sales, report on categories that sell and directly support those who may qualify for special pricing when shopping in the charity or community shop.

Our charity and community group and op. shop software does more than this.

While there is a cost for the software, we often discount this as well as the training cost to make the solution even more affordable.

We consider each situation on its merits and our circumstances at the time. Our goal is to help as much as we are able remembering that everyone who works in our business needs to be paid a fair wage for their work, and given that we have costs and overheads to be in business and do what we do.

Our charity shop software can be rented for $99 a month. This is a low price when compared to other POS software a charity shop may consider choosing. we have deliberately priced this at close to half our usual price for such software.

This is software that offers access to benefits like:

  1. Easy shopper loyalty.  While the software offers a loyalty points system, we have found the cash-off approach in our loyalty tools works better in local retail. People understand money. A receipt showing an amount they can save on their next purchase gets, usually, at least 20% of people spending more that visit.
  2. Manage inventory your way. You can sell by barcode, products code, department, category within department, price point. You can sell, measure and report at the level point appropriate to your needs.
  3. Easy to learn. We have found that in community enterprises easy to learn / easy to use really does matter. Volunteer turnover makes this essential. We can record training specific to your needs and make these videos available for future volunteers.
  4. Secure. You can lock down parts of the software to secure them for management access only.
  5. Check and balances. This software guides processes. It also provides hidden tracking so you can investigate should the need arise.
  6. Club / group marketing and support. Leverage clubs and community groups with offers and pricing just for them.

Our Australian made and supported charity / op. shop POS software does much more than what’s on this list tho.

There is a training and setup cost, which we also consider before settling on a price for a charity or community group.

We genuinely try and make the cost for accessing our charity and community group software as low as possible without cutting the services provided.

Everything You Need to Know About POS for Small Retail Businesses


Retail POS Software

In 2021, 30% of POS payments globally included digital and mobile wallet payments. If your business doesn’t have the hardware and software to easily accept a variety of payment types from customers, you could be missing out.

In addition to accepting a wide range of payment types, point-of-sale (POS) systems offer many other advantages to businesses as well. Retail POS software will make your business more efficient and can give you plenty of additional clarity into business operations and transactions.

If you’re thinking about investing in retail POS software, read on. Here’s everything you need to know about POS systems for small retail businesses.

What Is POS Software?

A retail POS system is a solution that is used to handle in-person retail transactions. A POS system allows retailers to easily ring up sales and process payments.

Modern POS systems do a lot more as well. This includes various things such as appointment scheduling, remote management, stock control, multi store management, reporting and analytics, and more.

When choosing a POS system for your business, it’s important to consider all of your needs as a business and to look for a system that serves its purpose well. This will allow you to make the best investment in a POS system and will help ensure that your business gets the features it needs both in the present and in the future.

How Are POS Systems Used?

There are many uses of a POS system. One of the main functions of a POS system is to ring up sales and to ensure an efficient and easy checkout process for both customers and employees.

On top of this, however, POS systems can do many more things that relate to running a business. The flexibility and features in a modern-day POS system are very beneficial for businesses and can go a long way towards helping your business become efficient and successful.

Managing Inventory

A POS system can do a lot to help ensure that all products are managed effectively. A system can be used to assist with label and barcode printing and offers inventory management features.

These features can allow businesses to track inventory, manage purchase orders, and plan for stock changes.

Track Business Health

Additionally, a POS retail system also allows you to track business financial information. POS systems include useful reporting and analytics features that will help you understand the health of your business.

Staff Management

On top of this, a POS system can also be helpful for managing and supervising employees. You’ll be able to set pay rates, schedule employees, and identify instances of retail theft.

Manage Customer Relationships

There are also great customer management features as well. With a POS system, you’ll be able to create and manage a loyalty program, create discount vouchers, and more.

How to Choose a POS System

There are a variety of things that you should think about when choosing a POS system for retail. Here’s what you should look for.

Consider Ease-of-Use

First and foremost, you should make sure that the retail POS software is easy-to-use and that it allows for the types of payments that you plan to facilitate in your business.

Small retail businesses will usually want to have a cash drawer and a credit card reader. You may also want to allow for contactless payment transactions as well.

Check for Compatibility

You’ll also want to ensure that the software system is compatible with any hardware you have and will be easy to integrate into your existing business.

If you run a small retail business that only uses an Android tablet or iPad for transactions, then you’ll want to ensure that the POS system will be compatible. In addition to this, make sure that the software meets Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance standards.

Customer Support

You should also consider the level of customer support that you’ll get from a retail POS system provider. Ensure that the provider will be available to help with system issues when needed.

They should work to make things easy for your business and should provide support via a variety of methods such as phone, email, or live chat.

POS System Costs

Finally, you’ll want to consider the costs of a POS system as well. Fees and prices can vary based on your needs.

Be sure to look for a system that offers all of the functionality that you’re looking for, but that also works for your budget.

Top Benefits of POS Systems

There are many benefits and advantages of using a POS system in your small retail business.

There are many benefits of using a POS system. All of these features can transform your business, helping to improve efficiency in both the short-term and the long-term.

Improve Efficiency

The best thing about using a POS system is that it will help save your business time and effort. It will allow you to provide service to customers more efficiently.

You’ll be able to accept multiple payment methods easily and will be able to track transactions effortlessly.

Tracking Features

On top of this, you’ll get great tracking features that allow you to make sense of customer purchasing trends and habits. You’ll also be able to better manage employees, prevent theft, and create customer loyalty programs.

All of these features can help you to create a more secure business that works efficiently.

Understand Your Business

Additionally, you’ll also be able to understand exactly where your business stands financially and will get a fuller picture of your business. A POS system can help to give you a lot of data on inventory, employees, customers, and sales.

This information can influence your business in big ways while allowing you to make better decisions moving forward.

Making the Choice to Use Retail POS Software

If you want to build a stronger business, consider investing in retail POS software. Using a POS system will change the way you operate for the better and can allow you to get more done in less time.

Interested in finding a reliable POS system? Get your free POS software demo now.

Tower Systems helps retailers reduce shoplifting through its smart POS software


Shoplifting is a curse in retail, especially in small business retail where the emotional toll of shoplifting can be debilitating for the retail business owners, even more so than the financial toll on the business itself.

What is shoplifting? Shoplifting is the theft of inventory or other items or even cash from a business by a shopper.

Tower Systems offers smart POS software that is helping retailers reduce shoplifting. The software works by tracking inventory and sales data, which helps store owners to identify patterns and trends. This information can then be used to loss prevention strategies.

The Tower Systems software has been proven to be an effective tool in reducing shoplifting. In one case study, a retailer who installed the software was able to reduce shoplifting by 50%. The POS software does this by helping retailers to understand what is being stolen and to narrow the time window of the theft. This information is key to reducing the cost of shoplifting.

In most instances, what is being stolen through shoplifting is different to what retailers thing is being stolen. Shoplifting data is key here.

This data-driven approach to reducing shoplifting is helping retailers save money and increase margins. In one case study, a retailer who installed Tower Systems’ smart POS software was able to reduce shoplifting by 25%. That’s a significant improvement that can have a big impact on the bottom line—especially for small businesses.

The smart POS software is easy to use and can be installed on any computer or mobile device. It is also reasonably priced, making it a good option for small businesses.

Retailers lose billions of dollars every year to shoplifting, but there is hope. The Tower Systems smart point-of-sale software offers a retail security solution that can help retailers reduce shrinkage (the industry term for lost inventory due to shoplifting).

If you are a small business owner, you should consider using Tower Systems to help reduce shoplifting.

Using cutting-edge technology, the system tracks inventory in real time and sounds an alarm if someone tries to leave the store with an unpaid item. The solution has already helped hundreds of retailers reduce shrinkage.

The software is easy to use and an effective way to track inventory and sales data. This information can then be used to develop loss prevention strategies.

Note: employee theft is a form of shoplifting, but considered differently to shoplifting itself.

Lottery retailer software in Australia


Tower Systems is grateful to serve more than 1,700 newsagents with its POS software, and most of these retailers use the lottery sales management and tracking tools in the Tower Systems POS software.

This is good software for lottery retailers.

Lottery retailers can rely on this software to connect with the terminals run by The Lottery Corporation (TheLott, formerly Tatts etc). We are fed sales details that are processed through our POS software, quickly, accurately, seamlessly. This is a solution ideal for local lottery retailers.

Tower Systems is proud to be an innovator in this space of POS software for lottery retailers, helping them run more efficient, safer and more valuable businesses.

With our market share, as a percentage of the overall marketplace, we are the industry standard and we are thankful to be in this position.

Our POS software for lottery retailers connects with Xero for seamless bookkeeping and accounting management. It also connects with Shopify for businesses that want to sell products online. Plus, there is a link to MYOB for that platform. For EFTPOS there are several connection opportunities for easy and contactless processing of credit cards and EFTPOS at the counter – to reduce mistakes, ensure fast operation and ensure clean management in the business.

Using our POS software for lottery retailers, the business owners and managers have access to terrific reporting tools, which can guide data based business decisions.

Available to rent for a few dollars a day, this Australian developed and supported POS software is purpose build and able to evolve with the business as its needs evolve. This flexibility is important as we see more and more lottery retailers e=expanding into new product areas including online and others. Our specialty retail software can help businesses serve in these new areas.

The rental option helps lottery retailers preserve capital for other roles in their businesses. It is the best way to acquire access to POS software, especially lottery retail POS software.

The rental option allows the retailers to cancel at any time, giving them control over the extent of their IT software spend.

Useable from the sales counter or the shop floor, this POS software serves retail businesses where they have customers, which is very important in today’s changing retail experience.

POS software for lottery retailers is a thing. It is purpose built to serve these retail businesses as so many have shown already. Tower Systems is grateful to the support and commitment from so many Aussie small b business retailers already to help serve this channel.

Why asking What is the best POS software in Australia? is likely not the right question to ask


What is the best POS software in Australia?

The short answer is there is no single answer to this. Our Tower Systems POS software is not the best? How could it be? No POS software is the best. Because … different POS software does different things, for different types of retailers, in different situations.

Big businesses have needs small businesses do not. High street retailers have needs shopping mall retailers do not. Jewellers have needs garden centres do not.

You can see our point we hope.

We’re asking g the question What is the best POS software in Australia? though because, unfortunately, it is the question some do ask without thinking through what it really means, without thinking through the ramifications.

And, to What is the best POS software in Australia? some software companies may say they are because to those companies a sale is a sale, which is likely not a good move for retailers.

What is the best POS software in Australia?

When you’re looking for a new piece of software for your business, it’s tempting to simply Google “what is the best (insert software name here)?” However, more often than not, this isn’t the most effective way to find the right software for your needs. Why? Because every business is different, and what works for one company might not be the best fit for another.

For example, let’s say you own a small retail store in Australia. You might be tempted to Google “what is the best POS software in Australia?” But the truth is, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to that question. The best POS software for your business will depend on factors like the size of your store, your budget, and the types of products you sell.

So, how do you find the right POS software for your business? Here are a few tips:

1. Define your needs: The first step is to sit down and think about what you need from a POS system. Do you need something that can track inventory? Accept credit card payments? Integrate with other software platforms? Once you know what your must-haves are, you can start narrowing down your options.
2. Do your research: Once you know what you need, it’s time to start doing some research. Read online reviews, talk to other businesses in your industry, and get quotes from different vendors. This will help you get a better sense of whichPOS system might be the best fit for your business.
3. Get a free demonstration for your specific business: Good POS software companies will do this, they will demonstrate their software for your specific type of business. Some might even include some of your business data so you can see how it works.

Asking “what’s the best POS software in Australia?” is likely not going to give you the results you’re looking for. That’s because there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to that question—the best POS system for your business will depend on factors like budget, size, and needs. To find the right POS system for your business, start by defining your needs, doing some research, and taking advantage of free trials from different vendors.

In short , there is no definitive answer to the question “what is the best POS software in Australia ?” The answer depends on various factors , including the type of business , budget , and specific needs and requirements . With that in mind , we encourage small business retailers in Australia research different types of POS systems available before making their final decision .

What is POS software and will it help my retail business?


POS software refers to Point of Sale software. It’s called that because it is software you run at the point of sale,, typically, at the counter where you transact sales.

Good POS software can be used to:

  • replace the cash register, to capture all sales
  • connect with your EFTpos terminal for credit can debit card payments
  • cut the time it takes for a stock take
  • help you reorder inventory based on what sells
  • stop doing less of what’s not working
  • doing more of what is working
  • make better quality decisions and make them faster than usual
  • let you see things in and about your business you are likely to miss without it
  • reduce your labour cost in business
  • help you enjoy your business more.

So, POS software is software that offers a more whole of business solution designed for retailers. Ideally, designed and supported in Australia for Aussie retailers. That’s important because retailer is different around the world. Terms used in retail differ, too.

Will a POS System Help My Business?
Now that you know how a POS system works, you may be wondering if it’s right for your retail business. The answer to this question depends on a few factors. First, you need to consider what type of business you have and what type of products you sell. If you look at the Tower Systems POS software website you can see the different specialty retail marketplaces the company serves.  On the other hand, if you have a small retail store with relatively stable inventory levels, a POS system can be a great way to save time and money.

Another factor to consider is the size of your business. If you have multiple locations or dozens of employees, a POS system can help simplify things like employee management and product ordering. However, if you’re a one-person operation or if your store is relatively small, you may not need all the features that come with a POS system. In this case, an simpler solution could work, and Tower Systems offers such a low-cost POS solution for a low monthly rental cost.

POS software can help you better understand your customers and what they’re buying. With features like customer loyalty programs and sales reports, you can identify your best customers, track popular items, and make more informed decisions about stocking your shelves and running promotions.
If you’re running a retail business, chances are POS software can help you save time and money while also providing valuable insights into your customers’ buying habits. However, with so many differentPOS software programs on the market, it’s important to do your research to find the one that’s right for your business. Consider your specific needs and budget when making your decision.

The decision of whether or not to invest in a POS system depends on several factors including the type of business you have, the products you sell, and the size of your operation. If you are a small business retailer with relatively stable inventory levels and fewer than 10 employees, investing in acan be acan be beneficial for tracking sales data and simplifying employee management and product ordering.

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