The POS Software Blog

The POS Software Blog

News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.

CategoryPOS Software

Work where you are with our cloud based Retailer Roam POS software


Retailer RoamTM is an extension to our awesome POS software. It is cloud based POS software that lets retailers work where needed: on the road, at a market, in a pop-up shop, from a truck, from home, while at a supplier warehouse.

This is truly portable POS software.

It is cloud based POS software.

This is POS software for businesses on the move.

It’s available from the Apple App Store, Google Play and elsewhere. This is a proved app solution bringing flexibility and remote access to retail businesses in ways that serve their portable and flexible POS software access needs.

Behind the scenes, seamlessly, data is synchronised in 3 phases in serving of the needs of our retail business customers. here is how:

  1. Phase One is an initial transfer that contains the base stock. This is done on start-up. It sets Retailer Roam up to be able to sell.
  2. Phase Two is to receive product updates – on hand levels or pricing changes.
  3. Phase Three is to send sales and customer, inventory and sales data to Retailer. Sales data is identified by each Roam terminal, allowing you to view the terminal sales.

Sales (Phase 3) will be stored in a ‘Queue’ on the device, which will be cleared periodically to sync sales with the Roam server (and then sent to Retailer). There is an option to force a sale to be sent to Retailer again (incase it was missed for whatever reason).

Retailer RoamTM can work where there is no internet access, making the storage and sharing of data back to the base of the business flexible and accurate to the needs of the business.

Retailer RoamTM offers retailers on the go a range of facilities including…

  • Cash/EFTPOS Sales
  • Invoice Sales
  • Create a LayBy
  • Sell stock with Serial Numbers
  • Loyalty Point Redemption & Acrrual
  • Customised POS Screens
  • Variants
  • Refunds
  • Basic End of Shift
  • Stocktaking
  • Re-ordering
  • Integrated EFTPOS

Retailer RoamTM is a solution for retail businesses that need to be able to conduct business on the go, from a variety of situations, from multiple terminals of iPads at once. It is easy to use and secure in service of the needs of retail businesses.

Australian made POS software is best for Australian retail businesses


Why is Australian made POS software best for Australian retail businesses? Here is why…

Australian made POS software will be closer to the needs of Australian businesses as it is made by people who understand local customs, needs and shoppers.

Australian made POS software is likely to be more easily enhanced to serve emerging local Australian retailer needs.

Australian made POS software will benefit the local Australian economy more with people working on making and supporting the software spending their payroll locally and this benefits local retailers who9 can use Australian made POS software.

Australian made POS software is more likely to be tuned to the needs of specialty retail channels in which the software is to be used. Retail channels have different needs, unique needs. Software made for these channels, for these Australian retail businesses will be more of a solution.

Buying Australian made helps the Australian economy and all who depend on the Australian economy. It is as simple as that.

Tower Systems employs local software developers, support experts and more in the pursuit of development and support of our specialty retail POS software. These people are our company. They live and work locally, connecting with local retailers as shoppers. Their experiences and easy access connection with retailers help them to make better POS software for Australian retailers.

Here at Tower Systems we develop specialty POS software for a range of specialty retail channels:

  • Jewellers
  • Garden Centres
  • Pet shops
  • Produce businesses
  • Gift shops
  • Bike shops
  • Toy shops
  • Adult shops
  • Homewares shops
  • Bookshops
  • Repairs businesses
  • Fishing & outdoors businesses
  • Farm supply businesses
  • News / Card / magazine shops

And, outside of these niche businesses, the Tower software serves because of its specialisation. For example, pool maintenance businesses, butchers, health food stores and more benefit from the Tower POS solutions.

If your local Australian retail businesses ever pitches shop local, then where you source what you use and sell in your business matters. The COVID-19 pandemic and the economic response has brought that into sharp focus. It has helped us understand that our local economy matters.

We are proud to offer Australian made POS software for Australian specialty retailers. We are grateful to our customers that we can do this.

A note on POS software comparison websites


More and more websites are offering POS software comparisons. Some claim that they have done the work for you and found the best POS software out there for you.

But what are these POS software comparison websites and how far do they go in making the comparisons they claim?

Like many other product comparison websites, POS software comparison websites often offer comparisons of products that pay to be listed. Yes, it is a commercial relationship funded by the POS software companies. They pay for each lead they are given.

This commercial approach means that if you go onto a POS software comparison website you may not see all POS software solutions that meet your needs. They often limit the number of products they will ‘compare’. This makes it look like they have done research.

Too often, the POS software comparison websites will not look at all software products in a marketplace. rather, they approach it as a purely commercial relationship, booking places from businesses that are prepared to pay the fee per lead provided. This feels like their main criteria.

Looking at some POS software comparison websites we would say they are not comparison websites at all. rather, they are another form of targeted marketing designed to harvest leads, often soft leads.

If you are looking for POS software fort your specialty retail business, do your own research. Do a Google search, ignore all the ads, look at the natural results and make your own shortlist and research them based on your needs.

Yes, this is hard work, time consuming. Only you know what you need and want. Only you can choose what is the right POS software for your retail business. Cutting corners and relying on someone else, like a POS software comparison website, to do the work for you could result in the wrong choice or at the very least a choice from only a small pool of contenders.

Nothing beats you doing your own research, taking your time, being sure that each software product is thoroughly investigated and you making the POS software selection based on your real business needs, on the points of value you seek for your retail business.

You can still find a good solution through a POS software comparison website. However, to consider all options, do the work yourself and make the choice based on your work rather than rely on someone who may have not done any comparison work at all. Your business deserves the best POS software you can find.

Aussies embracing Australian made when shopping locally, to help the local community


It has been great to see the renewed interest in shopping locally, especially in sourcing locally made products. So many of our small business retail POS software customers have shared with us stories of shoppers specifically seeking out locally made products.

Stories of support for locally made products warm the soul.  

Local makes are grateful for this support. We have spoken to plenty – local soap makers, local artists, local scent makers, local craftspeople, local pointers, local plant farms, local card makers … they are all loving the stronger support for locally made that we have seen in recent months.

We share the delight of local makers and excitement for what this may mean for 2021.

Buying locally made is good for the community in which those making the locally made products live, the communities in which they spend their money.

Tower Systems is a local POS software company.

We live and work locally, in communities in Australia and New Zealand. You can’t get more local than that when developing POS software for specialty retailers in Australia and New Zealand.

We love helping local retailers to support local makers and shopping locally through smart tools and facilities in our local made POS software. Integrated in our software are opportunities for local retailers to pitch local products, to demonstrate their own local credentials and to shine a light on what being local is all about … and through these things to separate their business from non locally owned and operated alternatives.

This all matters in today’s retail world of heightened awareness of shopping locally and supporting local makers. We are proud to help our retail partners to do this in our POS software, to do it easily, consistently and with commercial outcomes in focus.

With the world disrupted politically, economically and health wise, shopping local matters more today than in recent times. However, telling people, to shop local is not enough. We need to be smart, actively engaged and supporting of the shopper and local makers, serving their diverse needs. This is where our POS software can help with the encouragement and the storytelling.

If you own a local retail business that relies on people to shop locally, consider our locally made POS software. We’d love to show it to you.

Sell by fractions using our POS software and keep accurate stock on hand data


The Tower Systems POS software allows the sale of products by fractions. This is important in retail businesses that see by weight or some other form of measure.

Selling by fractions works for jewellers, garden centres, sewing businesses, haberdashery businesses, produce businesses, farm supply businesses, bait and tackle businesses and repairs businesses.

We have offered scale integrated POS software for many years, just as we have facilitated the sale of items by fractions for many years. These are key benefits of our POS software.

Not many POS software programs let you sell 1.25 of something or .75 of something. They usually want to deal only in whole numbers. Selling by fractions is important to many retailers. We are proud and grateful to offer this point of difference.

It may seem simple, selling a fractional amount of a product. That not all POS software programs can handle this speaks to a technical complexity. We saw this many years ago and addressed it and have maintained support for it for many years.

Being specialty like this, delivering access to specialty software that serves the needs of specialty retailers os something we do here at Tower Systems. We take serving the needs of specialty retailers seriously and are grateful to our customers fore encouraging us, guiding us, helping us to achieve and maintain this for them.

Selling by fractions in retail matters where businesses sell by measure – weight or length. The ability of our POS software to sell by fractions means accurate pricing, accurate stock on hand data and more for the business. It supports their position as specialty retailers, offering personal service.

If you sell by fractions in your retail business, ensure that any POS software you are considering can handle this and deliver for your business. You do not want to discover that POS software you have chosen cannot do this once it it is installed.

POS software that supports selling by fractions is specialty in nature. That’s us, that’s Tower Systems – specialty POS software for selected specialty retail channels.  If you sell products by weight or measure in your business, by fractions, you can be confident that we can serve your needs. It’s another specialty facility in our POS software that serves your needs.

Welcome to 2021


Day 1 of a new year is always exciting, and full of anticipation.

We have plans for this year that we are excited to share with our customers as the year unfolds. New products. New services. New connection opportunities.

All in pursuit of helping small business retailers in our community to have an awesome 2021 using our POS software.

We have had a busy few days between Christmas and New Year planning for 2021, working on our software, working on our customer experiences and more.

The last few days have been a wonderful opportunity to set us ready for Q1 2021.

The last few days have been busy bringing on new customers, too. We have had new customers keen to use a quieter time in their shops between the major holidays to get our software installed and up and running.

2021, we’re ready and excited. Let’s do this!


Aussie POS software helps retailers with Pop-Up shop help


Retailer Roam, the portable POS software from Tower Systems is perfect in a pop-up retail situation.

Where a pop-up shop needs to be up and running quickly, easily, with low cost and with a small footprint, Retailer Roam delivers on all these fronts and more. It is a perfect solution for pop-up retail shops.

Retailer Roam is serves retailers looking to take their business transactions to customers no matter where they are … local markets, on the farm, from the back of a truck, pop-up stores and more. Retailer Roam is truly portable POS software thanks to smart app development from the Tower systems web team working closely with the POS software development team.

This is why retailer Roam works well in a pop-up retail situation. It is POS software ideal for pop-up shops.

With pop-up retail more popular than ever, our pop-up retail POS software solution helps retailers to be up and running quickly, easily, safely and with an easy step to a m ore permanent future. Retailer Roam is made for pop-up retail … and more.

A common question we get is: Does Retailer Roam Require An Internet Connection?

Yes and No. You will need an internet connection to install the app and to obtain the base Retailer data.

If the location you’re selling from does not have internet connectivity you can use the device to transact, however, you will not receive any product updates or send sales back until the connection is re-established.

There is an ‘Offline Mode’ that can be turned on in settings for a smoother no-internet-connection experience. While in this mode the user will be limited to completing sales with what data has already been pre-loaded on the device. No API calls can be made in this mode, and sales will be stored locally until they can be synced.

There is an option to download all stock-data on the device; so, it can be used offline.

Retailer Roam is portable POS softeware for retailers on the move.

This is a wonderful solution for retail today, for businesses that want flexibility as to where and when they trade. It is continuing to evolve too as we discover more variations to the pop-up retail business model.

Supporting shop local with pet soap gift from our POS software co


Two weeks ago, we posted 1,000 gift packs featuring pet soap handmade in Australia. each pack was carefully assembled y us and posted to a thoughtfully collated database of small Aussie specialty retail businesses.

ww bought the handmade, ethically made, soap direct from the maker, in support of their local Aussie small business and to provide a connection for our message that we are a local Aussie business supporting local Aussie businesses.

It is a campaign that we planned several months out. Choosing the right soap was important, as were the words on the locally printed card that we included with each gift pack of soap.

We shared the story about being local, that we liked to support local and that we loved connecting with retail businesses that, too, loved supporting local.

This soap gift pack campaign is our way of practically showing what local can look like.

Interestingly, we sent the free pet soap to businesses outside the pet retail channel. It’s soap pet lovers will use and that is what matters most here.

What local looks like can vary by retail channel. In our POS software, we help small business retailers to pitch local, connect with local and demonstrate support for local in myriad ways. Within our POS software retailers have levers they can pullet pitch local without being overt or shouty with there shop local pitch. For us, in our software, when it comes to supporting local, we help retailers with a show, don’t tell approach. They love it. They love that they have ways they can show their local connectivity without being noisy about it.

Tower Systems is proud to serve more than 3,500 small business retailers across multiple retail channels. We are connected with each of the retail channels in different ways and support each with nuanced software, which is tailored for them.

It’s what we do … develop and support POS software for local specialty retail businesses, serving needs unique to their retail channel.

We are grateful for the opportunity to ourselves support shopping local in the execution of a marketing campaign that has at its core a shop local message.

Next time you look for pet soap, look for a locally made product. Your pet will love you for it.

POS software helps local small business retailers embrace Christmas


Christmas is the most important season for retailers, especially local high street small business retailers.

Using our POS software, retailers can leverage Christmas for maximum opportunity. How? … you may ask. Okay, using our POS software, here’s how small business retailers are able to embrace Christmas and make the most of the opportunity this year and beyond:

Price differentiation is easy in our software since retailers can bundle items and create their own, unique to their business, packs. You decide what is in the packs, their price and other details relating to sales.

Up-selling is systemised thanks to better workflow, sales prompts and additional information in-store as well as online through which the business can maximise the sale basket value,. Our POS software brings structure to the opportunity.

Bringing them back is a key focus through the POS software with tools serves as part of each sale that are designed to encourage and cajole the shopper back in-store to find other products,. That this can be done in a systemised and automated way makes it a no-brainer move in retail.

Rewarding good purchases is something you can do with software that tracks value and kicks in a reward when a value trigger is reached. This being done behind the scenes in a systemised way is valuable in any retail business but especially in local small business retail where there is tough competition.

Adding you to personalise the opportunity. Embedded in our small business POS software are tools you can use for adding valuable information to each sale, the information and knowledge that can differentiate your business and thereby establish a deeper shopper connection.

These are just some of the ways retailers can differentiate and add value to make Christmas for successful for them. In each case, the POS software from Tower Systems enables engagement with minimal labour cost and minimal capital investment. These are key factors for retailers to maximise the opportunities in their businesses, to make Christmas a more successful this season and trough the trading year that follows.

We see Christmas not only for what it brings in the lead up, but, too, in terms of what you can achieve after Christmas, through the next year, when new Christmas shoppers may come back into the business based on what you did or offered.

Loving the POS software update


We released last week a POS software update last week with new facilities that extend the reach of what our POS software delivers.

The reaction has been terrific.

One of the benefits of enhancing the core technology on which our POS software is built is the ability to deliver more and more benefits to our 3,500+ small business retail customers.

We are grateful to all of ur customers who encourage us and participate in our beta program.

Thank you.

Helping retailers sell bundled gift packs this Christmas


Using our POS software it is easy for retailers to sell bundled gifts at Christmas time and any time of the year. Our POS software makes it easy to bundle multiple items together for single scan selling. This can be done in-store as well as online though a Shopify website or a Magento website.

Take this Christmas Beanie Boo pack:

This is a special pack of 8 Christmas Beanie Boo stock items bundled together with several special freebies thrown in, put together in a special pack with some Christmas cheer tissue and tinsel and delivered anywhere in Australia for $64.99.

Online, a bundle like this plays well in that with a couple of clicks, a Christmas gift for a child, niece, nephew, related family or the child of a friend can be handled. Shopping is easy and fast and the purchase is presented in a nice way ready for giving.

Better still, a bundle like this makes price comparison hard because of the various items in the pack and because of the freebies included, which while free, have value to the recipient.

Packs like this can change shopper perspective and this can help drive sales.

Using our POS software, local retailers can easily bundle items for in-store and online sales and through these cleverly differentiate their businesses.

Through our work with local retailers we provide advice on how to use the POS software to create the bundle and how, with one click, to have its details and image loaded onto a website for easy online sales.

In the bundled product space this is where online can be particularly helpful as this is where time poor shoppers shop, especially late at night. having an appealing mix in a bindle for easy purchase can drive terrific incremental business. Key is finding ways to add value to the bundle that help you to differentiate your offer from the offer of others.

As retailers ourselves, we bring to the conversation about using POS software in local retail to sell bundled gift packs real life experience and knowledge and through this to help retailers make the most of the opportunity. We willingly share our knowledge and experience to help retailers in our community to make more informed business decisions.

How much does a POS system cost?


How much does a POS system cost? This is a common question from local retailers considering POS software for their business. It is often the first question asked: how much is your POS software?

Let’s get to it. here at Tower Systems, our POS software can be rented. Rental provides access to the software, updates, 24/7 support and other valuable assistance.

You can rent our gift shop software for $99.00 a month.

You can rent our garden centre software for $185.00 a month.

You can rent our jeweller software for $185.00 a month.

You can rent our bike shop software for $185.00 a month.

You can rent our toy shop software for $155.00 a month.

You can rent our pet shop software for $155.00 a month.

You can rent our newsagency software for $185.00 a month.

You can rent our fishing and outdoor business software for $185.00 a month.

You can rent our firearms dealer software for $185.00 a month.

You can rent our farm supply and produce software for $199.00 a month.

You can rent our adult shop software for $155.00 a month.

These prices include GST.

For sure, you can purchase outright, or lease, too. rental, though is the most popular approach. There is no locked-in contract. You can cancel at any time and the next month;’s billing stops.

So, how much does a POS system cost? Probably not as much as you thought when you consider you get the software, software updates, support access as well as access to an extensive online documentation platform of hundreds of articles guiding you in ow to use the software.

Tower Systems does not provide software to all types of retail businesses. Our software varies marketplace by marketplace. Each version of the software is fine tuned to serve the needs of the retailers in that marketplace. This is why the price varies by marketplace, it reflects the complexity for each type of business.

How much does a POS system cost? In addition to the software, there is the hardware. Tower Systems can help with this as a supplier or through advice you can take to a local computer shop or a friend for alternative supply.

Our goal is to help you find the answer to the question of how much does a POS system cost and to do so in a way you are happy with.

Footnote: for billing purposes, at Tower Systems a month is each 30 days.

Buyer beware: hidden costs can make POS software expensive


That cheap POS system you might be considering m ay not be as cheap as you think by the time you add the four or five optional facilities that, with our Tower Systems POS software, are included in our everyday transparent price.

Too often right now we are seeing POS software offers, especially from businesses based outside of Australia, where the price quoted and the initial price signed for is not the price you pay foe what you want to do.

The pitch is appealing, hey start here for this price, sure it is cheap wbut it is a perfect place to start.

Soon, though, yonce you try and do what is core to your business, you need extra modules that cost more and, soon, you are paying more than the other software you decided against because it was too expensive. But, since you have invested time in your data, you don’t switch. Then, a year down the track, prices go up and there is something else that is an add-on cost and by then you are paying 50% more than the then price of the other POS software product you decided against because it was too expensive.

Buyer beware, take your time, get all the facts, ensure you understand the full cost, the total cost and the trajectory of the costs and then compare this across POS software packages.

Cheap POS software is not cheap. What may appear to be cheap POS software today will, for sure, be found to not be cheap at some point down the track. We hear this often.

We urge people to shop around, to look at other software, to compare functionality and to compare price. However, this has to be done based on the facts and not marketing spin. It has to be done thoroughly so that you as the customer are not let down. Only the facts matter.

This is why we say, don’t rush into a free trial because, that’s how they get you. They want you to become time and data invested and thereby less likely to actually look around what is genuinely best for your business.

Cheap POS software is like any cheap product, they have either cut corners, paid less for professional work than is the market rate or included less in the product. Its;s business 101. Sure, there is cheap POS software out there, it is not, in our experience, good for most retail.

Buyer beware. The hidden costs of POS software can make cheap POS software look expensive.

Repairs / workshop management software embedded in our POS software


Embedded in the Tower Systems POS software is comprehensive repairs / workshop management software.  This software has evolved over the years, initially in service of bike shops and jewellers and now working in a range of specialty and niche retail and service businesses.

Having repairs / workshop management software embedded in the POS software is key for inventory and m=labour management internally, without relying on multiple software packages and opening the possibility of a demarcation dispute between software vendors.

With many businesses in different retail channels already using the repairs / workshop management software in the Tower Systems POS software, the company has a deep well of experience from which to draw, to serve needs of many different retailers.

This is comprehensive software, packed with facilities, including plenty of options through which you can configure settings for the Repairs module such as printing job cards, terms and conditions and deposits, for example.

Here are the various settings within Repair Options of the repairs / workshop management software facilities in the Tower Systems POS software and their functions:

  • Job Card Setup
    • Select job cards to print out (For Repairer, Customer and/or Internal)
    • Select size of job card and which printer to print to
    • Fonts used on the job card
  • Customer Job Card Terms & Conditions
    • Terms and conditions that print on the Customer Job Card
  • Repair Options
    • Hide/Show cost prices
    • Creating and printing invoices when finalizing repairs
    • Fee descriptions on receipts/invoices
  • Calculating Expected Pickup Dates
    • Default date and time for expected pickups
  • Job Packets / A4 Job Cards / A5 Job Cards
    • Details to print on Job Cards
  • Repair Deposits
    • Force a deposit before repairs can be created
    • Set the minimum deposit amount

This is just the start. There are plenty of options that enable a business using the software to tailor settings so that they work well for the needs of the business.

The repairs / workshop management software facilities in the Tower Systems POS software allows you to create and manage repair jobs, an essential component for bike shops and jewellers. Before we start using the feature, however, it is advisable to configure some default options to make the the process more seamless in the future. Once configured, these options will be readily available for selection instead of having to enter everything from scratch each time.

Tower Systems supports this software with training and comprehensive support services.

Spare parts inventory software helps parts retailers run more successful businesses


Tower Systems helps parts retailers with spare parts inventory software, as part of its specialty POS software solution.

Using our spare parts inventory software, retailers are able to easily…

  • Track stock from large items to small, from items with barcodes to those without.
  • Handle customer special orders.
  • Sell online. Track by manufacturer.
  • Track by vehicle / product use.
  • Share care instructions.
  • handle bundles of spare parts sold together.
  • Track spare parts as they are used in repair work.

Using the spare parts inventory software that is part of the POS software from Tower Systems you can reasonably manage your inventory, track what you are selling and using, more accurately reorder and even better focus on adding value so that you are able to drive better business outcomes.

When it comes to special orders, managing spare parts inventory software is key in that you can sell spare parts to a customer before you have them in stock. This helps position you for better business outcomes, selling with certainty prior to the good arriving.

Developed for bike retailers, farm supply businesses and jewellers, the spare parts inventory software within the Tower Systems POS software is rich in features, designed to serve the spare parts inventory management needs of a variety of businesses.

While it can sound dry, spare parts inventory software is vital to the core successful operation of a business that deals in spare parts.

If your business deals in spare parts, look at the Tower Systems POS software to see if it may serve your business needs. Have a demonstration of the software. Compare it in detail to what you have today, with what you need. decide for yourself, in your own time, if this POS software is what you need to manage the spare parts side of your business.

Integrated with Shopify, you can easily sell online. Also integrated with Tyro and other EFTPOS payment platforms, easy payments are a dream.

Tower Systems seeks to help specialty retailers in many ways. Retailers selling share parts fit that bill. We are grateful to be serving more and more retailers in this space.

To organise a demonstration of our spare parts inventory software, please contact one of our sales team members, email

When a small POS software company closes


When a small POS software company closes it can leave retailers in the lurch.

A small POS software company is one with less than 1,000 customers. We say that in the knowledge of what it costs to properly support and maintain POS software. Less than 1,000 customers and you are unlikely to have the income necessary to properly fund the proper maintenance of the software.

We are sure there are small POS software companies with a few hundred customers, maybe even 600 customers who will disagree with what we have said. They will say they are big enough to maintain their software. The thing is, proper maintenance of POS softer requires contingency planning, appropriate redundancy and other protections built into their systems so that they can maintain their software in a timely manner and in a way to deliver good outcomes for small business retailers.

This issue of small POS software companies and the closure of a POS software company is on ur mind today as there is a small business out there that has dramatically dropped their price. We think it is at a price that is unsustainable for them. The deal feels like a race for cash for the business.

Our advice is do your homework, know the company you select software from, ensure they have what you will need for your lifetime use of the POS software. Cheapest is often not the best. it may be, but take your time, do your homework, ensure it is right for you and they have a financial stability to serve you as long as you expect.

Tower Systems is grateful to serve more than 3,500 retailers using our POS software with more being added weekly. We expect to pass 4,000 in a few weeks. 2021 is already looking good too with a pipeline of healthy opportunities where businesses plan ahead to switch software at a time that best serves their business needs.

There is one situation where partnering with a small software company is appropriate and that is in the case of a start-up. Start-ups or course start small. They are an important part of the software development eco-system in any country and need to be encouraged. There are many advantages going with a start-up. So, to be clear, our comments in this post do not relate to start-ups.

Book a free POS software demonstration


Book you own free demonstration of the Tower Systems POS software. See it live, in a demonstration of POS software featured tuned to your type of retail business.

Click here for your free POS software demonstration.

One of our skilled POS software sales professionals does the POS software demonstration for you, enabling you own use of the software as much as you would like through the demonstration.

Ask as many questions as you would like.

Go into any part of the POS software.

Use the data you prefer.

In this POS software demonstration you can see for yourself in the detail you wish exactly how this software does what it does in the areas of an y business that are of the most interest to you.

This is what a free POS software demonstration is all about … you and your business needs. You are in control, looking at how the software addressed your questions and needs. Just as it should be, since you are the customer, the person relying on the right decision being made.

Sometimes, our POS software is not right for a particular business. We would rather discover this, know this, so we can say sorry we are not right for you. Achieving that depends on what we are told and shown about the needs of a business. This is where a comprehensive demonstration of the POS software is important and why the retailer needs to be in control of the POS software demonstration.

We demonstrate our POS software every day to business owners, business managers, counter stand, accountants and IT consultants. We will demonstrate the POS software as much as someone wants in their decision making process. We 100% leave this up to them as they need to be satisfied that they are making the right decision for their business. It is why we want them to be in control.

A POS software demonstration by Tower Systems is free every time. Book your free POS software sales demo online through our website and one of our sales professionals will get back to you and organise it to suit your schedule.

We’re here to help and an open and transparent demonstration is the start of a good relationship.

Xero connected POS software helps small business retailers save time and cut mistakes


The Tower Systems POS software integrated with Xero is a solid and beneficial solution for small business retailers. And a tech partner of Xero, Tower Systems has delivered a best practice Xero POS software solution, offering seamless, safe and accurate data flow between the two tech platforms, for the time and data accuracy benefit of small business retailers.

Our Xero POS software solution is well proven in many different retail situations. Best of all, we use it ourselves, in our own retail businesses. This first-hand experience helps us help our customers not only with awesome software but with operational advice on how the get the most out of the opportunity.

Using our Xero POS software integrated solution, retailers are able to connect Xero and the Tower POS software for easy data flow of sales,  product invoices, credits and more, eliminating the need for data entry, saving time and curing expensive data errors. These benefits are real, they are loved by small business retailers.

While we offer connectivity to MYOB and some Quicken related accounting software versions, Xero is the standard we see used in more small business retail situations. Our Xero POS software link has already been taken up by many to streamline business operations, reduce accounting and bookkeeping costs and provide more accurate and timely business performance data through the beautiful Xero accounting reporting.

On our POS software help desk we have folks skilled to offer guidance on using our direct Xero integration, to safely and securely connect our POS software to Xero, to open that data flow. We provide the software, training its use and helpful advice on making it work for you. We do this in plain English terms – i.e. not tech jargon.

The Xero integration designed by Tower Systems, working with the folks at Xero, makes it easy for small business retailers to cut accounting paperwork and thereby tap into time and money saving benefits.

We use our Xero integrated POS software ourselves, in our own shops. This enables us to provide practical advice on how to benefit the most from Xero and our POS software working together.

We are grateful to help small business retailers to reduce business accounting overheads and to reduce data errors through the POS Software Xero link we offer here at Tower Systems.

Multistore retail POS software helps small business retailers manage their businesses


Tower Systems has for years offered a multistore POS software solution. Using this, our retail business customers have been able to use our multistore POS software to manage multiple retail locations centrally, with consistency and with a whole of business view without distracting from a local store level performance view.

We have retailers with 2 shipping using our multistore POS software solutions. That’s at the smaller end of the multistore marketplace. We have retailers with 15 and more retail outlets using our multistore POS software solution at the mid-size end of the multistage marketplace.

Using our multistore POS software solution, small business retailers can add more stores as their business model grows. Each store, draws off common inventory data. The stores run in the cloud, making managing them from a tech perspective easy and safe and fast.

We have used this software ourselves in a network of gift shops we had for years and used this personal experience with the software to fitness what it does, how it works and its usefulness as a business management solution.

This personal use of the software set us up for beneficial changes that have helped more retailers in the multistore retail situation.

Our software is made for independent small business retailers in Australia and New Zealand. The multistore version of the POS software continues to evolve, to be better at serving the needs of small business retailers, more useful at helping them manage inventory, customers and other data points across multiple retail locations. This includes loyalty, gift cards and more as you see in multistore business situations.

But like any POS software use consideration, take your time to ensure that this multistore software is suitable to your needs. It keeps evolving and this blog post does not represent what it may do today. Take a close look, be clear about your needs and see for yourself whether this POS software is good software for your multistore retail business management needs.

To find out more about the Tower Systems POS software, please email the sales team at or take a look at our website,, for a look through each of the niche retail products we offer, to see if we might serve your specific business needs.

The POS Software Blog




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