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News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.

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Small business retail advice: the shop window is often the most underused retail business asset


Here at Tower Systems we are grateful to our thousands of local specialty retail business owners for their insights, advice and support. This community will our well of knowledge, they enable us to share this with others, like we do here in this place.

Today, let’s talk about the shop window. It’s a vital business asset as it works 24/7. It pitches your business to people often who have never shopped your shop.

Get it right, and your shop window can provide an excellent financial return for a modest investment.

The window of any retail business can tell how serious the business is about business. If it does not regularly (at least weekly) change, has old stock, is dusty or dirty, is covered in signs or presents mixed messages then the business most likely is not doing do hot.

Look at the most successful retail businesses, they have a window strategy. From national groups to independents, successful retailers understand the importance of the window in the overall marketing plan.

As prime retail real estate, the window is a place to be respected, obsessed about and wholeheartedly embraced. Consider these ideas for developing a window strategy:

See your window how others see it. Step outside your business and cross the mall or the street and look at the front of your shop. Spend a while doing this. Go back again if you are not sure what you see.

Look at other windows. If you have competitors nearby, check out their windows. If you have retail businesses you admire, look at their windows too.

Develop a window calendar. Decide on themes for window displays, set dates when new displays are to be installed. Engage all team members in deciding on the display calendar. Be sure to cover off the major seasons for the business. Be sure to balance window time to all product categories in the business. Be sure to build opportunities into the calendar for community engagement – the window is a terrific place for community groups to show off and bring their contacts to your business.

Be single minded. Each window display should have a single message. This ensures greater impact and provides a better opportunity for success.

Strip it back. Retail business windows often have unnecessary items which have been added over time. Strip as many of these back as possible. Leave the maximum space for your themed displays.

Learn how to create stunning displays. Consider sending employees to a visual merchandising course to learn how to create displays. Alternatively, bring in a visual merchandiser to create the displays for you.

Be prepared to do it over. If a window display does not present the business well or reflect your point of difference – from across the street or across the mall – do it over.

Remember what window displays are for. Then window display is for your customers and would-be customers, to get them to visit and buy from you. If a display does not do this then it has failed.

A good window display will drive traffic and sales. The impact will be felt almost immediately. Be brutal in your assessment of success. It is business after all. The business needs a return on investment from this most valuable retail real estate.

A great window display can reinvigorate a retail business and help everyone involved love the business a little bit more.

Now, if you are motivated to change your window – do it yourself, from scratch. Anyone can. No experience necessary!

Small business retail advice: increase sales by recalibrating your sales counter


Across a range of specialty retail channels, Tower Systems is grateful to serve thousands of retailers. Years of doing this, collaborating with them, has helped us developed a deep well of experience and knowledge, which we happily share.

The retail sales counter is premium space in a retail business. Too often, however, the counter is cluttered with products placed there in pursuit of impulse purchases or because there is nowhere else in the store for them.

In some retail settings, the counter itself is redundant. Think about that, because if a counter in your business is redundant, having one makes no sense.

but, back to the topic at hand – making the counter more successful for you.

A cluttered counter mentality often starts with one item which works so retailers add more and more until the counter is a mess of colour and small displays.

Representatives of suppliers pressure retailers to take offers, structuring deals to make counter placement compelling.

The result is a mess of color which rarely changes and is poorly managed in terms of return on space.

A good retail counter is a profitable retail counter in terms of the value of impulse purchases achieved.

At a good retail counter, less is more. By creating better displays without products competing for attention, the featured products have a better opportunity of performing.

Here are some tips to un-cluttering a retail sales counter which have worked in many different businesses.

  1. After the business is closed on a day, take all products off and clean the counter – completely off so that the counter is bare. Yes, this is hard work.  But you get to rebuild the counter you want.
  2. Rebuild the counter story one product at a time. Consider the product from the customer’s perspective – is it something they are likely to purchase on impulse? Is the product understood? Is the price point attractive? Can they easily access the product?
  3. Create zones for promotional purposes. Having zones and clear space around them sets rules which are easier for all team members to follow. Depending on the store, you may have items which children will like more at their level and products aimed at adults at a higher level.
  4. In choosing counter products, consider what will be on the minds of customers as they transact their sale. Are there products which add-on nicely to popular products you sell? Are their guilty-pleasure products which they can enjoy while shopping – like premium candy? Do you have small gift items which work in a variety of situations? Do you have gift items which people would be happy to pick up as a gift for a friend?
  5. Once the counter is rebuilt, step back and look at this from the perspective of a customer. Are the offers compelling, understood and valuable? Look at the counter from multiple points in the shop from the perspective of the counter being a marketing opportunity and not just a work desk. Are there items which could be removed?  Sometimes, less is more.
  6. Change key counter offers at least weekly – more often if your customers visit multiple times in a week. This helps fight against customer and employee store blindness.

By having fewer products at the counter and being more strategic in product placement and display, the products have a better opportunity of being noticed and purchased.

Where many retailers rely on an over the counter sales pitch to achieve the impulse purchase, smart retailers configure their counters to do the up-selling for them. This gives customers ownership of the purchase.

By tracking the success of counter offers you are able to build a good database of what works and what does not work. This can guide future counter placement decisions.

The sales counter is too valuable in any retail business to allow it to grow organically. Take time to manage it and expect good results.

Small business retail advice: sometimes it’s the bonus, the add-on, the unexpected that really sets your shop apart


We are grateful to serve thousands off local small business retailers across a diverse group of specialty retail settings. Our work over many years has helped us develop insights that we willing share with local small business retailers. beyond our POS software, we actively support local retailers in myriad ways.

Today, let’s reflect on the bonus, the unexpected.

It is a good rule in business to always give your customers more than they expect.  It shows you value them, go the extra mile and delight in surprising them with good news and good opportunities.

The best way to demonstrate delivering unexpected value is to provide it here in the form of three special reports beyond the scope of what was planned and offered or RETAIL RESCUE.

Before we get to the bonus reports, consider these ideas for adding expected value to customer transactions your retail business:

  • Give the customer a small gift, something completely unexpected. Even something as simple as a chocolate can be the perfect thank you.
  • Package the purchase in a premium reusable shopping bag. This promotes the business and shows that you do value them.
  • Provide a voucher offering a discount if the customer returns in a specified period of time.
  • Depending on the nature of your store, give free gift which relates to items you sell. For example, if they buy a men’s suit, offer a free tie or if they buy six cup cakes, give them the seventh for free.
  • Connect with another business and offer a gift which is a free item or a discount from their store – they could do the same for your store.

The key to giving bonus rewards like these is to not promote it.  As Nike says, JUST DO IT!

By offering added value at the counter at the end of a sale it comes across as if you are doing something special for this customer.  This will make the gift more valuable than if it is widely promoted.

Giving your customers better value or a better experience than expected will be remembered and talked about.  It will build your business.

Small business retail advice: how to deal with challenging trading circumstances


Here at Tower Systems we get to work with and learn from many local small business retailers across many different retail channels who use our POS software. Here’s a list of some of the advice we have provided to retailers facing tough times. It’s offered as a resource for any in need. we also offer personal assistance based on specific circumstances.

  1. Know your truth. If you run a computer system, analyse the data it collects. If you don’t know how to do this, find out. Look for surprise information in your data, things you did not know about your business. For example, look at the top selling items. If there are surprises there they could inform other decisions you make to urgently address your situation. Talk to your computer software company, ask for their assessment. Knowing your truth is key to owning your situation.
  2. Quit dead stock. If you have stock on the shop floor which is old – ‘old’ can vary between product categories – and for which you have already paid, quit it. However, stock that is greater than six months old is a reasonable guide – then take action to sell this at a substantial discount. Move the stock off display units. Line it up to look like clearance stock – stacked up on tables. Setup plain and simple signs indicating the discount prices. Create signage to show it as clearance stock. If you have enough clearance stock in your business, consider signs across your front windows. Give your sale a name that is unrelated to your situation. Here are some suggestions: MEGA SALE, FIRST EVER MARCH SALE, AUTUMN SALE, SMALL BUSINESS MIGHTY BIG SALE. Give it a name you can theme around.
  3. Run a loyalty offer. Immediately setup and run a loyalty program rewarding shoppers with dollars off their next purchase. The most successful loyalty offer in recent times is discount vouchers whereby vouchers are included on receipts offering an amount which is cleverly calculated by your software based on the items in the purchase. The goal has to be encouraging shoppers to purchase again soon based on the offer on the receipt for items they just purchased.
  4. Move things around. If your business is in trouble it is possible that it has not changed much in recent years. Change it. Move departments around, shake things up so your customers trip over things they did not think you sold.
  5. Review prices. Look at the common items you sell, consider a small increase in your prices. It could be a small increase will not hurt sales volume yet will add profit to your bottom line.
  6. Upsell well. At the counter, work to extend the basket for every sale possible. Do this with clever counter product placement and witty and engaging banter with customers offering upsell products. You goal has to be to make more from each customer.
  7. Stand for something. What is different about your business? What is special about it? What makes people want to come back? If you don’t know the answer to these questions you’re in trouble. If your answer is we’re the only shop of your type nearby you’re in trouble. If the answer is people have always shopped here you’re in trouble. You need to have a difference that people want and will talk about to others. It could be a product or a service. However, it cannot be a product line that is traditional to your type of business as that will not add value to your shingle in the way you want or need. What do you stand for?
  8. Different retail options.
    1. Consider becoming an outlet shop selling items from a supplier keen to quit bulk items.
    2. Rent space in your shop to another retailer.
    3. If you have higher priced items consider offering employees commission on sales.
    4. Maybe become an outlet for local artists taking on items on a consignment basis.
  9. Stop unprofitable behaviour. If you are doing things in your business which lose money or do not contribute to a good future for the business, stop doing them. Regardless of history or what your business might stand for, continuing with unprofitable activity only makes your situation worse. If you know something to be unprofitable and yet you say you can’t stop it, think carefully about that, about why you can’t stop losing money.
  10. Get suppliers to help. Suppliers often have old stock themselves which they want to quit at a substantial discount. Buy items you have not stocked before, negotiate good prices and put the stock out with a healthy margin but still at a discount to what others would be charging. Negotiate to pay once you are paid by customers.
  11. Trim employee costs. Cut employee hours and work more in the business yourself if you are not doing so already.While this can have a significant personal cost, the less you pay others the more be business benefits in financial terms.
  12. Trim overheads. Cut everything you can: cleaning, power usage, insurance, freight, banking. Look at every supplier relationship you have and see if you can negotiate a better deal to cut your operating costs. However, do not turn off lights as darkness is death in most retail businesses.
  13. What assets can you sell? Do you have computers, retail fixtures, vehicles or other assets you no longer use in the running of the business? If they are not being used, turn them to cash as quickly as possible.
  14. Get a job. If you have a partner in the business with you and the business can run with one partner, one of you should get a job outside the business. This is especially helpful in a husband and wife situation where the family income can benefit.
  15. Talk to your landlord. A good landlord will prefer a good business to stay rather than have then close down and a new tenant having to be found. Talk to the landlord, be honest with them about your situation. Given the landlord all of the information they need to make the decision you need them to make. This information will include sales figures, expenses and margin information.  Usually, the more transparent you are with the landlord the more they will support your business.
  16. Talk to your bank. While banks tend to not get involved in lending to businesses that are struggling, it may be that they have contacts that can help you navigate to a solution. Maybe talk to another bank.
  17. Talk to colleagues. If you have nearby business colleagues in the same line of business, they might have stock they are happy to provide you for free or at a discount to give you stock to move for a good price.
  18. Refresh the business. Make the business look, smell and sound fresh. Beyond the products you sell and where tings are located, change the environment itself using scents and sounds. Too often when a business is struggling, those involved let standards slip and the business does not look attractive to shoppers. Avoid this laziness at all costs.
  19. Deliver amazing customer service. When serving customers be the perfect shop assistance and not the owner of the business facing closure. Keep your mind on the job at hand and not the cliff you’re worried might be a few steps ahead.
  20. Whoever is pressuring you the most to close or contemplate closing, talk to them. If it’s a supplier, the tax office or some other organisation or individual pressuring you about debts, be upfront with them, lay out for them your plan detailing the action you will take to turn your situation around, be clear about what you are doing and outline a timeline step by step for them. Seek their support.
  21. Set a timeframe. Decide where you want to be in a week, four weeks, eight weeks, twelve weeks. Set realistic goals. Measure yourself against those goals. Know what you will do if you fall short.

No situation is impossible. No business is dead until the doors are closed for the last time.

Never give up. Fight hard and fight smart to turn your business around.

Facing tough circumstances in retail can be like the deer in the middle of the road facing an oncoming vehicle. Don’t freeze. Take action to mitigate your situation. A series of small steps could be the difference between closure and trading out of the problem.

Local small business retailer advice about data backup


Before we get into our advice, we note that backup is one of the most least considered activities in a local retail business, yet it is one of the most vital for the business.

The time backup of your data matters most is when it is business critical.

The best way to backup is in the background, seamlessly, to the cloud, with a safe local backup and a backup to the backup … and a tech approach that allows easy restoring to a moment in time.

This approach to backup is best as it does not require human trigger or action, it happens, in the background, as you trade, and after.

Tower Systems customers can backup the way they choose, the way they prefer. This includes choosing to use another external commercial backup service. There is no requirement that Tower Systems customers use the Tower Systems backup service.

The safe Cloud backup service

The Safe Backup service from Tower Systems is a cloud-based incremental backup service to help you store your valuable data more efficiently and with greater security. Using the specialist backup software created by Storagecraft, our service backs up your entire MAIN computer to your in-store NAS (a local storage device). These backups are then uploaded to a secure cloud location.

There is no need for a daily backup. There is no need for you to remember to backup. The processes is automatic once setup.

What does it cost?

If you are using Windows 8, 10 or 11 the cost is $50 per 30 days.

If your main computer is using Windows Server edition, the cost is $100 per 30 days.

The cost of the 2TB NAS drive is $450. This includes our Setup and Configuration support, and delivery to your business.

There is also the option to backup a second computer in your business if you would like that done.

If you are not sure what you need please ask at

Once you have completed the sign-up process we will send you the NAS. When you receive the NAS device please contact Tower Systems bookings to arrange a suitable time for setup and configuration of the service. This takes 15-20 minutes to complete and requires your computer to be restarted. Once setup, your cloud backup service is up and running.

Compare POS quotes is at it again, seeking to trade off the good name of Tower Systems


If you go to Google and search for us, for Tower Systems, you are likely to see an ad from Compare POS quotes, a website run by a company called Comparison Advantage.

Comparison Advantage is paying Google to run an as with our name, Tower Systems, in the headline.

To a small business owner, this could look like a link to a website about Tower Systems.

We are concerned that the Comparison Advantage Google ad appears to pass itself off as related to us. It is not.

This situation sucks in that here we have a company, Comparison Advantage, paying to get their ad in front of people looking for us, for Tower Systems.

Their website claims to offer comparisons of POS systems, for business owners looking for POS systems. The thing is, you are only listed at if you pay Comparison Advantage to list with them. There is no assessment by them, no value add, other than them paying Google to list their Tower Systems related ad.

Good businesses win customers on their own merits, not by jumping the queue and paying to come up as a search result when someone is searching for something else. This is what sucks about this. Of course there will be people with deep pockets who want to trade off the good name and success of others. It’s what the world is like.

All we can do is to continue to build and support POS software that local small business retailers like and use. we are grateful to our thousands of customers for their support.

As for Comparison Advantage and their website, we hope click on the ad and then not choose any of the products they offer. Eventually advertisers will withdraw and the company will have to find another way to make money. Making money on the back of the hard work of others is poor form in our opinion.

One of the main drawbacks of using comparison websites like from Comparison Advantage is that they often only display a limited number of options. This means that shoppers may not be aware of all the options available to them, and they may not be able to find the best deal for their needs. Additionally, some comparison websites may only display options from certain companies or providers, which can bias the results in favor of those companies.

If you found us by looking for us, thank you, welcome, we hope we can help.

2 minute read: 3 free things any local retailer can do to compound profit


3 things any retailer can do to compound profit.

Individually, these strategies work. Done together, the profit value compounds.

  1. Chase new customers. Serving the same customers is likely to give you the same results. Every day, do something to attract new customers through: a brilliant and different window display, engaging social media posts, a community group connection, a club member fundraiser.
  2. Maximise gross profit percentage. Buy at the best price you can. Be engaged in how you price what you sell. Every cent matters. Rounding up to .99 is a good start. Pricing based on the value you offer is more important than trying to compete with the cheapest. You’re worth it.
  3. Drive a deeper basket. Be smart about what you place where in the shop in pursuit of people buying more. At you’re counter and at the busiest points in the shop, make adding things to the purchase easy. Look at what people buy with what and use that to guide product placement. Use smart loyalty tools to disrupt shopper behaviour.

Our Aussie made and supported POS software can help with these three strategies, and more. We help our 3,000+ local retail customers run more successful, enjoyable and valuable businesses.

Find out more:
1300 662 957

Tower Systems is not your usual POS software company. We own and run retail businesses where our software is used to maximise value. When we suggest ideas and opportunities too our POS software customers, we have tried them ourselves. We walk in the shoes of our customers in a way that is rare in POS software businesses.

This matters in local small business retail as practical advice matters more than theory. It’s kind of like show, don’t tell. We show how our software works in our diverse portfolio of retail businesses and have done now for more than 26 continuous years. Like we said, we are not your usual POS software company.

In addition to advice and support in how to use our POS software, we provide insights based on customer data for those customers keen for this. Our business analysis and advice services are all part of what we offer here at Tower Systems.

The pandemic showed us the value of local, and local retailers were there for us


Local retailers were quick to respond to the Covid pandemic and the needs of the local community who could not go far from home.

In our work with thousands of local retailers we saw many pivot, or adjust, to the new situations brought through Covid. It was wonderful seeing local small business retailers respond, and to see their customers respond, too.

March 2020 heralded in a new era of shop local, in part because we all had to. Today, early in 2023, many local retailers are benefiting, and continues using to lean more into serving local shopper needs.

2023 can be a year of shopping locally. The community benefits. The planet, too, benefits.

We know form our work with a variety of local retail businesses that there is a diverse mix of products available, many of which have been locally sourced, from gifts to homewares to food. These local businesses have brought to town more products and services than ever. It is a joy to be part of what is helping local retailers service their local communities in this way.

We all have a part to play to make 2023 a wonderful year for the local community.

So, what can you do to support local businesses in 2023? Here are a few simple steps:

  1. Shop at local stores and markets. Make a conscious effort to shop at locally-owned businesses rather than online or chain stores. This includes everything from groceries and clothing to home goods and gifts.
  2. Buy local products. Ask where it’s made. Preference locally made products. Your query can encourage local retailers to stock more local.
  3. Use local services. This can include everything from getting your hair done at a local salon to hiring a local plumber or electrician.
  4. Share the love. Tell your friends and family about the great local businesses you’ve discovered and encourage them to shop local as well. You can also leave reviews online or share your experiences on social media to help spread the word.
  5. And, like. Each time you like a social media post by a local business, it is cheer for them and the more they feel those cheers the more able they are to help your local community.

Part of our role here at Tower Systems is to provide local retailers with tools on which they can rely to serve local shoppers. We only serve local specialty retailers. And while we for sure benefit when you shop local, you benefit too in many ways.

Join us in making 2023 a strong shop local year, for your community.

The simple case for shopping local in 2023


Here at Tower Systems we make POS software local retailers, specialty retailers, local shops that serve the local community. To us, local is Australia and New Zealand. We are grateful to serve over 3,000 local small business retailers with our POS software across both countries.

And, local community is key … and here’s why …

Shopping local matters to the local community for a number of reasons, some obvious, some not so obvious.

Every dollar you spend locally helps to stimulate the local economy. This is especially true if you shop at locally owned businesses.

When you shop at a locally owned and operated business, the money you spend tends to stay within the community, rather than making its way to corporate offices elsewhere.

Your dollars spent locally are supporting local jobs, local suppliers, and local tax revenues, local infrastructure. This can have a ripple effect throughout the community, as the increased economic activity can lead to more opportunities for businesses to thrive, which in turn can lead to more jobs and further economic growth.

Shopping local also helps to preserve the unique character and culture of a community. Local businesses are often an integral part of the fabric of a community, and they can help to define its personality and sense of place. When you support local businesses, you are helping to keep these cultural touchstones alive and ensure that the community retains its distinct character.

In addition, shopping local can be more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Local businesses tend to have smaller carbon footprints and are often more committed to using environmentally friendly practices. By supporting these businesses, you can help to reduce your own carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable local economy.

Finally, shopping local can simply be more convenient and enjoyable. Local businesses often offer a level of personal service and attention to detail that can be difficult to find at larger chain stores. Plus, shopping at a local store can be a more engaging and enjoyable experience, as you have the opportunity to interact with the owners and employees and learn about the unique products and services that they offer.

Local is community. Yes, we get that reads as a cliche. It;’s true, tho. Local is community. Thriving local shops are able to help the community thrive and in a local thriving community, you thrive.

It its the circular nature of the local community that benefits all in it and all who rely on it.

The Tower Systems team is grateful to serve local retailers.

Have an awesome 2023. May you and your local community thrive!

Happy New Year, may 2023 fulfil your dreams


We are grateful for the support and loyalty of our customers.

We are grateful for the opportunity to serve you and are committed to providing the best possible products and services in the coming year.

We are excited to see what 2023 will bring and are eager to continue working with all of you to create a better future together. We hope that the coming year will be filled with success, happiness, and prosperity for everyone.

Most of all, we hope your dreams for 2023 are fulfilled

From all of us at Tower Systems, we wish you a happy and healthy new year. Thank you for being a part of our journey and we look forward to continuing to serve you in the future.

How Much Does POS Systems Cost?


POS Systems

Point of sale (POS) systems are part of a $22 billion industry. They’re a core part of business that entrepreneurs and corporations alike are able to take advantage of.

If you’re going to understand POS systems, you need to know the cost and other features that can help you get the right fit. These tips are helpful for companies that are interested in POS systems but want to learn more.

How Much Do POS Systems Cost?

Most companies that use POS systems do so on a subscription basis. You’ll be able to pay a monthly fee to get access to the best POS systems on the market.

For the big name companies, you can expect to pay between about $30 and $200 per month for the service and technology.

In addition to the price, you need to understand the features and other details that can make the decision clearer. Some things to consider include:

Focus on POS Systems That Handle Inventory Well

If you’re trying to purchase a POS system, you need to make sure that you’re handling your inventory correctly. Scope out the systems that will keep track of your inventory in real-time so that you can make changes on the fly.

The software should come with an inventory management system that lets you create item numbers, barcodes, custom tags, and other details. Figuring out these details will give you autonomy over the way that you run your store.

Getting up-to-date inventory reports can help you figure out how you want to switch gears, and can steer you toward promotions and discounts that can be favorable.

Consider the Way it Handles Payments

The way that a POS system handles your payments will make a big difference. When your system has multiple options for debit and credit cards, cash, Apple Pay, Bitcoin, and others.

These systems need a clean and organized way to send receipts. Today, POS systems are helpful because they can send digital receipts immediately to let customers know their totals.

The more options you provide your customers, the easier it’ll be for you to accept and retain business.

Choose a POS System That Helps With Marketing

The POS system that you choose should also help you improve your marketing. They are great for opt-ins, since customers can choose to have their receipt sent to an e-mail address or smartphone for SMS confirmation.

When customers choose to opt-in, they can also get marketing information sent to them that lets them know the news and happenings of your store, and any promotions or discounts that your business is having.

If you’re shopping for a new point of sale system, you should calculate how much extra you will pay for these features so that you can include them as part of your plan.

The system can also integrate with your blog and social media pages so that you can leverage traffic and customer sales.

Take Advantage of the Analytics

Ask the manufacturer or vendor about any analytics technology that the POS system comes with. These systems will highlight in raw detail how well you did and what things you can fix and improve on.

They generate reports that you can use to help you set and hit goals in a timely manner. The best POS systems will come with these sorts of features integrated.

Check out the tools that the POS system comes with so that you can use them to your advantage.

Consider Your Company’s Current and Future Priorities

When you’re trying to choose a POS system, make sure that you’re prioritizing your company’s needs first. This lets you set benchmarks for what you need so that your POS system subscription fulfills these needs.

Some companies might be looking for a POS system mainly because they need to upgrade from a traditional cash register system. You might also be dissatisfied with your current POS system and looking for a new and better model.

There are also POS systems that might be better suited for the type of business model you have. Weigh these issues so that you’re clear on what’s best for your company now and in the future.

Study the Entire Pricing Model

Finding out how much you’ll pay for a POS system is one thing, but you need to also browse the entire price sheet and agreement to see what works best for you.

Consider companies that are transparent so that you don’t have any discrepancies about the fees that you’re going to pay.

Focus on Customer Service

Take the time to find a company that also provides stellar customer service. This will help you know that anytime there’s an issue or discrepancy, your downtime will be limited.

Read through the reviews that people have left about the POS system and choose one that has speedy assistance and plenty of resources. They should also have an extensive network of users that you can compare notes with so that you can learn how to get the best results from it.

Invest in the Right POS Systems

Start with these points when you’re trying to find POS systems that will work for your business. Knowing how much these systems cost and the types of features they come with and it’ll help you find the right fit.

Tower Systems can assist you when you’re looking into the service that you need. To book a demo or ask questions, contact us for more information.

Twas the last day before Christmas, and local retail is busy


It’s 11:12 am here at the Tower Systems office, December 23, and it’s quiet. It’s quiet because our local small business retail customers are busy with the last-minute Christmas sales rush.

This is typical for the last week day before Christmas. The phones are quiet, and our customers are busy. We love it.

We’re here, of course, for any who need assistance. But thanks to robust POS software they’re in good shape, trading happily.

Already we know that Christmas 2022 has been a terrific season for local small business retail. Sure, there have been some challenges, but, many retailers we have spoken with are happily up on last year and in 2019 – the pre-pandemic benchmark year.

We are taking the opportunity for some housekeeping, getting some things ready for early 2023. Already we can see it’s going to be a terrific year, which excites us. There are some wonderful tech advances coming down the line from within our own tech. kit and from outside as well.

We think 2023 will be a year of leaping forward on several tech fronts in local small business retail.

In keeping with tradition, we’ll close our help desk for Christmas very soon, leaving our after hours network up and running, serving any urgent needs.

Advice for local small business retailers: 8 ways to feel better about your shop


Tower Systems helps local small business retailers run more enjoyable and successful retail businesses. Through this work, and our own retail shops, we have developed a kit of advice that local small business find helpful. In that kit are these 8 ways local retailers can feel better about their retail shop:

  1. Celebrate your achievements: Take time to celebrate your successes and the progress you have made as a small retail shop. This can help to boost your confidence and motivate you to continue working hard.
  2. Focus on your strengths: Identify and focus on the strengths of your small retail shop, such as your unique products, personalised service, or community connections. This can help you to differentiate yourself from larger, chain stores and capitalize on your competitive advantages.
  3. Seek support and advice: Reach out to other small business owners, industry experts, or local organisations for support and advice. This can help you to learn from others, gain new perspectives, and find solutions to challenges you may be facing.
  4. Invest in your employees: Invest in your employees by providing training, development opportunities, and a positive work environment. This can help to foster a sense of engagement and commitment among your staff, which can benefit your shop in the long term.
  5. Prioritise customer satisfaction: Make customer satisfaction a top priority and focus on providing exceptional service to your customers. This can help to build customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth, which can be valuable for your small retail shop.
  6. Connect with your community: Build connections with members of your local community, such as other small business owners, community organisations, and local events. This can help to foster a sense of belonging and support for your small retail shop.
  7. Take care of yourself: Remember to take care of yourself and prioritise your own well-being. This can help you to maintain a positive outlook and stay motivated and energized in running your small retail shop.
  8. Stay positive and persistent: Keep a positive attitude and stay persistent in the face of challenges. This can help you to remain focused and determined, even when things are not going as planned.

This list is just the beginning. there are so many ways, so many opportunities to love your retail business. We are grateful for the opportunity to help through our POS software and through our advice.

Participating in a work from home university study


We are grateful for the opportunity to participate in a study buy a leading university in Australia into work from home and how it is playing out for businesses and employees. The questions are thoughtful, and encouraging insights of our own as we contemplate aspects of what is the new normal that we had not considered before.

When Covid began we immediately moved to a work from home model for all employees who wanted it. As an essential business’s we could keep the office open, and we did with a skeleton team.

Now, almost three years on, the office based team remains small, with only those who want to be here. Everyone else, the majority of our Tower Systems team, works from home in situations they prefer in terms of commute time, time management and local community connections.

We are careful to not encroach on non-work time and have a number of processes in place to ensure this does not happen.

With some colleagues saving three hours a day commute time, the family benefits as well as the individual. It’s terrific.

We have invested more in tech infrastructure to facilitate a good work from home experience. Cloud based applications make it easy for our colleagues to collaborate, which, as a software development business, is important. This investment will continue as new tech support platforms emerge.

At the office things have changed too. We have re-purposed space to create hot desks for those who do want to come in for a few days. Plus, we have created purpose-built broadcast facilities to serve the easier production of the digital content we publish, as well and for the video calls we use for team meetings, POS software demonstrations and more.

The university study is looking at a range of interesting topics related to work from home, from the business and individual perspectives. It’s an interesting study in that it is being undertaken without any commercial connection or agenda. we think this matters because much of the noise about work from home until now has been shrill ‘news’ from landlords and other property connected spokespeople.

We are just one of many businesses participating, and we are sincerely grateful for the opportunity.

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