The POS Software Blog

The POS Software Blog

News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.

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Why Saturday POS software help desk support matters to local small business retailers


Tower Systems is proud to offer live POS software help desk support in Saturdays.

We have offered this for many years as part of our everyday support coverage. There is no extra charge, no penalty charge, no time call charge for our support, including our Saturday POS software help desk support.

This is real help desk support, offering full help desk services, not someone with a pager or someone out and about on a Saturday taking calls on their mobile phone.

Here’s some of what small business retailers tell us they like about having access to our POS software help desk, in their own words:

  • Saturdays are when I get time to work on the business. You being there means I can get the help I may need with that rather than waiting for Monday.
  • One reason we switched to you was because we were sick of waiting days to talk to someone with our old software.
  • I like that I can call and a human answers the phone on a Saturday and that the non technical me can explain my problem and be listened to and helped, on a Saturday.
  • Our weekend staff team done;t know the software as well and them being able to call you helps us have our weekend.
  • Software questions happen when they happen. Not being restricted to Monday to Friday office hours is a wonderful help for our business when it comes to calling your help desk.
  • It’s what small businesses like – local support that’s easy to access when we need it.
  • What I love is when I email a question, not a vital questions, usually something have forgotten how to do, and I email it on a Saturday expecting a response on Monday and I get a response on Saturday, sometimes even a call. It’s wonderful.

We are proud to offer a level of outside of usual hours POS software help desk access that is unique. The majority of our customers will rarely use it, but when they do, they need it, and that it is there for them and easily accessible, it is a differentiator, and that matters to us … and to them.

The cheap way to offer Saturday POS software help desk support us through an offshore call centre. It’s not the same.

All our Tower Systems POS software help desk team members are skilled in our software, they understand local retail, they can speak to local ways of doing business. They can engage in a conversation rather than requiring you to go through a script.

Yeah, Saturday POS software help desk support really does matter to local small business retailers.

12 steps to cut employee theft in any retail business


Employee theft in retail tends to cost more than customer theft. It is also the type of theft in retail that is less likely to be uncovered and accurately costed.

Here are 12 steps to cut employee theft in any retail business:

  1. Scan everything you sell.
  2. Spot stock take items in high demand.
  3. Use your POS software to balance at the end of shift every day.
  4. Have a security camera over each register.
  5. Check GP by department. If GP is falling outside what you expect, research it further.
  6. Have a no employee bags at the counter policy. This makes it harder for them to hide your cash.
  7. Beware employees who carry folded paper or small notepads. These can be used for them to keep track of how much cash is in the register that is theirs – i.e. not rung up in the software.
  8. Beware of calculators with memories at the counter. One retail business employee used the memory function to track how much cash had to be stolen prior to balancing for the day – cash from sales not rung up.
  9. Do spot cash balancing. Unexpected checks can uncover surprises. One retailer needing to do a banking during the day uncovered a $350 discrepancy that lead to discovery of systematic theft.
  10. Setup a theft policy. Put this on a noticeboard in the back room. Get staff to read it and sign up to it.
  11. Do not let employees sell to themselves. If they want to purchase something make them purchase it from the other side of the counter.
  12. Be professional in your management of the business. The more professional your approach they less likely your employees will steal as they will see the risk of being caught as high.

Of course, there are more than 12 steps you can take. These are, in our opinion, the best. We say this based on years of experience helping local indie retailers, especially helping to reduce employee theft.

Tower Systems integrates POS software with Centrepay from Services Australia


We are proud to share that our Tower Systems POS software integrates with the Centrepay facility operates by services Australia.

Centrepay is free and voluntary service to pay bills and expenses as regular deductions from Centrelink payments.

We were approached by one of our customers to facilitate the easy handling to payments made to them via Centrepay. We made some software changes to facilitate this, hence what we can an integration with Centrepay.

People can shop, make their purchases, select Centrepay as the payment method, and once the business received funds from services Australia and the payments file, our software imports this and handles the Centrepay payments.

This is a wonderful time saver for the retailers that take Centrepay as a method of payment.

There is no charge for individuals to use Centrepay, and businesses cannot charge a fee to use Centrepay. The Centrepay facilities added to our software have been included at no cost to our POS software customers. We are grateful to have delivered this enhancement at no cost. It benefits those opting-in and the businesses that serve them.

The Services Australia website provides excellent details on Centrepay:

What Centrepay is

Centrepay is a free bill paying service. Use Centrepay to arrange regular deductions from your Centrelink payment.

You can start, change or stop using Centrepay whenever you like.You can use it for your regular bills and other ongoing expenses, such as rent, electricity and phone.

You’ll need to give us permission to pay your bills using part of your payment.

You tell us:

  • who you want to pay
  • how much you want to pay them
  • which Centrelink payment you want the money to come from.

We take money from your payment before you get it and send it to the businesses you want to pay.

You can only use Centrepay to pay a business that we’ve approved.

You can find a list of businesses that use Centrepay in your area. Enter your location into the find a business or organisation search tool. It’ll show you a list of businesses near you.

We take out your Centrepay deductions from your Centrelink payment last. Other amounts we’ll deduct first are:

  • participation penalty amounts and non-payment periods

  • weekly payment amount, if you get your payments weekly

  • urgent and advance repayment amounts

  • debt repayments

  • child support payments

  • tax deductions

  • amounts directed to your Income Management account

  • government housing rent deductions as part of the Rent Deduction Scheme.

Tower Systems is proud to have developed Centrepay payments support in its POS software and completed all necessary compliance checking and beta testing prior to release to all our customers.

More free new owner POS software training from Tower Systems


Tuesday next week, October 25, we are grateful to hose another free training session for new owners of businesses with our POS software and new customers who recently installed our POS software.

With many new businesses joining us each month, we are finding these new user / new owner workshops to be a good way to help people connect, and to help them discover gold in their businesses through using our POS software.

Each session is open to any Tower customer, located anywhere. You don’t need to have our software running on the tablet, phone or computer on which you connect to the training session.

Our next session is Tuesday at 11am Melbourne time.

POS software helps local firearms dealers serve their customers and meet regulatory requirements


The Firearms dealer POS software that we make and support here at Tower Systems is all about accurate selling, good record keeping, regulatory compliance and business enjoyment.

We have been serving firearms dealers for many years and are grateful to their advice and support as we continue to evolve this POS software made for them.

Our firearms dealer software offers easy tracking of sales, accurate management of stock, EFTPOS integration to speed sales and reduce fraud, age / ID checking when you need, a loyalty solution ideal for unique firearms dealer needs, easy bundling of products, handling special orders, a Shopify link for online selling and more.

A new release of this software is out now.

In a retail channel with regulations that vary by state and territory, our on the table offer to our firearms dealer customers is that we will evolve the software to help them serve changing regulatory needs. The most recent example of this is our engagement with the Police in one state where new regulations are being considered in relating to tracking the sale of ammunition.

For an obligation free demonstration of this software for firearms dealers, please call 1300 662 957 or email

Here are some common questions we are asked by firearms dealers about our software:

  • We sell some products that are age-restricted. Can the software handle this? Yes, you can require age verification prior to purchase.
  • Does the firearms dealer software have a loyalty program that does not rely on capturing and storing customer details?
  • We are not in the business every day, can I track results and manage it from elsewhere?
  • Can the software track special or one-off orders for customers? Yes, from the moment the order is placed.
  • Can the software track serial numbers?
  • We offer some services. Can the software track the sale of these?
  • Can we manage selling second-hand items?
  • We carry some items on consignment, can the software handle this? Yes, the software can also report on consignment goods sales.
  • Can we group items together to sell in a pack or bundle? Yes, it’s easy to create packs or bundles using the software.
  • Can you pass on product care and other documentation? Yes, you can load files, images, documents or PDFs for products (information sheets, advice, notices) and have them automatically included in emailed receipts.
  • Can we integrate the software with suppliers? We have many customers importing stock files and invoices.
  • Does the software connect with our website? We partner with Shopify, Magento and WooCommerce and offer direct links to these.
  • Can we email receipts?
  • Can we track where our customers come from?
  • Do we have to pay for software on additional computers in our business?
  • Does the software handle LayBys?
  • Can we connect with our EFTPOS terminal? We have a direct link to Tyro and through Linkly we connect to all major banks.
  • Can we use our existing hardware? Yes, as long as your hardware meets our minimum standards.

This software costs $185.00 a month to rent. You can cancel at any time. There is also a cost-effective training package to help you and your staff learn how to use the software for success.

Free retail management workshop: selling outside your retail shop


Join us online for a free workshop this Monday, October 17, at 10:30am Melbourne time in which we will explore with you how, when and where to sell to people who will never shop in your shop.

We will share experiences:

  • Selling interstate.
  • Selling overseas.
  • Dealing with fraud.
  • Packing and shipping.
  • How to sell what you don’t have in your shop.
  • Pre-selling.
  • Payment methods.
  • Marketing, including Google image advertising.

We will also cover factors that may mean online is not for you.

In addition to the group websites my business has created for retailers in the newsXpress marketing group, we have single-store online shops connected to three of our retail businesses, each in a specialty niche, each attracting good business. We’ll take you under the hood to see what that looks like and explain how any retailer can do this.

This is not a sales or marketing event. It is pure business advice you can go use any time that suits.
Meeting ID: 868 9685 9959 Passcode: 877510

Online is here to stay, and sales from online are growing. Our goal with this session is to provide information so you can make informed decisions about online.

While the session will be recorded, we will decide after the event whether we release it.

POS software for produce, rural and farm supply businesses helps with dispatch management


In our Aussie made and supported software for produce and farm supply businesses we offer access to dispatch management tools that we developed in association with these businesses.

Successful dispatch management is all about local specialty retailers. managing the assets, ensuring accurate data and making this available in a seamless and workflow supportive way for

Using these dispatch management tools, retailers can efficiently, and in place, manage dispatch of products sold within their business. The facilities include:

  • Scheduling of in-house vehicle assets.
  • Allocating dispatch jobs to those vehicles.
  • Tracking completion of dispatch.
  • Management of dispatch orders at the customer and other levels.
  • Seeing a view of dispatch by vehicle.
  • Viewing orders by customer on a vehicle.
  • Address validation to ensure a more accurate dispatch experience for customers and to ensure efficiencies.
  • Dispatch route options for use by drivers.
  • Driver management of dispatch sequence based on local knowledge and other factors.

The dispatch management facilities within our Tower Systems POS software are robust, on the ground proven and loved by customers of ours. We are so grateful to have had customers walk this path with us, guiding us, suggesting ways the software we were building could be more valuable.

It’s not often POS software goes this deep in a niche area of need. For garden centres, farm supply businesses, produce stores, landscape businesses and others, rob just dispatch management facilities integrated with the POS software offer a workflow management solution and time efficiency to love and appreciate.

Made from the ground up by our in-house POS software development team, the dispatch facilities are true innovation for specialty retailers that have mid-size dispatch operations.

You can probably tell, we are proud of what we have achieved here for our local small business retail partners. This is comprehensive software made for very specific, and niche, needs in selected specialty retail channels. This is what Tower Systems exists for – to serve the needs of selected specialty retail channels.

Tower Systems makes what it sells. We support it too, offering our retailers ever evolving POS software to serve needs today, and needs as they evolve for the specialty retail marketplaces we serve.

Here’s how we use the POS software we make in our own retail shops in pursuit of value, enjoyment and success


Tower Systems is a rare POS software company that uses what it makes, in its own shops, to learn, and make better software, and, of course, create more valuable, enjoyable and successful local retail businesses.

late in 2021, we bought an old-school newsagency business in malvern, Victoria. It had been in the same family for 28 years. We are slowly enjoying the business, on a frugal budget, and based on where data take us. here’s a look at how September 2022 has done in this business, where we have leveraged the ideas from the newsXpress newsagency marketing group, which we also own.

While this video was made to demonstrate what newsXpress helps its partner retailers achieve, it also speaks to the value from the Tower Systems POS software.

There is a narrative put about by some POS software companies that they started because they could not find software that suited their needs. We went the other way. In 1996 we bought our first sop to learn, and walk in the shoes of our customers. In the 26 years since, every day, we have experienced value and enjoyment from owning and running retail shops.

Tower Systems is not your average POS software company. We live and breathe retail, and can engage with our customers from a position of experience, empathy.

Our owning and running retail businesses informs decisions we make about our software, how we train our customers and how we support them. It is a whole of business benefit for us and for our customers.

The last thing any retailer wants is a tech person telling them something about retail that’s out of context or disconnected from the world of retail. We make software here at Tower Systems that seeks to integrate with retail in a more meaningful and useful way, and we can do this thanks to our everyday retail experience.

Every person working in our business has retail experience. This matters because when they talk with any of our customers, they can know what it’s like in a shop. The empathy from personal experience makes for a better POS software support experience we think.

We are grateful for the people in the shops we own for their experience and advice helps us make better POS software and provide it with more valuable POS software support.

A retailer contacted Epos Now to enquire about their POS software, here’s what happened


Recently, a retailer we know contacted Epos Now to enquire about their POS software. They contacted them because they come up in searches on Google for POS software. Epos Now advertises extensively. Over the seven days from the enquiry, here’s what happened.

They were bombarded with emails, text messages and calls over five days:

  • 2 phone calls.
  • 4 text messages.
  • 5 emails.

The main thrust of the contact was price offers. And, as time went on, the offers seemed to get better. We’re told the contact did not feel personal and that, rather, it felt automated.

What is interesting is that this push contact from Epos Now was before there had been any discussion as to whether the Epos Now software was suitable for the needs of the retail business.

Here at Tower Systems, the first contact we have with anyone enquiring about our POS software is personal and direct, from a human working with our company, someone based here in Australia. And, that first contact has one goal – to find out what they are looking for in software, to understand their needs because that is where it starts, the needs of the customer.

Sometimes, our POS software is not a good fit. It’s better that we identify that early, explain to the retailer why we think that and wish them all the best.

There is no value for a retailer going with POS software that is not a good fit.

So, yes, this is where we start – in understanding the needs of the business, to see how well our software serves the needs that are important to them.

From what we could see from what our retailer friend went through,. Epos Now did not appear to focus on the needs of the business. we wonder if this is so people sign up.

Here at Tower systems, there is no lock-in contract for our POS software. People renting our POS software can cancel the rental easily and payment arrangements are cancelled immediately without any penalty period. The next due rental payment, monthly, is stopped – as are all future rental payments. We think it is important that retailer are not locked in and strongly urge any retailer considering POS software to be sure they know the terms of any agreement.

11 reasons why POS software from Tower Systems is worth considering by Aussie local retailers

  1. Aussie made. We make our POS software here, in Australia, for local specialty Aussie retailers.
  2. Aussie supported. We support our POS software through our help desk team members, who work here in Australia. We have one in New Zealand, too. We have customers in NZ. Everyone on our help desk works for us. We don’t use an offshore help desk.
  3. Aussie supplier connected. Our POS software connects to many Aussie suppliers through easily loading their stock files, loading their electronic invoices and providing them with sales data for auto replenishment – with these connections all controlled by our retail business owner customers.
  4. Aussie accounting connected. Yes, we provide data to Xero and MYOB.
  5. Aussie words used. Terminology matters, especially in local retail. We’re not American software using American terms or UK software using UK terms.
  6. Real people serving you. Call us, a human answers. Email us, a human answers. no bots. No AI. No offshore call centre. Authentic, like local specialty retailers want.
  7. We’re retail experienced. We own and run shops and have done for many years. Almost everyone working in our Aussie POS software company has retail experience.
  8. Our software is for specialty retail, not everyone. That’s right, our software is not right for everyone. By not chasing everyone, we handle the specialist retail requirements that we do handle well, with maturity and depth of functionality.
  9. 100% local small business focussed. We don’t provide access to our software to mid-size or big retailers. Our focus is 100% on local small business retail. Those are the businesses that matter to us. You will never get lost in the crowd with Tower Systems
  10. This POS software continues to evolve. We regularly release valuable updates that enhance the capabilities of the software. his year, in 2022 so far, we have released 3 significant updates.
  11. It covers unique needs. Serial number tracking, dispatch management, selling by fractions, scale integration, serial number tracking, age checking, supplier integration, integrated loyalty … these specialty retail needs are more are core to our POS software.

There are more than 11 reasons to consider POS software from Tower Systems, many more, including facilities it may offer that are unique to your business. You would only know of this match or connection if you look at the software. that’s obligation free. Call 1300 662 057 or email and set it up. we’d love to learn about your needs and show what we offer. Then, you can decide if we’re a match.

We will never pressure you.

Have a wonderful day …

We think this Compare POS Quotes ad is misleading


If you search Tower Systems on Google today, this ad appears.

In our opinion, this ad appears misleading. we say this because it says in the headline Compare Tower Systems – POS Systems for every industry. The thing is, there is no comparison with us, no comparison with Tower Systems. So, why is Tower Systems in the headline. We think this is because we are sought after, searched for via Google and so this business, Comparison Advantage Pty Ltd, is using our business name as a form of click bait, as a way of getting people to click the ad.

If you click this compare POS systems ad that has our Tower Systems name, you are not comparing Tower Systems, we are not involved whatsoever.

So, guess what we did … we entered our details into their website that came up after we clicked the ad. They emailed us. While we were typing a response to their emails, they called us. Talk about spam.

We explained to the representative of Comparison Advantage, who sounded like they were calling from an offshore call centre, what the company was dong by boyu=ing our business name for Google advertising their response was that it was outside their area.

While we get that there is nothing illegal to this type of Google advertising, we think it is ethically wrong for one company to pay to present the name of a competitor in order to divert traffic the competitor may have otherwise achieved.

We think, it’s our opinion to be clear, that Comparison Advantage sucks. We think their approach is questionable ethically. But, hey, it’s our opinion only.

We have sought to raise a complaint with Google, but that is not an easy process. In fact, dealing with Google on anything like this is frustrating. We think the company makes it so deliberately.

Our Tower Systems POS software is awesome in our opinion. The best way to decide whether it is right for you is for you to take a look at it, and con sider whether it serves your needs. It may not. But do compare it. Using a comparison website like Comparison Advantage is no comparison at all as they are not comparing everyone, not even the key players in our experience. It is misleading we think.

Cloud backup service helps retailers save time every day


Tower Systems offers its POS software customers a safe, secure and time saving clod backup service that backs up POS software data.

There are two backups, one in-store on a fast NAS device and one stored at a secure server located in a server farm that has awesome protections both physically and technically from a data access perspective.

The POS software data cloud backup service offered by Tower Systems helps retailers:

  • Save time as the end of shift backup is a thing up.
  • Easy recovery thanks to moment in time snapshots taken.
  • Peace of mind because back-up happen without human intervention.
  • More peace of mind because we keep an eye on backups for our customers and proactively notify them if were to discover an issue.

Data is gold in any business. the Tower Systems POS software cloud backup service treats business data with the respect it deserves.

Tower customers can also setup their own cloud backup arrangements – they are not locked into the Tower Systems POS software data cloud backup service.

The NAS device.

NAS stands for “Network Attached Storage” and a 2TB NAS* is included in your initial subscription and setup fee for the service. This device is like an extra hard disk but rather than being inside your computer it is attached to your network.

* Supplied device may change depending on availability but will be of equal quality and value.

How does the Tower Systems POS software data cloud backup work?

The software performs an incremental backup every fifteen minutes. An incremental backup is a backup of files that have changed or are new since the last backup.

These incremental backups are catalogued on your NAS device. They are then collated to create your full system backup. This process allows access to backups from a particular point of time – even at the file level. Because backups are stored on the NAS device you have immediate access in-store as well as being sent to the Tower Systems Data Storage Centre in the cloud where a secure additional offsite copy of your data is kept.

So how is this different to the old daily or end of shift backup approach?

The Tower Systems POS software Retailer Backup ONLY backs up your Retailer Data leaving your other business data, accounting data, important documents and emails at risk. Safe Backup backs up your entire main PC, meaning all your business data is safe and secure. A copy of your business backup is also securely sent via the Internet to our secure data storage centre, giving you a safe off-site copy for protection.

Once Safe Backup is implemented you will no longer need to perform your daily backup. You or your staff will no longer need to wait for the daily backup to complete.

Our cloud backup service is optional for our customers.

17 years ago us: Me too loyalty systems are lazy


17 years ago on this blog we wrote about loyalty. Our views then stack up today, we think.


With both supermarket chains pushing their fuel discounts heavily many small business retailers are joining similar schemes connected to independent fuel outlets. It seems to me that these small businesses are copying the giants because they fear it is the only they can compete – by offering the same.

This is nuts.

Fuel rebates are so common that I don’t trust them. There is no point of difference any more. I don’t trust that it is a discount off an already fair price for fuel. I don’t trust that there is any element of reward in the offering. Okay I am probably in the minority – a space for cynics. However, the reality is that Australia now has 6 or 7 fuel discount offers.

The other aspect of the fuel offer which does not make sense to me from a small business perspective is that I say thanks to a customer for shopping with me and reward them by saying, hey, go buy some fuel and there’s your reward. Why can’t I offer a reward from my own product offerings? It seems to me that I have more control and more to gain by offering reward from in house.

In house rewards allow me to be more flexible, they can be used to encourage a higher spend from the customer and they make me work smarter within my business.

Fuel discount programs being offered (pushed) on small businesses have a cost and drive traffic elsewhere and that’s where I have big problems. They are the easy way out. In the case of newsagents, offering fuel discounts as part of a loyalty strategy drives consumer traffic to retail outlets which compete with newsagents. Surely there is more to gain by rewarding newsagent customers by offering discounts on newsagent product?

Coles and Woolworths control the fuel outlets they are driving consumers to. They have purchased and established these outlets in response to consumer research. Small business does not have the same needs to move traffic cooperatively between their businesses and fuel.

Small businesses are better off rewarding from within and with a view to generating incremental business within. The win is better in your pocket.

In our Tower Systems POS software we offer retailers flexibility in terms of loyalty solutions: the old-school points approach, the coffee card type approach, discount vouchers that give shoppers off for genuine loyal engagement, and more. Core to our loyalty offer is flexibility.

Free training for new POS software customers


Free training for new POS software customers

We are so grateful that some of our new customers joined us last week for a new customer training session on Zoom.

While all of our customers had access, our focus was on new customers since we have added so many in recent months.

This training session is part of our regular monthly free Zoom training program.

Here is a video of the session. Yes, we are sharing it publicly as transparency is everything in serving small business retailers.

You can see in this session that we provided training, answered questions and were genuinely accessible from an operation level through to a leadership level within our Tower Systems business.

It’s not often POS software customers get direct access to those in control of the direction of the software development. Here at Tower Systems, this level of access is common.

We let our customers know about the session through our regular weekly customer email. And through our quarterly customer print newsletter – we wanted to make sure that everyone knew about it.

What is special is the number of people who accessed the video of the session – several hundred within 24 hours, and some of those then reached out with their own questions flowing from what we covered.

Sessions like this are a game changer for small business retailers. They help them learn the software and through this get more from their POS software investment. The POS software becomes a more useful business tool, which what we aim for here at Tower Systems.

Our message to all Tower Systems customers is that we will schedule more of these sessions on topics people want. We are open to what our customers want. And, we record the sessions and the recordings become an asset for the future.

POS software is only as good as what you can get out of it, only as good as the value it delivers to the business. These free training sessions along with our personal customer service, our practical retail experience and our business insights combine to help our POS software customers cultivate value on which they can rely.

Tower Systems is a POS software company focussed on serving local small business retailers in selected specialty retail channel. We’re not for everyone, and we will say if we think we are not a good fit. Training is key to achieving the fit.

Software for fishing and outdoors shops. Aussie made. Aussie supported. $185.00/month.


Our software for fishing and outdoors shops aims to help you you run a more successful, valuable and enjoyable business. It helps you streamline workflow, eliminate some manual processes and make better business decisions, sooner.

This QR code will take you to a video of a demo of our software that covers some of what’s unique and valuable.

Call 1 300 662 957 or email to find out more or arrange a personal demonstration for your business.

We’re often asked questions about what the software does. Here are some of those questions, and our answers:

  • Can I connect the software to a scale to sell bait by weight?
  • Can I sell products in fraction units, like 1.25?
  • Do I have to pay extra to run it on more terminals?
  • Do I have to pay more if my sales increase?
  • Can I share local fishing maps and information? Yes, you can load files, images, documents and include them on receipts.
  • Can I bundle items together like a rod, reel and line?
  • I sell at events away from the shop sometimes, can I do this with the software? Yes, using our Retailer RoamTM
  • Does the software handle club member pricing? Yes, this can be a great marketing, connecting with and supporting clubs and your business.
  • Can I share local fishing and camping tips on receipts?
  • Can I set an age check on age restricted items?
  • Can I run BOGO pricing, buy 1 get 1 or similar?
  • Does the software let me manage time-based catalogue pricing?
  • Can I sell gift cards for my business?
  • Is there a loyalty facility guiding infrequent shoppers to spend?
  • Does the software let me buy in bulk and break up to retail packs?
  • Does the software produce WAS / NOW price labels?
  • Can you reach out to customers based on past purchases?
  • Does the system handle account customers?
  • Does the system produce invoicing and statements?
  • Does the software track product serial numbers?
  • I sell clothing, can I manage this by colour, size and style?
  • Does the software connect with my website? We partner with Shopify, Magento and WooCommerce and offer direct links to these.
  • Can you make a website for our business? Yes, we’ve made many websites for our customers.
  • Can I email receipts?
  • Can I track where my customers come from?
  • Can I connect with my EFTPOS terminal? We have a direct link to Tyro and through Linkly we connect to all major banks.
  • Can I use my existing hardware? Yes, as long as your hardware meets our minimum standards.
  • Can I use my existing data with the software? We’d like to check your data to be sure. We will advise what can be safely brought across.
  • Does it integrate with Xero?

To talk to one of our fishing shop software experts, please call 1300 662 957 or email

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